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El presente trabajo busca desarollar los aspectos más resaltantes de la fiscalidad de la asistencia técnica prestada por un no residente hacia el Perú, tanto en la legislación doméstica peruana, como en cuanto a su tratamiento en los CDI... more
1. Introduction The relationships between taxation and technological developments have always been interactive, dynamic and complex. The current debate over taxation of e-commerce has, to some extent, been little more than a rehash of a... more
This dissertation attempted to examine the adequacy of the Electronic Transactions Act 2011 in governing e-commerce in Uganda with a case study of the online motor vehicle trade. The research questions focused on finding the legal... more
Le XXème siècle a été marqué par une évolution rapide des nouvelles technologies et de l’internet ainsi que l’émergence d’une nouvelle forme de commerce, le commerce électronique. Le commerce électronique et l’internet... more
The objective of this contribution is to provide the OECD – with a view to designing the final 2020 Report-, the EU Institutions –projecting an eventual legislative action- and whatever States – considering or (re)considering unilateral... more
Duplicity is endemic in the international tax regime as each country tries to secure the best deal it can for itself. Developed countries continue to demand standards from developing countries that they refuse to apply to themselves, the... more
This study examines how tax sheltering and its interactions with cash effective tax rate, long-term effective tax rate, tax savings, book tax gap, temporary difference of tax shelter and permanent difference of tax shelter impacted the... more
Since the introduction of the Internet and the platform it created for cross-border trade, the effective enforcement and administration of consumption taxes relating to imported digital services has been an international topic of... more
A thorough review of trust models is carried out in this paper to reveal the key capabilities of existing trust models and compare how they differ among disciplines. Trust decisions are risky due to uncertainties and the loss of control.... more
The global nature of e-commerce means that some aspects of tax management can no longer be carried out at the national level. However, the taxation of e-commerce should be consistent with the basic principles of international taxation, it... more
Most tax revenue and tax policy research papers discuss historical developments and the current challenges of raising tax revenue. This paper takes a long term view and addresses the possible futures of tax revenue using the Three... more
The advent of the digital age has been the key driving influence of all human activities in the 21st century and birthed the digital revolution. The digital revolution has taken place. It has given rise to a digital economy that... more
Consumption taxation of e-commerce should be consistent with the basic principles of international taxation. In order to aid the policy-based discussion in relation to consumption taxation, this paper provides an outline of the... more
This study presents an analysis of the impact of electronic commerce on proactive and posts active businesses in Rwanda. The study was conducted using a cross-sectional survey among the study population that closely perform various duties... more
The article aims to analyze the legal reason based on the last case, South Dakota v. Wayfair. This case represents a significative reconsideration of the US Supreme Court precedent,because it validates the South Dakota tax law that forced... more
In the context of BEPS Action Plans 8, 9, 10 and 13, related to Transfer Pricing Policy and Documentation, we present an analysis on its interactions with the existing anti-avoidance and protection rules to prevent base erosion currently... more
Being a South African expat myself, based in Guangzhou PR China, as well as a tax professional, I’ve found myself of course in the same position as any expat starting to work in another country. The same questions any expat has to deal... more
Article on proposed Diverted Profits Tax Regime in the United Kingdom. The article makes a point that DPT is unilateral treaty override mechanism. The article throws light how new regime is ambiguously worded and how it can negatively... more
The article provides summary and analysis of the OECD's discussion draft released on 4 July 2016 on revised guidance on profit split method ('PSM). The authors analyse the two approaches of the profit split methods given by OECD... more
Consumption taxation of e-commerce should be consistent with the basic principles of international taxation. In order to aid the policy-based discussion in relation to consumption taxation, this paper provides an outline of the... more
This is first international concept paper on this subject and applications of Blockchain/DLT to Multinational Transfer Pricing discussed below is futuristic in nature. The DLT/Blockchain as a technology is at very nascent stage and it may... more
The growth of Internet and electronic commerce (e-commerce) in Indonesia can become a potential income tax. However, some of the benefits of e-commerce business also poses some problems for taxation. Actually in Indonesia, income tax rule... more
In this paper we highlight how the use of internet has changed from 2004 to 2009 among Hungarian companies, how their expectations about the role of e-commerce as a competitive advantage has evolved and whether perceived benefits of... more
Most tax revenue and tax policy research papers discuss historical developments and the current challenges of raising tax revenue. This paper takes a long term view and addresses the possible futures of tax revenue using the Three... more
Taxation of e-commerce is a major concern for international agencies and tax authorities worldwide. Taxation itself is a complex and controversial issue. Hence, it should not come as a surprise that there are so many arguments regarding... more
With the advent of globalization and technological advancement, an offshore employment relationships are proliferating more than ever making it possible the application of States’ domestic laws in the situations no more. The problem is... more
I am pleased to share an article on ‘Equalisation Levy’ (introduced in Finance Bill, 2016 of India) titled ‘Equalisation Levy: A toothless taxing tiger’ authored by me. It will enable you to identify the trigger points of introducing... more
Reengineering tax service quality using second order confirmatory factor analysis, namely, responsiveness, reliability, in formativeness, assurance and usability is viewed as an enabler of tax administration effectiveness in collecting... more
Consumption taxation of e-commerce should be consistent with the basic principles of international taxation. In order to aid the policy-based discussion in relation to consumption taxation, this paper provides an outline of the... more
Online tax system is an important innovation in managing and effective tax administration system. Its implementation has been influenced by several factors. In Nigeria however, its effective implementation has suffers major setbacks... more