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Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Friday, January 12, 2024

Finger Puppets for January!

Here are 2 more Finger Puppet sets for January.  I love my sweet penguins and adorable little marshmallows. I used google eyes on the penguins but the marshmallows have fabric paint eyes that are not as goofy looking. LOL! Google images helped me make my patterns.  I have  penguin posts HERE and Hot Chocolate post HERE

This winter we are having so much Fun with Friends at Storytime! 

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Here's Two Little Winter Puppets!


 I have made Two Daring Snowpals and Two Freezing Snowflakes for our wintery storytimes. 

Two daring snowpals at the top of a hill.  One named Bonnie and one named Bill.

Slide down Bonnie... Slide down Bill ... Come back Bonnie... Come back Bill. 

Two daring snowpals at the top of a hill.  One named Bonnie and one named Bill!


Two freezing snowflakes floating down from heaven.  One named Kay and one named Kevin.

Float away Kay...Float away Kevin...

I used toothpicks colored with a brown marker for my snowpal arms and the snowflakes are plastic snowflake Christmas ornaments hot glued to felt circles. I used fabric paint for the snowpals and google eyes and a cut up sequin for my snowflakes' faces.  We're having a lot of wintery Fun with Friends at Storytime!

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Shy Little Penguin


Here's a find the penguin activity like the Little Mouse Game. I can't remember where I found the rhyme though...I don't remember if I made it up? Anyway, here it is!

Shy Little Penguin

Shy Little Penguin, quiet as can be, Where are you hiding?
Let's take a look and see!

Penguins are so much Fun with Friends at Storytime!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Updating Balls of Yarn!

I posted a set of balls of yarn a while back (click here!) and got inspired to finally finish an idea I started in 2015! Here's my rhyme and I finished a set of balls of yarn and the Sweater!! Ya'll I'm super pleased with my cute sweater.  Here's the rhyme:   Balls of Yarn . Playing with yarn is so much Fun with Friends at  Storytime!   

Monday, November 1, 2021

Mugs of Hot Chocolate!

 Now that the weather is cooling down, I start needing something warm and cozy in my hands! Hot chocolate always is a delicious way to warm up on a chilly day or evening.  Here's some rhymes to go along with the different mugs.  Five Mugs of Chocolate is a fun add one more rhyme. I have a twofer using the 10 different colored mugs here  Hot Chocolate.  I can't wait to use this beautiful book! Hot Chocolate is always so much Fun with Friends at Storytime.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Beary Fun!

Fall is upon us and a really fun theme is 'Bears!' I've posted about bears before...Here. But I thought I'd share a fun version of the Little Mouse hiding game with a bear.
Here's a link for the rhyme/instructions for Where Is Bear Sleeping?  The bear is a traced bear on Pellon and the 'caves' are easily cut out 2 at a time from different colored felt. This fun peek-a-boo game never gets old with preschoolers! Yay!!
Fun with Friends at Storytime is
'Beary' Fun!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Let's Build a Snowman.

One of my all-time favorite books to use with a snowman theme is Lois Ehlert's, Snowballs. It's always a big hit with the kiddos! I've got several snowman rhymes that I like to use for this theme. I made a pellon set for the classic snowman rhyme, 'Cute Little Snowman'.

I have another pellon set for a song/chant; 'Happy Snowman'. I really need to add some velcro dots to help the pieces stay in place as I dress the snowman. If the group is small you can hand out the pieces and the kiddos can dress the snowman!

Here's a little rhyme for this sweet snowman,
              'A Happy Jolly Fellow'

A Snowman sits upon the hill,
He's a happy, jolly fellow.
His hat is black, his scarf is red,
And his mittens are bright yellow!

And here's one more Snowman rhyme/song; this file folder one that I use with the CD by Carole Peterson; *Highly Usable Music kids Can Sing, Dance & Do! H.U.M.* all Year Long. The tune is London Bridge is Falling Down. Here's the printable doc. for  I Can Make a Snowman.  
Snowmen are so much Fun with Friends at Storytime!
There are other ideas this week @ Flannel Friday Roundup. Check out the wonderful resources on the Flannel Friday Pinterest Boards. Here's the link for the official Flannel Friday blog for more info! 

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Winter Fun!

We're in the middle of winter so I thought I'd post some of my wintertime sets. I made these many years ago and have used them a lot! Both of these sets are made from pellon that I colored with crayons or colored pencils. This first set is a getting dressed set and in order to make the pieces stick to each other, I stapled velcro dots to them. There is a song/chant to the tune of 'Mulberry Bush'. Here's a link to a printable Google doc. for 'We Put on Snow Pants'. This would be great to use when you use the set for the book,  The Jacket I Wear in the Snow. I also have an active rhyme that I made a little pellon figure for. I think I got both of these from Felt Board Fingerplays by Dick and Liz Wilmes.  Anyway, here's the link for the active rhyme, 'Snow Everywhere'. I also sing 'Sing a Song of Winter' and use the little rhyme, 'Winter Signs'. Here's one more winter active rhyme from Everything Preschool, 'Cloudy Day'. Brrrrr, winter is a lot of Fun with Friends at Storytime! There are other ideas this week @ Flannel Friday Roundup. Check out the wonderful resources on the Flannel Friday Pinterest Boards. Here's the link for the official Flannel Friday blog for more info!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Get in Shape!

I'm starting the year off with a basic theme of Shapes! I saw this post about Summer Shapes @ Mel's Desk and loved the idea of using shapes to make seasonal items. I decided to make a winter set for our shape theme.  I've got circles for a snowman, a square shape for his hat, triangles for trees, a rectangle for a sled and for tree trunks. This game/activity will go well with the book, Shape Capers!
We have a Home Extension craft with this theme. A coworker programmed a paper with pictures of our mascot, Harvey and 5 different shapes. I diecut the circle, star, and heart shapes with my Sizzix diecuts. Squares and triangles are quick easy cutouts with the paper cutter.  The kiddos can play a matching game and then glue the shapes on their paper. Shapes are a lot of Fun with Friends at StorytimeCheck out the rest of the Flannel Friday roundup @ so tomorrow for great ideas. Have questions about Flannel Friday? Check out the Flannel Friday official blogBe sure to check out the Flannel Friday Facebook page too!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Let's Skate on the Ice (with how-to's)

It occurred to me there might be some of you just starting your flannelboard collections and I thought I would share a few of the tricks I've learned over the years in making a LOT of flannelboard sets.  I made a new set of  colorful ice skates to use this week at storytime with a Mitten/Ice Skate theme. I couldn't find any ice skate rhymes in a quick search and for me it's easier to make one up than to spend very long researching. So here's the link to my new rhyme Colorful Ice Skates. And here's how I made them:
I found a Google image that looked fairly simple and I traced it and cut it apart into my pattern. I marked on the pattern pieces the color and which is the top and where to apply glue.  Be sure to add a little extra space as you are cutting at the point that you will be gluing the pieces together.

Since I was making pairs of ice skates, I stacked two pieces of felt and cut two at a time of each shape. I hold the two pieces together with clothespins or pins or staples (they come out and don't leave holes).  For single small pieces I tape the pattern to the felt. I do it this way because I don't like to trace onto the felt. As you can see, I save and use scraps for small pieces for my sets.  I try to keep my scraps sorted by color in ziplock bags. (I hate to cut a small piece from a whole sheet of felt.)

I like to cut all my pieces and do all of my gluing at one go so that the pieces can dry overnight or for about 8 hours before I move onto the next stage of construction.

Time for fabric paint and glitter glue! Ha! You know I couldn't make these without glitter somewhere!  I made my own glitter glue by adding silver and iridescent glitter to white glue in two small bottles of glue. Some of the skates got the silver and some got the iridescent glue.  I usually let the fabric paint and glitter glue dry about 8 hours or overnight. After they were dry I cut small slits for the laces at the dots that I marked on my pattern.

I used a large needle and twine for my laces and starting at the bottom laced up to the top of the skate.
Back of the skate

 I glued the ends to the back and glued a pretied bow at the top of the ice skates.

Voila !!     An extreme amount of cuteness! LOL!!
After using these this week, I think I'll add one more step and cut out a second boot shape to glue to the back. I want to cover the ends of the lacing and make the skates sturdy enough for the children to handle for a matching game. Hope some of these tips help you make your next felt set!   Ice skates are a lot of Fun with Friends at Storytime!!  Enjoy other great posts for the week at the Flannel Friday Roundup here.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Penguin Fun!

Penguins lend themselves to preschool storytime so well because they are incredibly cute and funny!! I have several penguin flannel sets including my set to match the story, 'Pippa's Penguins' by Susan M. Dailey featured at Rain Makes Applesauce by Sharon, The Reading Chick and at the blog, A Bad Case of Books. I have used nonfiction books with big pictures and talked about penguins on selected pages. There are several penguin rhymes and stories at the Flannel Friday Polar Animal board.  Here's my set of felt penguins that I use with the rhyme Six Little Penguins by Nancy J. Smith, I found here and here.  I also have 5 penguin Beanie Babies that I use with another count to 5 penguin rhyme.

My penguins are made of felt and fabric paint and miniature pom poms.  I deconstructed a Google image for my pattern.  Check out this fabulous link I found for penguin rhymes HERE. Penguins are so much Fun with Friends at Storytime!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Dressed for Winter!

Time for winter themes!  I have so many flannel sets for winter, snow, snowflakes, snowmen, penguins... but still I make new ones LOL!  I was inspired by this terrific post by  Lisa @ Thrive after Three of her flannel set for the book, The Jacket I Wear in the Snow by Shirley Nietzel; illus. by Nancy Winslow Parker.  Of course, my set doesn't exactly match hers or the illustrations in the book. I used, felt, fabric paint, some yarn and a pom pom. I'm really looking forward to using this set with my storytime children this January.  I plan on handing out the pieces and as we read the book they can bring up their piece and add it to the board.

I'm planning to read, Keats' The Snowy Day and  Under My Hood I Have a Hat by Karla Kuskin. Lisa also has this recent post with her flannel set for Under My Hood... Maybe I can make me a set before next year?!  
I also play my 'Which One is Missing?' game with this theme. I made 5 adorable felt toboggans to count, discuss colors and play with. I used the variegated color yarn from Walmart to make my pom poms. I used a Google image as a pattern.  I cut 5 extra brims; one of each color, and cut them apart and glued them back together for each toboggan.  I LOVE these little hats!!  I made up a rhyme to use with these before we play the game; here's the link to 'Five Toboggans'.   Winter time is Fun with Friends at Storytime.