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Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norlén, 2007 © All Rights Reserved

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Gaja Reiki is a healing method developed by Eva Norlén based on an spiritual experience with an elephant. It uses the energies of elephants, lotus flowers, and jewels.

Gaja Reiki is a healing method developed by Eva Norlén based on a close encounter with an elephant. It focuses on using the wisdom, power, and love of elephants for healing.

Elephants are seen as symbols of strength, wisdom, and compassion in Gaja Reiki. They play a central role as the source of energy for this healing practice.

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved

Gaja means Elephant in sanskrit, and this method is about using the wonderful, powerful and loving energies of the Elephant, the navaratna jewels and the lotusflower. The reason I chose the sanskrit word instead of calling it Elephant Reiki, is because I wanted to honour this fantastic and beautiful mammal and its origin. As you might know the Elephant is deeply involved in many Asian cultures throughout the ages, for instance India and Thailand, and through the Buddha. Gaja Reiki is made from a close encounter with an Elephant, who put really deep marks in our hearts, both in me and John, my son. We were given the incredible wisdom, power and love that this giant animal possesses naturally from within, and which they love to share with others. Nothing was the same afterwards and I was guided by Elohim (lightbeings) to do something of the spiritual experience, and to put focus on the Elephant as a healing and giving animal. Every time this method is used, we do important energy work that does good things not only for us, but also for the Elephant itself. To put further focus on the Elephant and its life and need for help and survival, I have gathered links to rescuehomes and sponsors for abandoned or injured Elephants on the last page. These links are depending on donations to be able to keep the business going. The Elephant is also living under a threat of being killed off, due to its tusks which are often sold as souvenirs. It is also hunted due to its large areas of grazing land and for the damage it does to the farmers crops, even if it has had its habitat there long before man. My deepest wishes and hope is that we can make changes together to improve the living conditions of the Elephant. Love and in service of light. Eva Norln ,Sweden.

Mail me at thank you!

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved

Through history, the elephant has been praised and honoured for its strength and power. They are very strong and intelligent animals with large family and group feeling. The elephant is the biggest land living mammal on earth, and can be very old which gives the elephant much time to gain a lot of wisdom and knowledge. The elephant is loved both by children and adults, and is well known by most people through books like Babar and Disneys cartoon about Dumbo the flying Elephant. African and Asian elephants descended from a long line of giant animals that included the wooly mammoth and mastodon. The word elephant comes from the Greek word elephas which means ivory, in reference to the tusks, which are elongated incisors (Elephants have no canine teeth). Apart from the tusks, elephants have only four molar teeth. These teeth are replaced as they are worn away, up to six times throughout an Elephant's life. The elephant's trunk is another unique and important feature. It is used not only for drinking and bathing but for smelling, breathing, feeling, and grasping food. At the end of the trunk is a sensitive "finger" for grasping things as small as a berry or as large as a branch. African elephants have two fingers while the Asian has only one. They also use their trunk as a snorkel when crossing deep rivers. Baby elephants are not born knowing how to use their trunk -- they must learn. Elephants live in the hot climates of Africa and Asia. To help protect themselves from the heat elephants have large ears, with prominent veins, that they can flap to cool their blood. They must stay near water, not only for drinking, but also for bathing and cooling. In addition to mud baths, elephants also take dust baths to try to keep cool and deter insect attacks. Elephants are herbivores, or plant-eaters. They feed on grasses, fruits, leaves, branches, bark, and twigs. Because of their large size and because as much as 60 percent of what they eat passes through without being digested, elephants spend about 16 hours a day foraging for nearly 350 pounds of food. In addition, they drink about 18 gallons of water each day. Elephants are very social animals. They live in small herds composed of a group of females, or cows, and their young (calves) which are led by an older, experienced cow called the matriach. The herd works together to take care of the calves and to signal the others of danger. When a member of the herd dies, the other elephants may cover it with twigs and leaves and mourn their loss by staying at the gravesite for hours. Some males, or bulls, form bachelor herds, joining the females only to mate, while other bulls are loners.

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved

The elephant's lifespan is up to 60 years. Elephants do not mate until they are about 15 years old, and usually give birth every 4 years. After 22 months of pregnancy, a single calf is born weighing about 250 pounds and standing almost 3 feet tall. While the calf will begin eating vegetation within a few months, it continues to nurse on its mother's milk until it is at least 2 years old. While calves may fall prey to lions or hyenas, adult elephants have no natural predators except man. Not only have elephants been slaughtered for their ivory tusks, but their populations have declined significantly because of habitat destruction and fragmentation. While Asian and African elephants have a lot in common, each species looks a bit different and each faces different threats to its survival. Under the Endangered Species Act, the African elephant is listed as a threatened species and the Asian elephant is listed as an endangered species. "Endangered" means a species is considered in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range, and "threatened" means a species is considered in danger of becoming endangered. This protection prohibits elephant parts and products from being imported into the United States except under certain conditions.

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved

The legend of the white elephant began in Southeast Asia - the home of the White Elephant. In metaphysics we learn that any animal represented by the color white supposedly is linked to mystical legends - giving it greater power. White represents purity - the Light. Elephants represent power and peace. When the trunk is lifted it means overcoming obstacles A white elephant is a supposedly valuable possession whose upkeep exceeds its usefulness, and it is therefore a liability. The term derives from the sacred white elephants kept by traditional Southeast Asian monarchs in Burma, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. To possess a white elephant was regarded (and still is regarded, in Thailand and Burma) as a sign that the monarch was ruling with justice and the kingdom was blessed with peace and prosperity. The tradition derives from tales in the scriptures which associate a white elephant with the birth of Buddha. In the story of the Buddha, the white elephant is connected to fertility and knowledge. On the eve of giving birth to the Lord Buddha, his mother dreams that a white elephant comes to present her with a lotus, symbol of purity and knowledge. The God of knowledge and the remover of obstacles is also the older son of Lord Shiva. Lord Ganesha is also called Vinayak ( knowledgeable ) or Vighneshwer (god to remove obstacles). He is worshipped, or at least remembered, in the beginning of any auspicious performance for blessings and auspiciousness. He has four hands, elephant's head and a big belly. His vehicle is a tiny mouse. In his hands he carries a rope (to carry devotees to the truth), an axe (to cut devotees' attachments), and a sweet dessert ball -laddoo- (to reward devotees for spiritual activity). His fourth hand's palm is always extended to bless people. A unique combination of his elephant-like head and a quick moving tiny mouse vehicle represents tremendous wisdom, intellegence, and presence of mind.

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved

The Elephant symbol. The white, divine elephant with its trunk lifted, is representing light, happiness, purity, power, peace and overcoming obstacles, both physical and emotional. It also stands for wisdom, knowledge and family ties. The heart inside the elephant shows us the unconditional love, the love that we all have within us to share. This picture illustrates how the symbol might look, maybe you see or apprehend it different. Thats really okay, the important part is the energy itself. When you use the symbol you can either meditate over it, to have clarity in thoughts and mind, but also visualize it in different situations. As your spirit guide, the energies of the elephant can help you to see your previous paths with bigger gratitude, so you more easily will discover your future paths. You will soon feel and see that its very eager for you to have a basic balance in body, mind and soul. To meditate in silence with your elephant helper, gives you an environment where exploration of other higher spiritual realms will become something that gives you a lot of progress and enlightment. Elephants are highly spriritual developed beings, and thats one of the resasons they are said to carry the universe. The energies of the white elephant gives you ancient wisdom and power, it enbodies physical strength. The elephant can also help you in family matters or relationsships or where there is groups of people, and you need to find your place in the social structure. The energies of the elephant brings harmony in body, mind and soul, the perfect balance, so you can create and achieve the goals and life of your dreams. This wonderful and loving animal can teach us compassion, loyalty, power and teach us to appreciate the loneliness where we can learn about our inner light. We gain knowledge , discernment and happiness since the elephant is a symbol for luck. If you feel drawn to the elephant, it is possible that these assets are already a part of your personality. Through a conscious development of this great and universal gift, you have already started the journey of your soul. The elephant can also give you insights about the three feminine energies, the child, the mother and the old wise woman. Knowledge is the key to a complete life. Until we know ourselves, we re not able to have this kind of life. Not knowing creates disharmony. The perfect life is in harmony on all levels. The people who feel drawn to the elephant, are most often individuals who carry feelings deep inside, and act upon them from a inner consciousness. Because of that, they have an ability to look straight forward instead of around them. Learning to focus in a different angle can because of that be of great help.

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved

The Navaratna Symbol Also called the nine jewels of India, is a combination of nine gems corresponding to the planets by the Indian Astrological system. Wearing this combination of gems, believed to represent the cosmos, has long been believed to have a beneficial effect on the human body. The wearer feels calmer and stronger from receiving the interchange of resonance with the gem energy. The human body will receive the supplement of subtle energy from the gems leading to cure many kind of diseases present. The number 9 is also considered magical. Navaratna (nava-nine, ratna-gems) is a special combination of all nine planetary gemstones. The Indian elephant goes back to the mythologies. As the Gods, Deva and Asura churned the oceans for the elixir of life that would make them immortal, there surfaced the Navaratnas (the nine jewels). One of these jewels was the elephant, therefore considered absolutely preciosus to be preserved like the way the jewels are. You will receive the Navaratnas as ethereal crystals in your attunement.
The Sun holds the central position in the Navaratna design in the form of a Ruby. This stone is also larger than the other gems in the design. The Moon's gem is Pearl, and it holds the top-right position of the Navaratna design. The pearl not only resembles the appearance of the Moon, but it's growth is strongly connected to lunar phases. The planet Mars is represented by a Red Coral, according to classical sources. Resembling the appearance of Mars with it's red tone it is in the right position in the design. The planet Mercury is represented by an Emerald by ancient classical texts. In the Navaratna design the Emeral holds the upper left position. The planet Jupiter is symbolized by a Yellow Sapphire in jyotish classics. The Navaratna position for this gem is on the left hand side The planet Venus being bright on the night sky is represented by the Diamond gem. It's position in the Navaratna design is on the top, above all other stones. The planet Saturn, being cold and distant is represented by the Blue Sapphire and holds the lowest bottom position in the Navaratna design. Rahu, (the north node of the Moon) is represented by Hessonite and is placed in the lower right position in the Navaratna design Ketu, (the south node of the Moon) is represented by the Cat's Eye, and is placed at the lower left position in the Navaratna scheme.

Healing properties:
Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved








The energy of the ruby is intense. This stone encourages one to follow bliss. It also acts as a "plug" for holes in the energy field. Wonderful stone, as it stimulates our basic instinct of/for survival. It strengthens both the physical and emotional heart. Pearls are associated with life, and helps balance one's bodily rhythms and hormonal levels with lunar cycles. Pearls can be used to help tap inner wisdom and to nurture the growth of love. Pearls are said to have a strong magnetic healing power. Coral are used to reconnect with nature and its variety of wonders. Coral also attracts love and prosperity, red coral is a stone of passion. Coral brings inner peace, strength, and understanding of purpose. Coral is used for general healing, blood and circulatory system issues. Emerald is a stone of love and romance. It brings and enhances joy, cleansing, clairvoyance, memory, and faith. It also benefits intuition and communication, and promotes truthfulness. Emerald is associated with the heart chakra. This stone is considered by many the most effective for promoting all-around health and well-being. It gives energy and vitality and regulates the hormonal system. The diamond is considered the greatest of stones, revered throughout the ages for its great beauty, and strength, and also for its powerful positive spiritual and physical influences. Physically it strengthens the kidneys and reproductive organs and gives protection in severe isease. Promotes straightforwardness, calmness and eases depression, bestows determination, faith, wisdom an knowledge. Hessonite will stimulate creativity on all levels. This stone is used to encourage self-respect, respect of others, and spiritual growth. Hessonite also allows us to say good-bye to outworn or unusable ideas, and behavioral patterns which we have out grown. Hessonite is used to regulate hormone production, stimulates metabolism, fortifies the immune system, and encourages absorption of nutrients. Cat's-Eye is a stone for the mind, not the body. This is a powerful stone and must be used with care. It will cause the mind to have feeling of oneness and feel more direct in all thoughts. It makes one aware of one's own needs related to the needs of others.




Lotus flower symbol

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved

There are no ancient symbols without a deep and philosophical meaning attached to them; their importance and significance increasing with their antiquity. Such is the Lotus. It is the flower sacred to nature and her Gods, and represents the abstract and the Concrete Universes, standing as the emblem of the productive powers of both spiritual and physical nature. The lotus flower is one of the most ancient and deepest symbols of our planet. The lotus flower grows in muddy water and rises above the surface to bloom with remarkable beauty. At night the flower closes and sinks underwater, at dawn it rises and opens again. This is a symbol of the sun, of creation and rebirth. Untouched by the impurity, lotus symbolizes the purity of heart and mind. The lotus flower represents long life, health, honor and good luck. The Lotus flower has for thousands of years symbolized spiritual enlightenment. And this flower energy purpose is to accelerate spiritual evolvement and enhance healing on every level within the system. As a flower energy, Lotus has many uses. It is called the spiritual enhancer. It helps in meditation by calming the mind and improving concentration. It is beneficial when combined with crystals, it is very powerful in its effect. Lotus is an excellent energy for balancing, cleansing, and strengthening the aura. All the chakras are aligned and balanced by releasing, adding, or directing energies to them, thus resulting in better health and harmony. Meditating on the lotus brings harmony into all aspects of our being, within and without. Given the lotus plant's potency as a symbol, and its thousands of years of association with spiritual practice in many traditions, i believe that this flower is truly a gift from God. When using the symbol, it can be in different colours. The Lotus energy is a part of your Gaja attunement! Use the colour that feels right for you!

Directons for use!

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved

The energies represented by the symbols can be of great help in your spiritual progress. They can be used in meditation, in person and distant healing as well. There are no boundaries or negative reactions with these symbols-only love, healing and enlightment. Any negative reaction is a positive release. The elephant symbol works very well as a focus when meditating, and you can ask for what you want in the highest good. If you know exaktly what you want to achieve or need clearence about, you can use that as a purpose before you start to meditate. The Navaratna can be used at the same time during meditation or a healing session. You only ask the Navaratna to be placed on the body to raise the vibration in the same manner you do with real crystals. You simply point your finger where the Navaratna is needed, and place them right there. They will disappear on its own, when the person have absorbed the energy needed. Remember, you cant separate the crystals, they should always be used together as a whole, as the Navaratna, for most beneficial results. The Lotusflower can be used both in meditation and healing sessions. Simply ask or visualize the colour needed and place it on body, while giving in person treatment or in distant. You can visualize it or ask it to change the colour or vibration thats needed either for yourself or the person treated at the moment. Gaja Reiki is very suitable for both plants, humans and animals. I encourage you to find your own ways to work with the energies. I only give you some suggestions that have worked well for me. Every time you use the Gaja Reiki for healing or meditation, for your self or someone else, you help the Divine White Elephant to raise the vibration on earth. Besides the good things that happen for you or your client, you also do good things for all living elephants present on earth right now. Why not try to send a absent healing to a elephant at a rescue home somewhere? You can also send to a certain situation or happenings, for example staff meeting, family dinner and so on.

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved


It is really very easy and fun to use the method given, there are no difficult procedures to remember. These symbols are so powerful, yet easy to use. You can start by clearing the working area, by using your own technique that you normally do before treatments and that works well for you. You can also ask the White Divine Elephant to clear the area for you. I always see him with his trunk lifted and blowing away all the negative or stagnant energies. Smudging ceremony is also good for cleansing. In person treatment Stand behind the person, sitting on a chair in an upright position in front of you. Put your hands on top of the persons head or crown chakra. Focus and be in the universal light, and ask for guides and helpers throughout the session Now simply ask Elohim for the Gaja Reiki energy, and channel it through your hands to your client. (It is not unusual to see the Divine, white Elephant present). Send the energy light, from top of head down to root chakra, and fill the whole column and body with light. If you are going to treat your self, use the same position on top of your head, lying down instead, if you have any problem keeping arms up. The Usui Reiki handpositions is a good way to heal as well. Give thanks! The energy you use is a mixture of the three symbols, if youd like to try them one in a time, you ask for the specific energy you want. The benefits to use a single energy are that you learn more about how they work and how they interact with each other. Distant treatment If you would prefer to work with absence healing, you prepare yourself in the same way as when you do in person healing. Clear the area and yourself and start to focus. Ask for guides and helpers and their presence. Then write on a piece of paper the following: The name and complete address, date and time of the receiver and most important of all the purpose. (healing) Then put the note between your hands and say out loud: Infinite light and Elohim, I ask for distant Gaja Reiki treatment for this person as strong as they possibly can take. Then hold the paper for 10-15 minutes, for the energy to settle. The energy starts to flow and stops by itself. To stop the distant healing between you and the receiver, blow in the palm of your hands and say, I now finnish the distant healing. Give thanks!

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved


You need to be a Reiki master or master of other healing modality to attune a student. Before receiving an attunement you should inform all students about possible healing crisis. You can attune any person that feels drawn to the energy, but Reiki II and above will gain most of the energy and techniques. In person attnement In the Gaja attunment you cooperate with the Divine White Elephant during the whole session. Its pure light, presence and love makes the process incredibly beautiful and very obvious. Be openminded and prepared for its nearness, I have experienced both the powerful voice of the elephants trunk and felt its unlimited love in full scale. And it really shakes your inside out in gratefullness. Student should be relaxed and focused before attunement. Student should also be aware of whats going to happen, feel comfortable, safe and in trust of the infinite light. Stand in front of the student, sitting on a chair with hands resting in lap, palms up. Cleanse the room, yourself and the student by calling in the Divine, White elephant. Hold your hands in Gassho position (praying position), and call in the guides and helpers of student needed during attunement, your guide will be the elephant. You will see and feel its presence, and know when clearing is done. Now stand behind student and ask Elohim and the Divine White Elephant for the attunment to start. Say out loud in the room or in silent for your self, that the person in front of you should be attuned to Gaja Reiki. Hold your hands on top of the students head, the crown chakra, and visualize, feel and see the elephant symbol in your hands. When you feel the energy flowing place the elephant symbol in the crown, by seeing it travel down the skull, then step aside and let the Divine White elephant blow down the symbol through the column to root chakra with its trunk filled with light. Now again hands on top of students head, feel the energy coming and see the Navaratna symbol in your hands, place it in crown and see it travel down the base of skull. Step aside, and let the Divine White Elephant blow it down to root again. Do the exact same procedure again with the lotus symbol. The lotus most often travels down the channel and opens every chakra during its way down to root. You can after that see how all the symbols place them selves in hand and foot chakra of the student. Now while you still stand behind student, place your hands on students shoulders and melt together for a while in silence and love, let the Divine White Elephant join you for a couple of minutes. Just enjoy and be in the light and grace.

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved


Distant Attunement. Here you have two choices. Either you use a piece of paper and do the same procedure as when you send absence healing. Or you can perform the attunement as if the student was present. You visualize the student and do the attunement exactly the same as in person. You clear yourself, the client and the area by calling in Elohim and the Divine White Elephant. Ask for guides and helpers, for yourself and the student. The Divine White Elephant will work with you in exactly the same way. You will feel its energy and see when it comes for your assistance. If you use the paper between your hands Then write on a piece of paper the following: The name and complete adress, date and time of the receiver and most important of all the purpose. (attunement) Then put the note between your hands and say out loud: Infinite light and Elohim, I ask for Distant Gaja Reiki attunement for this person as strong as they possibly can take. Then hold the paper for 20 minutes, for the energy to settle. The energy starts to flow and stops by itself. To stop the distant attunement between you and the receiver, blow in the palm of your hands and say, I now finish the Distant attunement. Give thanks! The student can use the energy immediately.

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved


Links to rescue homes and organisations supporting the Elephant and its survival.

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved


From my deepest soul and from my heart, I give thanks to the elephant that started this spiritual journey in me. Thank you for your beautiful love, your beautiful heart and your beautiful way to see the world, even though it hasnt been the best for you through your life. Thanks for showing me what unconditional love is all about, no limits, no boundaries what so ever, regardless of what is, what has been, and what will come. I love you so much! You will forever stay in my heart, and in my cellphone, where I keep your photograph. To all students in future: Thank you for using this energy for your personal growth, and for helping all elephants left on this earth with your healing. To all Gaja masters in future: Thank you for bringing this energy out in the world, to enhance progress of spiritual conciousness to all students. Thank you infinite light for your love, thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you Elohim for your trust and faith in me, thank you so much! Love and blessings to all people on earth, to all animals, crystals, all living things and everything that is.


Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved


DISCLAIMER As with all alternative and complementary methods and techniques, non of the treatments in this manual are to be a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment or care from your doctor or hospital. You should continue medication and medical treatment that you currently have. If you have any doubts, see your doctor first. This manual and energy is for your spritual growth and development only, and I can not in NO WAY take responsibility for your own treatments, attunements from this manual and energy what so ever, or your personal health. This is an alternative method and nothing else. I will not be held responsible for attunements from other masters then myself, or for the way they teach you this energy or manual. I only give attunements to persons over the age of 18.

USE OF photos In some cases I have taken photographs from the internet to this manual. In the cases that the person with copyright havent been contacted by me, I truly ask for forgiveness. I have tried by e-mail to get in touch with all of you. If I have offended you in anyway, please let me know and I will remove the photos immediatley. My true goal with this manual is only to give the energy to the world and help the elephants, not to make money on other peoples work. I have used your photos because of its beauty nothing else. Thank you all for your work.

This manual is for healing only, and you are free to give a manual to the student you attune to this energy. I have the copy right to this manual and everything written in it. Please dont change or edit before asking me. If you will have new symbols or other input, please add it as your own, since I want the energy to be in its origin. Love. Eva

Gaja Reiki, Master Teacher Eva Norln, 2007 All Rights Reserved


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