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This article sets out to articulate Meister Eckhart’s understanding of subjectivity as split between a possessive self and a detached ground of the soul. Because identifying with one necessarily entails relinquishing the other, Eckhart... more
Whitehead's thought continues to attract attention in mathematics and metaphysics, but few have recognized with Roland Faber, the deeply mystical dimensions of his philosophy. "If you like to phrase it so," Whitehead states, "philosophy... more
Mysticism refers to a religious philosophical approach emphasizing a deep, direct connection between the divine and a believer, achieved by faith and manifested through inspiration and illumination. The word finds its origin in ancient... more
Il modulo è dedicato a Meister Eckhart, il cui pensiero riassume ed innalza a livelli mai più raggiunti la cosiddetta “mistica speculativa”, patrimonio indiscusso della scuola domenicana tedesca del XIV secolo. La teologia dell’imago dei... more
This essay appears as the second chapter in The Problem of Evil: New Philosophical Directions, edited by Robert Arp and Benjamin McCraw
Mark McIntosh was an Anglican priest, scholar, and author of multiple books on the history, study, and practice of Christian mysticism. His latest book, published just before his death in October of 2021 due to complications resulting... more
The very issue of philosophy is the loss of the scientifical rank of its classical fundament, the metaphysics. Martin Heidegger - who had understood philosophy mostly at the age of the last century - saw this problem very well, and he saw... more
Il volume ripercorre lo sviluppo del pensiero del giovane Nicola Cusano dalla frequentazione del maestro albertista Eimerico da Campo presso l’Università di Colonia (1425) e dal confronto con le posizioni filosofiche dei domenicani dello... more
In this chapter, we examine a few potential problems when inquiring into the ethics of medieval Christian and Islamic mystical traditions: First, there are terminological and methodological worries about defining mysticism and doing... more
Published as part of the special issue "New Life of German Idealism" edited by Kirill Chepurin. The Russian version of the article appeared in: The paper turns to the... more
Der als Fundbericht konzipierte Beitrag berichtet über die Wiederentdeckung einer seit mehr als 160 Jahren als verschollen geltenden besonders frühen Eckhart-Handschrift mit Übersetzungen vorwiegend aus dem "Opus expositionum",... more
This paper is about the role of images and metaphors in the writings and sermons of the medieval mystic Meister Eckhart. It tries to point out why at the one hand Eckhart uses a whole buch of images and at the other side criticises the... more This book argues that the rediscovery of mystical theology in nineteenth-century Germany not only helped inspire... more
STUDIUM RICERCA, FILOSOFIA SOMMARIO Anno 116 – mag./giu. 2020 n. 3 STUDIUM-Ricerca Sezione monografica Simone Weil protagonista della filosofia del ‘900. Ritrovare l’umano. a cura di Massimiliano Marianelli L’essere, la mediazione e il... more
El problema de la unidad refiere al mundo como tal, es decir, a la existencia de las cosas, como un todo. Es-ta cuestión ha tenido a lo largo de la historia aproxima-ciones filosóficas y teológicas, estando la primera referida al ser y la... more
One way to speak of the cultural productivity of guilt is to consider the meritorious actions that result from or are mandated by guilt. Can guilt become productive by causing compensatory action that would otherwise not happen? This... more
(English and Spanish). German Mystic Theology. Comparative Study between Henry Suso's Little Book of Truth and Meister Eckhart's Works. This study analyses the Little Book of Divine Truth, written by the Dominican Henry Suso (1295-1366)... more
This paper examines the central role that the concept of nothingness in its different meanings plays in Meister Eckhart's thought.
Ecumenism as a movement always pursue movement that always include as many as possible people in this world. To make that real, the thought of Meister Eckhart and Ibn Al-'Arabi can be a great inspiration. In this paper i argue that... more
A survey of the idea of justice in four medieval authors: Augustine of Hippo, Anselm of Canterbury, Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart
Article de l'Encyclopédie des Mystiques Rhénans qui présente l'œuvre d'Henri Suso nommée : « Livre de la Vérité » ou « Petit livre de la Vérité », écrit comme défense de Maître Eckhart après la Bulle In agro dominico de 1329. Ce livret... more
In this volume, Reiner Schürmann develops the idea that, in between the spiritual Carolingian Renaissance and the secular Humanist Renaissance, there was a distinctive Medieval Renaissance connected with the rediscovery of Aristotle.... more
Meister Eckhart zählt zu den bedeutendsten und wirkmächtigsten Persönlichkeiten des Mittelalters. Bis heute hat sein Werk nichts an Aktualität und Faszination verloren. Als Prediger, Theologe und Philosoph lehrte er die Einheit von Gott... more
In the late Middle Ages the philosopher and mystic Meister Eckhart preached that to know the truth you must be the truth. But how to be the truth? Eckhart’s answer comes in the form of an imperative: release yourself, let be. Only then... more
Whitehead, Alfred North, Immortality, 1941, in Essays in Science and Philosophy, New York, Philosophical Library, Inc., 1947. pp. 77-96
Le présent ouvrage, issu d’une thèse de doctorat soutenue en Sorbonne, propose une analyse philosophique détaillée de l’œuvre de celui qui fut surnommé « le prince des obscurs ». David König étudie les thèmes fondamentaux de la pensée de... more
In this monograph, I analyse mystical truth claims and the epistemologies they are based on. I investigate the structural homologies between Christian Mysticism (Meister Eckhart, Nikolaus Cusanus, and Jakob Boehme) and Zen Buddhism... more
A study of philosophy of religion, mysticism, mystics from many religions or none. A study of mysticsm, that includes amoingst other things the following Contents I. Mystics of The Ancient Past Pre-history Of Mysticism... more
Eckhart refers to Origen as "a great Master", and he is one of his fundamental patristic sources, along with St. Augustine. But it is not easy to recognise what he has retained specifically from the thought of the Alexandrian, so distant... more