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Showing posts with label blueberries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blueberries. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Berry Picking Time


Time to pick some berries!! 
Picked a Berry 
to the tune of Darling Clementine
Picked a strawberry, picked a strawberry that was growing in the sun.
Then I washed it, and I ate it. and I picked another one.

Change out blueberry, blackberry, raspberry and cherry as you pick them and pretend to eat them!
Here's another rhyme to use with the berries also.

Down in the Market
Down in the market at the end of the street, there are 5 ripe berries, so juicy and sweet.
Along comes a shopper with a nickel to pay. She buys the cherry and takes it away!
4...raspberry; 3...strawberry; 2...blueberry; 1...blackberry.

This theme resonated with the kiddos. They all like berries and around here it's strawberry picking time and the blueberries will soon be ready. We also played 'Which one is missing?' with the berries. That's always a big hit! This is one of my favorite themes for Storytime! Check out my other posts about berries Here and Here.
Yummy berries are so much Fun with Friends at Storytime! 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Mouse Eats all the Things!


This is one of my favorite  mouse, food, colors  books ever! The double page illustrations are wonderful and perfect for storytime. This mouse is adorable too!  I used an activity sheet that is available on Denise Fleming's website for my mouse pattern. You can't tell but he's about 7 inches tall to the tip of his tail. I made all my food pieces large too! I have a circle diecut for the blueberries and grapes and peas.  I just freehand cut out the other pieces and then used plenty of glitter glue to jazz them up! I end my flannelboard with a recap of all the colors by adding little 'crumbs' of each color onto the mouse. A ravenous mouse and colorful food is so much Fun with Friends at Storytime!


Sunday, June 9, 2013

More Berry Goodness!

The blueberries in my yard are almost ready! Yummers! I've kinda got berries on the brain. I'll just mention a few blueberry books; the classic, Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey; Blueberry Mouse by Alice Low; Blueberry Shoe by Ann Dixon; One Little Blueberry by Tammi Salzano; and for older preschoolers there's George Shannon's White Is For Blueberry.  
backside of pieces.

I have a blueberry rhyme that I made up that's a twist on the classic, 1 little, 2 little counting rhyme.  To start this rhyme I have a little clear bucket and 10 medium sized blue pom pom 'blueberries' that we count together as I drop them in the pail.  Then, I finish the rhyme with the flannel pieces that I made.
Bucket of Blueberries
by Kathryn Roach  

(drop pom pom's in bucket as you count)
1 berry, 2 berry, 3 berries 4,
5 blueberries...let's count some more!
6 berry, 7 berry, 8 berry, 9
10 blueberries are mighty fine!

Now, I've got a bucket of blueberries
that I want to eat...
It's time to cook up a great berry treat.
I'll mix up some things
and stir with all my might
        Then I'll have a delicious
         Blueberry delight.
      (I pantomime holding a bowl and 
stirring as fast as I can)
Blueberry pancake (place felt pancake)
           blueberry pie (place felt pie)
           blueberry muffin (place felt muffin)
          My, oh my! (rub tummy and smile big smile)

             I hope you can use the patterns here.  I scanned them from my original patterns but reduced them by 78%.  I cut out a blob pancake shape and added the blueberries to it.  Usually when we talk about foods at Storytime, I ask the children to give a 'thumbs up' if they like the food I name.  I'm trying to teach them that everyone doesn't have to talk at the same time! Ha!

I've also added the pattern that I used to cut out 'buckets' for a thumbprint blueberries craft.  I cutout the handle shape so that the kiddos could carry their bucket of blueberries home. We used blue inkpads for printing. You could just as easily use blue paint and a pencil eraser for stamping 'blueberries' in the buckets.  They really liked this craft. It was quick and easy prep and minimal mess so I really liked this craft too!
Blueberries are so much Fun at Storytime!