Finally a few minutes to blog a bit about what we've been up to! We are actually on Spring Break right now. We are not going on a vacation this year because the hubs just got a new job and doesn't want to take off. So I've been busy working on closets, drawers, cooking, and reading!! My laptop has been very moody lately, so I haven't been able to catch up on any blogging or e-mail. (It may be because I don't ever delete anything!) Today it decided to work, so here I am!! Before I go any farther, I want to share a wonderful thing that happened to us! You all know that Sandra Markle is one of my favorite go to authors, especially during our study of animals. She has written over 200 books for kids about so many science related topics! Sandra and I have been talking and e-mailing over that last couple of years, both sharing ideas and thoughts. One of her newest books "What If You Had Animal Eyes," is another hit!!! Was I ever surprised when I opened my new copy!!
Before Spring Break we held our annual Open House. Every school in our district has Open House and invites the entire community to see what kids have been up to. It is kind of a big deal. To kind of go along with our whole Pirate theme this year, we decided to go "swimmin with the fishes!" We developed an integrated unit about fish. We learned so much and the kids had a blast! Here are a few pics.
Some more Sandra Markle books!! These ideas are all part of my new unit. A147 page printable unit with so many integrated ideas for your young learners!!! Here are a few pics of what is included. |
Phew!!! We were so ready for a break after all this fintastic learning!! I hope all my kids are safe and happy! I miss you!!!
If any of this fun is flipping your fin, you can download the unit.
YUP! It's free!!!
Anyway, thanks for stopping by our little Window of Wonder!!! Now I'm off to see if my e-mail is working!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!! See you soon!