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Dopo aver pubblicato nelle proprie collane, nel 2018, la prima edizione critica del trattato sarpiano Sopra l’Officio dell’Inquisizione, l’Istituto Veneto ha voluto dedicare una giornata di studi a Paolo Sarpi nel quarto centenario della... more
[The First Italian Edition of the Book of Common Prayer (1685) between protestant propaganda and Sarpian memories]. In 1685 the first printed edition in Italian of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, was published in London (Il Libro... more
La “doppia faccia” di Chinatown analizzata in questo elaborato si riferisce a due modi, in contrasto tra loro, con i quali si approccia a questa enclave: uno è il punto di vista interno della popolazione cinese, l’altro è quello esterno... more
I saggi contenuti in questo volume affrontano alcune importanti questioni inerenti i rapporti tra il mondo consuetudinario e quello più propriamente definibile colto ed affidato alla scrittura. Questioni che, per l’età medievale e... more
In the early 17th century the Venetian patriciate faced the opposition of the Papacy about the question of the government of Greek Orthodox subjects. This problem, which was inherent to the management of the Venetian state since its... more
For almost three hundred years there were those in England who believed that an Italian translation of the Book of Common Prayer could trigger radical change in the political and religious landscape of Italy. The aim was to present the... more
Under the Republic of Venice, the Abbey of Sesto al Reghena was one of the most important ecclesiastical and feudal institutions of Friuli. From the middle of the fifteenth century the abbots were chosen within the Venetian aristocracy,... more
Seminario nell'ambito dell'insegnamento di World Religions in Global History di Lucio Biasiori, 19 aprile 2022, 14:30
Sala Alpi, Palazzo Wollemborg, via del Santo 26
I LIBRI DEL VERMIGLI Giovedì 28 aprile ore 17.30 Una conversazione su Zoom a cura del Centro culturale protestante P.M. Vermigli a partire dai libri: "British Protestant Missions and the Conversion of Europe, 1600-1900" a cura di Simone... more
L'articolo passa al vaglio la documentazione relativa a Paolo Sarpi e a Fulgenzio Micanzio custodita presso l'Archivio segreto vaticano
Tongues as sharp as blades and pens mightier than swords are amongst the most recurrent metaphors in Western culture. This book investigates the reality behind the image: the political uses of different forms of communication – oral,... more
I saggi raccolti nel volume si confrontano con le categorie di eresia e dissenso, con la loro applicazione in diversi contesti europei, con la loro capacità di fornire chiavi di lettura di processi centrali della prima età moderna: la... more
Mercoledì 22 giugno nella sala conferenze dell’Istituto Storico Italiano per l’età moderna e contemporanea, via M. Caetani 32, discuteremo, alla presenza dell’autore, il volume "Making Italy Anglican" di Stefano Villani. Avvieranno la... more
Il pdf, documenta storiograficamente la vita e le opere di un importante personaggio politico ed ecclesiastico del Seicento, Sforza Pallavicino, oltre ad analizzare il suo pensiero politico, filosofico, morale estratto direttamente... more
This paper takes as its starting point Hobbes’s first European grand tour, which the future philosopher and his pupil William Cavendish II made together during 1614-15. On this tour, while in Venice they met Fulgenzio Micanzio, and... more
Paolo Sarpi (1552–1623) was a Servite monk, jurist, scientist and controversialist writing in the context of the political struggle between the Holy See and the Republic of Venice at the beginning of the seventeenth century. He is most... more
An important aspect in the early modern demise of Aristotelian natural philosophy is the reshaping of the doctrine of matter and place as continuous magnitudes. Before culminating in an outright rejection of Aristotle's physics, attempts... more
The noble Mantuan cleric Camillo Olivo served as secretary of Cardinal Ercole Gonzaga, both in the government of Mantua and in the legation to the Council of Trent, where he personally distributed the grants of the Holy See to about a... more
Аннотация В настоящей статье рассматриваются особенности взаимоотношений государства и православной церкви в столице и заморских владениях Венецианской республики в конце XVI — XVII вв. Обзор истории государственно-конфессиональных... more
The essays contained in this volume deal with some important questions concerning the relationship between the world of custom and the world that can be most precisely defined as cultivated, which found its expression in writing. For the... more
About 200 different editions of Paolo Sarpi’s works were published between 1619 and 1800, in all the main languages of Europe (apart from Castilian), mainly in central-northern Europe, with masked print indications. After an introduction... more
Dopo aver accolto nelle proprie collane, nel 2018, la prima edizione critica del trattato sarpiano Sopra l'Officio dell'Inquisizione, l'Istituto Veneto coglie quest'anno l' occasione del quarto centenario della pubblicazione dell'Istoria... more
In 1553, the religious exile Michelangelo Florio published in London the Italian translation of the Catechism of the bishop John Ponet, which had been published in Latin and English in the same year. This essay investigates the reasons... more
With regard to Hobbes’ analysis of excommunication as a weapon used by Popes to exercise control over temporal states and sovereigns, it emerges that his discussion of the topic in De Cive is related to his treatment of another ban... more
La modernité politique européenne est née d’un profond refoulement à valeur d’exorcisme, elle a honni l’ancienne configuration symbolique des pouvoirs spirituel et temporel en Chrétienté pour promouvoir un nouveau mythe, le mythe... more
The essay was written in 2002 in honor of Gaetano Cozzi, one of the most distintive historians of the Republic of Venice
The essay deals of an important hereditary lawsuit of the first half of XVII century in Venice. The counsel of ten who managed the conflict asked to the famous consultore in iure fra Paolo Sarpi some advices how to treat the cause.
The first Italian translation of the Book of Common Prayer was made in 1608 by William Bedell (the chaplain to James I’s ambassador in Venice) with the help of Fulgenzio Micanzio and Paolo Sarpi. This translation was part of an English... more
EN: The Interdict crisis of 1606-1607 was the culmination of centuries of tension between Venice and the Papacy has been the object of continuous interest by historians. Considering this tradition of studies and the latest contributions... more
In questo volume Michaela Valente analizza la rappresentazione e l'immagine dell'Inquisizione romana tra Cinque e Settecento. Oltre che sulle classiche opere di Paolo Sarpi e Philipp van Limborch, Valente si sofferma su una serie di... more
The events which led to the Venetian Interdict crisis of 1606–1607 include the approval of a law on emphyteutic leases that was designed to limit the expansion of ecclesiastical property. The law was approved by the venetian Senate in... more