Welcome back! We have been busy in our little classroom! We had a blast coming up with ideas to help get Santa "unstuck" from the chimney. The kids are getting so creative with their lit. responses!!And to add some flair, we of course needed to do a hands on visual to go with the fun ideas! I have been doing this little activity for about 10 years now and each year they turn out cuter than the year before! I posted the unit that includes the details to this last week. Look for Santa's Stuck on the sidebar.
We also worked very hard on adjectives, using "Must Be Santa" (also in the Santa's Stuck unit). That song has over 30 adjectives in it!! After really enjoying the song and the special words included, we created these cute little Santas and wrote the sentence to go with it! The patterns are included in the unit, too!
We have a lot of fun learning opportunities coming up over the next 3 weeks! Keeping the kids focused on learning is always a challenge this time of year. Literature-wise, next week we will enjoy "If You Take a Mouse to the Movies." The kids absolutely love Laura Numeroff's books. I have shared this unit before, CLICK here if you need to download it again!
It is packed with ELA, math and science activities!
I do want to share what we have coming up before winter break in math. We will be working on personal finance including needs and wants, spending, saving, giving, etc. We used to cover this objective in the spring, close to summer break, but this year we are hitting it this winter. Last year I created a personal finance unit with a lot of fun summery lemonade components and decided that wouldn't work for this year, so I transformed it into a unit with a wintery feel. Some of the learning opportunities use the books "If You Take a Mouse the the Movies" and "Ox-Cart Man."
These are just a few examples of the many that are included. If you think you might be able to use it, you know the drill...
Let me know how this unit goes for you! I'm kind of excited about it!
Now, finally, I've had a ton of e-mail questions about updating my New Year Unit! Thank you to all those who are keeping me on my toes and are planning ahead!! WOW!! You guys rock!!
Here's a peek at my 2018 New Year Unit!
Well, there you go, friends! I hope this post has helped you organize for the next few weeks! Don't forget to take time out to enjoy those sweet little faces. Their joy and anticipation is so abundant! Have fun with that!!
Let me know if you need anything else.
Joy to all!!