Diamond Himalaya Reiki
Diamond Himalaya Reiki
Diamond Himalaya Reiki
This energy will initiate you into the mystical land whose secret
entrance is hidden in the Himalaya mountains. Called by some
Agartha, and by others Shambala, it is a peaceful place where
people remain young and healthy forever. Their hearts glow with
the Universal Light and Truth. Some delight in caring for plants
and animals, some study and teach, some create beautiful works
of music and art. And some leave Agartha to help ordinary humans
when called…
Take the hand and let the beast guide you up the hill to a dark
crack in the cliff wall. The sun blinks out as you enter. For a
moment you are confused. Then the shadows clear.
You see a large crystal. Pick it up. It glows like a lantern. By its
warm light you can see primitive paintings on the cave walls. Some
design of a human or animal spirit helper will become visible to
you with a special attraction for you.
Gently you trace the image with your fingers and feel a curious
energy tingling through your arm and into your chest. This is the
first initiation.
As you look at the page the geometric figures sparkle and come
off the page and tumble into your hand. They sparkle. You feel
energy rushing towards you from all directions. It is friendly and
warm and you feel a great sense of balance and strength surge
through your legs and torso. There is an energy center known as
the Earth Star under your feet. It is glowing happily now. This is
the second initiation.
This is a map to Agartha you realize. There are green lands inside
our earth, lit by an inner sun. People may tend flocks of sheep
there or worship in peaceful temples. Strum musical instruments
or… you feel dizzy and sit down. Images of odd flying machines
pass through your head. And strange little beings with large dark
eyes and skinny limbs.
The cavern seems warm now. You feel a drop on your forehead
and look up. The ceiling is smooth and glows with a spiral of red
light. You feel as if you are rising to a bright orb of light. You
could refuse, but you don’t want to. There is an energy center
above your head called the Soul Star and it is glowing happily now.
Allow yourself to pass through the red spiral and drift up into the
heart of a vast spaceship. Earth floats in space outside the huge
windows. Aliens scurry here and there. They carry glowing devices
which make soft beeps. They don’t see you, or if they do, they
just nod politely, as if you had every right to be here.
Just take it all in, and then rise some more to a big black cube
about the size of big chair. Why, it is a chair! You settle into the
thing and somehow know just what to touch to bring it “online.”
You can see the past and the future where aliens touched the
Earth and its people. You can trace out important constellations
and see their energies heading for this planet. You can see the
Language of Light, odd little symbols that float in the air and
chime and transform living DNA of those who accept them…
It’s enough. You take a deep breath and the mysterious energy of
the UFO language settles around you like a cloak. This is the third
The Challenge:
You see a shadow at the entrance to the cave. A ragged holy man,
a sadhu from India, enters and looks at you. He lifts his arm as if
to point to something.
You turn to the back of the cave and see a rough stone altar with
a large carved skull. Almost against your will you approach.
You are asked now what you want to do with your Eternity? The
only answer is from your heart… give it….
There is gracious acceptance, and then a burst of applause and
congratulation and singing….
The primitive helping spirit you traced is with you still, the deep
magic of the Five Platonic Solids holds power for you, the Sky
People have been informed of you, and the Ancestors vouch for
you. All is well.
Disclaimer: This energy system is intended for relaxation and wellness and spiritual
growth, but people with medical problems should of course continue to see their doctors
and get medical advice from a professional