Skip to main content SUMMARY Since man’s arrival on the American continent, pre-Columbian civilizations came in contact with other societies, whether neighbors or... more
The paper is a study on the painting technique of Mantegna's The Madonna from the Accademia Carrara - one of the few surviving examples of distempers that Mantegna painted at a certain extent, in his career. Many of them were severely... more
Ravenna represented an important administrative, commercial and cultural centre in the fifth and sixth centuries. The present study explored the commercial mechanisms of Ravenna in Late Antiquity from the point of view of the marble... more
Blake, Hugo, and Michael J. Hughes 2015 The provenance of Tuscan pottery found in Britain: the results of archaeometrical research, Archeologia Postmedievale 19:137–184.
L’archeologo del XXI secolo non vive più di solo studio e scavo. Oggi la moderna ricerca impone di affiancare al lavoro in cantiere e ai libri in biblioteca modi sempre nuovi di indagare, comunicare e gestire l’antico. Bastano un po’ di... more
This paper presents the results of an archaeometric study performed on white marbles from the shipwreck of Cala Cicala (Crotone, Calabria, Italy). The stone materials, especially the white marbles, are an excellent tool for reconstructing... more
SEM-EDS analysis performed as part of the research for the conservation of an approximately 70m long petrified tree, revealed the presence of several types of microorganisms.
The castle of Miranduolo (Municipality of Chiusdino, Province of Siena, Italy) is a long-term medieval settlement, starting in the 7th century and definitively abandoned around the mid 14th century. Excavations led by the University of... more
This article presents the fundamental principles of comprehensive archaeoceramological analysis aimed at determining the provenance of ancient pottery sherds, the technology used in their manufacture and their functional properties.... more
This volume presents the results of the Marmora Phrygiae Project, financed by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR – Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca) as part of the “Futuro in... more
“Storie (di) Ceramiche” è una giornata di studi dedicata alla memoria di Graziella Berti, studiosa di ceramica medievale e figura importante per gli studi storici sulla Pisa medievale e moderna, venuta a mancare l’11 Giugno del 2013.... more
Le ceramiche di Pitecusa, sita nella valle di Lacco Ameno, sono note grazie alle fondamentali pubblicazioni degli scavi di Giorgio Buchner e David Ridgway nella Necropoli di San Montano e da rinvenimenti in altre zone del territorio. Il... more
The mother church of Raffadali, dedicated to Santa Maria dei Malati (Saint Mary of the Sick), was built around 1574 by Baron Pietro Monteaperto Belguardo, lord of that city. The church has undergone several alterations through time, also... more
Between 2010 and 2015, the Royal Palace of Palermo was the subject of several scientific investigations, with diagnostic, archaeometric and archaeological purposes. Among the different outcomes, these surveys allowed us to acquire new... more
Excavations in Risan (ancient Risinium), situated in Montenegro, since 2001 have been carried out by a mission from the Center for Research on the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe, University of Warsaw, directed by Piotr Dyczek.... more
Az avar kori baltafélék és fokosok közül eddig csak egy L alakú bárdon végeztek anyagvizsgálatot, ezért döntöttünk úgy, hogy további típusokat, illetve altípusokat is vizsgálunk: fokosbaltát, T alakú bárdot és kettősfokost. Célunk a... more
La necropoli di Macchie Don Cesare nel territorio di Salve (LE) ha aggiunto nuovi dati alla conoscenza dei costumi funerari dell’eneolitico meridionale: ha rivelato, infatti, la pratica dell’incinerazione sotto tumulo affermatasi tra la... more
A collection of window-panes, vessels and alleged waste from Thamusida has been investigated by OM, SEM–EDS, ICP–MS, ICP–OES and XAS at the Fe–K and Mn–K edges. Glass samples have been characterized as natron-based soda–lime–silica... more
This communication aims to present the information concerning the identification of furniture and know-how originally from eastern Mediterranean in Corsica through Middle Bronze Age (1600-1200 b.C.) and Late Bronze Age (1200-800 b.C.). In... more
Il volume propone una sintesi dei dati acquisiti grazie alle indagini archeologiche intraprese presso la villa romana di Cottanello nel 2010 dalla Sapienza Università di Roma e dal 2013 proseguire dall’Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo... more
Many proposals have been put forward about how to describe pottery fabrics in the field; however, in many instances, later archaeometric analysis carried out to check fabric groups from the field reveals large discrepancies, and the... more
The paper aims at discussing some preconditions of chemical analysis of ancient ceramics. At the Arbeitsgruppe Archäometrie, freie Universität Berlin, wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WD-XRf) is used. Comparison with... more
Introduction The present study focuses on Late-Roman/Early Medieval glass found in the productive area within the ancient harbour of Classe near Ravenna, one of the most important trade centres between the 5th and 8th centuries AD of the... more
Questo lavoro si inserisce nel campo di ricerca assai ampio dell’archeometallurgia, ovvero lo studio della metallurgia antica. Essa prende in esame i materiali metallici del passato avvalendosi, come vero e proprio settore... more
The productive structures and the ceramic chrono-typology of the pottery workshop of via Montona were studied and four activity fases with nine kilns and productive structures were identified. The I and the II phase (half I century... more
The combined interpretation of the detailed bathymetric, sub-bottom profiling and side scan sonar data acquired offshore the Eastern Harbour of Alexandria, revealed evidences for the reconstruction of the coastal geomorphology of... more
The Italian Archaeological Mission in the Dodecanese was founded in 1914, right after the military occupation of the island: the topographical study of the territory of Camiros and the archaeological survey conducted on the North-Western... more
È ormai un aspetto consolidato nel restauro architettonico contemporaneo, che il degrado sia diventato parte della storia di un edificio, una traccia ‘archeologica-storica’ da individuare, documentare e nel caso conservare. Di qualunque... more
The connection between the presence of the administration of a Hellenistic Kingdom and a royal mint appears at first glance to be relatively straightforward. Silver coinage is most often considered to be first and foremost a means of... more
Si presentano i risultati degli scavi di una fornace da calce e di un ambiente sottoscala che ha restituito grassello di calce ancora fresco, nell'ambito della campagna del 2002-04 realizzata nell'area archeologica della Villa dei... more
In the framework of the archeological investigations of an outstanding Roman Villas in Tuscany (Villa dell‟Oratorio, in the territory of Capraia e Limite, Florence), archaeometric studies have been perfomed with the aim to characterize... more