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La discriminazione qualitativa consiste nel trattamento differenziato di redditi, il cui possesso manifesta diversa capacità contributiva in ragione della fonte patrimoniale. Concorre dunque ad assicurare, più che derogare,... more
The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) considers ALL animals sold as part of a primary production business to be trading stock. However, the word ALL is not contained in s 995 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) (ITAA 1997), rather... more
This book explores one of the most fundamental issues of international tax law: the conditions under which a state may assert a taxing claim over business income derived by a person who is neither its national nor its resident. The term... more
CALL FOR PAPERS We invite you to submit papers and register to participate in the forthcoming 4th Annual International Academic Conference on Taxation of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, with the Theme: Taxation and... more
Bangladesh is positioned as a link between the emerging markets of South Asia and the fastest-growing markets of South East Asia and ASEAN countries. With the proposed concept of a "Bay of Bengal Growth Triangle" with its apex Chittagong... more
Sobre la Naturaleza Jurídica de los Pagos a Cuenta del Impuesto a la Renta: Se muestra la (in)consistencia en la que incurren quienes sostengan, conjuntamente, que la modificación de los elementos de cálculo de los pagos a cuenta del... more
This article reveals that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general are intangible property in the form of a digital unit with an accountable monetary value. Therefore, for the purposes of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962, which applies in... more
Art and culture are enormously important elements of the social life, which require however public support. The aim of the studies was a critical analysis of the structure and functioning of tax instruments that support the development of... more
Esse trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma breve análise acerca da possibilidade da incidência de imposto de renda de verbas genericamente qualificadas como “indenizatórias”.
The Finance Act, 2015 amended §6(3)(ii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 to introduce a new test for determining the residential status of companies. The new test is called the 'Place of effective Management' test for interpretation of which,... more
Analyzing the "ability to pay principle" through the French Constitutional court's tax-related case law, the article suggests that any statute-based non-confiscation guarantee is fragile. Legal certainty over the qualification of... more