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Antitrust litigation against the NCAA has focused on its members' collusive restraint on athlete compensation at levels below marginal revenue product. The recent O'Bannon v. NCAA and In Re NCAA Grant-in-Aid Cap Antitrust Litigation have... more
Il commento muove dalla decisione del Collegio di Coordinamento A.B.F. sulla sorte di un contratto di fideiussione omnibus che contempla le clausole dello schema contrattuale uniforme predisposto dall’A.B.I., qualificate come... more
This book is designed as a working tool for the study and practice of European Competition Law. It is an enlarged and updated fifth edition of the highly practical guide to the leading cases of European Competition Law. This new edition... more
This unique book is designed as a working tool for the study and practice of European competition law, focused on case law analysis. Each chapter begins with an introduction which outlines the relevant laws, regulations and guidelines for... more
O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar, com base em uma pesquisa de história legislativa e história do pensamento econômico, se houve uma “revolução do antitruste” no Brasil. A tese da “revolução do antitruste” parte do pressuposto de que,... more
Faced with significant antitrust scrutiny, particularly from ongoing cases, the NCAA has sought to justify, under the rule of reason, the competitive restrictions its collegiate model of amateurism imposes by claiming procompetitive... more
The ultimate objective of the present paper is to empirically investigate the effectiveness of competition policy in developed and developing countries. Although its importance is continuously increasing, the effectiveness of competition... more
İstanbul'a yapılması planlanan 3.Havalimanı ile Sabiha Gökçen arasındaki rekabet sağlanabilecek mi?
A Lei de Defesa da Concorrência de 2011 inseriu dentre as hipóteses de ato de concentração sujeitas ao controle de estruturas os chamados “contratos associativos”. Por se tratar de categoria que carecia de definição legal, essa previsão... more
Im April 2019 ist das Gesetz zum Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen („GeschGehG“) in Deutschland in Kraft getreten und hat die bisherigen Regelungen hierzu im Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb („UWG“) abgelöst. Was Geschäftsgeheimnisse... more
We discuss issues of the application of antitrust law and regulatory rules to network industries. In assessing the application of antitrust in network industries, we analyze a number of relevant features of network industries and the way... more
In June 2017, NBA commissioner Adam Silver made headlines by stating that the NBA and the NBPA would once again explore changing the league’s 2005 age eligibility rule for incoming players. The rule—colloquially known as the “one and... more
Resumen: La expansión de las plataformas digitales que permiten la interacción entre proveedores y consumidores está dando lugar a que se produzca una sustitución generalizada de las personas físicas por programas informáticos capaces de... more
Brief overview of Italian and EU decision-making practice on info exchange
A Google tem sido investigada em diversos países por práticas anticoncorrenciais. Entretanto, não é comum que a mesma seja punida nesses processos. As recentes condenações da Google na União Europeia chamam, portanto, atenção. O objetivo... more
Есе про економічну конкуренцію, монополію і роль держави у регулюванні вільної конкуренції.
We propose a simple and accurate test method for recognizing anticompetitive sham suits. We consider the problem of testing the null hypothesis that a lawsuit vis-´a-vis an actual or potential competitor is not sham against the... more
Em 1986, David Teece publicou o artigo Proting from technological innovation: Implications for integration, collaboration, licensing and public policy, que contribuiu significativamente para o estudo dos impactos das inovações... more
Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of this century. Due to the urgency of the issue and the pressure on governments to act, the debate on climate change is moving quickly from the political level to focused conversations on... more
The facilitators or informers have become important subjects in the field of Competition Law. However, just as they have served to fight against the cartels, they have also been used by the latter to facilitate and cover up their... more
The work, starting from a recent judgement of the Administrative Regional Court of Lazio, focuses on several topics related to the legitimate right of organizing the regularity rallies, with particular attention on the topics of insurance... more
O presente artigo tem por fim analisar a portabilidade de dados prevista na Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais brasileira (LGPD – Lei n. 13.709/2018). Considerando que esse instrumento evidencia a tensão existente entre a proteção da... more
An original eBook featuring 22 profiles of the most frequent reoccurring figures from the first year of the Weapon of the People: DECODED Gag-A-Day editorial cartoon series.
Aux temps de Wikileaks et des médias sociaux, la maitrise de l'information par les Hommes ne s'est jamais trouvée aussi complète. Dans la sphère économique, les intervenants s'acharnent de plus en plus pour « s'approvisionner » en... more
The key findings of the study are that monopoly power in the stock market can be created and exercised through information-based market manipulation by a strategic trader. Successful execution of manipulation can result in substantial... more
How the examples from the liberalization of the UK rail markets and the case law from the ECJ can benefit us to tackle possible inefficiencies, vertical and horizontal restraints, barriers to access and cross-subsidies by States in the... more
The article revisits the relevance and contours of ‘special responsibility’ doctrine and argues that an intense application of special responsibility doctrine may have a shrinking effect on the effects-based analysis that lies between the... more
This chapter brings into focus various structural threats to journalism, including monopoly control over media, the loss of public interest protections, digital divides, and the “Facebook problem”. The chapter also provides an overview of... more
Field-of-use limitations are contractual restrictions in which the licensee is limited in the use of the license to one or more technical fields, product markets or industrial sectors. Field-of-use restrictions are one of the most... more
"This is a paper about UK competition law’s goals. It focuses on Chapter I of the Competition Act 1998 (CA98). The Office of Fair Trading (OFT), which is a key actor in this area, seems to pursue consumer welfare as Chapter I’s sole goal.... more
The GDPR is the Magna Carta of data protection, the importance of which cannot be overstated. Yet, as this article shows, the price of data protection through the GDPR is much higher than previously recognized. The GDPR creates two main... more
This reflection paper focuses on European competition law by a technological perspective. Tech companies have started to increase their impact in European market. However their businesses are not compatible with traditional market... more