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(with Cătălin-Gabriel Stănescu, Wan Mohd Zulhafiz,
Felipe Rodrigues Caldas Feres, Waniss Almashri Otman)
Mineral Land Rights: What You Need To Know is a 127-page book broken into 10 short chapters; it can be read, with ease, in a couple of hours. The genius of this work is that anyone who has even basic reading skills can understand the... more
Resumo A implantação e operação de usinas eólicas offshore no Brasil ainda não são regulamentadas, muito embora o potencial eólico brasileiro no Mar já tenha sido mapeado e a tecnologia já se encontre razoavelmente desenvolvida.... more
It is a challenging task for Bangladesh to meet its increasing demand of energy while its economy is rapidly growing. Though prices of oil, coal, and fossil fuels around the world have been volatile, the price trend in Bangladesh... more
The energy sector in Kenya is one of the foundations on which the economic pillar of vision 2030 is based. Sustainability of the vision’s pillar is based on the idea that development projects proposed under it will increase the demand of... more
The author aims to present the broadest possible context of the Baltic Pipe project, including legal, and to some extent, economic considerations, which ought to be scrutinized along with the broader geopolitical considerations... more
In February 2019, the Supreme Court of Norway gave a verdict (the “2019 Decision”) which upheld the punishment imposed by a Norwegian trial court for catching snow crab on the Norwegian Continental Shelf in the Svalbard Fisheries... more
Indonesia is blessed with numerous variants of energy resources; both renewable and nonrenewable sources. From the plethora of alternatives, natural gas is among those energy resources which are gaining popularity, as evidenced by the... more
Exploration and production companies frequently partner with host countries that struggle to maintain political stability and eliminate security threats, making it difficult to develop security strategies to protect company employees and... more
The mining and energy sector in Tanzania is dramatically changing for the better and worse. Changes occur as days go by with the intention of improving and ensuring profits obtained from the natural resources are equally distributed... more
This work is prepared as the Final Paper of the course "HIST 577-Seminar in U.S. Diplomatic and Military History". It analyses the reasons that caused the Oil Crisis of 1973 (or as it is called by some writers, the Oil Price Revolution)... more
Transboundary environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a rather new regulatory tool under international law. While there is consensus that customary international law obliges States to require transboundary EIA to be conducted for... more
Үндсэн хуулийн эсхүл түүнд оруулсан нэмэлт, өөрчлөлтийн заалтыг хамгийн сайн үндэслэл бүхий үзэл баримтлалаар тодорхойлох хэрэгтэй бөгөөд үүнд тэдгээрийг баталсан бүрэлдэхүүний хуралдааны тэмдэглэл болон бусад холбогдох эх сурвалж чухал... more
There is no question that Africa is endowed with abundant natural resources of different magnitudes. However, more than a decade of high commodity prices and new hydrocarbon discoveries across the continent has led countless international... more
This set of teaching materials in draft form was developed for a distance education course in regulatory aspects of offshore oil and gas production. The materials cover the following themes Theories of the Origins of Oil and Gas OOGP... more
A través de diversos enfoques sectoriales, vincula conceptos sobre agua, ambiente y energía, con énfasis en contenidos jurídicos y económicos. Analiza con un enfoque de nexo la relación agua, energía y alimentos, el estado actual del... more
Alberta energy law and policy rarely generates consensus between the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, the United Farmers of Alberta, other landowners, Indigenous peoples, environmental groups, the Alberta Energy Regulator... more
A rapid scale-up and deployment of sustainable energy sources is a critical for climate change mitigation. Expanding sustainable energy, however, requires a holistic approach to global energy governance. The Energy Charter Treaty and the... more
On February 15, 2018, the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) considered oral arguments in Orphan Well Association v. Grant Thornton Limited (Grant Thornton). Initially, the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta determined that the Alberta Energy... more
The principle of party autonomy in international commercial arbitration states that the parties are at liberty to determine the whole process and procedure of an arbitral proceedings including such matters as seat of the arbitration,... more
The concept of social licence to operate (SLO, simply ‘social license’ or ‘social licensing’) originated in the mining industry and its use has also been extended over large infrastructure, energy, and industrial projects. In simple... more
Energy security is a transitional concept heralding from traditional principles focused on security of supply. Onshore conventional and unconventional gas reserves have played an integral role in Australia’s energy security since its... more
There are two possible broad strategies to address the challenge of water scarcity – limit water demand through conservation, or augment water supply. With respect to increasing supply, there are several possible approaches, including... more
This article commences by offering a summary of the EU’s works on the regulatory environment for the shale gas industry (s 1.1), and is divided into following parts (i) ‘Background’ (s 2), (ii), ‘Legislative Level’ (s 3), (iii) ‘Plans and... more
The Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has been established in 2009 in the Third Liberalization Package of Energy Sector. The Agency became fully operational in 2011. After 5 years of its functioning the Author... more
Keberadaan investasi asing di sebuah negara adalah sebuah kenyataan yang tidak lagi dapat dihindarkan. Kemudahan pergerakan uang, barang, jasa dan manusia sebagai konsekuensi logis dari globalisasi ekonomi semakin mempertegas pernyataan... more
Mesopotamia – the land between two rivers – was historically perceived as a freshwater rich region in the arid Arabian Peninsula. Despite the intense seasonal and yearly fluctuations of the flow of Euphrates and Tigris, their water was... more
For over half a century now, the world has experienced a radical advancement in the area of science and technology. It is indeed an era of unfathomable borderless electronic transactions and communications. This digital development has... more
In the present study, an attempt has been made to characterize the natural resources and terrain condition and prescribe suitable action items towards sustainable development of Kundeimal micro watershed using geo informatics tools like... more
Inhabitants of poor, rural areas in the Global South heavily depend on natural resources in their immediate vicinity. Conflicts over and exploitation of these resources – whether it is water, fish, wood fuel, minerals, or land – severely... more
Nigeria is richly endowed with variety of solid mineral deposit found across the thirty six (36) states of the federation and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja. Despite the huge reserves of solid minerals, Nigeria is... more
The Philippine petroleum upstream industry has been facing a lot of challenges lately hugely affected by a combination of external and internal factors, which may result to a slow down in exploration and development activities. The... more