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Croatia's successful bid for independence was one of the defining moments of the immediate post-Cold War period. Nevertheless, the means that Croatia used to obtain independence remains relatively unexamined by academics. This article... more
This is a short essay summarizing some of the points made in the Keogh Oration, given in Australia in August 2015. The longer oration is also forthcoming, to be published as a monograph by the Australian Army.
Abstract:Using leaked emails attributed to covert political actors, this study explores the Kremlin's comprehensive influence operations (active measures) to thwart Ukraine's aspirations to join the European Union. These efforts... more
Although Hybrid Warfare is an old concept, theoretical studies in the western countries mainly began in the post-Col War era, focusing on asymmetrical threats against conventional superiority of western countries such as USA or Israel.... more
Hybridisota on siitä harvinainen sotatieteellinen käsite, että sen ovat valjastaneet yleisesti käyttöön niin tutkijat, media kuin päätöksentekijätkin. Käsitteestä on kirjoitettu paljon, mutta keskustelussa on viime aikoina nähty harvoja... more
Este artigo tem o intuito de analisar as medidas de política externa adotadas pela Rússia nos anos de 2014-2015 que resultaram na invasão da Federação à Crimeia, sob a ótica do Modelo de Hermann, com a seguinte questão norteadora: diante... more
The issue of the autocephaly of Ukrainian Orthodoxy has once again demonstrated that the concept of atheism and the fight against religion propagated by the communists did not bring the expected results. On the contrary, religion has... more
After the Euromaidan (2013) and the war in the East of Ukraine (2014) youth in this country experienced a new situation, i.e., life during the “Hybrid War”. The article analyses the situation of the young generation in Ukraine in the... more
Осторожное начало Во время Холодной войны многие западные дипломаты и ученые овладели русским языком и изучали с его помощью все аспекты советской политической, экономической, культурной, социальной и научной жизни. Очевидно, все они... more
Neste artigo, apresentamos os diferentes métodos não convencionais de guerra utilizados contra o governo de Bashar Al-Assad. Inicialmente, foram analisadas as teorias que debatem o novo caráter tático das guerras contemporâneas e seus... more
Diplomová práce se věnuje nástrojům k zajištění bezpečnosti České republiky v hybridních válkách s důrazem na pozici České republiky ve vyvíjejícím se bezpečnostním prostředí a na východiska české bezpečnosti. Hlavní změny bezpečnostního... more
Розроблено теоретичну модель соціально-психологічного супроводу реадаптації ветеранів в умовах гібридних війни та миру. За допомогою методик визначення посттравматичних станів і адаптивності у форматі case study двох ветеранів... more
Journalists and think-tankers adopt the Kremlin’s take on the term, speaking of “Russian soft power” when they really mean manipulation practices and disinformation. This corruption of a valuable IR concept has serious ramifications for... more
Th e contemporary security environment indicates non-conventional, asymmetric and hybrid security threats as potentially the most accurate threats to global and regional security. Confl ict risks in the regional frame strongly depend on... more
The refugee crisis in Western Europe, Islamist terrorism abroad and increasingly also in the intra-European context, Organized criminality, human trafficking and cyber attacks or, Cybercrime are examples of hybrid threats which more often... more
Hybrid Warfare is an old, multifaceted method of war where different actors, state and non-state, aim to reach their political or military goals by using a mix of conventional and non-conventional, or irregular, methods, as well as... more
This paper analyzes the main themes and patterns used by Romanian communication programs on defense and security during the Ukrainian crises, from November 2013 until the ceasefire of September 5th. Acknowledging the change made in the... more
В статті розкриті сутнісні характеристики асиметричної відповіді, за допомогою якої слабша сторона може одержати перемогу у боротьбі з сильнішим супротивником. Наведені історичні та сучасні приклади асиметричних відповідей в рамках... more
Considerable attention is paid by the media to information warfare, even though at times this coverage is rather superficial. What's more, it reveals very little as far as its actual role and effectiveness. At present, high on the agenda... more
Prime Minister Yatseniuk announces resignation Dutch voters say ‘no’ to Ukraine’s Association Agreement. Referendum unlikely to stop Ukraine’s integration with EU but sends a ‘worrisome signal’. President Poroshenko under closer scrutiny... more
General Prosecutor Viktor Shokin sacked, political infighting continues PM Yatseniuk's resignation failed in Parliament, coalition remains fragile Visa free travel to EU may be postponed as Ukraine struggles with anti-corruption... more
Die Ukraine ist zwar kein EU-Mitgliedsstaat, jedoch aufgrund ihrer geografischen Nähe, prekären Situation und hohen Bedeutung für die europäische Sicherheitsordnung für die Union und Deutschland wichtig. Vor diesem Hintergrund verdienen... more
Articolul tratează posibilele efecte negative ale aplicării tacticilor de război hibrid în contextul ocupării Crimeei şi a mişcării separatiste susţinute de Rusia în estul Ucrainei.
Bakalaura darbā “Francijas, Itālijas un Nīderlandes divpusējā militārā sadarbība ar Ukrainu” tiek pētīts, kā atšķiras Francijas, Itālijas un Nīderlandes divpusēja militārā sadarbība ar Ukrainu kopš militārā konflikta izcelšanās tās... more
The beginning of the twenty-first century was marked by a proliferation of hybrid wars, fought between flexible and sophisticated adversaries engaged in asymmetric conflicts using various forms of warfare according to the purpose and... more
The Russian Federation has managed to take the world by surprise: first, by conducting a successful rescue operation in support of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, and second, by having become an indispensable power broker in the wider... more
Security issues in the 21st Century must be viewed through a multilayer prism. As the international system moves towards a multipolar structure opportunities and challenges are cast upon strong and less powerful States alike. Russia has... more
В данной статье рассматриваются экономический фронт гибридной войны России против Украины. Акцентируется внимание на торговых войнах, как типичном инструменте политики Москвы против Украины, а также новых проявлениях экономического... more
Рецензія на: Black, J. Laurence (Larry), and Michael Johns, ed.; assisted by Alanda D. Theriault. The Return of the Cold War: Ukraine, The West and Russia. London ; New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
This article analyzes the current state of collaboration between NATO and the EU, with particular reference to the hybrid conflict sector. There has always existed a close relationship of interdependence between the two organizations. In... more
Desde su fundación, hace ya más de 200 años, la República Argentina ha tenido conflictos que han requerido el uso de las fuerzas armadas, tanto dentro del territorio nacional como fuera de él. El ámbito internacional y el interno se han... more
The unprecedented transparency shown by the Netherlands intelligence services in exposing Russian GRU officers in October 2018 is indicative of a number of new trends in state handling of cyber conflict. US public indictments of foreign... more
Operational Anthropology is information obtention process for Socio-Cultural Intelligence. Socio-Cultural Intelligence is an important subject into diplomatic activities, military and security missions and operations and bussines relations
What are the ethical pitfalls of countering hybrid warfare? This article proposes an ontological security-inspired reading of the EU and NATO’s engagement with hybrid threats. It illustrates how hybrid threat management collapses their... more
In this article for CAPX (, I argue that: First, Russian strategy is holistic, and so our response must be too. Second, the UK can't just sit and stare at the burgeoning Russian threat. Third, an imploding US... more
Com o recurso à força armada na Geórgia em 2008 e na Crimeia em 2014 resultou na acusação do Ocidente da Rússia de ser um ator desestabilizador da segurança europeia, na medida em que “aumentou significativamente a atividade militar nas... more
The purpose of this chapter is to assess how the Department of Defense Law of War Manual approaches the relationship between the law of war and international human rights law, as seen against the broader context of the changing legal... more
The aim of this study is to discuss civilian dimension of hybrid wars. To understand the linkage between civil affairs and military effectiveness in hybrid wars a new model was developed, offering a thorough approach with two pillars... more