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CFP: The Experience of Being and Nothingness Journal: METODO. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy Deadline: 31/10/25 Guest Editors: Giulia Lanzirotti (Università di Padova) and Luca Zanetti (Università di Bologna)... more
Alles ist immer in Allem. • Heraklit: sein Blitz hat mich, und er hat alle Menschen getroffen: oder er sollte sie alle treffen: Denn dieser Gedanke der "Einheit" ist gar kein abstrakter, kein auswendiger, gar kein autoritärer Gedanke:... more
Any individual is born and registered with a category called sex and assigned at birth. It categorizes his physiological and organic construction. Unlike sex, Gender is more associated with identity shaped through social and performative... more
This article will study one of the most fundamental principles of Islamic mysticism, Towhid, with a new and effective model (Interaction of Practical and Intellectual Faculties). Towhid has a special position in mystical texts. For a... more
Una breve riflessione sul significato della bibliofilia in Giovanni Papini: non adorazione cristallizzata del prestigio del libro, ma valorizzazione della sua qualità attiva e cangiante, strumento e non fine della pratica intellettuale.
Les Recherches philosophiques sur l’essence de la liberté humaine et les sujets qui s’y rattachent (1809), texte central dans l’œuvre de Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, est une réponse aux accusations de panthéisme et par conséquent,... more
Review: Überlegungen II-VI (Schwarze Hefte 1931-1938), Martin Heidegger. Vol. 94. Ed. Peter Trawny. (Frankfurt: Vittorio Klostermann, 2014).Começo e fim da filosofia Resenha de Überlegungen II-VI (Schwarze Hefte 1931-1938), de Martin... more
Heideggers Kritik des scholastischen Denkens firmiert unter dem Begriff der "Seinsvergessenheit". Diesem Vorwurf begegnet Hans Blumenberg in seiner Dissertationsschrift zur mittelalterlichen Ontologie. Er möchte aufzeigen, dass Heideggers... more
In questo testo mi propongo di delineare lo statuto che il linguaggio ha nella riflessione cusaniana del De docta ignorantia; tale trattazione sarà necessaria per delucidare il ruolo fondamentale e le reciproche relazioni che teologia... more
Eine einfache technische Panne im Raumschiff von Dr. Melres führte den jungen afroamerikanischen Wissenschaftler auf eine Reise tief in die unendliche Dunkelheit, um die Kreaturen zu entdecken, die die Y-Sphäre, die Sphäre von Tassúh, der... more
Una de las resonancias mas significativas de los conceptos fundamentales del neoplatonismo es la produccion artistica contemporanea. En este trabajo se examina, en concreto, algunas obras de Anish Kapoor, que buscan poner de relieve como... more
Summary Maximus’ idea of appropriation of the divine will by deified humans, in any consistent interpretation, would mean their deprivation of their own freedom – exactly in the same manner as it could be in the case of servitude to sin.... more
Nicola Cusano nel De beryllo (1458) ha proposto una particolare modalità di conoscenza del mondo, realizzata guardando attraverso un berillo, ovvero una lente al contempo concava e convessa. L’intelletto di colui che vi guarda attraverso... more
In this essay, I focus on Ray L. Hart’s innovative idea that Godhead is structured like a language. This hypothesis emerges in his magisterial book, God Being Nothing: Toward a Theogony, but is already present in nuce in his earlier work,... more
Der in sich vielfältige Begriff der Transformation greift unter anderem auch in der Theologie des Ordenslebens. Das Grundkonzept des Lebenswegs von Ordensleuten ist davon bestimmt, in einer besonderen Weise die eigene Biographie in die... more
Chapter published in the book Filosofía y religión en la Grecia antigua. Directores Jorge Luis Gutiérrez; David Torrijos Castrillejo Editores: André da Paz; Luiz Eduardo Freitas; Pedro Mauricio Garcia Dotto. Salamanca: UPSA Ediciones;... more
This article deals with the distribution of dialogue lines between two slaves in the prologue of Aristophanes’ The Knights. There is no agreement among editors which slave utters the quote from Euripides’ Hippolytus (Eur. Hipp. 345) and... more
The relationship between God and the world, or in other words, the relationship between the infinite and the finite, is the most central concept in Renaissance philosophy and occupied the minds of the thinkers of that period. The origins... more
Heidegger contrasts meditative thinking, which allows detachment from beings, with calculative thinking, which maintains an instrumental and interested relationship with them. In his view, the principle of reason is the main tool for... more
En este trabajo se estudia una selección de las Rationes Equardi contenidas en una cuestión de tipo quodlibetal del maestro Gonzalo de España: “Si la alabanza de Dios en el cielo es más noble que el amor del mismo en la tierra”.... more
Buddhism has significantly influenced the rise of Contemplative Studies and remains a key element in their advancement. The crucial importance of this tradition and its understanding of inner experiences led to postponing the exploration... more
Миграции эпохи неолита и бронзы, связанные напрямую или косвенно с распространением индоевропейцев, оказали влияние на генофонд окраинных зон Западной Европы. В Скандинавии и на Иберийском полуострове, местное население испытало... more
This essay argues for the political-theological significance of Louis Althusser's theory of interpellation by analyzing the import of the "Christian religious ideology" in his argument. It suggests that the subject as a complex... more
Studying the writings of several Patristic and Medieval theologians, this paper uses Kate Bush’s song “Somewhere in Between” to structure interrelated articulations of the way of life that outplays sin and death. This “law of the Spirit”... more
The Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy will be sponsoring as many as four panels/workshops at the annual conference of the Renaissance Society of America, occurring March 20–22, 2024 in Boston, MA. The SMRP welcomes... more
Heidegger, şeylere bağlanmamaya izin veren meditatif düşünme ile onlarla araçsal ve çıkarcı bir ilişki kuran hesaplayıcı düşünme arasında bir ayrım yapar. Ona göre yeter neden ilkesi, mevcut şeylere hükmetmenin temel yoludur. O,... more
Nel diciottesimo secolo il misticismo non ebbe vita facile, poiché ad esso si opponevano rispettivamente il criticismo dal lato della filosofia e la teologia protestante dal lato religioso, condannando questo approccio a rimanere una... more
Quando si prendono in analisi pensatori della portata di Eckhart e Hegel è senza dubbio ingenuo utilizzare macrocategorie che pretendano di esaurire i loro contenuti in compartimenti ben definiti. Sebbene le categorie di mistico, teologo... more
This study explores the interplay of apophasis and kataphasis in the negative theology of Maimonides and its influence on Meister Eckhart. In spite of Maimonides’s positing that the perfection of the human species consists of the... more
“……… But because there is, monks, an unborn, not become, not made, uncompounded, therefore an escape can be shown for what is born, has become, is made, is compounded”- Nirvana is not part of the flux. Nirvana is in the experience that... more
This dissertation constructs a theology of divine calling in order to explore the dynamic between God and human interaction. Revelation, reason and experience are three authoritative sources of theology. When theologians decisively choose... more
This forthcoming essay begins by examining Martin Heidegger's and Gustav Landauer's influential interpretations of Eckhart as a Lebemeister, a 'master or teacher of life'. The essay then turns to the source on which they both rely, a... more
The present work aims to reconstruct Plato's reception in the Romantic Era, particularly in the current known as Frühromantik or Jena Circle. In the first part we reviewed an overview of how Plato's work becomes a concern in the German... more
A inquietude humana é um dos temas mais fundamentais dentro da antropologia agostiniana. A vida do homem é uma tensão ao infinito que o faz viver de forma inquieta, pois apresenta uma insatisfação consigo mesmo e, com isso, está imerso... more
Autobiography of a Japanese person who became a zen priest in his 30s and took up kyudo (Japanese archery) at the age of 50. It describes his 'way' through life and the many people me met 'on the way'. He offers some unique views on the... more