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LW Achilles Heel

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I II International nternational nternational nternational L LL LightWorkerS ightWorkerS ightWorkerS ightWorkerS

Achilles Heel Initiation

LightWorker Series

Channelling Dr. Joshua David Stone
Manual: Aalsdair Bothwell Gordon
Layout: Jens Seborg
Achilles Heel Initiation (LightWorker Series)
This initiation is one of the many, channelled by Dr. Joshua David Stone,
shown on the picture to the right. They are from a numbered list of 303
initiations. We have sorted them differently, but we have kept the number
as well, but skipped the "The" in front of all names. Dr. Stone was giving
them free as true gifts from our eternal and infinite Spirit, coming directly
from the Absolute Source of Divine Light and Divine Love.

We will do simple manuals to them when we have time, mainly with
material from Wikipedia. And remember they are all free of any charge and
obligation. You are free to copy and pass on. If you translate, then please
pass a copy to:

LightWorker Miscellaneous Initiations (Dr. Joshua David Stone)
Achilles Heel Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 157) (LightWorker Series)
Angel Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 17) (LightWorker Series)
Archangel Michael Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 96) (LightWorker Series)
Atlanetean Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 103) (LightWorker Series)
Bible Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 139) (LightWorker Series)
Blind Faith Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 169) (LightWorker Series)
Body Lamp Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 173) (LightWorker Series)
Book of Life Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 218) (LightWorker Series)
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 184) (LightWorker Series)
Brahmacharya Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 123) (LightWorker Series)
Christopher Reeves or Superman Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 42) (LightWorker Series)
Course in Miracles Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 136) (LightWorker Series)
Cups, Wands, Swords, and Pentacles Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 220) (LW Series)
Dream Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 231) (LightWorker Series)
Efficient Perception of Reality Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 171) (LightWorker Series)
Elohim Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 125) (LightWorker Series)
Essenes Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 15) (LightWorker Series)
Existentialism Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 137) (LightWorker Series)
Firemen of 911 Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 190) (LightWorker Series)
Forthy Day Lent Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 214) (LightWorker Series)
God Initiations 1-2 (Dr. Joshua David Stone 93+243) (LightWorker Series)
God/Goddess Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 163) (LightWorker Series)
Hanuman Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 182) (LightWorker Series)
Hercules Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 106) (LightWorker Series)
Higher Self Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 159) (LightWorker Series)
Holy Instant Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 73) (LightWorker Series)
Holy Spirit Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 124) (LightWorker Series)
Lady Diana Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 120) (LightWorker Series)
Lamp Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 172) (LightWorker Series)
Little Lamb Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 7) (LightWorker Series)
Mahatma Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 130) (LightWorker Series)
Man of La Mancha Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 121) (LightWorker Series)
Master Teacher Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 203) (LightWorker Series)
Metatron Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 129) (LightWorker Series)
Metatron Light and Light Bulb Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 197) (LightWorker Series)
Mother Earth Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 195) (LightWorker Series)
Mount Everest Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 193) (LightWorker Series)
Napoleon Hill Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 150) (LightWorker Series)
Persephany Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 221) (LightWorker Series)
Rama Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 222) (LightWorker Series)
Sensitivity to the Spirit Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 164) (LightWorker Series)
Seven Chakras Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 160) (LightWorker Series)
Seven Deadly Sins Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 36) (LightWorker Series)
Seven Heavenly Virtues (Dr. Joshua David Stone 37) (LightWorker Series)
Seven Levels of Spiritual Marriage Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 158) (LW Series)
Seven Rays Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 162) (LightWorker Series)
Shepherd Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 6) (LightWorker Series)
Soul Travel Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 229) (LightWorker Series)
Sri Sankara Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 200) (LightWorker Series)
Thanksgiving Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 202) (LightWorker Series)
Three Musketeers Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 187) (LightWorker Series)
Transfiguration Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 63) (LightWorker Series)
Tree and Its Fruits Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 170) (LightWorker Series)
Twelve Archetypes Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 165) (LightWorker Series)
Twelve Schools & Challenges of Life Initiation (Dr. Joshua D. Stone 161) (LW Series)
Twelve Sephiroth of the Cosmic Tree of Life Initiation (Dr. Joshua D. Stone 166) (LW Series)
Yoda Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 209) (LightWorker Series)
Yogananda/Holy Spirit Public Speaking Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 194) (LW Series)
Zarathustra Initiation (Dr. Joshua David Stone 189) (LightWorker Series)

Receiving the Initiation
Start with Gassho (prayer posture). Meditate on the light and love energies around you, above
you and inside of you. Ask the help of your higher self and others of your helpers such as the
mighty I AM Presence, the angels and archangels, masters and mahatma guides of meditation,
ascension and initiation. Accept receiving the initiation from your teacher. Sense the energies!
Enjoy! Expand! Relax...

If you receive more than one initiation, then please remember to take deep breaths in-between

Passing on the Initiation
To Pass the Initiations to others do the same process as above. Just intend to pass them and
read them out loud waiting for a few moments in-between initiations sensing the energies
running and the spiritual shifts. Trust in the Higher Wisdom and Power. Enjoy! Expand! Relax...

Achilles Heel Initiation
The expression Achilles Heel indicating a personal
area of weakness is relatively modern, dating only
from the mid-19
century. However, the story is very
much older. It is not found in Homers Iliad but
rather in later Classical writings.

Thetis was the Goddess of the Sea. Zeus, the King of
the Gods feared that if Thetis herself married a God,
any son born to them would be greater than Zeus
himself. So, Zeus married off Thetis to a mortal
named Peleus. The marriage was reasonably happy
and in due course Thetis gave birth to a son, who was
named Achilles. Because the father of Achilles was a
mortal, so was he. However, Thetis was not satisfied
with such a position. It would have meant that she
would have to watch her son grow old and die whilst
she herself would remain eternally young.

So, she carried her new born son and dipped him in the sacred River Styx, whose waters held the
key to immortal life. She held him by one heel - so that part of him did not get wet and he was
mortally vulnerable in respect of that heel.

Later, as a young warrior, Achilles fought in the Trojan War. He died as a result of an arrow in
that same heel. Although he achieved great glory as a hero and to that extent he lives for ever
he could not cheat death nor make himself into anything other than a mortal.

All normal parents want the best for their children; indeed, many
see the stuff of heroes in them and hope that they will achieve
even more than their parents. That is not wrong but it can be
unhealthy if parents are always obsessed by the thought that their
child must somehow be better in every way than other children. It
can be equally unhealthy if parents put a strong expectation on
their children that somehow they will make good in all the ways
that their parents have not and claim every possible opportunity
that comes their way. It is only too easy for parents to look to their
children to supply the meaning that is missing from their own

Thetis was neither the first nor the last mother to seek maximum protection for and promotion
of her child. But children are only ordinary mortals. Like their parents, they will have their own
weaker areas. They will all make their own mistakes. They deserve to be loved and respected for
who they are rather than who their parents might like them to be.

Alasdair Bothwell Gordon, EdD
Reiki Master and Teacher
Life Coach and Change Agent
Certified NLP Practitioner

Aberdeen, Scotland (UK)

Appendix - Dr. Joshua David Stone & the I AM University

The well known author of many books of spiritual nature Dr Joshua David Stone had a Ph.D. in
Transpersonal Psychology and was a Licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in
California. In November 2004 Dr Stone officially launched the "I AM University", which is an
actual university that Dr Stone runs on the inner plane and has been guided by Spirit and the
Ascended Masters to anchor and externalize on Earth. The "I
AM University" is the fast path to becoming a fully realized
"Integrated Ascended Master" on Earth in this lifetime!

In 2005 Dr Stone passed on to the Spirit world where he
continues to run the inner plane I AM University and
Spiritually supports the continued expansion of his work
through the platform and vehicle of the earthly/outer plane I
AM University! He is now in training with Lord Maitreya and
the Spiritual Hierarchy in preparation of serving as the future
head of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Planet Earth when his
training to do so is complete.

Dr Stone will still be the leader of the I AM University on the spiritual plane, and on the earthly
plane his job is taken over by his helper Rev. Gloria Excelsias.

Gloria Excelsias is a Minister, Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Author,
who served as long-term personal assistant to Dr Joshua David Stone.
When Dr Stone passed on to the Spirit world, he made Gloria Excelsias
the new President and Director of the Earthly plane I AM University
which she now runs in co-creation with and being overlighted by Spirit,
the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angels, Elohim and Dr Stone!

As part of this whole transition and process, Gloria has been guided by
Spirit, the Masters and Joshua to relocate the I AM University to
Salzburg - the Heart of Europe! Having been born in Austria, this
location has crystallized itself as the perfect place on Planet Earth to
serve as new home for the I AM University Headquarters that allows
Gloria best to run and expand the I AM University according to Spirit
and the Masters Plan.

Do you want to know more about Joshua David Stone, Gloria Excelsias and the I AM University,
then you can look at
Web Site:
I AM University , Dr Joshua David Stone & Gloria Excelsias
Postfach 13, 4866 Unterach am Attersee, Austria - Europe

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