NY Style Crumb Cake
There is a new baking club in town and it is Club Baked, and we will be baking from Baked Explorations: Classic American Desserts Reinvented - Hardcover (Oct. 1, 2010) by Matt Lewis, Renato Poliafito If you are interested in joining in, send an email to club.baked@gmail.com . Karen's Cookies Cakes & More s elected the first recipe, NY-Style Crumb Cake found on page 43 of Baked. You will also find the recipe on Karen's blog. Personally, I think, this is a book to own, if that is possible. I made this cake, using another recipe about a half of a year ago. I have no idea what differences there are in the two recipes but I know I liked it. What was striking was the heavy crumb topping, which I really like. I usually can pass on the cake, if I could have the topping. The cake was easy to put together and did not take much time. It is like setting up twice. The topping and cake used many of the same ...