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Guide de conversation de créole capverdien pour les francophones
Most postcolonial societies make use of the language(s) of the former colonial power(s) and, additionally, of one or several local or Creole languages. This article analyses the complex linguistic relationships within postcolonial... more
Translation of Saint-Exupéry's "Le Petit Prince" into Cape Verdean
This paper is concerned with the linguistic ties between Papiamentu and the Upper Guinea branch of Portuguese-based Creole as spoken on the Santiago island of Cape Verde (SCV) and in Guinea-Bissau and Casamance (GBC)3. The aim is to... more
This paper deals with the linguistic and historical relationships between Papiamentu and Upper Guinea Creole as spoken on the Santiago island of Cape Verde and in Guinea-Bissau and Casamance. In the linguistic section, the hypothesis that... more
La lengua oficial de Cabo Verde es el portugués. No obstante, se hablan otras lenguas en contextos coloquiales, como el criollo de base portuguesa. Durante el siglo XX, ha habido un movimiento por dar prestigio al criollo haciéndole... more
Portugal, juntamente com todos os países da Europa ocidental, está numa encruzilhada histórica. Como a migração a várias localidades européias tem se intensificado e diferenças nas formas de linguagem, religião, raça e etnia tornaram-se... more
The paper examines syllable restructuring in the Santiago variety of Cape Verdean Creole. It is shown that currently attested forms reflect to some extent the syllable structure in earlier stages of the language. Several strategies for... more
In this paper, we scrutinize and compare the African lexical elements shared by several varieties of Upper Guinea Portuguese Creoles, belonging to the three branches of this group: (i) Continental (Bissau, Cacheu, Casamance, and Geba),... more
Este artigo pretende mostrar até que ponto a génese e a vida do idioma caboverdiano estão ligadas ao fenómeno da globalização. Numa primeira parte, mostra-se, com base em argumentos lexicais, morfológicos e semânticos que o crioulo de... more
La plupart des descriptions de langues ouest‑africaines ne soulèvent pas la question de la reconnaissance de constructions impersonnelles, au sens de constructions prédicatives qui posent problème pour la reconnaissance d'un sujet... more
Since the slave population in New Netherland (1614–1664) was small compared to that of other Dutch Atlantic colonies such as Curaçao, Dutch Brazil, and Suriname, it has traditionally received little attention by scholars, including... more
Diasporas are fluid cultural constructs that foster identity, community, and connections over time, distance, and social space. This study explores a derivative secondary diaspora to illustrate how and why diasporas are interesting social... more
The paper examines syllable restructuring in the Santiago variety of Cape Verdean Creole. It is shown that currently attested forms reflect to some extent the syllable structure in earlier stages of the language. Several strategies for... more
On classe habituellement – et à juste titre – le capverdien dans le groupe des créoles à base lexicale portugaise. De fait, l'élément lusitanien est massivement présent à tous les niveaux de la langue maternelle de la majorité des... more
In Santiaguense Capeverdean Creole, there are seventeen recurrent words, belonging to several grammatical categories, which occur synchronically in two forms, a full one and a (so called) truncated one, the latter lacking the final,... more
In the face of the destructive possibilities of resurgent nationalisms, unyielding ethnicities and fundamentalist religious affinities, there is hardly a more urgent task than understanding how humans can learn to live alongside one... more
This article focuses on Santiaguense Capeverdean words derived from Portuguese non-infinitive verbal forms and among these, more specifically on those elements which were not recently borrowed from modern Portuguese and do not compete... more
Nerio Winch é un di kes ómi más riku ki ten na mundu, sim-el é xefri di Grupu W, más grándi konjuntu di npréza ki ti oxi nungen ka kustuma riuni ki fari mánda n-el el-só. Na ta móri, Nerio, ki ka txiga di pari, ta dexa tudu si rikésa na... more
This chapter explores language in global South-North migration from the perspective of aspiring migrants in Lusophone West Africa within the context of increasingly restrictive European immigration regimes and their consequence of... more
This article focuses on Santiaguense Capeverdean words derived from Portuguese non-infinitive verbal forms and among these, more specifically on those elements which were not recently borrowed from modern Portuguese and do not compete... more
O caboverdiano , língua vernácula do arquipélago de Cabo Verde (em África Ocidental), pode com toda a legitimidade ser considerado como um crioulo de base lexical portuguesa, já que de facto mais de 95 % dos seus vocábulos procedem da... more
Neste trabalho propomos ler alguns dos escritores cabo-verdeanos não na qualidade de autores de textos considerados literários, mas como responsáveis por outros produtos culturais -não literários- cujo tema-objecto é o campo literário... more
Aproximando-nos da produção cultural do pequeno arquipélago de Cabo Verde, antiga colónia de Portugal, não deve resultar estranha a presença nela das duas línguas que coexistem nesse espaço: a oficial e a materna -também conhecida como... more
[EN] This paper presents a study on the Cape Verdean noun phrase, undertaking a comparison with European Portuguese (EP), Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and Guinea-Bissau Creole (Kriyol). The determiner system of Cape Verdean Creole – CVC –... more
Capeverdean (CV) is the mother tongue of more than a million people living in, or originating from, the archipelago of Cape Verde, situated about 500 km west of Dakar (Senegal). As a Portuguese-based Creole, this language obviously has... more
"Today, in the Republic of Cape Verde, two languages are in daily use: • Capeverdean, a Portuguese-based Creole language, is the mother tongue, spoken by nearly all of the 500,000 inhabitants of the country. Capeverdean Creole is also in... more
Les découvreurs portugais ont emporté dans leurs vaisseaux leur langue romane et l'ont fait voyager des côtes ibériques aux plus lointains océans. Mais l'idiome lusitanien, au contact des peuples et des habitudes rencontrés, s'est... more
Le capverdien santiagais connait une voix passive synthétique, utilisée principalement pour promouvoir un objet au rang de sujet ou dans des constructions impersonnelles. Le présent article fait le point sur le passif santiagais à partir... more
"Capeverdean (CV) is the mother tongue of more than a million people living in, or originating from, the archipelago of Cape Verde, situated about 500 km west of Dakar (Senegal). As a Portuguese-based Creole, this language obviously... more
The Cabo-Verdean Creole (CVC) subject domain has clitic and tonic pronouns that often amalgamate in double subject pronoun constructions; the possibility of a zero-subject and the formal category underlying subject clitics are disputed... more
This article intends to show that a search for traces of Iberian influence on popular culture can also be productive in parts of the Americas that have a British, Dutch, French or Danish colonial past. It does so by analyzing the cultural... more
"A maioria dos estudos (inclusive os mais recentes) dedicados às diversas variantes da língua caboverdiana, e mais particularmente aos dialectos do Sotavento, costuma insistir no carácter reduzido (em comparação com o português) da... more
The status of pre-nasalized consonants of basilectal Cape Verdean Creole (the Santiago variety) is a matter of some debate in the literature, between proponents of bisegmental analyses and of a monosegmental one. This paper critically... more
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar comparativamente demonstrativos no crioulo cabo-verdiano e no papiamento na função de anáfora na modalidade escrita. Do ponto de vista teórico-metodológico, este estudo se baseou no modelo teórico... more
This paper identifies several 15th/16th-century Portuguese (henceforth Classical Portuguese) features in four Portuguese-lexified creoles, i.e. (1) Cape Verdean Creole, (2) Guinea-Bissau Creole, (3) Papiamentu, and (4) Saramaccan. The... more
Capeverdean (or Capeverdean Creole) is the mother tongue of the famous singer Cesária Évora and of more than a million people worldwide. This book, one of the first of its kind in English, provides you with a rare and comprehensive... more
""Today, in the Republic of Cape Verde, two languages are in daily use: • Capeverdean, a Portuguese-based Creole language, is the mother tongue, spoken by nearly all of the 500,000 inhabitants of the country. Capeverdean Creole... more
The status of pre-nasalized consonants of basilectal Cape Verdean Creole (the Santiago variety) is a matter of some debate in the literature, between proponents of bisegmental analyses and of a monosegmental one. This paper critically... more
Inglês : In this study, based on Cristófaro (2003) and Gonçalves et al. (2016), we analyze completive dependent clauses according to their matrix predicate, as the latter controls the semantic and syntactic characteristics of the... more
es représentants de 15 pays de la Caraïbe, des états-unis, du royaume-uni et de la France ont approuvé la Charte de la politique et du droit des langues pour les pays Créolophones de la Caraïbe, concluant avec succès la Conférence... more