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Resumen: En el marco de nuestra economía globalizada, la utilización de la reputación o influencia de alguien se ha convertido en una profesión: la que consiste en influir en las redes sociales. El autor expone varios argumentos sobre... more
Throughout time, the concept of celebrity has evolved to include new forms of fame created with each new technology. In today's increasingly digital world, we are witnessing the explosive growth of this generation's new... more
Chiara Ferragni rappresenta molto di più di un progetto di marketing vincente. Chiara Ferragni incarna un romanzo di formazione per nuove generazioni, immerso fino al collo nella cultura di massa e nel sistema dei consumi. Dove la... more
การศึกษาวิจัยนี้เป็นการวิจัยเชิงปริมาณ มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อศึกษา 1. ลักษณะทางประชากรที่ต่างกันจะมีการเปิดรับข้อมูลจากผู้นำความคิดด้านสุขภาพจิตในเครือข่ายสังคมออนไลน์แตกต่างกัน 2.... more
Digital platforms offer an important means for improving the reach, scale and accessibility of community-based support for those dealing with mental health issues. They enable new forms of health participation. A research gap remains in... more
Los estudios sobre el liderazgo de opinión comenzaron con las aportaciones de Paul Lazarsfeld y sus compañeros de la Escuela de Columbia (Katz & Lazarsfeld, 1955), cuando Lazarsfeld desarrolló su teoría de “the-two-step-flow of... more
This research focuses on an emerging influencer category called CGI influencers. CGI influencers are fictional characters created with computer modeling techniques that have profiles on social networks and sociomaterial trajectories built... more
El marketing de influencia es un fenómeno en auge. Cada vez más organizaciones recurren a influencers para comunicar su mensaje a través de las redes sociales, sobre todo en Instagram y YouTube. En este trabajo analizamos el uso que hacen... more
Marketing as a field has increased exponentially over the past few years. With social media growth, various businesses and organizations have started looking out for new ways to promote their product or services. Influencer marketing... more
Raúl Álvarez Genes (Auronplay). Raúl Álvarez Genes, más conocido como Auronplay, nació el cinco de noviembre de mil novecientos ochenta y ocho (1988), en Badalona, ciudad en la que sigue viviendo hasta ahora. Raúl empezó a participar en... more
This book chapter defines influencer marketing and related concepts, discusses influencer marketing practices and discusses the application and role of influencer marketing in travel and tourism.
Wer politische Influencer:innen mit jenen Konzepten zu erklären versucht, die Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft bisher bereitstellen, muss scheitern, weil diese Disziplinen ihre Theorien in Abhängigkeit zu den Massenmedien... more
This chapter reviews key themes that have emerged across scholarship on social media and political activism, focusing on Twitter in particular. This body of work looks at Twitter as a platform in terms of how it works and whether it... more
Despite extensive literature on content creators’ identities, strategies, and activities, there remains a gap in understanding how the constantly changing platform environment impacts their brand subjectivities. Against this backdrop, our... more
Esattamente 10 anni fa Chiara Ferragni pubblicava il primo post del suo blog *The Blonde Salad*. Inizia così la parabola della digital influencer da oltre 17 milioni di follower su Instagram. Parafrasando (e capovolgendo) la celebre... more
Media coverage of influencer marketing abounds with ethical questions about this emerging industry. Much of this coverage assumes influencers operate without an ethical framework and many social media personalities skirt around the edges... more
The 21st century opened the door for the videogame industry to become a 100-billion-dollar industry according to Super Data’s 2017 . A lot of scholars have been studying why video games generates so much monetary and social interactions... more
This article presents a study of Twitter-based communication in order to identify key influencers and to assess the role of their communication in shaping country images. The analysis is based on a 2-month dataset comprised of all tweets... more
In this essay, we interrogate the boundary between the highly controlled Hollywood celebrity star system and the highly liberated social media influencer. By examining the case of Lil Miquela, a virtual social media influencer created... more
; más conocido en los mundos de Internet como Luisito Comunica, es un Youtuber mexicano. Nació el veinte de marzo de mil novecientos noventa y uno (1991) y es originario de la Ciudad de Puebla. Desde pequeño supo que lo suyo sería el... more
Su presencia tiene historia, no son una novedad, las Fake News forman parte de la comunicación informativa de las sociedades, integran círculos de comunicación presentes en las diferentes plataformas, con un solo objetivo: la expansión y... more
Throughout time, the concept of celebrity has evolved to include new forms of fame created with each new technology. In today's increasingly digital world, we are witnessing the explosive growth of this generation's new idols who owe... more
Este capítulo discute a noção de influenciador digital: formadores de opinião, blogueiras de moda, youtubers, influenciadores do Instagram e do Snapchat que têm redefinido as práticas e dinâmicas dos mercados contemporâneos ao se... more
The essay focuses on the phenomenon of fashion blogging and influencing, and analyses how the work of digital influencers affects the production and circulation of fashion imaginary. The aim of the contribution is twofold. Firstly, to... more
Bu araştırmanın yapılmasındaki temel amaç ise, fenomenler aracılığıyla gerçekleştirilen iletişimin tüketici bazında yansımalarının görülmesini sağlamak. Bu aşamada “Tüketicilerin marka ve satın alma tercihleri takip ettikleri fenomenlerin... more
The aim of this paper is to identify influencers and the way they affect the behavior of millennial buyers in the process of consuming fashion goods. The paper examines the literature on opinion leaders, ranging from the origins of the... more
Los objetivos de la investigación se centran, por una parte, en estudiar el vínculo existente tomando como referencia el público destinatario, la marca y los influencers seleccionados como prescriptores del producto, y por otra, en... more
This study examines how video blogs (vlogs) influence consumer perceptions of luxury brands. Using social comparison theory, this study proposes a model that assesses the influence of physical attractiveness, social attractiveness on... more
Este artigo tem o objetivo de registrar a evolução do termo “influenciador digital”. A análise é baseada no discurso da mídia em relação a esse sujeito contemporâneo. Ao longo do artigo também são apresentados alguns conceitos da... more
The objective of this article is to analyze the contents and unconventional advertising narratives of the eight most important women in the world of fashion in Spain and Ecuador in relation to the number of followers and points of view,... more
This study aimed to present the conceptual framework of the effects of social media influencers on the consumer perception on brand image and also investigate how influencers' image transfer to the brands. The research framework is... more
Existe una estrecha relación entre el impacto de los influenciadores en las redes sociales y el grado de autoestima que tienen los usuarios. El estudio que se realizó pretende deducir por qué los influenciadores en las redes sociales... more
Internet transforma el modo en que nos comunicamos, relacionamos y compramos. Gracias a la revolución tecnológica, los individuos pueden acceder a todo tipo de información, comunicarse de forma directa con cientos de usuarios, compartir... more
This research aims to identify the antecedents and consequents of trust in the product review blogs in an emerging market, which possess different characteristics than developed markets. We adopt the definition of product review blogs... more
Feminist content is a well-established genre on YouTube, in which creators post political and social commentary on topics such as intersectionality, politics, gender and sexual identity alongside comedic, lifestyle, and personality-driven... more
This study explores the relationship between social media influencers and the online identity of Egyptian youth. The context of this study is Egypt, a developing country in the Arab World which underwent a nation-changing revolution in... more
Tesi di Laurea di Iacopo Melio (Scienze Politiche, Università degli Studi di Firenze). Dalla prefazione: «Pensare ad una nuova realtà è diventato un compito difficile dato che l’ecosistema digitale si nutre proprio di quegli scambi che... more
Influencers are highly visible tastemakers who professionally publish content on social media platforms. In their work, influencers are tasked with reconciling their contradictory positioning they are both promoters of consumption, and... more
The expanding gaming industry now includes a large group of consumers who watch others play games. On – the leading platform for gameplay streaming – influencers livestream themselves playing games while viewers watch and... more
El presente artículo analiza desde un punto de vista jurídico tres manifestaciones publicitarias encubiertas en las plataformas digitales de Internet. En primer lugar, se estudian las evaluaciones fraudulentas en las plataformas, que no... more
Diese Arbeit erforscht anhand des größten deutschen christlichen Kanals auf YouTube, was die Zuschauer des Kanals genau an diesem anspricht, wo die Zuschauer derzeit in Bezug auf das Christentum stehen, inwieweit und wodurch die... more