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My review of a book on Schelling explores his background connection to Emerson and American pragmatism.
Contrary to Reinhold's theoretical discussion of Kant's philosophy, his practical critique and its underlying action theory and theory of freedom have been neglected in scholarship. In my paper, I shall reconstruct Reinhold’s practical... more
A overview of the "Self-Consciousness" chapter of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit. I analyze the basic significance of each of the three themes of the chapter, (which Hegel calls "desire," "recognition," and "thought"), and I consider... more
Band 12 der »Nachgelassenen Manuskripte und Texte« umfasst vor allem das gründlich ausgearbeitete Vorlesungsmanuskript der 1920/21 in Hamburg gehaltenen Vorlesung »Schillers philosophische Weltansicht«. Cassirer argumentiert darin in fünf... more
This essay discusses Swami Vivekananda’s unduly neglected critical remarks on Arthur Schopenhauer’s philosophy, which are contained primarily in lectures delivered in America and England between 1895 and 1896. I argue that Vivekananda,... more
Αποτελεί μια σύντομη (<2000 λ.) και επιλεκτική παρουσίαση (περιδιάβαση) της αισθητικής θεωρίας του Χέγκελ.
Both for Kant and for Nietzsche, aesthetics must not be considered as a systematic science based merely on logical premises but rather as a set of intuitively attained artistic ideas that constitute or reconstitute the sensible... more
In this paper, I reply to the critics of my book, Hegel's Concept of Life, by taking up the question of how a science of pure thought thinking itself arrives at the conclusion that it must determine itself as life. In particular, I... more
First published in 1818, The World as Will and Representation contains Schopenhauer's entire philosophy, ranging through epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind and action, aesthetics and philosophy of art, to ethics, the meaning of... more Il volume riunisce contributi che, rispondendo ad un’esigenza oggi molto sentita, si interrogano sui... more
If we turn from Kant’s definition of prejudice in the 'Critique of the Power of Judgement' to that of Gadamer in 'Truth and Method', then a fundamental difference between them becomes apparent. Whereas Kant calls on us in the spirit of... more
In this paper I sketch the emergence of transcendence and immanence to the binary pair of opposites we know today. I show that such usage doesn't stretch back beyond Kant and that its real career only takes off in the 1830s. Major... more
Este texto foi elaborado para a discussão do (Neo)Hegelianismo aqui exposto no III Congresso Hegel em Diálogo: O Próprio Tempo Apreendido em Pensamento, realizado na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, de 29 a 31 de agosto de... more
El libro es el resultado de una colección de conferencias del VIII Coloquio de Kant. Kants Vorlesungen, realizado en agosto de 2013 en la ciudad de Marília (Brasil). El texto tiene por base de su consideración las transcripciones de las... more
Language was of no particular importance for the early transcendentalists. Hence, Fichte's treatise on language from 1795 is unique in this respect. It is however not obvious how the theory of language is related to his Wissenschaftslehre... more
International Bilingual Philosophy Conference "Friedrich Schiller and German Idealism / Friedrich Schiller et l'idéalisme allemand", University of Leuven, Belgium, 9-10 May 2019.
The aim of the paper is to analyze the Hegelian interpretation of the notion of “irony” in the light of its evolution thorough the Berlin courses and in a comparison with the edition of the Ästhetik published by Hotho. The analysis of the... more
The essay argues that the portrayal as child-killers in 18th-century German infanticide poetry can be read as a direct literary descendant of the portrayal of women as children in bourgeois tragedies of the age. Both images constitute a... more
La poetologia della conoscenza di Heinrich von Kleist si configura come un viaggio nella mente umana, nelle sue capacità conoscitive e immaginative, nelle sue labilità e nei suoi trascendimenti. La totalità romantica è infranta e il... more
Sententiae. - 2010. - Vol. XXII (1) The paper examines the history-of-philosophy component within the metatheory of experience which is elaborated by Wolfgang Röd. The theory focuses its crucial attention on the reconstruction of... more
In their works, Arthur Schopenhauer and the Japanese philosopher Kitarō Nishida combine Western attitudes with the Eastern traditions of Buddhism. While Schopenhauer, a Western thinker, loads his philosophy with sources from Indian... more
Co-edited and translated with Jacob van Sluis. Vol 1 of the Edinburgh Edition of the Philosophical Works of François Hemsterhuis The first ever English translation of François Hemsterhuis’ early series of philosophical letters published... more
Introduction chapter to my dissertation "Occasions of Underground
German Miners and Moles on the Essence of Ground (1780–1920)"
More than a century after Guido Adler's appointment to the first chair in musicology at the University of Vienna, Music, Criticism, and the Challenge of History provides a first look at the discipline in this earliest period, and at the... more
In this paper I examine intellectual Intuition, Aufforderung and Pure Will in J. G. Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre Nova Methodo. After considering the various senses in which Fichte used the term "intellectual intuition," I discuss the... more
This volume examines Fichte's notion of the image in the systematic domains of ethics, philosophy of history, political philosophy, philosophy of language, aesthetics, and the philosophy of religion. Several contributions investigate from... more
It will be shown that at least four foundational concepts of Cultural Historical Activity Theory were previously formulated by Hegel, viz., (1) the unit of analysis as a key concept for analytic-synthetic cognition, (2) the centrality of... more
Texto introdutório do livro Arte, Metafísica e Mitologia (ed. de Carlos João Correia e Markus Gabriel)
Nineteenth century Christian thought about self and relationality was stamped by the reception of Kant’s groundbreaking revision to the Cartesian cogito. For René Descartes (1596-1650), the self is a thinking thing (res cogitans), a... more
Exploring the concept of "Pragmatic Idealism" that Metamodernism develops, and the possible implications in architecture
This article attempts to present the unity as well as the difference between Hegel's and Dewey's social philosophical approaches to struggles for recognition. It argues that interpreting Dewey's Lectures in China as a commentary on Hegel... more
Hegel's "Philosophy of Spirit" applies two different notions of 'social practice'-one as a condition of possibility for intentional action and another one as the living actuality within which an action is initiated and takes place. Both... more
Classical mise-en-scène analysis elides an excess that, when revealed, exposes film’s figuration as a movement of appearing or Erscheinung – a revelation of “otherness” as the very constitution of film in its relation to the viewer. My... more
This essay argues that the methodological advantages and disadvantages that Hegel’s Natural Law essay (1802-03) generated for the development of critical social theory become clearest in carefully reconstructing its analyses of the... more