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The work "MILITARY CONCEPT OF THE MODERN BREAKTHROUGH, CREATED BY GEN. ALEKSEI A. BRUSILOV" is a military theory essay which attempts to explore the possibilties of a new modern offensive attack. Luis Lazaro Tijerina, Vermont, United... more
This handbook provides an introductory guide to the Russian concept of information warfare, including elements of cyber warfare. The guide also functions as a source book for further detailed research as required. The period since the... more
The goal of the study is to examine hybrid warfare's role and place in the Russian military thought. Hybrid warfare is a Western term and was largely missing from the Russian military literature until 2014. Russian theorists have started... more
Opinio Juris Law & Politics Review “Dottrina Gerasimov: la strategia militare non convenzionale di Mosca” 30-38 Nel 2013... more
Монография посвящена 170-летию со дня рождения видного государственного и военного деятеля Российской империи, патриота Отечества Алексея Николаевича Куропаткина [17(29).03.1848 – 16.01.1925]. Впервые усилиями группы авторов при поддержке... more
O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo as políticas e mecanismos adotados no mandato do presidente russo Vladimir Putin (2000 – 2008), e sua “diarquia” com Dmitry Medvedev (2008 – 2012) com a finalidade de realocação das receitas... more
The first week of March 2019 was very exciting for Western experts on Russian military affairs. On March 2, the Russian Academy of Military Sciences held its annual defense conference with Chief of the General Staff, Army General Valery... more
How did we end up here? We all thought Putin's modernized Russian army was ten feet tall and led by a General who, in military thinking circles, is a veritable rock star. What gives?
This is a polemic. It is a polemic against the use of the term the ‘Gerasimov Doctrine’ to describe a supposed dramatic turn in Russian strategic thinking. It is a polemic against the way that pseudo-technical terms and jargon can be... more
This report is a comparative study of the Army Futures Command (AFC), Futures and Concepts Center’s (FCC) experimentation and wargaming campaign.
In recent years, Western experts have generally portrayed the Kremlin's actions as either strategic or tactical. Yet this proposition raises a very important question: how closely does the West's interpretation of Russian strategy reflect... more
The U.S. Army has developed a new operational concept, The United States Army in Multi-Domain Operations 2028, primarily to meet the challenges presented by its peer and near-peer adversaries. The Battlefield Development Plan drives... more
A revisionist Russia is increasing its military capabilities and threatening U.S. allies and partners across Eurasia and the Middle East. In multiple theaters Russia is conducting sophisticated campaigns that combine economic pressure,... more
The study examines the lessons of the war in Ukraine and their impact on the Russian thinking on hybrid war, dedicating special attention to the works of Russian military thinker, Aleksandr Bartosh. Bartosh finds that Clausewitz's notions... more
This paper examines contemporary Russian military thinking in relation with the concept of modern warfare and its adequateness to manage future threats and challenges. After providing an analysis on Russia’s defence and security policies... more
Foreword by Adèle Cain Renowned military historian Luis Lázaro Tijerina has turned his sharp analytical mind to the subject of the modern military concept of the "Breakthrough on the battlefield", a concept created by the Brusilov... more
Recent Russian adventurism in Georgia, Crimea, and eastern Ukraine have wholly put to rest any doubt about the continued relevance of studying Russian military thought. Even standing alone, these acts have made it imperative that, as... more
La Guerra Electrónica, como elemento capaz de compensar el desequilibrio convencional ruso respecto a los EE.UU. y sus aliados, se ha convertido en los últimos años en la más preocupante de las herramientas en manos de unas FF.AA. rusas... more
A cikk a hibrid hadviselés elméletének változását járja körül, különös figyelmet szentelve Alekszandr Bartos, orosz hadtudományi gondolkodó munkáinak. Miközben Bartos-más orosz katonai szakértõkhöz hasonlóan-a Nyugatnak tulajdonítja a... more
Minsk II: Anniversary yang tidak bahagia untuk Ukraina dan Uni Eropa Sejak bulan Maret 2014 perang kembali mengamuk di jalur Eropa, berubah secara progresif menjadi semacam yang tidak disaksikan secara kontinyu sejak Perang Rusia-Georgia... more
Soon after the outbreak of open conflict in Ukraine, it became fashionable to interpret the conflict as a kind of “hybrid warfare.”[1] However, the military and political dimensions of the war have expanded well beyond the concept. The... more
Over the last two decades, conventional (non-nuclear) deterrence in Russia's military strategy has changed from being a sub-tactical, sub-strategic warfighting tool to being a separate military-political factor—a self-contained... more
Applying a military sciences’ methodology namely DOTMLPF, this paper examines the 2008 Russian military reform to determine whether or not it will prepare Russia to face contemporary threats and challenges. Analysing published studies... more
Soon after the outbreak of open conflict in Ukraine, it became fashionable to interpret the conflict as a kind of “hybrid warfare.”[1] However, the military and political dimensions of the war have expanded well beyond the concept. The... more
By employing well-known methods of warfare, but in innovative ways and with the help of new technologies, Russia’s concept of operations in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine took many in the West by surprise. Almost immediately, Western analysts... more
Over the last two decades, conventional (non-nuclear) deterrence in Russia's military strategy has changed from being a sub-tactical, sub-strategic warfighting tool to being a separate military-political factor—a self-contained component... more
В статье рассматривается проблема доносительства и жалоб в русской армии на примере карьеры генерала М.И. Драгомирова. Проблема доносов в русской армии стояла довольно остро, и генерал Драгомиров был среди тех, кто относился к ней весьма... more
В статье предпринята попытка взглянуть на украинский кризис с точки зрения философии войны. Предлагается ответить на специфические вопросы: кому и для чего нужна война на Донбассе, а также, какие последствия она несет для культурного... more