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Israel's strategic environment has witnessed dramatic changes in the array of threats. The nuclear agreement between the world powers and Iran took the immediate Iranian nuclear threat off the table and postponed it for several treaties... more
This dissertation analyzes the postfeminist tendencies and biopolitics in contemporary media practices by considering the pop culture exemplar, the Kardashian-Jenner family. This dissertation received First Class Honors from Trinity... more
Exam question for A-Level students studying AQA psychology- 16 mark question
Consumers frequently consume hedonic products together with other consumers and derive value from this shared experience. This article investigates the impact of shared consumption, a type of social influence that determines the enjoyment... more
Описываются трудности и ошибки «лобового» применения к социальной истории «биологических» представлений об эволюции путем естественного отбора, когда борьба классов и партий воспринимается как межиндивидуальная конкуренция, с отбором... more
A recent innovation in televised election debates is a continuous response measure (commonly referred to as the "worm") that allows viewers to track the response of a sample of undecided voters in real-time. A potential danger... more
Systematic methods for improving response rates in surveys has been an area of interest for researchers for some time following the articulation of the Total Design Method (Dillman 1978) which included applying aspects of social influence... more
Defaults effects can be created by social contexts. The observed choices of others can become social defaults, increasing their choice share. Social default effects are a novel form of social influence not due to normative or... more
The present research shows that, when making choices, working-class Americans are more affected by others’ opinions than middle-class Americans due to differences in independent versus interdependent self-construal. Experiment 1 revealed... more
Studies showed that using influence tactics and polical behavior can be beneficial to employees because they affect human resource decisions such as performance evaluation and promotion decisions (Higgins et al., 2003). However, the type... more
This study examines the emergence of body image concerns and dieting behaviors in early adolescence as a function of girls' perceptions of family relationships, maternal modeling of dieting behaviors and body image concerns, and... more
Negotiation techniques are useful — unless the other side refuses to cooperate. What then? Asaf Shani teaches powerful techniques to make it worthwhile for the other side to negotiate during confrontational situations. These are not... more
This study examined the role of pro-victim attitudes, personal responsibility, coping responses to observations of bullying, and perceived peer normative pressure in explaining defending the victim and passive bystanding behavior in... more
בסמינר זה יתבצע מידול של תפיסת הרעיון הדמוקרטי כמוצר (Carothers, 2009), ומגוון תפיסות פוליטיות (כגון טוטליטריות ודמוקרטיה חלקית) בתור הענף בו נמצא המוצר הדמוקרטי. מתוך כך יבחנו האתגרים של קידום הרעיון הדמוקרטי בתוך שוק הרעיונות (Ingber,... more
The effect of consumer participation in online social networking activities on their susceptibility to influence is investigated in a context of restaurant consumption. This research identified a positive relationship between consumers... more
This study explored the roles of referent power (i.e., influence based on sense of identification) and expert power (i.e., influence based on knowledge and expertise) in Schizophrenics Anonymous (SA), a mutual-help group for persons... more
The present research explored the effects of nonverbal mimicry behavior and mimicker attractiveness in a natural retail context. A 3 (nonverbal mimicry, non-mimicking, anti-mimicry) by 2 (attractive salesperson, attractiveness control)... more
Abstract Companies today are striving to manage sustainable business models in their production and promotional environments, including initiatives such as waste reduction and the decreasing number of single-use products. An example of... more