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This chapter analyzes the multi-level, networked governance of biofuels by surveying a wide variety of legal regulatory measures, including domestic laws and public policies, private intellectual property rights and international trade... more
The Australian Senate's Interim Report on Unconventional Gas Mining was released in June 2016, following heightened political awareness of continuing public outcry relating to unconventional gas exploration. In Queensland, the state... more
This article commences by offering a summary of the EU’s works on the regulatory environment for the shale gas industry (s 1.1), and is divided into following parts: (i) ‘Background’ (s 2), (ii), ‘Legislative Level’ (s 3), (iii) ‘Plans... more
The concept of social licence to operate (SLO, simply ‘social license’ or ‘social licensing’) originated in the mining industry and its use has also been extended over large infrastructure, energy, and industrial projects. In simple... more
The author aims to present the broadest possible context of the Baltic Pipe project, including legal, and to some extent, economic considerations, which ought to be scrutinized along with the broader geopolitical considerations... more
In the context of the International Bar Association report, Achieving Justice and Human Rights in an Era of Climate Disruption, this commentary highlights the challenges in adopting a human rights framework for the REDD+ programme which... more
The regulation of the shale industry in the EU stopped making headlines after the European Commission released a temporary regulatory package in 2014. It does not mean, however, that there have been no shale related developments at the... more
... 1 Tony Tiplady and Mary-Anne Barclay, 'Indigenous Employment in the Australian Min-erals Industry' (Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, The ... than mandating negotiation in some instances see Langton... more
Tree planting-trend has been taking in Karemo Division for the last 28 years (1985-2014). This is an average rotation of exotic trees species in the study area like Eucalyptus, cypress, casuarinas and pine that are present in the study... more
Bangladesh is a country of natural resources, but it is facing necessary energy supply difficulties for its low economical condition. Biogas can be used a substitute energy generating source in Bangladesh for its suitable climate. About... more
В работе доказывается наличие нового вещного права в отношении объектов энергетической инфраструктуры на примере Постановления Конституционного суда Российской Федерации от 25 апреля 2019 г. № 19-П , а также спора между Роснефтью, Сахалин... more
Private ordering's relationship to public law can be characterized as one of a complement, substitute, competitor, or foundation. This study of a transition from private to public ordering examines judicial techniques of the Supreme Court... more
This report provides an overview of important live policy challenges relating to the social and human aspects of energy transitions, as identified by 39 policyworkers from across Europe. It draws on applications that these policyworkers... more
International trade regulation has generally favored open trade policies but GATT/WTO exceptions are designed to promote environmentally friendly industries and policies that would otherwise violate trade rules. This study examines how... more
This article provides an overview of the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (GGPPA), with a particular focus on its enforcement mechanisms. The rationale for carbon pricing is explained, as well as how carbon pricing functions under the... more
The denomination `natural resources law´ is frequently used both in connection with the Hungarian legal research and legal training. Unfortunately, in both cases we typically face the same situation: the exact definition of the content... more
This paper won the Wisconsin Bar Association Best Environmental Essay Award in 2000. It discusses how natural resource valuation can be problematic, and how it could be improved, particularly with respect to the valuation of whale species.
in: M Cremona and H Micklitz (eds) Private Law in the External Relations of the EU (Oxford University Press, 2016) This contribution discusses regulatory private law in the energy sector as it manifests itself in the external relations... more
This report provides a summary of major legal developments in Mexico during 2014. This report dedicates a significant section on a comprehensive Energy Law Reform undertaken by the Executive which emerged as a result of a reform to the... more
Shale gas has been defined as a revolution in the global energy landscape. This is even more true in China, whose large shale gas reserves are likely to have a crucial effect on the regional gas market and on China’s energy mix. The... more
The development and use of resources on one side of a border can unintentionally, yet predictably, affect resources on the other side. When one state affects another through externalities, negative results arise. To avoid conflict,... more
An article in the Dutch Journal for Energy Law (Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Energierecht) where I provide an analysis of the green-gas value chain (biogas to biomethane injection into the natural gas grid).
In this chapter I sketch a philosophical guideline for determining the scope of territorial rights based on established theories of territorial claims. The scope of territorial rights should be limited to a geographical domain within... more
The Kyrgyz Republic has sufficient reserves of hydropower resources, and therefore electricity should be regarded as one of the most important sectors of the economy. However, the power industry’s potential capacities are not fully... more