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The article is devoted to the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts collection of ceramic containers. Compared to other museums, this collection is a small one, and contains only 103 complete and archaeologically complete vessels. It includes... more
Considers whether the Roman garum trade between Hispania and Britannia was via the annona mechanism through investigation of transport amphorae. Note: illustrations are not included, please email me if needed.
From the Contents: François Salviat, Le vin de Thasos. Amphores, vin et sources écrites; François Salviat, Vignes et vins anciens de Maronée à Mende; François Salviat, Le vin de Rhodes et les plantations du Dème d' Amos; François Salviat,... more
This paper presents three ostraka discovered during excavations at Otranto conducted by the British School at Rome in 1978. One of the ostraka is very interesting and is discussed in detail. Incised on the body sherd of an amphora... more The production and use of amphorae in the Phoenician world was a very important economic sector, both in the Levant and in all the areas colonized by the... more
The EPNet project aims to examine the framework of the Roman economic organisation and its networks by analysing epigraphical data from amphorae. This aim is to be realised through complex network analysis, model building and computer... more
First International Conference "New Discoveries between the Alps and the Black Sea", Ptuj (Slovenja)-8th-9th October 2015. Forthcoming. The archaeological excavations conduced in the past in the Po Delta gave back important informations... more
This paper deals with the theoretical aspects of the manufacturing of study models through computer database programs for the instrumentum domesticum, especially in the field of Roman amphora stamps epigraphy. The stamps from the... more
Interim statement on the 1990s research excavations at Tintagel Castle and Tintagel Churchyard, Cornwall, UK. Significant new evidence of early burial was found during a first season of excavation in the churchyard in 1990 which links... more
Bluefin tuna fishing in the Strait of Gibraltar was a major economic resource in Antiquity, and at certain times its by-products (salted fish and sauces such as garum) were in great demand in the Mediterranean world at the time,... more
Планомерные археологические разведки, ведущиеся на территории массива Мекензиевых гор к северу от современного Севастополя в последние годы, позволили выявить ряд ранее неизвестных объектов античного времени.
On 2012, two of the authors conducted research in the amphora collection of the National Museum of Roman Art (Museo Nacional de Arte Romano/MNAR) in Mérida (Spain). Their attention was attracted by one of the museum's finds. It was an... more
Power and society of the early Celts Hellenistic militia of Greece Mithridates Eupator’s pirates against Rome Chinese imports in nomads’ burials in Eastern Europe Archaeological criteria for the Kama population’s social structure... more
All Roads Lead to Rome Meet the Romans with Mary BeardEpisode (1 of 3) We still live in the shadow of ancient Rome - a city at the heart of a vast empire that stretched from Scotland to Afghanistan, dominating the West for over 700... more
An imposing amount of studies and researches in the second half of the twentieth century has focused on the productivity in Roman Africa of a variety of consumer products, along with the analysis of regions, cities and their economies.... more
L’archéologie est une science de l’interprétation des vestiges du passé. Écrite, elle devient Histoire. Entre les ouvrages scientifiques, inabordables pour les curieux, et les synthèses généralistes, qui constituent déjà un livre... more
This book includes the scientific outcome of several years of predoctoral training as a member of the research group CEIPAC (Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigüedad Clásica) of the University of Barcelona... more
The human settlement of the Pelagie Islands is marked by discontinuity from the prehistory to the modern era. The location of the islands in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea gives them a strategic relevance as a landing point along... more
LA SCOPERTA Nell'estate 2009, a c. 500 m a nord-est della costa di Acireale, ai confini tra i comuni di Aci Castello e Acireale (Catania), nello spec-chio di mare antistante Capo Mulini (figura 1), Giancarlo Camaggi e Giuseppe Tomasello... more
Aunque conocemos con relativo detalle la fabricación, las características técnicas, los contenidos y la tipología de los envases cerámicos de uso comercial usados por los mercaderes de las ciudades púnicas del sur de la Penínsular... more
We report the preliminary results of the petrographic analysis conducted on fifty-five eastern Aegean amphorae found in Roman settlements in Pannonia. These amphorae belong to the Rhodian, Dressel 4, Knidian, Kapitän 2 and Dressel 24... more
The history of underwater archaeological research on the shelf of the Crimean Peninsula and results of expeditions of the research organizations of Ukraine as well as the state of the art and current problems of Ukrainian underwater... more
The publication is devoted to archaeobotanical studies of the Maslyanaya Gora fort as well as to issues related to it`s household features. The fort is located in the lower reaches of the Belbek River (Southwestern Crimea), in the contact... more