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Majesticconchshellempowerment Janwilson PDF

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International LightWorkerS

Majestic Conch Shell Empowerment

LightWorker™ Series

Channeled & Written by Jan Wilson

Layout by Jens Søeborg
Majestic Conch Shell Empowerment
The Majestic Conch Shell Empowerment is the first empowerment presented by Jan Wilson to the
LightWorker™ Miscellaneous Attunements
Abundantia Demeter Empowerment (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Angelic Pink Rose Empowerment (Andrew Brocklebank) (LightWorker™ Series)
Angels of the Heart Empowerment (Carol Ann Tessier) (LightWorker™ Series)
Aphrodite's Birth Empowerment (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Axiatonal Lines Reconnection (Chris Comish) (LightWorker™ Series)
Breathe of Bliss (Andrea "Aridanne" Fetsko) (LightWorker™ Series)
Brighid Empowerment (Nan Fahey & Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Bùdài (Hotei) Initiation (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Buddha's Bliss Attunement (Lee "Golden Eagle" Newman) (LightWorker™ Series)
Cosmic Alignments (Tawan Chester) (LightWorker™ Series)
Cosmic Consciousness Empowerment (Bhamesh “Deeshal” Bagratee) (LW™ Series)
Devine Connection Empowerment (Bhamesh “Deeshal” Bagratee & Leslie Wilson) (LW™ Series)
Galactic Center Energy Attunement (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Galactic Ray Attunements (Chris Comish) (LightWorker™ Series)
Ganesha Triple Empowerment (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Gilgamesh Empowerment (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon) (LightWorker™ Series)
Golden Heart of Usui (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Fusion Reiki (Rev. Dr. Jason Storm) (LightWorker™ Series)
Joy of Being Attunement (Lee "Golden Eagle" Newman) (LightWorker™ Series)
Lai Life Elixir Attunement (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Love of Fairies Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker™ Series) - free
Magic Touch of Reiki (Roger T. Hill) (LightWorker™ Series)
Majestic Conch Shell Empowerment (Jan Wilson) (LightWorker™ Series)
Majestic Trees Attunement (Gail M. Schumann) (LightWorker™ Series)
Masks of Mexico Attunement (Lee "Golden Eagle" Newman) (LightWorker™ Series)
Milky Way Home Galaxy Empowerment (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Pilgrim’s Progress Empowerments (Alasdair Bothwell Gordon) (LightWorker™ Series)
Planetary Ray Attunements 1 (Chris Comish) (LightWorker™ Series)
Planetary Ray Attunements 2 (Chris Comish) (LightWorker™ Series)
Power-Break Empowerment Client’s Manual (Tawan Chester) (LightWorker™ Series)
Power-Break Empowerment Teacher’s Manual (Tawan Chester) (LightWorker™ Series)
Protective Healing Symbol (Melanie “Shivanie” Pfetzinger) (LightWorker™ Series)
Sacred Earth Chakras I – The Chakras (Elizabeth “Starlightowl” Hibel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Sacred Earth Chakras II – The Spinner Wheels (Elizabeth “Starlightowl” Hibel) (LW™ Series)
Sacred Earth Chakras III – The Serpents (Elizabeth “Starlightowl” Hibel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Seven Flavours of Vril (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Seven Ray Attunements (Jens Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Spiritual Transmission Initiation (Wulf "Jedami" Dietzel) (LightWorker™ Series)
Usui Precepts Empowerment (Jens "Tehuti" Söeborg) (LightWorker™ Series)
Wordwide Net of Light (Sabine van Tellingen) (LightWorker™ Series)
Majestic Conch Shell Empowerment
The Conch Shell as a Totem
The Conch is use for calling together the religious. Like
the sound of the conch trumpet it spreads protection
from suffering and problems in all directions.

Conch Shell Dreams

Psychological Meaning: Conch shells (and shells in general)
are usually a spiritual symbol because they come from the sea,
which represents the vast expanses of the unconscious mind.
They are also a divine feminine symbol associated with the
goddess Venus who was born from a shell. Conch shells may
represent sexual inhibitions

Mystical Meaning: Some authorities on dream superstition say

that the conch shells predict that something strange will happen
to you. So if you wake to find you’ve been abducted by aliens or
there’s a flipper where your foot was, it is probably the shell
dream that’s to blame.

Popular Folklore and Feng Shui!

In popular folklore, it is believed that if one holds an open conch shell (or any other
large marine snail shell) to the ear, the ocean can be heard. This phenomenon is
caused by the resonant cavity of the shell, producing a form of pink noise from the
surrounding background ambiance. In reality, the person is hearing their blood flow
in the capillaries of their ears; the sound enters the shell and reverberates through
the chambers before coming back. This sound can also be heard (though rather
poorly) by covering one's ear with one's hand. The rushing sound is the flow of your
body’s blood.

Conch shells have a special meaning in Feng Shui. They are said to enhance travel
luck and to strengthen long distance relationship. They are said to help attract
relationship luck and overseas business. When placed in the south sector of the living
room it can enhance the good name and reputation of the occupant.

If placed in the Southwest or Northeast sectors of

the living room it can strengthen education and
relationship luck. In the Southwest corner of the
bedroom the conch shell enhances the oppor-
tunities for a couple to live together and create a
strong relationship. In the southwest corner of the
bedroom it can help a couple create more time to
spend together. Conch shells create great oppor-
tunities to enhance communications by improving
interaction with friends and colleagues.
The Conch Pearl
The conch pearl comes in a range of hues, including
white, brown and orange and many intermediate
shades, but pink is the color most associated with the
conch pearl. Conch pearls are sometimes referred to
simply as 'pink pearls'. In some gemological texts,
these pearls used to be referred to as 'calcareous
concretions' because they were shiny and ceramic-like
in appearance rather than with a pearly luster
sometimes known as 'orient'.

The surface of fine Conch pearls has a unique and attractive appearance of its own.
The microstructure of pearls comprises partly-aligned bundles of microcrystalline
fibers which create a shimmering, slightly iridescent effect known as 'flame
structure'. The effect is a form of chatoyancy, caused by the interaction of light rays
with the micro crystals in the pearl's surface, and it somewhat resembles Moiré Silk.

About the Conch

A conch (pronounced "konk") is considered to be a large saltwater snail. Most
conchs’ can be found on the sandy bottoms of the oceans among sea grass beds in
warm tropical waters. They travel in schools and are thought to be weary of
fishermen. The snail has long eye stalks with colorful ringed eyes and has a foot
ending in a pointed sickle shaped operculum which can dig in to the sandy bottoms of
the ocean and propel the conch in a sort of leaping motion as it moves. Upon sexual
maturity their shells grow a flared lip. Juveniles that have not had a chance to
reproduce will have no lip flare on their shell. They vary in sizes and they are a very
important food source for many societies. Second only to the escargot for edible
snails the meat of the conch is used raw in salads, or cooked into fritters, gumbos and
even burgers.

The conch shell starts out as a home for these

big snails, also known as gastropods. The
shell itself seems to involve a very high
degree of masonry that curves in proportion
identical to the shape of spiral galaxies. As
the snail grows the shell is woven by calcium
(or aragonite), into a brick and mortar like
casing that is even stronger than ceramics
that have used the aragonite materials.

Because of the architecture of the shell and

the strength in which it is constructed it is
currently being studied by aerospace and
computer industries.
Conch shells are occasionally used as a building material, either in place of bricks, or
as bulk for landfill. Because of their sharp edges, up-turned or broken pieces of the
conch shell are used in the Bahamas in an effort to maintain home security. The up-
turned shell is placed or pieces are embedded into the tops of outdoor walls because
they are sharp enough to cut any intruder who attempts to jump or crawl over the

The Conch Shell as an Instrument

Conch shells can be used as instruments, by
cutting a small hole in the spire and then
blowing into the shell as if it were a trumpet.
They can create a very loud sound. These conch
made trumpets are blown in various cultures to
announce something meaningful to the commu-
Announcing the sale of fish by the local
fishermen in Grenada the conch shell trumpet is
Conch shells are blown during Carnival as part of
the Diab Diab (Jab Jab) festivities. It is blown to
announce the popular Jouvr Jump.

In the South Pacific, specifically Fiji they blow

the conch shell to entertain the tourists. They
Fijians used the conch shell when their Chief died. They blew the shell as the body
was carried down a special path.

Hawaiians use a ceremonial conch shell that can be heard as far as

two miles away. Today the "Pu," a special ceremonial conch, is used
to announce the opening of the Hawaii State Legislature.

They have been blown in the West Indies

and the South Sea Islands. It has been
widely blown in the Americas, as well as
traded as a commodity.

The Minoans reputedly used the conch for rituals, and their
later Greek neighbors believed Triton, the son of Amphitrite
and Poseidon, blew the conch to control the magnitude of
the waves.

In India the sound of the conch is associated with the sacred

syllable AUM, what they consider the first sound of creation.
Other Uses
The term concha or “conch” it is
sometimes given to the halfdome over the
semicircular apse of a basilica. In Renais-
sance buildings shells are frequently car-
ved in the heads of circular niches.
The conch has been used ritually in parts
of Asia, and still today in Japan as a spiri-
tual aid and in Korea for military fanfares.
Conch shells are sometimes used as deco-
ration. They are used as decorative plan-
ters, and in cameo making.
In classic Mayan art, conchs are shown being utilized in many ways. They are used as
paint and ink holders for elite scribes and as bugles or trumpets. They are seen as
hand weapons (held by combatants by inserting their hands in the aperture).
Conch shells can be seen on graves in various Caribbean and African
American cemeteries.
In some Caribbean countries, cleaned Queen Conch shells, or
polished fragments, are sold, mainly to tourists, as souvenir.
Some Australian Aboriginals used cylindrical conch beads as part of
breastplates and other personal adornment.

In the Americas Conch shells became carving tools, drinking cups, medicinal
containers, jewelry and valued as sacred ceremonial objects.

The sign of the shell was insignia of royalty and it was a common practice for people
employed with the royalty to either carry it or paint it on their dress, which was said
to offer protection to them.

Additional Folklore and Myth

The Hindu tradition
This shell is used as an important ritual object in Hinduism. It is used as a ceremonial
trumpet, as part of religious practices, for example puja. The conch trumpet is
sounded during worship at specific points, accompanied by ceremonial bells and
singing. The warriors of ancient India blew conch shells to announce battle, as in the
beginning of the war of Kurukshetra, in the Mahabharat, the famous Hindu epic.

The god of Preservation, Vishnu, is said to hold a special conch, Panchajanya, that
represents life, as it has come out of life-giving waters. As it is an auspicious
instrument, it is often played in a Lakshmi puja in temple or at home.
The conch is one of the five principle weapons of
The Lord Vishnu. Vishnu, the preserver god is said
to own conches that spiral clockwise and are said to
symbolize the expansion of infinite space. Conches
that spiral counterclockwise are said to defy the
"laws of nature," and belong to the destroyer -
transformation god, Lord Shiva. Followers of Vishnu
believe the conch shell was given to us to destroy all
evil. Arjuna, the hero of India's epic Mahabharata,
blew a particularly powerful conch as a battle horn.
It was said to "banish evil spirits, avert natural
disasters and scare away poisonous creatures."
The Buddhist Tradition

In Buddhism the conch shell is considered to be one of the

Eight Auspicious Symbols. The fifth Buddhist symbol is
the conch shell. The gift of the conch shell to the new
Buddha represents a sign of his ability to keep lower
energy forces at bay. Like in the Hindu culture, the conch is
believed to give the Bearer the ability to scare away evil
spirits, banish dark energies, and even stop natural
disasters from occurring. Buddhist stories tell of mythical
heroes carrying a large white conch shell into battle as a
symbol of their power and divinity.
In Tibet the conch shell is used in Buddhist rituals, both blown and as a receptacle for
holy water. It can also be heard as a musical instrument in a Tibetan orchestra. The
conch shell was a vessel for precious oils and medicines in the Indus Valley
civilization more than 4,000 years ago. Conch Shell jewelry has been recently found
at Mehergarth, the ruins of a 9000 year old settlement (the oldest human settlement
found to date) in what is now Pakistan. The sub-continent of India itself is in the
shape of a conch.
Ancient Peru
The Moche people of ancient Peru worshiped the sea and often depicted conch shells
in their art.
In a creation myth from the Aztecs, the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl tricks the
lord of the underworld with a kind of conch shell magic.
Hawaiian Islands
The "mythical" Menehune, an ancient tiny people that are believed to have lived
throughout the Hawaiian islands were considered god-like by the Polynesian settlers
in Hawaii. The new settlers blew a conch shell to "control" the little gods. One time
the Menehune stole the special conch and kept the Hawaiians up at nights with
constant concerts, so much so that a brave Hawaiian retrieved the stolen conch.
There are no pre-requisites for this attunement. This is based on
intent and may be sent as intent or chi ball. Always ask your higher
source to be with you and always thank them for being there with

Whatever, procedure that you do to align with receiving attune-

ments, please do them for this attunement as well. There are no pre-
requisites for this attunement. This is based on intent and may be
sent as intent or chi ball.

This or these attunement/s is from many gifts

of the universe and the celestial beings. It is
free of charge, and it shall always be passed
€ on as a gift to others! You are free to copy and
pass on. You are also free to translate it, but if
you translate, then please pass a copy to:

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