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LW Cosmic Dragon (El &amp Ursulius) 081220

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International LightWorkerS

Cosmic Dragon Energy Reiki

LightWorker Series

Channelling and Manual by Eileen "El" Brooks & Uwe Ursulius Burgunder Artwork by Eileen "El" Brooks Layout by Jens "Tehuti" Seborg

Cosmic Dragon Energy Reiki (LW Series)

We have had El* as our LightWorker system house artist for some ti me, before we knew that she had also made "writeups" for most of her beautiful paintings. Those writeups could easily be transformed to manuals, and the contact could equally easy be transformed to attunements. So now El* has made her attunements available for us along with these manuals. El* has a very different writing style, filled with a lot of light. I am sure that you will enjoy her attunements as well as her artwork. All colour and design work is given to El* in the form of claircognisance. She is then told step by step - what to do and which colours to use. El* has a picture in her minds eye. Often she will revisit some work, which she has already completed and see coded information not previously consciously noted by her. This is the way El* works - she does not necessarily grasp All at once - it is an ever evolving process for us all. The LightWorker manuals normally contain some nice pictures, but these series bring to you an extra dimension to the attunements, because they are enhanced through this inspired artwork. Rev. Dr. Uwe Gonzalez Burgunder has committed his life to helping others grow and realizing their true potential. He has an extremely perceptive nature and his talent as a Spiritual Teacher and Healing Facilitator, has lead to his emergence as a well known figure in the fields of Self-Awareness, Spiritual Unfoldment and Universal Laws Life Coaching. These areas work together, assisting a person to become healthier and whole in all ways. Uwe Gonzalez Burgunder currently lives with his wife and daughter in a small town near Cologne, Germany. He has been gifted with psychic abilities since childhood. His spiritual awakening occurred in 1990. It was at that time that Uwe was given the ability to accurately channel Divine messages from Angels. This is an ability he has continued to hone and in 1995 he started assisting people with Spiritual Healing and advising them in their spiritual lives. He has since received Reiki teachings from Master Teachers all over the world and became a Reiki Teacher. Uwe have been attuned to large number of different healing modalities. LightWorker Artwork Series (Art & Attunements by Eileen "El" Brooks) Angel of Love and Healing Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Archea Amethyst Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Archea Charity Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Archea Faith Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Archea Faith 2nd Level (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Assiel Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Azuriel (Angel of Blue Light) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Balance Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Barbedo (Angel of Abundance & Goodness) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LW Series) Bedaliel (Angel of Energy & Vitality) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Cosmic Dragon Energy Reiki(Eileen "El" Brooks & Uwe Ursulius Burgunder ) (LW Series) Eloa (Angel of Jesus' Tear) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Great Spirit Mother Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Isodora (Angel of the Violet Ray) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Lady Nada (Ascended Master) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Lady Portia Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Muriel (Angel of Emotions) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series)

Pendulum (Swings for Female Energy) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Rose Deva Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Sacred Feminine Returns Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Sophia (Wisdom Mother) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Starseed Transmissions (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Tempaii (Buddha Consciousness) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Three Sisters (of the Celestial) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Zadkiel (Archangel) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks & Jens "Tehuti" Seborg) (LW Series) Zechiel (Angel of Harmony & Joy) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) Zenos (Starman) Attunement (Eileen "El" Brooks) (LightWorker Series) LightWorker Ursulius Series (all from Rev. Dr. Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) Archangelic Symbol Healing System (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LW Series) Five Dhyani Buddha Empowerments (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LW Series) Legend of Loreley (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) LightWorkers Unity Energy (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) Love, Forgiveness and Magic of the Angels (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LW Series) Order of Lightworkers (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LW Series) Peaceful Path of the Buddha (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) Ring of the Nibelungs (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) Sakkara Fire Reiki (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) Seven Rays Activation (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series) Unconditional Love Initiation (Uwe Ursulius Gonzalez Burgunder) (LightWorker Series)

Cosmic Dragon Energy Reiki (CEDR)

with us. a transformational joy of ecliptic beauty and resonance. where upon the darker aspects of the universe consume momentarily. to abate and be engulfed in light. This is a process of great harmony. A visioning and transportation from the lower energies of self and matter to the higher ethereal energies and centres that are governing the ascending Cosmos in all its forms..

s is the joy of transcending ego and embracing the consciousness of the higher self. so the Cosmic Dragon shares its joy

Eternal Flame of life. igniting and creating an equilibrium. a starting pointwith no end to Life The Cosmic Dragon is the Eternal Flame. burning bright***

his creation of total light out of light and darkness is indeed a giant leap of Faith. a creation of a force all knowing and omnipresent.. Eternal Light and Flame.. It is here the heart of the Cosmic Dragon resides.. surrounding and protecting the

y loving the darker aspects of self and accepting ourselves for who we are in the here and now.. we are creating a platform for the Cosmic Dragon to contact us energetically. from deep within ourselves. he acceptance of self in the here and now is an essential part of the transformation process. Viewing ourselves from a multi-dimensional aspect. seeing that we exist in many ways in many times opens us up to frequencies of consciousness and

information that would otherwise be missed. living in a concrete thinking and action type world. It is this rigid and concrete consciousness that the Cosmic Dragon Energy Flows around darting flames of inspiration and God like Wave energies towards and into the hearts of human kind.. Within this energetic flow lies incredible strength.. a strength that has lasted throughout all Ages of Time.. throughout Kronos itself.. Great and Unconditional Divine Love is woven into the Dragons Cosmic Flow..


ortholes open for us to view and see ourselves as Christed or Conscious beings.. Visions open up to us of how the world and all within it can live in Peace and Harmony. throughout all periods of time and space.. We are as Diviners. working with this vast and all

consuming energy. Gifted to us from the slumbering giant waves of cosmic consciousness and energy that makes up this Divine Energy Body of this Cosmic Flow.. COSMIC DRAGON e have many roles that we play in the physical world of matter. We sometimes get caught up in the roles of earth life. Mother, Father, son, daughter, Boss, employer, Lover, Friend, animal lover these roles make for who we are at this

mundane level.. which is fine. it is however a memory and a remembering of Self at a Core Level. that will assist our journey at a beloved Soul Level. at the Level of the Cosmic Dragon Energy. . Cosmic Dragon Energy Reiki allows realization of all the energetic frequencies that are making up our subatomic and cellular structures and of the Spaces in between these structures (.where it is said the Godself Resides.) at the level of the functioning that resonates with us as individuals. In other words. Cosmic Dragon Energy Reiki finds a point of balance and harmony for each person attuned to and experiencing these energies we all play a different note* and this is the key of this energy..

n tune with the Infinite it seeks to find the self at the Core Level. stripping away at a perfect time and in a perfect way for the individual. all that is not true within the self.. Gentle yet effectivethis energy supports us throughout the rest of our livesand

indeed beyond this plane of existence.

his process once begun.. through this Cosmic Dragon Energy Reiki continues to assist the person at this core level of personal and global truth.. in turn this helps the individual to find the path home.. to Harmony. to Peace and Love and Joy of

self for self and self for All.. It is for the Highest Good of All*** The Cosmic Dragon Energy Reiki energy helps us to connect with our Higher Selfs. Our Higher Self is even on a higher Level as our Self soul. It is the Divine essence of your being, the source of all light and life within you. Your soul is closer to your personality, and is an intermediary between you and your Higher Self until such time as you are able to directly experience and realize the Higher Self as who you are. .. The Higher Self is the divine essence of your being, the source of all light and life within you. Your Higher Self is omnipresent (everywhere at once), omnipotent (all powerful), and omniscient (all-knowing). It is eternal, infinite being, love, and wisdom. It is the Self that is free from all attachments and beyond all action; it is constant, unchanging, and indestructible.

Your Higher Self is

Omnipresent (everywhere at once). Omnipotent (all powerful). Omniscient (all-knowing). Eternal, infinite perfection of being. Infinite Being, love, and wisdom. Infinite, endless light. Self that is free from all attachments and beyond all action. Self that is constant, unchanging, indestructible, and immutable. Is always the same. Self that is the observer, the witness of your experience. Witness of the activities of mind, but not identified with them. Source of all answers. A center of consciousness within the One Life. A center of consciousness in the great ocean of Life. A center of consciousness upon the surface of the one great I. The consciousness of the whole, manifesting through your point or center of consciousness. Consciousness at rest, no thought.

It is also a

Note that all words or descriptions of the Higher Self are inadequate; the Self is can only be known through a direct experience of It and cannot be known through the rational mind. Your consciousness gradually expands until it realizes its identity with the Whole. Under all forms and names of the visible world, there is to be found One LifeOne ForceOne ExistenceOne RealityONE.

Disharmony and blockages

And what closes us? Fear is what closes us. Fear that we will not have enough; fear that we will not be looked after; fear that we will not be loved; fear that we will not be smart enough. Fear that we will undergo a scarcity of something that we will not receive whatever the goodies are that others are getting. Fear combined with lack of trust in the divine makes it difficult to commit to doing the divine will. Fear shuts down the flow of energy from the higher spiritual realms and impedes the entire process of spiritual transformation.

Contact your Higher Self

s you open to your Higher Self, you can receive its guidance, peace, harmony, and illuminating light. As you embrace the energies sent to you by your Higher Self, you can come to a state of rest within yourself where your mind is quiet. You can turn

away from the distractions of the physical world, and restore yourself in the light, love, and power of this eternal Self. Through this Self, you can play in the world of all potential and manifest your highest path. This Self will reveal the illusions, desires, and attachments that keep you trapped in a lower vibration and on a lesser path. You gain a greater ability to recognize limiting, disharmonious, and restricting energies and forms. Not only will It reveal these limitations; contact with this Self will enable you to have the power, wisdom, and vision to release these energies. Your Higher Self is always trying to reach you, to send you the power, illumination, love, and wisdom to break free from all imprisoning forms, thoughts, feelings, and situations, and to draw higher forms, thoughts, feelings, and

situations into your life. Your Higher Self is all powerful. As you contact and align more fully with this Self, you gain more power and ability to send away negative energies, and to know that nothingno thoughts, beliefs, energies, people, or situations in your life can have power over you, the true Self. Your Higher Self is wise; it knows all, and is always showing you an easier, better, more joyful way to live. Your Higher Self is able to break through the limitations of your personality and concepts, and open you to new ways of living and being. Connecting with this Self brings a sense of flow, of moving with the current, and of being on an upward spiral. Take a moment to get quiet and ask this Self to send you an idea, blessing, wisdom, or answer. Any sincere and earnest call made to the Self will always invoke Its response.

of peace and harmony; there are ways your Higher Self connects with you that are too numerous to list. Remain open for the response in whatever way it may come to you.

emain open to receive this response. It may come as energy, insights, a path or doorway may open up, a new opportunity may come to you, energy may be withdrawn from one path; you may receive a new vision, understanding, a feeling

CDER Meditation to Contact your Higher Self

here are many doorways to your Higher Self. One doorway is through your heart. To use this doorway, start by sensing your heart center as an energy center near your physical heart. Picture a jewel of light in the middle of your heart center that is a

doorway into another type of energyto the highest part of your being, to your Higher Self. Allow yourself to grow very small, approaching this jewel in the center of your heart, until it is enormous in front of you. Sense it as a beautiful blue or gold light, or as a divine flame. Enter into this light. It may feel as if you are going through a membrane into another reality, into a world of incredible beauty. It is here where the Higher Self resides.

magine that your Higher Self is in front of you. Let your Higher Self appear in whatever way It reveals Itself to you. All you need is to have the intention to make this connection, and your Higher Self will reach out to you and draw you in. Feel the waves of love,

acceptance, and greetings It sends you. Know that the Higher Self is you, in all your full glory, with all the veils lifted, all lesser energies cleared, as a fully realized Self. This Self is inviting you to share Its consciousness, for in reality there is no separation.

o blend your consciousness with your Higher Self, start with the intention to make a connection. Ask your Higher Self to draw you into Itself. Then, let your mind come completely to rest. Even if just for a moment, allow there to be no thought, no

feeling, just inner stillness and peace. In this moment your Higher Self can impart to you as much of Its wisdom, power, and love that you can receive. Take time everyday to get quiet, to make this connection, and to let your Higher Self draw you into Itself. Notice what new thoughts you have afterward. The more you do this, the more power, love, wisdom, guidance, abundance, vision, and mastery of the material plane you will have.

Being a Healing Channel with CDER

1. Connect to your Higher Self as described above 2. Visualize the person (or yourself) and hold your hands together, so you have the person "between your hands". 3. Think "Cosmic Dragon Energy Reiki flow This will start the energy flow. 4. The healing session will last for about 10 minutes for the sender and 30 minutes for the receiver. The energy seems to compress.

Clearing Blockages with CDER

sing the above process to contact your Higher Self, sit quietly, and open up to your Higher Self. Let your mind come to a state of rest, of stillness, of no thought. In a state of stillness, allow the power, wisdom, love, harmony, and freedom of your

Higher Self to flow into you, restoring and revitalizing you. Your Higher Self is always with you, guiding you and sending you exactly what energy you need in that moment. Your Higher Self is like a sun that shines eternally. It opens the way to a more spiritual existence. It has many gifts and blessings for you, more than you could even think to ask for.

our Higher Self has the power to bring about the divine Plan of your life. It brings miracles, synchronicity, and all events and circumstances that are required for your unfoldment.

have at your command as the Higher Selfthe spiritual power of love, wisdom, and the ability to make things happen. Suggestions to ask your Higher Self to do for you as you connect with It: 1. Open your heart, and release any thoughts or feelings that are less than loving to yourself and others. 2. Free you from all thoughts and energies that keep you from hearing Its voice, from knowing Its wisdom. 3. Release things that are keeping you stuck or unable to move forward in some area of your life. 4. Remove doubts or distractions that keep you from your higher path. 5. Dissipate thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that stop you from creating a life of beauty, joy, harmony, and peace. 6. Dissolve desires and attachments that keep you recreating the past. 7. Give you the strength, courage, and power to release any forms or situations that are taking the life out of you. 8. Free you from fearfear of change, of the new, of the unknown, of taking a risk, of being your Higher Self. 9. Liberate you from all imprisoning forms that keep you bound to a lesser path and a less joyful life. 10. Release all lesser energies within you that are holding you back. 11. Take away negative self images, self-criticism, and thoughts that you have been a failure in anything in your life. 12. Release illusions or mental concepts that are keeping you from seeing your next steps and higher path. 13. Release the cause of any negative circumstance in your life, so that you cannot recreate it. 14. Think of anything else and ask! There is nothing your Higher Self cannot do

our Higher Self can lead you to enlightenment, clear the way, and give you answers. It knows that lack and limitation is an illusion. It holds the blueprint of your perfection, and knows that you are perfect just as you are. Sense the power that you

Attunement Process
1. Find a quiet spot where you wont be disturbed. 2. Go in meditation and take ten deep breaths. 3. Ask God for a White Light Cocoon for your protection 4. Ask God, the Angels, your Guides for a Connection to your Higher Self and the Cosmic Dragon Energies 5. State following. I wish to re-establish full connection with my Higher Self and the CosmicDragon Reiki Energy resources.. Please connect me now and forever to these resources. Please let me be an Channel for the Cosmic Dragon Reiki Energies 6. Take ten deep breaths.. 7. Im now willing to receive the Cosmic Dragon Reiki Energy Attunement from Teacher 8. This I do for the Highest Good of All, in service to the ALL THAT IS. 9. Let the Energy flow and enjoy.. 10. Thank God, the Angels and your Spirit Guides for the connection and the energies

Passing this Attunement on

1. Go in meditation and take ten deep breaths. 2. Ask God for a White Light Cocoon for your protection 3. Ask God, the Angels, for a Connection to your Higher Self and the Cosmic Dragon Energies 4. Take ten deep breaths 5. Jane Doe is now or whenever she so chooses, receiving this Cosmic Dragon Reiki Energy attunement for herself as a glad, free gift of highest Divine Love and Will. 6. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. Thank you for joining with us Namaste El* & Ursulius

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