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A descoberta de vastas reservas de petróleo na plataforma continental brasileira, denominada pré-sal, elevará o país a um novo patamar no mercado energético mundial, tornando-o um dos maiores produtores e exportadores desta commodity.... more
This is chapter 20 of M Crouch and T Lindsey (ed), Law, Society and Transition in Myanmar (Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2014). In this chapter I report on the views of participants at a remarkable workshop at NUS in 2013. On the basis of this... more
Ementa da disciplina Direito, Desenvolvimento e Políticas Públicas, oferecida em 2016/1 para a graduação em Direito da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - Rio de Janeiro.
Despite an increasing recognition of the importance of a conducive and aligned public procurement policy and regulatory frameworks for the implementation of public food procurement initiatives that target smallholder farmers, very little... more
Printed textbooks remain crucial for education, particularly in developing countries. However, in many of these countries, textbooks are unavailable, too expensive, or not accessible in local languages. Cheaply (translating and)... more
This essay analyses New York’s 2018 proposal to Amazon to locate their second headquarters (HQ2) in New York City. In addition to the massive resources and infrastructure offered by the city to Amazon, the proposal provided a... more
If you want to know the secret behind China's prosperity and civilization, the undercover economist Tim Harford will narrate the  path taken from the grass root to the latest stages.
This paper focuses on the urban graffiti painted with a political message by different movements of the Italian political radicalism in the cities of Rome, Florence, Massa, Carrara, Verona and Udine. For the purpose of this article,... more
No Brasil, desde o ano de 2016, particulares estão autorizados a gerarem sua própria energia elétrica com fontes renováveis em regime de cooperação com seus se-melhantes, valendo-se, para tanto, das figuras jurídicas da geração... more
Speaking about dialectical methods in an international meeting of compared law may surprise, because in our exchanges, the object is to confront independent laws: and the doctrinal works seem a little remote. Indeed, at first, our... more
Buku yang berjudul “Regulasi Pemeriksaan Keimigrasian di Indonesia” ini merupakan bentuk kepedulian penulis untuk berkontribusi memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang pemeriksaan keimigrasian di Indonesia. Bukan hal mudah bagi... more
In this article, the authors focus on the implementation of rule of law reform to argue that funding priorities that favour the hardware of peacebuilding demonstrate the need to correlate PBF funding with local institutional development
The subject of this article is the application of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) to Africa's cultural economy, and its implications for development. Drawing on extensive research, including field work in Africa and interviews with... more
Resumo: O presente artigo aborda uma perspectiva sociológica sobre os diferentes momentos do direito e desenvolvimento, identificando a relação entre diferentes visões sobre a teoria econômica, teoria jurídica e práticas institucionais. A... more
For nearly three decades, scholars and policymakers have placed considerable stock in judicial reform as a panacea for the political and economic turmoil plaguing developing countries. Courts are charged with spurring economic... more
In this volume, experts on Indonesian law and courts reflect on the growth and changes in the role and function of courts in Indonesia. Indonesia’s judiciary is a critical part of its democratic system. Since the transition from... more
The last twenty years have witnessed an astonishing transformation: the fght against corruption has grown from a handful of local undertakings into a truly global effort. Law occupies a central role in that effort and this timely book... more
In this essay we re-describe the relationship between international law and the state, reversing the usual imagined directionality of the flow between the two. At its most provocative, our argument is that rather than international law... more
Naturalisasi diartikan sebagai proses perubahan status dari penduduk asing menjadi warga negara suatu negara. Dalam praktiknya, naturalisasi dapat menimbulkan dampak positif serta negatif bagi kehidupan bermasyarakat. Pemerintah perlu... more
Intensive LLM Subject - 2020 - Melbourne Law School. Feel free to use the syllabus with due acknowledgment, and please let us know if you are using it for your course or teaching for our own information. About the Subject: The... more
To this day, Liberia has a primarily agrarian economy, with more than eighty per cent of the population dependent on some form of subsistence agricultural production for their livelihood. It is estimated that almost seventy per cent of... more
This essay highlights the main characteristics of the architecture of the Welsh house and provides an analysis of the influences on its design over the centuries. The various terms involved in the field are clearly explained before the... more
Buku yang berjudul “Metode Penelitian Keimigrasian” ini merupakan bentuk kepedulian penulis untuk berkontribusi memberikan pengetahuan dasar tentang apa itu penelitian dan bagaimana teknik melakukannya. Keterbatasan lliteratur di bidang... more
LLB Subject - 2020, Autumn - Kent Law School. Feel free to use it with due acknowledgment. About the Subject: Law has always been central to debates about international development but this is becoming increasingly and markedly the... more
O presente artigo tem por objetivo realizar um estudo descritivo das criptomoedas – e particularmente de sua espécie mais conhecida, o Bitcoin – classificando-as como forma monetária inserida no grupo das moedas paralelas. Atentar-se-á,... more
This is a brief  paper on marginalization in Africa and the reasons behind it.
Hukuman yang dijatuhkan pengadilan kepada pelaku bertujuan untuk semaksimal mungkin mengembalikan keadaan korban tindak pidana sebelum terjadinya peristiwa pidana. Dalam sistem peradilan pidana sebaiknya diterapkan prinsip keadilan... more
The role of communications in facilitating public participation in constitution-making is often neglected and misunderstood, particularly in post-war state-building when mass media may be weak. In the early 1990s, Ethiopia’s ruling party,... more