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AB2000 Lesson 1 Crafting Your Brand Sem 2 AY2019-20 (Students)

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AB2000 Lesson 1

Career Foundations II
Above & Beyond

Preparing for
Professional Attachment

Creating One’s
Value Proposition

NBS Career Services

Course Outline

Lesson 1 Lesson 2

Preparing Your Packaging Your

Own Brand 01 02 Product


Lesson 3
Practise Your Sales Pitch 2
Roadmap To Getting The Professional
Attachment (Internship)

Know Know the Roles Write Interview Get the

Yourself and the Resume and
Company Cover Letter

NBS Undergraduate Career Services
Outreach and relationship management with

Pro-active hunt for good career and internship

opportunities for undergraduates

Career coaching for undergraduates

Provision of career-related resources for


NBS Undergraduate Career Services

Career Foundations courses –

Above & Beyond Career Coaching
We teach you at your career We advise students one on
skills tips on how to effectively one for career-related issues.
position and market yourselves
to employers.

Career Tracks CareerFIT

We bring industry players to NBS event and job mining
campus to share with you on portal where employers have
various career roles and access to your updated
industry tracks. resumes.

NBS Undergraduate Career Services
Mentoring Programs Career Wardrobe
Mentors ROCK! (Professional Imaging
Mentors Fresh Centre)
Corporate Mentoring Latest range of executive
Female Mentoring attire in our (PIC) for you to
Programme loan to attend job
Harvard Business Club interviews.

Recruitment talks Job Eblasts

Employers exclusive to Latest employment
NBS Premier companies opportunities – winter,
meet prospective hires summer internships, part-
through company time, full-time roles – by
presentation and working closely with
networking employers on their talent
sourcing (CareerFIT)
NBS Undergraduate Career Services

Transition into Corporate World

Career Workshops
The Way to Success
Assessment Center training
Career Ambassadors (Senior
Employers Resume lab students)
Internship Boost sessions
Mock interviews with video
Video interviewing Brekkie with Careers

Life Skills for Corporate World

“Swirl & Sip” Wine Appreciation
Workshop (Intro / Advanced)
Learning about Art

Contact Us
 Email:
 Tel: 67904899/5612
 Location: S3-B3B
(Undergraduate Career Services Office)

Roadmap to Professional Attachment (Internship)
Knowing Your Preparation for
Company Interview
*Find out the industry, *Presenting and
roles, skills, values, and engaging your
culture employer/s

Start 1 2 3 4 5 Finish
Crafting your Deciding on the
Knowing Yourself Resume and Cover Most Suitable
*Discover your skills, Letter INTERNSHIP
qualifications and *Weaving a story about *Selecting the
personal attributes what you can offer to INTERNSHIP that has the
the company best Career FIT for you

News Article on Internships:
Creation of an asset that pertains to a
particular person or individual; this
includes but is not limited to the body,
clothing, appearance and
knowledge contained within, leading
to an indelible impression that is
uniquely distinguishable

Prepare Your Brand
Social Media Branding e.g. LinkedIn; Facebook; Instagram;
Identifying your qualifications, skills and
attributes/personalities that will differentiate you

Identifying the roles you like and the skills and

qualifications required

Customizing your resume & cover letter

Refreshing NBS CareerFIT

Social Media

Using LinkedIn – Get Connected
• Create LinkedIn profiles, connect with people
Using LinkedIn – Get Connected
• Internships/ Jobs in LinkedIn
Social Media Branding
“Netiquette” on Social
Values for Social Media
• Become “virtually visible”
• Show interest in
• Engage their
• Excellent way to network with
future/potential employers

Social Media Branding

Social Media Branding
“Netiquette” on Social Media
• There is no anonymity in WWW. Every posting can be
• Do not use offensive language or materials
Be respectful and think twice before you post
• Implications of “Freedom of Speech” – what you say or do
on the internet will affect your personal branding and
others’ opinion about you!
• Personal social media comments should be posted only via
private Internet service providers (ISP) – not the university’s
• Do not respond to “flames” or personal attacks – take these
matters “offline”
• Obey copyright laws

Social Media Branding
“Netiquette” on Social
Potential Employers Can Track You
• Who you party with
• What you say
• What you do

Potential Employers Can Form Opinions

of you
• From negative images
• From negatives messages found in
blogs or facebook etc..


Social Media Branding

“Netiquette” on Social

A classic example of someone

getting into trouble on
Facebook and losing his job.


Purpose of the Resume
• It is a convention that is still required by employers

• It creates in the reader’s mind a picture of the high
Position potential “YOU” and differentiate “YOU” from your

• It is a journey that will sharpen your ability to

Process articulate value and focus on your meaningful

• It is moral booster. As you explore your

Proof accomplishments, confidence and strong sense of
worth are factors important for successful job search

Plan • A good resume will help keep a “meandering”

interviewer focused on your strengths
Tips on Impactful Resume
• Create your success story
 Contemplate your life – school, CCAs, interests, hobbies, community
 Check where you find energy, passion, creativity, and drive
• Create your brand
 Connect your passion to the company’s total culture, vision and
• Create your value (impact)
 Construct your economical contributions (How much $ you raise)
 Concentrate on bottom-line offerings (Attendance, contribution to
the company in your past internships, clubs, CCAs)
• Create your unique resume
 Combine the key responsibilities to your past positions or
Details + Photo (optional)

Resume Format
Work Experience *


Awards & Achievements **

Language/ IT Skills

•CCA can come before work experience
•Language/IT skills /Hobbies can come under
“Other information” headings
Your Name (underline surname) Resume Template
Your Address (optional)
Your Handphone Number , Your email address (Font size 11/12,
should not exceed one page)

Bachelor of Business/Accountancy (Honors) May 18 to-date

Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Expected completion of degree: May 2020 ; GPA:

GCE A Level Cert, Educational institution YY obtained

Poly/GCE O Level Cert, Education institution YY obtained (optional)

Work Experience (in reverse chronological order)

Company Name 1, Country # MMYY-MMYY

Key achievements/accomplishments (all in bullet points, not more than five)

Company Name 2, Country# MMYY – MMYY

Key achievements/accomplishments (all in bullet points, not more than five)

Company Name 3, Country# MMYY – MMYY

Key achievements/accomplishments (all in bullet points, not more than five)

# If the company is not immediately recognizable by most other employers, please include a very brief description of the
Resume Template
(Font size 11/12, should not exceed one page)

Club/Organisation/Community, Position/Role
Key achievements/accomplishments (all in bullet points, not more than five)

Club/Organisation/Community 2, Position/Role
Key achievements/accomplishments (all in bullet points, not more than five)

Awards & Accomplishments/Achievements (if you do not have any, you do not need this heading)

Competition MMYY-MMYY
Business/Finance Case MMYY-MMYY
Conference – overseas/local

Other information
Language/IT Skills (emphasise coding skills if relevant):

Hobbies and Leisure Interests :

(This gives employers an insight into your personality and who you are.)

Be Bold – Its your Resume
• Compile your resume content (i.e. Work Experience and
CCAs) using the keywords to describe the skills and work
that you have done.
• Quantify your work to show achieved goals.
• Reverse Chronological order
(more recent event/work/CCA)

Work Experience
ABC Trading Pte Ltd , Audit Intern, 23 May to 31 Jul 2018
• Collated and audited of information of suppliers invoices, payment bills and A/P statements.
Completed 20 companies during the 10 weeks
• Compiled and developed trend analysis and management reports for team manager. Provided 3 different trending reports.

Be Bold – Its your Resume

http:// 26
Be Bold – Its your Resume


• Gentlemen in light-colored
long sleeve shirt and tie,
with blazer
• Hair must be neat and
• 240 x 240 pixels
(Digital softcopy)

Why is a Cover Letter Required?

• Being qualified or able to do the job does not necessarily make you
the right person for the job
• Acts as a filter where there are many applications
• Conveys the personality of an individual
• Unique or tailored document that greets your future employer and
the position you are applying for

Integrating Skills, Attributes & Qualifications
Building Content of Cover Letter
 Being _________________
 Skills
 Unusual abilities
 Special trait
 Area of Expertise

 Because ___________________
 How did you acquire the skills
 How long have you been developing the trait

 Benefits to the employers

 What your background can offer to the employer
 What improvements can bring to the organisations
 What positive impact will the company enjoy having you work with them
The 5 Components of the Cover Letter
 Personal Details
 Your Address
 Company Address addressing it to a person. He/she can be HR Person or CEO of a company
 Opening Paragraph
 Write something positive about the company to reflect that you have done some research.
 Mention where you saw the opening ie. attended a company visit, career day
 Content
 Write about your skills and accomplishments that will benefit the company
 Closing Paragraph
 Ask for an interview with the company. Include your contactable phone number here again

 Signature
 Use “Yours sincerely”
 Put your full name
5 Components
Sample of an average cover letter
(Tan Mei Mei)

29th October 2018
Tan Mei Mei (Ms.)
NTU Hall 8, 12-3-456
26 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 123456
Mobile: (+65)9123456
Head of Operations Singapore
Morgan Stanley Asia (Singapore)
23 Church Street
#16-01 Capital Square, Singapore 049481
Dear Sir/Madam,
Application for Internship Attachment with Operations Division
I am writing in to apply for an internship attachment with Morgan Stanley’s Operations Division.. Morgan
Stanley has always impressed me with its outstanding reputation for excellence in market execution and
financial services. I am extremely interested in financial services and would like to be a part of the action in
contributing value to the bank. As an intern, I would like to put into practice the knowledge and skills honed
from case competitions and academic studies and my first year internship.
Over the past few years, I have actively participated in many extra curricular activities to hone my leadership
and teamwork skills. In fact, I am currently holding leadership positions in NTU Investment Club, Risk
Management Society, NTU Hall 9 Othello Team, and this allows me to work well in team and sharpen my
multi-tasking skills. As the Honorary General Secretary of NTU Risk Management Society, I advise and assist
the management committee in the planning and execution of projects aimed at imparting financial risk-
related knowledge to the NTU student population. These experiences as well as other experiences gained
from my other leadership positions such as the Publication Director of NTU Tax Advisory Club which values
teamwork and multi-tasking.
Apart from my active CCA involvement, I have also taken the initiatives to volunteer
regularly at Health Promotion Board under Audible Hearts project and at HELP Family
Service Centre under Big Brother Big Sister (BBBS) programme. Under the BBBS
programme at HELP Family Service Centre, I adopted a “sister” and guided her along
to prevent her from going astray. All these volunteer activities have won me many
awards such as the Outstanding Community Service Award, and have also helped me
to develop excellent communication and time management skills which are essential
to doing an outstanding job in the Operations Division.
I am certain that I will excel and contribute much to Morgan Stanley. I am extremely
interested in an opportunity to meet you in an interview to further discuss how I may
contribute to your organization. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Tan Mei Mei

How to Improve the Cover Letter
(Tan Mei Mei)

29th November 2007

Tan Mei Mei (Ms.)

NTU Hall 8, 12-3-456
26 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 123456
Mobile: (+65)9123456

Head of Global Capital Markets (Equities) Hong Kong

Citigroup Global Markets Asia Limited
20/F Three Exchange Square
Central, Hong Kong

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in to apply for an internship attachment with Morgan Stanley’s Operations
Application for Internship with Equities Division in May 2008
Division. I am a second year student at Nanyang Business School pursuing a double major
I am a second year student at Nanyang Business School pursuing a double major
programme in Accountancy and programme in Accountancy
Banking & Finance, on track to aand
FirstBanking & Finance. Morgan Stanley has always impressed
Class Honours.
The thought of working for the me with its outstanding reputation for excellence in market execution and financial services.
Equities Division at Citigroup Global Capital Market really
excites me, as I enjoy working with numbers and people and would like to be a part of
the action in contributing to the thought of working for the Operations Division at such leading global bank really
excites me, as I am extremely interested in financial services and would like to be a part of
I was able to apply quantitative thinking and analytical processes to my team and
leadership roles in Investment theInteractive
action in Club,contributing
Risk Management to the bank.
Society and Hence,
Tax I would like to take this opportunity to
Advisory Club, which have heightened my interest and fuelled my passion in equities
contribute to the bank by putting into
sales. One key achievement during my tenure in Risk Management Society is to oversee practice the knowledge and skills that I have learnt in
preparation of this internship.
a five-fold increase in the number of events organized and a three-fold increase
membership, which certainly provides an evidence of my suitability in equities sales.
in club

On the community service front, I volunteer regularly at Health Promotion Board under
Audible Hearts project and at HELP Family Service Centre under Big Brother Big Sister
(BBBS) programme. Under the BBBS programme at HELP Family Service Centre, I
adopted an underprivileged younger “sister” and guided her along to prevent her from
I am a second year student at Nanyang Business School pursuing a double major
going astray. All these volunteer activities have won me many awards such as the
Outstanding Community Service Award, and have also helped me to develop excellent
programme in Accountancy and Banking & Finance, on track to a First Class
communication and time management skills which are essential to my internship. Above
all, I learnt about the values of helping others.
Honours. The thought of working for the Operations Division at Morgan Stanley
In addition, as a testimony of my excellent adaptation skills, I was able to fit well into
Singapore’s culture as an ASEANreally excites
scholar, when Ime,
fromI Malaysia
enjoy few working with numbers and people and would like to be a
years back.
Despite being educated in a Chinese-medium school since young, I quickly picked up
part of
English language as first language whenthe action
I entered in contributing
school in Singapore. I amto the organization.
that my positive attitude, tenacity and strong adaptation skills would allow me to do well
in a constantly changing, fast-moving environment in Equities Division.

I am extremely interested to meet you to further discuss how I may contribute to your
organization. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Tan Mei Mei

29th November 2007

Tan Mei Mei (Ms.)

NTU Hall 8, 12-3-456
26 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 123456
Mobile: (+65)9123456

Head of Global Capital Markets (Equities) Hong Kong

Citigroup Global Markets Asia Limited
20/F Three Exchange Square
Central, Hong Kong Over the past few years, I have actively participated in many extra curricular activities to hone
Dear Sir/Madam, my leadership and teamwork skills. In fact, I am currently holding leadership positions in NTU
Application for Internship Management
Equities DivisionSociety, NTU Tax Advisory Club and NTU Hall 9 Othello Team, and this
in May 2008

I am a second year student to work
Nanyang well School
Business in team and asharpen
pursuing my multi-tasking skills. As the Honorary General
double major
programme in Accountancy and Banking & Finance, on track to a First Class Honours.
The thought of working Secretary
for the EquitiesofDivision
NTU Risk Management
at Citigroup Global CapitalSociety, I advice and assist the management committee
Market really
excites me, as I enjoy working with numbers and people and would like to be a part of
the action in contributing planning and execution of projects aimed at imparting financial risk-related knowledge
the organization.

to the NTU
I was able to apply quantitative student
thinking population.
and analytical These
processes experiences
to my team and as well as other experiences gained from
leadership roles in Investment Interactive Club, Risk Management Society and Tax
Advisory Club, which havemy other leadership
heightened my interestpositions
and fuelled such as the
my passion Publication Director of NTU Tax Advisory Club and
in equities
sales. One key achievement during my tenure in Risk Management Society is to oversee
a five-fold increase in the number ofIn-Charge of NTU
events organized Hall 9 increase
and a three-fold Othello Team would certainly help me to do well in
in club
membership, which certainly provides an evidence of my suitability in equities sales.
Operations Division which values teamwork and multi-tasking.
On the community service front, I volunteer regularly at Health Promotion Board under
Audible Hearts project and at HELP Family Service Centre under Big Brother Big Sister
(BBBS) programme. Under the BBBS programme at HELP Family Service Centre, I
adopted an underprivileged younger “sister” and guided her along to prevent her from
going astray. All these volunteer activities have won me many awards such as the
Outstanding Community Service Award, and have also helped me to develop excellent
I was able to apply quantitative thinking and analytical processes to my team and
communication and time management skills which are essential to my internship. Above
all, I learnt about the values of helping others.
In addition, as a testimony roles
of my excellent in skills,
adaptation Investment
I was able toInteractive
fit well into Club, Risk Management Society and Tax
Singapore’s culture as an ASEAN scholar, when I hailed from Malaysia few years back.
Despite being educatedAdvisory Club, which
in a Chinese-medium schoolhave heightened
since young, my interest
I quickly picked up and fuelled my passion in equities sales.
English language as first language when I entered school in Singapore. I am confident
that my positive attitude, key
tenacity achievement
and strong adaptation during myallow
skills would tenure
me to do in well
Risk Management Society is to oversee a five-
in a constantly changing, fast-moving environment in Equities Division.
fold increase in the number of events organized and a three-fold increase in club
I am extremely interested to meet you to further discuss how I may contribute to your
organization. Thank you. membership, which certainly provides an evidence of my suitability in operations.
Yours sincerely,

Tan Mei Mei

29th November 2007

Tan Mei Mei (Ms.)

NTU Hall 8, 12-3-456
26 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 123456
Mobile: (+65)9123456

Head of Global Capital Markets (Equities) Hong Kong

Citigroup Global Markets Asia Limited
20/F Three Exchange Square
Central, Hong Kong

Dear Sir/Madam,

Application for Internship with Equities from
Division my 2008
in May active CCA involvement, I have also taken the initiatives to volunteer
I am a second year student at Nanyang regularly
HealthpursuingPromotion Board under Audible Hearts project and at HELP
a double major
programme in Accountancy and Banking & Finance, on track to a First Class Honours.
The thought of working for the EquitiesFamily
Division atService Centre
Citigroup Global under
Capital MarketBig Brother Big Sister (BBBS) programme. Under the
excites me, as I enjoy working with numbers and people and would like to be a part of
BBBS programme at HELP Family Service Centre, I adopted a “sister” and guided
the action in contributing to the organization.
her along to prevent her from going astray. All these volunteer activities have won
I was able to apply quantitative thinking and analytical processes to my team and
me Club,
leadership roles in Investment Interactive manyRiskawards
Management suchSociety
as the
Advisory Club, which have heightened my interest and fuelled my passion in equities
and Outstanding
Tax Community Service Award, and have
sales. One key achievement during myalso tenure helped me to develop
in Risk Management Society is toexcellent
oversee communication and time management skills
a five-fold increase in the number of events organized and a three-fold increase in club
membership, which certainly provides an which
evidenceare essential
of my toequities
suitability in doingsales.
an outstanding job in the Operations Division.
On the community service front, I volunteer regularly at Health Promotion Board under
Audible Hearts project and at HELP Family Service Centre under Big Brother Big Sister
(BBBS) programme. Under the BBBS programme at HELP Family Service Centre, I
adopted an underprivileged younger “sister” and guided her along to prevent her from
going astray. All these volunteer activities have won me many awards such as the
On the community service front, I volunteer regularly at Health Promotion
Outstanding Community Service Award, and have also helped me to develop excellent
communication and time management skills which are essential to my internship. Above
Board under Audible Hearts project and at HELP Family Service Centre under
all, I learnt about the values of helping others.
Big Brother Big Sister (BBBS) programme. Under the BBBS programme at
In addition, as a testimony of my excellent adaptation skills, I was able to fit well into
Singapore’s culture as an ASEAN scholar,HELP Family
when I hailed Service
from Malaysia fewCentre,
years back.I adopted an underprivileged younger “sister”
Despite being educated in a Chinese-medium school since young, I quickly picked up
English language as first language when and guided
I entered school inher alongI am
Singapore. to confident
prevent her from going astray. All these volunteer
that my positive attitude, tenacity and strong adaptation skills would allow me to do well
in a constantly changing, fast-moving environment haveDivision.
in Equities won me many awards such as the Outstanding Community
I am extremely interested to meet you to further discussAward,
how I mayand haveto your
contribute also helped me to develop excellent communication
organization. Thank you.
and time management skills which are essential to my internship. Above all, I
Yours sincerely, learnt about the values of helping others.
Tan Mei Mei
29th November 2007

Tan Mei Mei (Ms.)

NTU Hall 8, 12-3-456
26 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 123456
Mobile: (+65)9123456

Head of Global Capital Markets (Equities) Hong Kong

Citigroup Global Markets Asia Limited
20/F Three Exchange Square
Central, Hong Kong

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am certain that I will excel and contribute much to Morgan Stanley. I am
Application for Internship with Equities interested
Division in May 2008 in an opportunity to meet you in an interview to
I am a second year student at Nanyang discuss how
School I may
pursuing contribute
a double major to your organization. Thank you.
programme in Accountancy and Banking & Finance, on track to a First Class Honours.
The thought of working for the Equities Division at Citigroup Global Capital Market really
excites me, as I enjoy working with numbers and people and would like to be a part of
the action in contributing to the organization.

I was able to apply quantitative thinking and analytical processes to my team and
leadership roles in Investment Interactive Club, Risk Management Society and Tax
Advisory Club, which have heightened my interest and fuelled my passion in equities
sales. One key achievement during my tenure in Risk Management Society is to oversee
In addition, as a testimony of my excellent adaptation skills, I was able to fit well into
a five-fold increase in the number of events organized and a three-fold increase in club
membership, which certainly provides an evidence of my suitability in equities sales.
Singapore’s culture as an ASEAN scholar, when I hailed from Malaysia few years back.
On the community service front, I volunteer regularly at Health Promotion Board under
Audible Hearts project and at HELPDespite being
Family Service educated
Centre in a Big
under Big Brother Chinese-medium
Sister school since young, I quickly picked up
(BBBS) programme. Under the BBBS programme at HELP Family Service Centre, I
adopted an underprivileged younger English language
“sister” and guided her as first
along language
to prevent her fromwhen I entered school in Singapore. I am confident
going astray. All these volunteer activities have won me many awards such as the
Outstanding Community Service Award, that and
positive attitude,
also helped tenacity
me to develop and strong adaptation skills would allow me to do well
communication and time management skills which are essential to my internship. Above
in others.
all, I learnt about the values of helping a constantly changing, fast-moving environment in Operations Division.
In addition, as a testimony of my excellent adaptation skills, I was able to fit well into
I am extremely interested to meet you to further discuss how I may contribute to your
Singapore’s culture as an ASEAN scholar, when I hailed from Malaysia few years back.
Despite being educated in a Chinese-medium school since young, I quickly picked up
organization. Thank you.
English language as first language when I entered school in Singapore. I am confident
that my positive attitude, tenacity and strong adaptation skills would allow me to do well
in a constantly changing, fast-moving environment in Equities Division.

I am extremely interested to meet you to further discuss how I may contribute to your
organization. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Tan Mei Mei

Tackling Online
Applications & Questions

Online Applications
• Companies are increasingly using Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to track
all applications, from internships to experienced hires
• Examples of popular ATS include Taleo, Workday etc
• ATS should be no different from filling up a form, just that it is electronic
You will be expected to create a login account, please remember the login
details as you will need to come back to it
• Online applications may vary from different organisations. But a good
practice will be to read the instructions carefully and follow them

Online Applications
• Prepare your resume in PDF or Word
format. It should be easy to upload into the
system as you will be asked for it

• Fill up all the fields required in the

application. There could be a section on
skills, please make sure you input them
accurately and honestly as there could be
candidate matching or screening based on
these fields

• Some companies may embed assessments

into the application. This could be a series
of questions relating to your personality.
Answer them truthfully and in the right
environment 42
Online Application – Tips & Tricks
 Search & match – use correct terminology & industry buzzwords
• Mergers & Acquisitions
• Product Management / Trade Marketing
• Compensation and Benefits
• Corporate Social Responsibility
 Submit early – shows high interest in the job
 Always fill up free text portions – use it to “sell” yourself
• Recommend to include the relevant portions of your cover letter here
 Always complete any “optional” tests
 Be prepared for emails to take online tests in 24 hours
 Do not leave any blank fields
 When tired, save application and continue later

Sample Online Application Questions
a) Non-Academic Studies Achievements
Please complete this field; DO NOT leave it blank.
Describe what you would consider your greatest non-academic achievement and why?
(At least 50 words and not more than 200 words.)

By far, the greatest non-academic studies achievement has been my role as Honorary
General Secretary of Nanyang Business School’s Freshmen Dinner and Dance Committee
06/07. In this capacity, I experience organizing and managing events. This has helped hone
my organizational abilities, while building network with students and external
parties. Over the past year, I have learnt how to motivate people, juggle my time
effectively and handle public relations matters. Consequently, I am being
transformed into a versatile person. I am now comfortable working independently as a
strategic thinker and in a group.

Reflection: Are these qualities in line with what Employers are

looking for?
Sample Online Application Questions

b) Valuable Work Experience

Please complete this field; DO NOT leave it blank.
Describe a valuable experience where you were able to achieve your objective because
you were persistent.
(At least 50 words and not more than 200 words.)

My experience in Outward Bound School sea expedition during secondary

school taught me the importance of persistence. Taking the role as navigator, I
led a group of thirty kayaks, and were responsible to guide them to the
destination safely and on time. Persistency came in play when some weaker
members wanted longer breaks. However, we had already been seriously
handicapped by heavy rain, and could not afford any more delays. I insisted that
we move on. With constant encouragement, I was able to forge team spirit
and push on. We eventually succeeded in reaching our destination before
nightfall and with everyone safe and happy. (113)
Event and Job Portal

• It is an integrated system
• Easy and convenient to use
• Updated with the latest and hottest
internship or full time roles
• You present a “virtual visibility” to
your potential employers
• Reaching your employers way before
your graduation

Event and Job Portal

System Features
• Manage your career search
• Apply for internship and full-time roles
• Customize your resumes
• Customize your cover letters
• Register for recruitment and industry talk

(To Be Submitted in Lesson 2)

• Identify a role from a company that you like to do your internship

• Check out company websites, LinkedIn, job websites, NBS career
services (CareerFIT), Career events publicity
• Write a resume & cover letter in CareerFIT to apply for the internship
• DO NOT call company to get names of hiring manager
• Print your resume & cover letter to be submitted during the next
lesson (Lesson 2) to your tutor.
• Tutor will return to you the assignment in Lesson 3
• Incorporate the amendments and submit your resume and cover
letter in NTULearn as submission of your assignment

Lesson 1
Writing Resumes and Cover Letters

Steps to create your resume and cover letter in NBS


1. Go to NBS CareerFIT URL link:

2. Login your NBS CareerFIT account with your school email

and NBS CareerFIT password.

Writing Resumes and Cover Letters

3. If you have deleted the log -in password given to you, go to to
reset your login details for the CareerFIT. Click forgot password
4. Resume: Once you login to CareerFIT, go to Profile-Update to
work on your resume. Click on resume builder to build your
resume, follow the 4 steps to customise your resume. Please use
one of the 4 resume styles (content and styles) in the NBS
5. Resume photo (corporate photo) is optional.

Writing Resumes and Cover Letters

6. Cover letter : Create a cover letter in the NBS CareerFIT or

use a word document and upload it in NBS CareerFIT.
7. Print your resume & cover letter to be submitted during
Lesson 2 to your tutor.
8. Remember to log off from your account when you have
completed your editing and creating of your assignment.

NBS CareerFIT –
Resume Style 1

NBS CareerFIT –
Resume Style 2

NBS CareerFIT –
Resume Style 3

NBS CareerFIT –
Resume Style 4


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