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Getting Started With Linkedin English

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Global Mentorship Initiative

Guide to Creating
Your LinkedIn
Copyright ©2023 Global Mentorship Initiative, All Rights Reserved
The GMI Mission
GMI prepares college students around the
world for their job search.

This is accomplished through a structured,

short-term, online mentorship with a
business professional.

GMI creates job opportunities for mentees

through the GMI business network and
corporate partners.

Nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization

Use all the tools available to you
 Build your professional network and connections

 Create a professional display of your academic and

career accomplishments

 Find internships, jobs, and other professional

Why LinkedIn is opportunities

so Important  Make it easier for companies, recruiters, and hiring

managers to find you

 Research companies you are interested in working for

 Join groups and expand your professional knowledge

You must have a professional LinkedIn

profile before you graduate.
50% 91% 94%
of hiring of marketing of recruiters
managers will executives list say they use
decide to LinkedIn as LinkedIn to
proceed with the top place find
your to find quality candidates.
application content.

Why LinkedIn is based on your

LinkedIn profile.

so Important
100 million 260 million 500 million
members members LinkedIn
login every login every members
day month worldwide

LinkedIn is a requirement in today’s

professional job market.
LinkedIn sections to be completed in this training:
Build Your  Headline & summary
LinkedIn Profile  Headshot
 Banner behind your headshot
 A summary that captures attention
 Detailed work & volunteer experience
This work should be done on a  Education details
computer. Some sections are very
difficult to update on a phone.  Skills

Use the LinkedIn Content and Templates document at:
You can copy and paste these templates for your
LinkedIn profile to save time.
GMI Student

Use this LinkedIn profile as

a template:
This LinkedIn profile gets requests for
interviews every week!
A Step-By-Step Guide to
Creating Your LinkedIn
Step 1

Type this into your browser:

 Enter your personal email

 Create a password you will

 Enter your first and last name

as they appear on your
resume/CV for consistency and
to make it easy for recruiters
and hiring managers to find
your profile.
Step 2
Enter your location. LinkedIn will use
this information to provide
suggestions for connections and job
opportunities in your area.

Choose the ‘I’m a Student’ button.

Verify that you are not a robot.
Complete your education

Important: slide the button from

‘no’ to ‘yes - I am over 16.
Step 3

Verification Email & Code

LinkedIn will send you an email

with a code to enter.
Step 4

Let recruiters know you are

open to job opportunities.
Step 5

Let recruiters know you are

open to job opportunities.
Step 6
Your New
LinkedIn Profile

Build your profile quickly by

selecting “Update profile”.

If you don’t see this option, skip to

Step 11.

We will show you how to build

your profile in other ways.
Step 7
Add to Your
LinkedIn Profile

 Confirm student status

 Add skills so recruiters can

find you

 Confirm your location

Step 8
Get the LinkedIn

Optional app to notify you when

jobs are posted, or recruiters
want to hear from you.
Step 9

Add Connections

Don’t add connections until

your profile is ready to be seen
by others.
If you don’t see a “Connect”
button on their profile:
Step 10
Add Job Search
Creating professional
content for your LinkedIn

This is how job recruiters

will find you!
Step 11
Where to Change
Your Profile

 Your photo
 Summary about yourself
 Education details
 Work experience
 Skills
 Recommendations
Step 12

Add Your Photo

Photo Tips
 View your profile
 Wear professional clothing as
 Click on the camera
if you were going on a job
Profiles with a photo get 21x  Use a simple background or
more views and 36x more outdoor scene for your
messages. picture.
 You do not need an
expensive camera, but good
lighting is important.
 Do not use pictures with
Click here to add a frame around your other people, with
picture that says you are Open to Work. inappropriate clothing, or in
your cap and gown, etc.
Step 13
Add Content to Your

Your Headline
 Be creative and unique
 Where you are now
 Where you want to be
 Your specialization
Headline keywords are used by  Use keywords
recruiters to find job candidates  Do not use your current job
title or just ‘Student’ as a

Another example:
Create a unique headline 2022 business school graduate
that will captivate recruiters looking for financial analyst
and hiring managers.
Step 14
About You

Your Profile

Use the guidelines and examples

to create a professional summary
Summary Examples
for your profile.
 Use first person narrative. Intro:
 Be specific, not generic. Explain your passion, what drew you to your
 Use keywords for your industry and job major/specialization/field.
This is your first impression with descriptions for positions you want to Body:
recruiters! apply for. What skills and certifications you have gained
 Show your passion and aspirations in through your education and experience.
your writing. Conclusion:
 Highlight a few skills you have gained at How they can contact you – add your email
work and in college. address.
About You
I am a student at University Name pursuing a Bachelor of Business
Example One Administration in Accounting and Financial Management, graduating
in May 2022. I'm passionate about working in the finance industry to
use skills gained from my college education and to make a difference
as an accounting professional.

I am currently working as an Accountant Intern and gaining hands-on

experience working with bookkeeping software, analyzing financial
data, and working and communicating in a professional
Your summary should make environment.
recruiters want to contact you.
If you are interested in learning more about my skills and how I can
help your company, please send me a LinkedIn message or email me

Important to provide your email address here.

Make it easy for people to connect with you.
About You My aunt is my role model and I have always been in awe of her
ability to stretch her budget so far with so little. Before I decided to
pursue a Bachelor of Business Administration, I worked part-time at
Example Two her store, and she taught me the importance of good financial
management and inspired my professional goals.

I’m applying these skills to help me be successful with my studies in

the Accounting and Business Management program at University
Name. The undergraduate coursework has expanded my
understanding of the role of economy, ecology, and community in
Your summary should make business, managing for sustainability, and marketing management.
recruiters want to contact you.
I am also working as an Accounting Intern with the Name Accounting
firm where I have gained hands-on experience with bookkeeping
software and analyzing financial data.

If you are interested in learning more about my skills and how I can
help your company, please send me a LinkedIn message or email me
Step 15
Add Content to
Your Profile
This should be “off”.

Your Education

 What you want a recruiter or employer

to know about your education if they
searched your profile.
 Degree, school name, dates attended.
 Awards, honors, scholarships, and GPA
(if above 3.0 out of 4.0).
 Organizations, clubs, groups, sports,
As a student, this is your summer camps, etc.
strongest LinkedIn section.  Job shadows or other activities related
to professional development.
 Courses you took that will look good to
recruiters, or that relate to your
profession of interest.
Education Degree:
Example Bachelor of Science – BS, Accounting

Field of Study:
Business and Finance

Activities and Societies:

To supplement my studies, I attend weekly meetings and study sessions as
an active member of the Accounting Student Association. I also participate
in the French Club to improve my proficiency in French and play intramural
Highlight your soccer with friends and classmates.
accomplishments during
your education.
As a fourth-year student in the accounting and financial management
major, I have completed coursework on sustainability in business,
mathematics, and accounting concepts and best practices.

My undergraduate coursework also includes international business

management, communications, business law, ethics, and economics.
Step 16

Your Work  Include part-time/full-time jobs,

internships, and other unpaid

Experience professional opportunities.

 Include volunteer work here. This
helps recruiters and hiring managers
see your achievements.
 List achievements, awards,
promotions, etc. Not just daily tasks.
 Create an entry for each job you  Provide metrics when possible to give
have held including unpaid volunteer evidence of your accomplishments.
jobs.  Refer to successful projects you have
completed or that you contributed to.
 Add the company, job title, dates of

 Create job descriptions for each job


 Summarize achievements, awards,

promotions for each job.

 Show how you contributed to the Ideas for job descriptions:

company’s goals.
Your Work
Experience Personal reference from accounting supervisor available upon request.
Internship allows me to job shadow and work alongside experienced accountants to gain hands-on experience in
the following accounting responsibilities: preparing financial reports, analyzing and presenting opportunities for
process improvement, and researching, filing, organizing, and maintaining accurate and complete financial


Through my internship, I have strengthened my ability to use and understand bookkeeping software, effectively
communicate with colleagues and key stakeholders, and handle sensitive and confidential information.

Personal reference from GMI available upon request.

I volunteered 10 hours a week to support this non-profit organization that creates mentorships between
students and business professionals for career guidance and business skills development.

My duties included providing assistance to the office manager by reviewing and processing mentor/mentee
applications, making website updates, and helping to create marketing campaigns.

Working part-time to support my college education.

My primary responsibilities include greeting guests, assigning tables, managing team workflow and significant
guest queues during busy hours.

My focus is to coordinate with staff members to ensure the best service for our guests.
Awarded the Employee-of-the-Month award twice for excellent team building and customer service skills.
Step 17
Skills are a primary search criteria
Adding Skills to for job recruiters
Your Profile
 Use keywords found on job descriptions
 Add 30 – 50 skills

 As you add LinkedIn connections, you will get

more endorsements validating your skills with
Step 18
Skills Endorsements
Getting People  Your connections will endorse you for skills they have observed
to Endorse  You can request endorsements from coworkers, supervisors,
teachers, and other professional contacts
Your Skills  Endorse others to get more endorsements for yourself

How to Endorse Someone

To endorse someone, go to
their profile and scroll down
to “Skills”.
Step 19
Add Content to Your

Other Important
Facts about You

Licenses, certifications, and

significant courses completed
Step 20
Add Content to Your

Other Important
Facts about You

Add information about your

education and career that makes
you stand out from the
Step 21

Edit Your Settings

Adjust the settings to customize

your LinkedIn web address and
make it easier for recruiters to
find you.
Step 22

Let People
Contact You

If you want recruiters to contact

you, let them see your email
Step 23
Change How
People See
Your Profile
Step 24
Your Profile’s

Change your URL to your first and

last name if possible.
first-last or firstlast


Step 25

Change How
People See
Your Profile

Determine who can view your

LinkedIn content.
Step 26

Find a Job Using


You can upload your CV/Resume

for job applications.

Tell recruiters you are looking for

a job.

Share your information with

Step 27

Market Yourself
with a Banner

Banner Recommendations
 Banners add a personal aspect to your profile
Identifies you as someone who  Be creative but remember this is a business environment
goes beyond just meeting the  Examples: your city or your business interests
requirements.  Pictures must have the correct dimensions
 “Crop” pictures to get the right shape
 Left side is for your headshot
Banner Examples #1 Choose 1 of these 16 examples for your
profile banner.

Banner 1 Banner 4

Banner 2 Banner 5

Banner 3 Banner 6
Banner Examples #2

Banner 7 Banner 10

Banner 8 Banner 11

Banner 9 Banner 12
Banner Examples #3

Banner 13 Banner 16

Banner 14
Where to get additional free banners

Banner 15
Additional Resources and References
‘10 LinkedIn Profile Summaries We Love (And How to Boost Your Own’ – Kate Reilly with LinkedIn Talent Blog

‘What to Include in Your LinkedIn Experience Section’ – Stacey Lane with Stacey Lane Career Coach and Consultant

’10 LinkedIn Profile Tips for College Students – Sandra Long with Workology

‘The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Students’ – Ransom Patterson with College Info Geek

‘LinkedIn Invitation Request Examples’ – Michigan Tech University

‘7 Ways To Include Keywords In Your LinkedIn Profile

‘4 Ways to Find Job Opportunities on LinkedIn’ – Arnie Fertig with Job Hunt
Global Mentorship Initiative
Global Mentorship Initiative
Learn more at 15600 NE 8th St. Suite B1-800
Bellevue, WA 98008
Jon Browning
Chief Executive Officer

Chad Fuller
Chief Operating Officer

Follow GMI

GMI is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization

Federal Tax ID Number: 84-1892894

Copyright ©2023 Global Mentorship Initiative, All Rights Reserved

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