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Sul profilo biografico di Cecco d'Ascoli, al secolo Francesco Stabili, gravano secoli di leggenda che si è frammista alla storia. Le scarse notizie sulla sua formazione, la rapida e fortunata carriera universitaria, i processi... more
Cátaros, Albigenses, Heresia, Prisciliano, Castelo Branco, Nisa, Templários
Article published in Bamidbar 5.2 (2015), pp. 21-55. I explain why W. Benjamin and G. Agamben think that late modernity, especially in the form of late capitalism, fails to neutralize the authority... more
This text, done with Irina Kukota, is a translation of Sergii Bulgakov's seminal catechesis of sophiology, 'Ipostas' i Ipostasnost'' (1924) with introduction, notes and an appendix of an unpublished work, 'A Summary of Sophiology' (1936).
This paper deals with the representation of David as a "feminized Messiah" appearing in the image of the Shekhinah in Kabbalistic literature, and with the connections between femininity and heresy in Jewish messianic movements. In the... more
In this article, I analyze the religiosity of Bompietro of Bologna as reported in the register of the inquisition of Bologna, 1291-1310. I attempt to show that Bompietro’s religiosity was above all practical; its doctrinal content seems... more
This poster is part of a group of posters created by historians on the theme of "Les Cathares : une idée reçue" for a travelling exhibition for the general public sponsored by the national organisation "Fête de la Science". This poster... more
Pre-publication version of lemma "Apikoros" for Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur ed. Dan Diner. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler Verlag, vol. 1 (2011).
This paper aims to illustrate the post-medieval reception of the Cathar heresy and the birth and development of a real «neo-Cathar mithology» from the end of XIX century to present day. After a brief historiographical introduction on... more
This paper focuses on how thirteenth- and fourteenth-century inquisitors conceived of the beliefs, practices, and workings of non-conformist Christian groups. The inquisitors’ view of what constituted a heretical sect and how it worked... more
Intervista a tre voci ad Alberto Fasulo, regista del film "Menocchio" (2018), opera ispirata alla vicenda del mugnaio friulano Domenico Scandella, che nel tardo Cinquecento fu sottoposto ad Inquisizione e a condanna.
The aim of the article is to show how the Hussites referred the apostolic pattern to themselves. One of the fields where such an attitude may be observed is the liturgy of the Hussite radicals described by Vavřinec z Březove – which at... more
This essay reappraises the origins of French Quakerism based on new archival research conducted on both sides of the Channel. It identifies 34 Quaker missionaries in 17th- and early 18C France, sheds new light on the French reception of... more
Oi Christianoi - Sezione antica, n. 21 ----- «Gli stimoli provenienti a una società sempre più cosmopolita e policroma, qual è quella in cui viviamo oggi, potranno probabilmente mettere in condizione i giovani studiosi di apprezzare i... more
An entry in the online German-language MennLex encyclopedia project (originally from 2012; published in 2020). The article considers how Swiss Brethren, Hutterites, and Mennonites can be analyzed in terms of the historiographical model of... more
Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Middle Ages were divided in many ways. But one thing they shared in common was the fear that God was offended by wrong belief. Medieval Heresies: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam is the first... more
Most studies of Donatism tend to focus on its seemingly binary struggle with the other major expression of the Christian faith in North Africa, the Caecilianist church. And for good reason: the majority of our surviving primary sources on... more
Review of Bart Ehrman's interview on his book about 'How Jesus became God, Exaltations of a Jewish preacher'. This review criticises the use of Protestant assumptions (e.g. 'itinerant preacher') about the role of Jesus and his position in... more
"Heresy" is developed here as an analytical term for the criminalization of speech questioning the basic tenets of a belief system, such as internal criticisms of state socialism or denial of the applicability of the term genocide to some... more
The aim of this article is not to introduce Donatism as such, or to rehearse what is known about it. Rather, the focus is on a single aspect of Donatist thought — the shaping of the idea of the separation of church and state. On the basis... more
FULL TEXT!! This volume publishes for the first time an untitled anti-Hasidic manuscript, which the editors have called Reshit Hokhmah (The Origin/Beginning of Wisdom), from the Joseph Perl Archive in Tarnopol. The manuscript was copied... more
Given the emphasis on orthodoxy in early Christianity, it appears to go un-noticed that the real heresy of the patristic age was rooted in the linguistic practice of making apologies. Constraint on the use of argument, as understood from... more
The purpose of this research is to publish a manuscript of the treatise Sefer Habri’a (The Book of Creation), written in 1670 by Rabbi Avraham Binyamin Nathan ben Elisha Chaim Halevi Askhenazy, also known as Nathan Ghazzati or Rabbi... more
The Nicene–Constantinopolitan profession that the Son of God is begotten, not made, presents the tension that the Son is caused by God but not created. This claim was a point of controversy in the semi-Arian and Eunomian/Anomean disputes... more
While discussing the nature of witches and witchcraft trials, one may find that an extraordinary amount of those accused of engaging in witchcraft are executed, typically following a confession. In particular, those cases tried, in... more
Joan of Arc wore men’s clothing almost continuously for the last two years of her life. Joan’s lengthy testimony at her trial for heresy clarifies how cross-dressing shaped her self-presentation and why she was unwilling to give it up... more
È grazie alla modernità se possiamo oggi riscoprire la natura storica di Gesù e del cristianesimo originario. Il cristianesimo non nasce con Gesù e, quando prende forma definita, appare come una religione avversa all’ebraismo. Gesù,... more
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more