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Using leaked emails attributed to covert political actors, this study explores the Kremlin's comprehensive influence operations (active measures) to thwart Ukraine's aspirations to join the European Union. These efforts were launched by... more
When the conflict escalated in the Nagorno-Karabakh war zone in September 2020, different opinions emerged in Ukraine on how the clash should be understood and which of its sides Ukraine should support. Most Ukrainian commentators... more
Chapter 10, 'Conclusion' in Vikrant Deshpande (ed.), Hybrid Warfare: The Changing Character of Conflict, New Delhi: IDSA and Pentagon Press, 2018.
Illeez M. (2014). Capabilities of unmanned aircraft systems in hybrid wars. International Journal of Unmanned Systems Engineering. 2(4): 46-58. During post Iraq War and especially with the Afghanistan Operation, unmanned aircraft systems... more
HYBRID THREATS AND THE ASIA-PACIFIC REGION SYMPOSIUM - AUS first holistic HYBRID THREAT SYMPOSIUM which discusses HYBRID THREATS, CYBER WAR AND LAWFARE from a comprehensive angle - will take place in MELBOURNE, 25-26 March 2019 at La... more
What is hybrid warfare? And what role does information play in today's conflicts? In the context of the technological/information revolution of the last two decades--which has greatly amplified the danger posed by nonmilitary means of... more
This paper identifies the way the international system has adapted to threatening weapons, such as weapons of mass destruction, through laws and treaties. This is a fundamental way of thinking about dealing with emerging cyber threats.... more
This paper examines the roots in Russian and Soviet political and military thought of what is called today “hybrid war”. It is argued that Gerasimov’s doctrine is not an innovation, but just brings together components already existing... more
The leaked email accounts of Putin’s aide on Ukraine, Vladislav Surkov, are vast primary source collections that shed light on the backstage happenings of the Kremlin’s politics in the Donbas war. Surkov is an excellent dramaturg; he... more
В контексте событий, связанных с аннексией Крыма и гражданской войной на Донбассе, следует обратить внимание также и на реакцию представителей национальных меньшинств, проживающих в Украине (за исключением этнических русских), а также их... more
Черновик статьи «"Гибридная война": реконструкция против деконструкции» из монографии "«Гибридные войны» в хаотизирующемся мире ХХI века"
Conflict resolution studies penetrate many areas of our lives. It cops with social and political interaction. Conflict of interest characterizes both individual and social groups. Some scientists claim that conflicts are an integral part... more
Диссертация "Технологии интернет-коммуникации в системе современного политического управления" на соискание ученой степени доктора наук по специальности 23.00.02 - Политические институты, процессы и технологии. МГУ, 2016
The main conclusions of this paper is that unscrupulous and malicious use of lawfare by State and non-state actors must not discourage law-abiding international actors from continuing to act in compliance with international law. Actors... more
Hybrid warfare is the latest of the terms/concepts that have been used within the defense community in the last three decades to label contemporary warfare. It has been officially adopted in the core strategic documents of NATO, EU, and... more
Hybrid Wars : The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change by Andrew Korybko A Review by dAvE@whenthenewsstops This insightful book examines the theoretical framework behind the concept of 'Fourth Generation Warfare'. This centres... more
Peer-reviewed paper which aims to provide the first comprehensive and concise definition of Contemporary Russian Conflict. The report is based on Russian Military Doctrine, strategic and foreign concepts papers and writing by senior... more
Abstract: In this article I will be presenting some issues related to the hybrid war. In the competition for taking control of the Black Sea, Russia vs UE and US started a propaganda action to control public opinion. The manipulation has... more
This presentation covers the F-35 Lightning, examining its capabilities and strategic usages in addition to implications the hardware will have on power dynamics in international system.
War traditions that have been used over centuries starting to change with the rapid development of technology. One of the biggest changes is, after inclusion of cyber warfare to the battlefield, two dimensional battlefield concept has... more
The goal of the study is to examine hybrid warfare's role and place in the Russian military thought. Hybrid warfare is a Western term and was largely missing from the Russian military literature until 2014. Russian theorists have started... more
Ο πόλεμος είναι ένα φαινόμενο το οποίο συνεχώς εξελίσσεται και αλλάζει μορφές, προσαρμοζόμενο κάθε φορά στην πραγματικότητα και τις ιδιαιτερότητες της κάθε εποχής. Όπως χαρακτηριστικά αναφέρει ο μεγάλος θεωρητικός του πολέμου Carl von... more
This study discusses salient trends demonstrated by contemporary warfare of these first years of our 21st Century. Using cogent examples drawn variously from conflicts of the Arab Spring, Libya, Syria, the Islamic State and Russian... more
During the last decade, Hybrid Warfare has become a much-evoked, yet controversial, term in the academic, military and political discourses. This paper argues that from a military tactical-operational concept intended to describe the... more
Hybrid warfare has been a popular concept/term that refers to contemporary warfare and modern challenges. Despite increasing number of critiques about its novelty and validity, NATO, which can be regarded as the representative of Western... more
This chapter argues that Russia’s recent policies towards Ukraine have been accompanied by foreign policy discourses of what could be called ‘sovereignty deficit’. These discourses contested Ukrainian sovereignty relying on the concepts... more
This publication is prepared as a result of the Strategic Appraisal Seminar conducted in April 2018 by the Navy Headquarters of Ukraine and the U.S. Defense Governance and Management Team in the framework of the Navy Strategy 2035... more
The XXI century was full of wars on various grounds, during which were used a variety of methods. In describing these conflicts were created two terms: asymmetric warfare and Hybrid wars. The Author analyzed in paper circumstances of... more
The EuroMaidan in Kyiv (late 2013–early 2014) resulted in a major political and security crisis, eventually precipitating in Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the Kremlin’s (denied) involvement in a conflict in southeastern Ukraine. In... more
ÖZ Günümüze kadar savaşlarda çok belirgin saflar, net üniformalar, net taarruz çıkış hatları ve savunma hatları hatta buna göre düzenlenmiş konseptler ve doktrinler yer almıştır. Ancak içinde bulunduğumuz yüzyılda bu hatlar ve stratejiler... more
Executive Summary  The outbreak of instability in southeastern Ukraine witnessed Russia’s increasing reliance on ethnically non-Russian people. Among these, the most important groups included ethnic Serbs (this group primarily... more
During the last decade, 'Hybrid Warfare' has become a novel yet controversial term in academic, political and professional military lexicons, intended to suggest some sort of mix between different military and non-military means and... more
Como consecuencia de la asimetría de las amenazas a la seguridad y la privatización de la violencia, las Guerras Híbridas (4GW, 5GW por sus siglas en inglés) representan una nueva forma de conflicto bélico que nos obliga a incorporarlo al... more
Aqui estão Índice, Introdução e bibliografia do Livro "O Brasil no Espectro de uma Guerra Híbrida: militares, operações psicológicas e política em uma perspectiva etnográfica"
Russian hybrid warfare has become the principle threat to NATO over the last decade. From the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea, Russia has exercised its will across Europe; inciting tensions while limiting its activities to below the Article 5... more
Captain B. H. Liddell Hart, a military theorist of the twentieth century, started to formulate his concept of the strategy of indirect approach based on the analysis of military history, which was summarized in the study of warfare theory... more
The Russo-Ukrainian war that broke out in 2014 in the wake of Russia's annexation of Crimea continues to be all too rarely noticed in the West. Observers comment widely on the novel 'hybrid' character of warfare as developed and trialed... more
During recent years tensions between Russia and Western states have risen, undermining the stability that Europe has enjoyed since the end of the Cold War. The purpose of this research is to study Russia’s behavior and external actions... more