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2006 yılında patlar veren ve 34 gün süren İsrail ile Lübnan Hizbullah'ı arasındaki savaşta insan faktörünün önemi incelenmektedir. Bunun bir asimetrik sava olması ve bize bazı çıkarımlar sunmasıdır
Hezbollah is the archetype and so far the most important and efficient of all Iranian proxy forces in the Middle East, and it demonstrates all the traits that eventually became the trademarks of Iran’s proxy networks in Iraq, Syria, Yemen... more
Lebanon is among the most developed Arab countries concerning freedom of expression, and its press and media are famous for their openness and critical approach toward domestic and Arab affairs. The openness and criticism notwithstanding,... more
A lo largo del último lustro se asiste a una reactivación de las actividades terroristas de la organización Hezbollah fuera de su zona mesooriental de origen. Esas actividades parecen encuadrarse en la búsqueda de represalias por la... more
נכון מבחינת ישראל למקד את מאמציה לפעולה נגד ארגון הטרור גם במישור הפלילי, ובכך לגרום לצמצום הכנסותיו ועוצמתו הצבאית.
In the developing world and unstable regions, illicit non-state actors often become involved in planning activities such as providing basic services, managing land use, and organizing the real estate market. This paper will look at the... more
The case of Hizbullah offers an important opportunity to examine Islamist actors. Created during the 1980s as a religious-oriented movement with a clear Islamic agenda, it gradually shifted towards a more pragmatic position, entering... more
There is no discussion that adversaries, past and present, have developed creative uses of the "full-spectrum" of warfare, including the use of regular and irregular tactics across all dimensions of war. In the view of many Western... more
What kind of decolonial possibilities exist in today’s world? Exploring the rise of Islamic activism in Lebanon and the Middle East, and drawing transnational parallels with other revolutionary religious struggles in Latin America and... more
The author examines Hezbollah, a Shiite militant and political organization. The analysis is focused on the strategy employed in Lebanon against Israel between 1982 to 2000. The discussion follows the tactical, operational, and strategic... more
This essay looks at why terrorism is a contested concept and its disability in providing institutions, the public and states with a reliable definition that can be applied anywhere. There are particular issues associated with defining... more
Sectarian rhetoric is escalating across the Middle East region in the wake of the US invasion of Iraq, the Arab Spring moment of 2011, the recent Iran nuclear deal, as well as the Saudi-lead campaign in Yemen intended to curb Iranian... more
The Many Faces of Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Muslim World by Mohammed Ayoob is an introductory book on political Islam. Main objective of Ayoob in writing the book, as he puts, was to provide an introductory text for... more
Judging by recent media reporting and pronouncements by senior US military and security officials, the use of drones by militant groups is both reshaping conflict between armed non-state actors and state parties and now presents a grave... more
This book hopes to explain the reasons behind the creation of violent ideologies as alternative modes of governance given perceived injustice. Emotion and sentimental attachment form an important part of developing one’s politics and... more
The Many Faces of Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Muslim World by Mohammed Ayoob is an introductory book on political Islam. Main objective of Ayoob in writing the book, as he puts, was to provide an introductory text for... more
Ο πόλεμος είναι ένα φαινόμενο το οποίο συνεχώς εξελίσσεται και αλλάζει μορφές, προσαρμοζόμενο κάθε φορά στην πραγματικότητα και τις ιδιαιτερότητες της κάθε εποχής. Όπως χαρακτηριστικά αναφέρει ο μεγάλος θεωρητικός του πολέμου Carl von... more
With the re-establishment of Bashar al-Assad’s power in Syria, the strengthening of Hezbollah in Lebanon, and finally the political and military victory of pro-Iranian forces in Iraq, it is clear that an Iranian axis now prevails in the... more
Unlike other Arab revolution which were found relatively quickly exits, the Syrian revlt is continuing for more than two years and it can not seem to find a rapid conclusion. The geostrategic position of the Syrian Arab Republic, ruled by... more
After conquering large swaths of Syria and Iraq, the IS undertook an aggressive sectarian campaign in which they not only enacted horrific violence against the Shia people, but also damaged or destroyed several key Shia mosques and... more
The RUSI paper, entitled ‘Understanding Iran’s Role in the Syrian Conflict’ provides a comprehensive assessment of Iran’s involvement in, and degree of influence over Syria and how this is seen by the governments and non-state actors in... more
The objective of this paper is to emphasize the phenomenon of transformation in understanding and (sometimes) complete changes of meanings in Qur'anic phrases used by modern khatib (preachers), imam or scholars in order to prove specific... more
This article aims to explore emerging trends for the Sunni religious elite and the Islamic legal tradition in the new context of the Arab Uprisings by focusing on Yusuf al-Qaradawi, arguably the most prominent of these ʿulamāʾ alive... more
موضوع هذه الرسالة ينتمي إلى طائفة الأدبيات التي اهتمت بقضية "محددات" سلوك الفاعلين من غير الدول المتعدين للحدود، والتي هي من القضايا الحديثة في مجال العلاقات الدولية، بالنظر إلى سيطرة الاهتمام بالدولة لفترة طويلة من الزمن على ماتم تطويره... more
This chapter examines how the Arab Spring was gradually sectarianized, leading to the emergence of much more rigid and puritanical sect-based identities and inter-communal conflicts across the Middle East and extending even further... more
This study analyzes the political reasons that allowed the Islamic State to expand successfully in Syria and Iraq, by enabling to ‘franchise’ worldwide, and the role of the regional governments in this issue. The essay provides a... more
This article analyses how Hezbollah’s gradually growing role in the Syrian conflict has been paralleled by its adversaries’ decision to wage lawfare against this pivotal player supporting the Asad regime, in order to raise the political... more
El crimen organizado transnacional se sitúa en el centro de casi todas las grandes amenazas que enfrentan hoy las Américas. Estas organizaciones degradan sistemáticamente las instituciones democráticas y al Estado de derecho, dificultando... more
From the beginnings of Wahabism in the 18th century to the so called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS) violence has occasionally been justified in the name of Islam, which is problematic for secular and traditional... more
Since its emergence in the 1980’s, the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah has played a leading role in the military struggle against Israeli occupation in Lebanon. With the liberation of Southern Lebanon in May 2000 and the 2006 war with... more
Selefism is known as living the words and actions of Prophet Mohammad’s and first three generations after him without making any changes. Today, Selefism has became a political ideology for Islamic thought. According to Selefi ideology,... more
Since the outbreak of the Syrian crisis in early 2011, Lebanon has seen a drastic deterioration in security: domestic supporters and opponents of the Syrian government have confronted each other in armed clashes and Lebanese groups also... more
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
ביקורת על ספרו של עבד אלקאדר כנאענה, חזבאללה והגמוניית המקאומה (ירושלים: מאגנס, 2021).
Depuis 2011, la révolte et le conflit en Syrie ont généré une masse considérable d’images produites par des manifestants, des activistes et des combattants. Disséminées sur Internet ou dans des cartes mémoires de téléphones portables,... more
Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) pursues missions both domestic and foreign, chief of which are to maintain the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to expand Iran's prestige throughout the world. This article explores... more