White Bean and Sausage Ragout
This is a Cooking Light recipe and to my dismay, it was called White Bean and Sausage Ragout with Tomatoes, Kale and Zucchini. One of the reasons, I have difficulty titling recipes is because of a trend of listing all the main ingredients, in the title. I am guilty of doing this, as well, but I don't really like it. I understand, by naming all the ingredients, it is apt to have something that appeals to almost everyone. On the other hand, who wants to read an ingredient list, as the title of the recipe? The problem is, what gets cut out? In this recipe, everything is important. There is no star. Each food works with the others and the result is in the total dish. I decided to shorten the "real" title and use the first words, White Bean and Sausage Ragout. I could have called it, Kale- Tomato Ragout or White Bean and Tomato or Sausage and Zucchini......you get the point. In the end, I guess it does not matter, in this case. What does matter is that this ma...