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Attunement & Session Catalog: by Ole Gabrielsen

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Attunement & Session Catalog

By Ole Gabrielsen

Last updated 14 june 2018

Beginners Attunements
• Full Spectrum Light
• Gold Reiki
• Solar Angels
• White Light
• Ethereal Crystals I & II
• Telos Energy System

Kundalini Reiki Attunements

• Kundalini Reiki 1
• Kundalini Reiki 2
• Kundalini Reiki 3 (Master Teacher)

16 Ascended Masters Attunements

Saint Germain • Goddess Eir • El Morya • Hilarion • Kuthumi • Lanto • Buddha • Kuan Yin •
Maitreya • Serapis Bay • Jesus • Lady Nada • Maha Chohan • Pallas Athena • Paul the
Venetian • Lady Portia

7 Archangels Attunements
Archangel Michael • Archangel Gabriel • Archangel Jophiel • Archangel
Metatron • Archangel Raphael • Archangel Zadkiel • Archangel Uriel

New Usui Reiki

• New Usui Reiki 1-4 Attunements

Ethereal Flowers
• Ethereal Flowers 1 & 2

16 Gemstone Essences
Amethyst • Azurite • Carnelian • Citrine • Emerald • Lepidolite • Moonstone • Morganite •
Red Jasper • Rhodonite • Rose Quartz • Sodalite • Strawberry Quartz • Sunstone • Unakite
• Muscovite Mica

10 Planets Attunements
Saturn • Jupiter • Mercury • Venus • Sun • Moon • Mars • Pluto • Uranus • Neptune

White Light

Expels negative energy. Protective. Great for room purification or for any area with
negative/stagnant energy.

Solar Angels

Solar Angels comes from the Sun and are connected to heart chakra. The energy is
transformative and heals at the cellular level because the energy of the Sun is full
spectrum light. Helps rejuvenate and heal, especially the physical body. Use this energy
especially when going through some processes. Excellent to finish any healing session or
procedure with the energy of the Solar Angels.

Gold Reiki

Transmutes fear and darkness into light and joy! Gold Light is the strongest light of
transformation in the physical universe! You can use Gold Reiki as ordinary Reiki, alone or
as a combination.

Full Spectrum Light

FSL consists, like a rainbow, of all frequencies from infrared through near-ultraviolet and is
therefore able to heal on many levels.
Sunlight is considered full spectrum and FSL works like it, with it's many excellent
properties. The most important is healing and regeneration.
Its energies also promote joy, happiness, peace of mind, calmness and balance. It
cleanses and protects from negative energies. It's further great for use in meditation.
FSL can be used as a hands on healing, like Reiki.

Telos Energy System

Telos is an ancient Lemurian city that exists right beneath Mount Shasta. It’s a real city in
the physical realm, with over 1 million inhabitants that are living in peace and prosperity.
The city of Telos has a very special frequency of love. This energy is very beneficial in
healing sessions!

With the Telos Healing System, 5 programmed stones are used and placed in a special
“grid” on and around a person. The stones will automatically connect to each other and
start broadcasting the love frequency to the body. This is very relaxing and often results in
healing on a deep level!


Planet Saturn (Crown Chakra)

Planet Jupiter (Third Eye Chakra)
Planet Mercury (Throat Chakra)
Planet Venus (Heart Chakra)
Planet Sun (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Planet Moon (Hara Chakra)
Planet Mars (Root Chakra)
Planet Uranus: A dynamic energy. Uranus is a planet of sudden changes, originality,
revolutions, inventions, humanitarian ideals.

Planet Neptune: A healing energy. Neptune is a planet of sophisticated energy, empathy,

dreams, art.

Planet Pluto: A transformative energy. Pluto is a planet of intense transformation, digs

under the surface to bring to the light and renew.

Gemstone Essences

Amethyst Essence: Clear visons - gives birth to new ideas. Associated with the Crown
chakra. Transforming/transmutes negative energy. Has a calming effect on the mind.
Promotes a sense of peace, calmness, serenity and well being. Releases tension. Speed
Azurite Essence: Associated with the Third Eye Chakra.
Carnelian Essence: Associated with the Hara Chakra.
Citrine Essence: Associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Emerald Essence: The main property of the Emerald Essence is physical and emotional
healing. It has a great balancing effect and is especially suited for healing all issues related
to the heart chakra and the eyes.
Lepidolite Essence: Lepidolite contains Lithium, which traditionally is used to treat bipolar
disorder and depression. With its calming and soothing energy, Lepidolite is excellent for
stress relief, mood disorders, when feeling anxious or depressed.
Moonstone Essence: Self-love, releases anger, helps to relax, unlocking personal
potential, connects to the divine feminine power, fertility, wisdom and love stone. When
worked together with Sunstone, it creates harmony, connecting to the energy of the Moon
and the Sun.
Morganite Essence: Morganite, also known as "pink beryl", "rose beryl", "pink emerald",
and "cesian (or caesian) beryl". Stone of Divine Love!
Red Jasper Essence: Energy can be used for the root chakra and all issues related to it.
Muscovite Mica: The energy of Muscovite Mica has for centuries been used with the
intention to rejuvenate, heal and youthen the body. Mica is found in large quantities around
the globe, helping Earth to cleanse and heal the environment. Many people have
discovered Mica’s ability to cleanse water and make water easier to absorb at the cellular
level. It appears to “thin” water. Hydrating the cells of the body is an important step in
maintaining a great health.
Rhodonite Essence: A key essence for the Rhodonite energy is "It is safe to love."
Promotes self love and love for others. Helps us to see that it does not matter what other

people think of us. Learn that giving is receiving. Learn to love without the fear of getting
hurt. A good "relationship stone". Helps us overcome fear of rejection. Recognize love in
others. Self worth.
Rose Quartz Essence: Also called "the love stone". Rose Quartz is associated with the
Heart chakra and with love in all it's aspects: Self-love, motherly love, love for others etc.
Care. Protective.
Sodalite Essence: Sodalite encourages you to stand your ground. Associated with the
throat chakra. A perfect stone for communication, singing and speaking your truth.
Strawberry Quartz: The energy of Strawberry Quartz works gentle. It does not "target"
any specific chakra but rather wraps a "love blanket" around you. It soothes and brings
comfort with it's compassing love. Great against grief and sorrow.
Sunstone Essence: Vitality, creativity, progress in life, personal power, joy, connected to
the sacral and solar plexus chakras to boost confidence, abundance and prosperity
stone. When worked together with Moonstone, it creates harmony, connecting to the
energy of the Sun and the Moon.
Unakite Essence: The Unakite energy help us to accept the physical life and it's lessons.
Encourage us to go on. Help us to learn to live life to the fullest. Promotes stability in life.

Ethereal Crystals

It is possible to give a powerful crystal healing, WITHOUT crystals. Via the Ethereal
Crystal Attunement you gain access to a specific crystal's energy and can channel it by
intention. These ethereal crystals are much stronger than those found on earth.

You can place them on the body, example just by pointing at a certain area of the body
while thinking the name of the specific stone. The stone will disappear when the energy is
no longer needed.

Furthermore, you can create powerful gem elixirs in seconds and increase the strength in
certain gemstones by at least 400 %!

An Ethereal Crystal healing can stand alone or be combined with other healing methods,
such as Reiki. You are also taught distance healing and how to pass on Ethereal Crystals.

Ethereal Crystals I contain the following gemstones:

Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Pink Beryl (Morganite), Blue Lace Agate,
Botswana Agate, Green Calcite, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Diamond,
Single Terminated Clear Quartz Crystal, Emerald, Hematite, Red Jasper, Malachite, Rose
Quartz, Ruby, Sodalite, Turquoise.

Ethereal Crystals II contain the following gemstones:

Alexandrite, Amazonite, Azurite, Bloodstone, Gold Calcite, Fire Opal, Fluorite, Red Garnet,
Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Moldavite, Moonstone, Peridot, Pyrite, Blue Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire,
Black Tourmaline, Violet Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline, Double Terminated Clear Quartz

Ethereal Crystals III contain the following gemstones:

Charoite, Sugilite, Rhodochrosite, Pyrite Sun, African Jade, Snowflake Obsidian, Apache
Tears (obsidian), Moqui Marbles, Boji Stones, Tekite, Chalcedony, Larimar (Atlantis
Stone), Labradorite, Kunzite, Heliotrope, Kyanite, Apophyllite, Ruby-Zoisite, Tanzanite.


Archangel Michael: Means “He who is like God”. Protection, space clearing, spirit
Archangel Gabriel: Means "God is my strenght". Art, communication, for all artists,
writing, child conception and fertility.
Archangel Jophiel: Means “Beauty of God”. Known as “patron of artists”. Artistic projects
and artists, beautiful thoughts, creativity.
Archangel Metatron: Clearing of negative thoughts and thought forms. Instilling peace of
mind. Cleansing and purification of rooms and areas.
Archangel Raphael: Means “God heals” or “God had healed”. Healing humans and
animals, guidance and support for healers.
Archangel Zadkiel: Means “The righteousness of God”. Benevolence, mercy,
compassion, physical and emotional healing, memory enhancement, studies, tests, help to
forgive yourself or someone else.
Archangel Hanael: Also known as Anael and Aniel. Means "Joy of God" or "Grace of
God". Since Venus is associated with Hanael, this Archangel is excellent to invoke in all
matters of love. Helps you to let go of sorrow and pain.
Archangel Sachiel: Means "the covering of God". Great to invoke for matters involving
money, finance, law, politics, and religion.
Archangel Uriel: Means “Light of God”. Help us to cope with stressful situations. Finding
our peace in life's storms. A great comforter and helper to remind us, that “everything is
going to be ok.” Shine his light in the darkness and light up our life's path. Great energy
when working with children.
Tip after receiving the attunement: You can make an “anti stress” elixir with Uriel's energy:
Find a little bottle and fill it with oil or water. Hold the bottle in your hands and think “Uriel”.
Hold the bottle in your hands for about 20 seconds and the elixir is done. To use, simply
put a few drops under your tongue or in a glass of water.

Ascended Masters

Saint Germain: Protection, Courage, direction, healing, inspiration, connected to the

crown chakra. The energy helps to open up to higher wisdom, to gain access to higher
realms and release tension.
Goddess Eir: In Norse mythology, Eir (Old Norse “help, mercy”) is a goddess and/or
valkyrie associated with medical skill. Eir is offering a wonderful loving energy, that is able
to heal even very stubborn blockages. Her energy (connected to the third eye chakra) also
strenghtens the intuition and is good for protection.
El Morya: connected to the throat chakra. The energy helps to strenghten communication,
to “stand your ground” and to say what you really mean.
Hilarion: Connected to the heart chakra. The energy helps centering and balancing your
Kuthumi: Focus, dedication to life purpose, ralaxation, calming, “anti-stress”, connected to
the solar plexus chakra.
Lanto: connected to the hara chakra. The energy helps to strenghten creativity, boost
libido and as an anti-procrastination energy.
Buddha: Inner peace, joy, spiritual growth and understanding. Connected to the root
chakra. The energy helps to strenghten and stabilize the physical body.
Kuan Yin: Compassion, giving and receiving love, mercy, kindness, gentleness and
sweetness towards self and others.
Maitreya: Joy, laughter, sense of humor, peace, compassion.
Serapis Bay: Personal and global peace, helps healing the emotional body, ascension,
overcoming addictions and cravings, artists and creative endeavours, clear communication
with God.
Jesus: Divine guidance and direction, forgiveness, healing, spirit releasement.

Lady Nada - Helps to heal the inner wounded child.

Maha Chohan - means “the Great Lord". Also known as The Comforter as he brings
comfort to all life. Helping us to learn patience, persistence, discipline and how to discern
what is real and what is not.

Pallas Athena - Also known as the Goddess of Wisdom and Truth. Helps us to find and
express the truth in ourselves.

Paul the Venetian - Helping us with being creative in all aspects of our lives - inspiring

Lady Portia - is the Goddess Of Justice" - assists you to bring the masculine and
feminine into balance. Helps you to see the beauty in all things and in any situation you
are experiencing.

Ethereal Flowers

Learn how to make powerful flower remedies in seconds!

Through attunement you gain access to a specific flower's energy and can channel it by
intention. These are the same flowers that are used in the Bach Flower Essences.

In level 1 you are attuned to the following flowers:

Agrimony: Mental torture behind a cheerful face.

Aspen: Fear of unknown things.
Beech: Intolerance.
Centaury: Have difficulty in saying no and are anxious to please.
Cerato: Doubt your own ability to judge situations.
Cherry Plum: Fear of losing control of the mind.
Chestnut Bud: Refuses to learn by experience.
Chicory: Are overly possessive. The care for others is self-centered and manipulative.
Clematis: Dreamy, absent-minded, lack of interest in present.
Crab Apple: The cleansing remedy, have a poor self-image.
Elm: Overwhelmed by responsibility.
Gentian: Easily discouraged.
Gorse: Hopelessness and despair, pessimistic.
Heather: Obsessed with own troubles and experiences, dislike being alone.
Holly: Hatred, envy, jealousy, suspicion.
Honeysuckle: Living in the past, nostalgic, feeling homesick.
Hornbeam: 'Monday morning' feeling, tiredness at the thought of doing something,
Impatiens: Impatience, easily irritated.
Larch: Lack of self-confidence.

You will learn how to make a remedy, prepare a remedy for another person and pass on
the Ethereal Flowers attunements.

In level 2 you are attuned to the following flowers:

Mimulus: Fear of known things.

Mustard: Deep gloom for no reason.
Oak: Are driven by a strong sense of duty and struggle on although exhausted.
Olive: Fatigued, feel exhausted.
Pine: Guilt Blame yourself for other people's mistakes.
Red Chestnut: Over-concerned for others.
Rock Rose: Scared, terror, fright.
Rock Water: Are inflexible, self-denial, rigidity and self-repression.
Scleranthus: Suffer from indecision.
Star Of Bethlehem: Grief or shock.
Sweet Chestnut: Extreme mental anguish.
Vervain: Over-enthusiasm.
Vine: Dominance and inflexibility.
Walnut: Protection from change and unwanted influences, assists in adjustment to
transition or change.
Water Violet: Pride and aloofness.
White Chestnut: Persistent unwanted thoughts.
Wild Oat: Uncertainty over one's direction in life.
Wild Rose: Drifting, resignation, apathy.
Willow: Self-pity and resentment.

In this level you will further learn how to make a "rescue remedy".

Kundalini Reiki

By opening/strengthening the energy channels of the body, it is possible to channel

healing Reiki energy to yourself and others, just by intention.
What is Reiki?
Reiki means “Universal life energy”. You can have access to Reiki via “attunement”.
During attunement, different energy centres (Chakras) and energy channels are
opened/strengthened. This way you can have access to this energy and channel it through
your hands. You can then “switch on” the energy, just by intention. Reiki can also be used
on animals, plants, water etc. Furthermore, it is possible to accelerate your personal
development process drastically by opening the Kundalini.
What is Kundalini?
Basically, Kundalini means that certain healing channels and chakras have been opened,
and you have thereby gained access to the Earth’s energy. The Root chakra, which is the
energy centre located near the coccyx, acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy. The
Kundalini energy is also referred to as ”the Kundalini Fire”. Hereafter, the energy runs all
the way up through the body, through the “main energy channel”, and out of the Crown
chakra. This energy channel goes from the Root chakra to the Crown chakra on the top of
the head. An open Kundalini means that over a period of time, a complete cleansing of the
chakras, the body parts and the energy channels is obtained. A person who has, or has
had problems with wrong Kundalini awakening, or other problems with the Kundalini
energy, can most often be helped with Kundalini Reiki. All who are interested in learning
Kundalini Reiki must begin with Kundalini Reiki 1, even though you may have attunements
from other systems.
Kundalini Reiki 1 : The first attunement opens the healing channels to allow channelling
of Reiki energy. At the same time you are prepared for the Kundalini awakening in
Kundalini Reiki 2. The Crown, Heart and hand chakras are opened/strengthened. You are
taught to perform a complete healing treatment and to heal remotely from a distance.
Kundalini Reiki 1 is the equivalent of the USUI Reiki 1-2-3 attunements.

Kundalini Reiki 2 : The Reiki channels are strengthened. The Kundalini awakening,

where the main energy channel opens gently and surely, alighting the Kundalini “fire”,
reaches the minimum Solar Plexus chakra, preparing for the full Kundalini rising in
Kundalini Reiki 3. You are also taught a specific meditation. When you perform this
meditation, you increase for a short time, the power of the flame in the Kundalini
fire/energy. In this way, all the chakras/energy systems are enlightened and a cleansing
takes place.

Kundalini Reiki 3 (Kundalini Reiki Master): The previous attunements are strengthened
and the Throat, Solar Plexus, Hara and Root Chakras are opened. The Kundalini “fire” is
strengthened and reaches up and out of the Crown chakra - full rising of the Kundalini
takes place. Extra included attunements: 1 - Balance, 2 - Diamond Reiki, 3 - Crystalline
Reiki, 4 - DNA Reiki, 5 - Birth trauma Reiki, 6 - Location Reiki, 7 - Past Life Reiki. You are
also taught to pass on Kundalini Reiki 1-2-3.

New Usui Reiki 1-4

Mikao Usui, a significant late-19-century figure, was a man of extraordinary spiritual

aspirations and abilities. His story about Reiki starts in Japan.

There is information since the ancient times that introduced the use of Universal Energy
(“rei” – universal, “ki” – energy) to us. Spiritual teachers around the world (from China,
India, Tibet Rome…) used Reiki to heal both spiritual and physical problems. However,
that knowledge was “forgotten” for a long time because it was reserved for privileged
spiritual leaders only.

Having the insight into that knowledge, Mikao Usui devoted a considerable part of his life
to exploring how Reiki might be reused. His spiritual journey took him towards Mount
Kurama in Japan, where he spent 21 days meditating and fasting. He had a vision in which
he saw Reiki symbols and found out the way how to spread Reiki, i.e. he received the

Thanks to his systematization and foundation of the whole concept, today we know how to
attune others (align them with Life Energy) or perform the healing (channeling Universal

Course levels:

Level 1: Will open (or re-attune) you to Reiki, the universal life-force energy.

Level 2: Will strengthen your connection to the Reiki energy. You will further receive and
become attuned to the 3 common Reiki symbols Cho Ku Rei, Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze
Sho Nen.

Level 3 (Master): Will further strengthen your connection to the Reiki energy. You will
further receive and become attuned to the master symbol: Dai Ko Mio.

Level 4 (Master Teacher): Will further strengthen your connection to the Reiki energy.
After this level, you are suitable to pass on the New Usui Reik attunements.

You will not receive knowledge on how to use the symbols, hand positions, Reiki history
etc, because I presume that you know this already. If not, there are plenty of books and
online resources to cover that.

Kundalini Activation

To have an awakened Kundalini means that your body is able to absorb and transform the
life force energy that earth emits. You are like a rechargeable battery and the earth is a
battery charger, constantly providing you with life force.

If the battery does not function properly, the charger will not be able to charge up the
battery to its full capacity. Clearing the connection to Earth, the chakras and the main
energy channel (also called the Sushumna) will return the natural flow to the energy
system. This stronger energy flow in the body will also help the itself to clear stagnated
energy and blocks. Further, any Kundalini related issues will be solved.

Gold Energy Attunement

A bit different from the Gold Reiki attunement: Gold Energy is more physical and works on
a physical level - its the energy of gold. Gold Reiki is more spiritual and works more on a
spiritual level.

Lifeforce Attunement

Fresh and powerful energy! I like to use this energy at the end of healing sessions, to help
the body integrate the new energies. Can also be used to energize water.

Healing Session

In this session I will work with Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters & spirit guides.

As a standard, I will check, cleanse and activate your Kundalini. To have an activated
Kundalini means that your body is able to absorb and transform the energy that earth
emits. You could say that you are a rechargeable battery and the earth is a battery
charger. If the battery does not function properly, the charger will not be able to charge up
the battery to its full capacity.

A stronger energy flow in the body will also help the itself to clear stagnated energy and
blocks. The process: I clairvoyantly tune into your energy field and manually remove
anything that can hinder a full Kundalini awakening. I will check/cleanse your chakras, your
main energy channel and your energetic connection to Earth. I will then activate/awake
your Kundalini.

I will further cut any etheric threads. Cutting the etheric threads that are created in life is
important. If you do not do this, staying connected to person’s or events is possible. This
could result in the draining of your energy. I will cut any Etheric threads on your behalf in
this session.

Laser Crystal Therapy

A very physical form of healing for physical issues. I use special cut crystal wands.

Mainly performed in-person and can be incorporated in the 1 hour session.

Spiritual Life Coaching

Do you want to dive deeper into your current life situation, break old patterns, uncover
whats holding your back, discover your hidden talents and life mission?

Then spiritual Life Coaching might be something for you!

Depending on the situation, I might use tools like astrology, numerology, card and rune
reading, channeling, healing, attunements and more. Each session is customized to you
and where you are right now in your life.

Since the process is more comprehensive, I recommend minimum 4 sessions. Each

session is around 1 hour.

Spiritual Life Coaching package with 4 sessions: € 250

This catalog can also be downloaded on my website


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