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The holding period for long term & short term capital gain on shares,
The difference in taxation of equity & mutual funds,
Capital gain on shares & securities exempt u/s 10,
provisions of section 111A of income tax Act
For quite a long period controversy ruled over the interpretation of the concept of “accrued to”. The uncertainty was whether the concept means that the taxpayer must be entitled to an amount or that the amount must be due and payable. In... more
INCOME TAX ACT 1961 Basics for BCOM and other such courses
El presente trabajo busca desarollar los aspectos más resaltantes de la fiscalidad de la asistencia técnica prestada por un no residente hacia el Perú, tanto en la legislación doméstica peruana, como en cuanto a su tratamiento en los CDI... more
Se analiza el problema de la pérdida del escudo fiscal por un reparo generado por la autoridad tributaria, sobre los intereses de un financiamiento, en particular, en el caso de las sociedades que toman deuda para apalancar el pago de... more
Thuế là một khoản nộp bắt buộc mà các thể nhân và pháp nhân có nghĩa vụ phải thực hiện đối với Nhà nước. Trong số các nguồn thu từ thuế thu nhập cá nhân thì thuế thu nhập cá nhân từ chuyển nhượng bất động sản là một trong những nguồn thu... more
In 2013 Bangladesh Government enacted a welfare law named 'The Parents Maintenance Act 2013'. There were many possible reasons behind this. Two of them are; in order to ensure social security of the senior citizens and to face the global... more
PPT analyzing the categories of Special class of assessee provided under the Income Tax Act, 1961.
This book explores one of the most fundamental issues of international tax law: the conditions under which a state may assert a taxing claim over business income derived by a person who is neither its national nor its resident. The term... more
Taxation Law 2, NIRC  with TRAIN Law

*Use at your own risk*
(Still trying to consolidate and finish Tax1 and Tax2 notes)
Special assessee are those categories of natural and legal person who are either conferred with some privileges or imposed with a special burden by the Income Tax Act, 1961. Chapter XV of the Income-tax Act, 1961 deals with the chapter... more
Bangladesh is positioned as a link between the emerging markets of South Asia and the fastest-growing markets of South East Asia and ASEAN countries. With the proposed concept of a "Bay of Bengal Growth Triangle" with its apex Chittagong... more
FORT BONIFACIO DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION vs. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE- Transitional Input Value Added Tax FACTS: Petitioner was a real estate developer that bought from the national government a parcel of land that used to be the... more
The Finance Act, 2020 (Act No. 8 of 2020) has amended 18 laws in Tanzania with a view to imposing and altering certain taxes, duties, levies and fees in order to safeguard the collection and management of public revenues. Among others,... more
The Finance Act, 2015 amended §6(3)(ii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 to introduce a new test for determining the residential status of companies. The new test is called the 'Place of effective Management' test for interpretation of which,... more
Analyzing the "ability to pay principle" through the French Constitutional court's tax-related case law, the article suggests that any statute-based non-confiscation guarantee is fragile. Legal certainty over the qualification of... more
This paper examines some of the factors a country must consider when deciding which method, or combination of methods, to use to implement double tax relief, including foreign tax credit, exemption or the deduction method. It examines... more
CALL FOR PAPERS We invite you to submit papers and register to participate in the forthcoming 4th Annual International Academic Conference on Taxation of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, with the Theme: Taxation and... more
The authors focus on identifying possible forms of expressing the legal nature of virtual (digital) currencies, respectively crypto-assets and want to determine the effects of different ways of expressing the legal nature of virtual... more
Permanent and temporary nature of leaving the Country. What is the definitive statement of departure of the Country and who needs to do it? Potential consequences of the definitive withdrawal from the Country. An analysis of the Normative... more
O objetivo deste curto artigo foi chamar a atenção para a ausência de debate, pelo STF e pelo STJ, sobre o requisito essencial da disponibilidade para a tributação do acréscimo patrimonial.
Sobre la Naturaleza Jurídica de los Pagos a Cuenta del Impuesto a la Renta: Se muestra la (in)consistencia en la que incurren quienes sostengan, conjuntamente, que la modificación de los elementos de cálculo de los pagos a cuenta del... more
Being a South African expat myself, based in Guangzhou PR China, as well as a tax professional, I’ve found myself of course in the same position as any expat starting to work in another country. The same questions any expat has to deal... more
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) considers ALL animals sold as part of a primary production business to be trading stock. However, the word ALL is not contained in s 995 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) (ITAA 1997), rather... more
El artículo reseña las principales bondades fiscales y aspectos tributarios a tomar en cuenta al momento de hacer negocios e inversiones en el Perú en sectores económicos clave como Minería, Hidrocarburos (petróleo y gas) y energía. Se... more
L'articolo commenta la convenzione contro le doppie imposizioni tra l'Italia e la Colombia, che sarà pienamente operativa a partire dal 1° gennaio 2022
Traendo spunto dai lavori parlamentari, si indicano i (pochi) punti fermi e le (molte) incertezze riguardanti la riforma dell'Irpef, che il Parlamento dovrà sciogliere con una legge delega, attesa nei prossimi mesi.
Este estudio pretende establecer, por un lado, el grado de cumplimiento de las obligaciones de revelación de posicio- nes "scales inciertas por parte de las empresas públicas peruanas. En atención a los PCGA vigentes en el Perú, estas... more
Art and culture are enormously important elements of the social life, which require however public support. The aim of the studies was a critical analysis of the structure and functioning of tax instruments that support the development of... more
Sumário: 1. Introdução. 2. A matriz constitucional do imposto de renda. 3. Noção básica do conceito de renda. 4. A disciplina do Código Tributário Nacional sobre o imposto de renda e proventos de qualquer natureza. 5. Conceitos de... more
La discriminazione qualitativa consiste nel trattamento differenziato di redditi, il cui possesso manifesta diversa capacità contributiva in ragione della fonte patrimoniale. Concorre dunque ad assicurare, più che derogare,... more
In this work on the Single Tax Principle, the author presents an analytical overview of the subject, describing from the origin of this principle to its legal-normative contours, which ended up being accepted, in a way, by the BEPS... more
La presente investigación indaga sobre los beneficios que el derecho tributario guatemalteco puede obtener de implementar prácticas contables de primer orden, respecto de la presentación y revelación de estados financieros, y ello con el... more
In ever-growing economies, for business entities, the acquisition, consolidation or merger options are impeccable to endure and relevant in the market. Globalization coupled with faster developments in technology is further challenging to... more
Esse trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma breve análise acerca da possibilidade da incidência de imposto de renda de verbas genericamente qualificadas como “indenizatórias”.