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lp1 L Blends

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Lesson Plan Template

Ayesha Hassan Al Ali

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally?)
I need to work on my voice tone.

Grade Level: Subject: Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):

At the end of the lesson students will be able to
KG2 English recognize words with L-blends.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you Preparation (what do you need to make or check
and the students use? Be specific) before class?)

Smart board That the smart board is working.

Power point presentation (Attached) Set up the activities and make sure that all the materials
are available so students can use.
Cut out L letter (small size)
Key vocabulary
blot clap flat glad plan slow blow clip flip glass plug
Template of UAE flag non colored slam blue clock flag glow plus slant

Cut out (green\black\red) paper in small squares

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Start with the Morning Routine (Day, Date, weather)

Warmer question to engage students: how are you feeling today? \ What did you do yesterday?

Before the students come in to the classroom tape the small letter L cut-outs around the classroom
15 min

and under the student’s chairs.

When students come in to the classroom and after the morning routine tell the students that we are
going to do something that is very exciting today. We are going to hunt. What do you think that we
are going to hunt today?


Students will give different responses.

At the end tell them that we are going to hunt a letter and do they know which letter? Let students
guess and then tell them that it the L letter. But we need to be very quiet because we don’t want the
letters to run away.

Tell the students: After getting the letters paste them on the wall near the board. And then let
students go around and search for the letters.

Active Engagement (group working with the teacher)

After students finish collecting the letters let them sit on the floor and introduce the concept of
blends to them. Tell the students that our lesson today will be about L blends.

Show students the pictures that are labelled with the words on the smart board and let the students
try to read it and then read it aloud with the students.

Revise all the words with the students at the end and then send them to the groups.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

Independent Experience(small group activity 2)

15 min

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

All the students will create a collage for the UAE flag.

Use questioning techniques:

Time: 5 min

Ask the students what have we learned today?


15 min

Let’s revise the words that we have learned from the PowerPoint.


Use questioning technique:

Ask students and check whether they recognize the words that have L blends from the words that doesn’t

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