I have an adorable little Beanie Baby bat that inspired this theme for my Storytime. Last year when I saw this cute post by Amanda at Trails & Tales about
Bats! I just had to make my own set. I tweaked the rhyme by adding one more verse*.
5 Little Bats
*5 little bats were trying to behave
They hung by their feet upside down in a cave.
They slept all day until the fading of the light.
Then they woke and said, "We're hungry!" and flew into the night!
(alternate: Then they woke and said, "Happy Halloween" and flew into the night!)
Then I found an adorable song by Carole Peterson on her CD,
H.U.M. - Highly Usable Music, All Year Long!; "Black Bat Farm". I decided to make flannel pieces to go with it as I sang it. I don't use the CD because I don't sing the ghost verse. But, it is still adorable! It's a version of "The Green Grass Grew All Around".
Black Bat Farm
Carole Peterson - adapted by Kathryn Roach
There was a farm - *echo line*
A quiet farm -*
The quietest farm -*
that you ever did see...eeeeee!
A field is on the farm, the farm is dark and quiet
Chorus: And the black bats flew all around, all around
Oh, the black bats flew all around.
And in that field -*
There was a vine -*
the creepiest vine -* that you ever did see...eeee! The vine in the field, the field on the farm, the farm is dark and quiet
And on that vine -*
There was a pumpkin -*
the cutest pumpkin-*
that you ever did see...eeeee!
The pumpkin on the vine, the vine in the field,
the field on the farm, the farm is dark and quiet...
And on that pumpkin -*
There was a face -*
the happiest face -*
that you ever did see....eeeee!
The face on the pumpkin, the pumpkin on the vine,
the vine in the field, the field on the farm, the farm
is dark and quiet...BOO!
Happy Halloween!
I made the field with two sheets of felt and pieces of yarn glued on as rows in a plowed field. The vine is green ribbon with some velcro under the pieces of felt glued to the 'B' and exclamation point. I glued the ribbon so that the 'O's keep their shape. I cut out 10 of the small black bats and added a few each time I sang the chorus until they were all up on the board. The caregivers and kiddos soon were singing the chorus with me and everyone liked the happy Jack-o-lantern face at the end. I also got quieter as I sang the last part, "the farm is dark and quiet"... pause... then I said, "Boo!" and we all laughed and sang the final chorus together. This was a really big hit!
Turns out I am a batty old lady after all! LOL!
Bats are a lot of Fun with Friends at Storytime.
update: Check out the rest of the roundup @ Library Village. Have questions about Flannel Friday? Check out the Flannel Friday official blog. Be sure to join us on the Flannel Friday Facebook page and enjoy the great Flannel Friday Pinterest boards too!