My first ever Flannel Friday contribution was 2 years ago when I was a guest of Amanda @ Trails & Tales. I shared a couple of my pie sets and since then I have made another pie set inspired by Sarah @ Read Rabbit Read. I'm already thinking about the holidays coming and all the good food we cook around Thanksgiving and Christmas time. But you could use these pie rhymes anytime of the year! I thought I'd put my pie sets all together on my blog and share them again! Here's the picture of my "Five Pumpkin Pies in the Bakery Shop". I couldn't resist adding some shiny glitter 'sugar' to the tops of my pies. LOL!
One whole pie set by the door,
Cut into pieces, I count four.
Four pieces of pie all for me,
I ate one piece, now there are three.
Three pieces of pie for me too,
I ate another piece, now there are two.
Two pieces of pie; oh what fun!
I ate another piece, now there is one.
One piece of pie; I can’t wait!
I ate that last piece, empty
Tune: "Three Blind Mice"
By Jean Warren -
(adapted by Kathryn Roach)
Pies, pies, pies,
Pies, pies, pies.
Yummy pies,
Yummy pies.
Strawberry, blueberry, and cherry, too.
Apple and Key lime to name a few.
Chocolate, lemon, how about you?
I love pie!
That's no lie!

After I sing ‘Yummy Pies’ and put up the flannel pieces, we
talk about the different colors of the pies. Then we play “Which Pie Did Miss Kathy Eat?” The children close their eyes, I remove one
piece and they guess. When they guess
correctly, I show them the piece and pretend to gobble it up! They always think this is hilarious! Of course, they have to talk about their favorite flavor!
Pie is delicious and Fun with Friends at Storytime!