Cowboy Boots!
I can't remember where I got the pattern for the boots since I made these several years ago. It could have been a Mailbox magazine pattern. I subscribed to Mailbox magazine when I taught preschool many years ago. I'm sure you could find a clipart pic that would work. I love the glitter and large sequin 'spurs' of these colorful boots!
I also made up a rhyme about Cowboy Joe and his colorful Cowboy Hats! Cowboy Joe wears a different color hat each day of the week. I made this set out of pellon and embellished with glitter, sequins and fabric paint.
I found 2 new picture books that fit the Cowboy theme. The first might be storytime material; Cowboy Boyd and Mighty Calliope by Lisa Moser. Another really cute book that would be better for reading at home is Giddy-up Daddy! written and illustrated by Troy Cummings. The only slightly cowboyish song that I have right now is Mama Don't Allow. We love to clap our hands and stomp our feet and bounce up and down and spin around; but our favorite is to shout, "Yee-Haw!" in storytime. *Update* I found a funny cowboy song, "The Cowboy Song": a funny song by Bryant Oden.
Cowboys, boots and hats are a LOT of Fun with Friends at Storytime!!