Conic Section - Wikipedia
Conic Section - Wikipedia
Conic Section - Wikipedia
The conic sections in the Euclidean plane have various Types of conic sections:
distinguishing properties, many of which can be used 1. Parabola
as alternative definitions. One such property defines a 2. Circle and ellipse
non-circular conic [1] to be the set of those points 3. Hyperbola
whose distances to some particular point, called a
focus, and some particular line, called a directrix, are
in a fixed ratio, called the eccentricity. The type of conic is
determined by the value of the eccentricity. In analytic
geometry, a conic may be defined as a plane algebraic curve
of degree 2; that is, as the set of points whose coordinates
satisfy a quadratic equation in two variables. This equation
may be written in matrix form, and some geometric
properties can be studied as algebraic conditions.
Euclidean geometry
The conic sections have been studied for thousands of years and have provided a rich source of
interesting and beautiful results in Euclidean geometry.
A conic is the curve obtained as the intersection of a
plane, called the cutting plane, with the surface of a
double cone (a cone with two nappes). It is usually
assumed that the cone is a right circular cone for the
purpose of easy description, but this is not required;
any double cone with some circular cross-section will
suffice. Planes that pass through the vertex of the cone
will intersect the cone in a point, a line or a pair of
intersecting lines. These are called degenerate
conics and some authors do not consider them to be
conics at all. Unless otherwise stated, "conic" in this
article will refer to a non-degenerate conic.
A circle is a limiting case and is not defined by a focus and directrix in the Euclidean plane. The
eccentricity of a circle is defined to be zero and its focus is the center of the circle, but its directrix can
only be taken as the line at infinity in the projective plane.[2]
The eccentricity of an ellipse can be seen as a measure of how far the ellipse deviates from being
If the angle between the surface of the cone and its axis is and the angle between the cutting plane
and the axis is the eccentricity is[4]
A proof that the above curves defined by the focus-directrix property are the same as those obtained
by planes intersecting a cone is facilitated by the use of Dandelin spheres.[5]
Conic parameters
In addition to the eccentricity (e), foci, and directrix, various geometric features and lengths are
associated with a conic section.
The principal axis is the line joining the foci of an ellipse or hyperbola, and its midpoint is the
curve's center. A parabola has no center.
For conics in standard position, these parameters have the following values, taking .
Conic parameters in the case of an ellipse
parabola N/A
For a rectangular or equilateral hyperbola, one whose asymptotes are perpendicular, there is an
alternative standard form in which the asymptotes are
the coordinate axes and the line x = y is the principal
axis. The foci then have coordinates (c, c) and
(−c, −c).[9]
Circle: x2 + y2 = a2
x2 y2
Ellipse: 2 + 2 = 1
a b
Parabola: y2 = 4ax with a > 0
x2 y2
Hyperbola: 2 − 2 = 1
a b
c2 Standard forms of a hyperbola
Rectangular hyperbola:[10] xy =
The first four of these forms are symmetric about both the x-axis and y-axis (for the circle, ellipse and
hyperbola), or about the x-axis only (for the parabola). The rectangular hyperbola, however, is instead
symmetric about the lines y = x and y = −x.
Matrix notation
The above equation can be written in matrix notation as[13]
This form is a specialization of the homogeneous form used in the more general setting of projective
geometry (see below).
The conic sections described by this equation can be classified in terms of the value , called
the discriminant of the equation. [14] Thus, the discriminant is − 4Δ where Δ is the matrix
In the notation used here, A and B are polynomial coefficients, in contrast to some sources that
denote the semimajor and semiminor axes as A and B.
The discriminant B2 – 4AC of the conic section's quadratic equation (or equivalently the determinant
AC – B2/4 of the 2×2 matrix) and the quantity A + C (the trace of the 2×2 matrix) are invariant
under arbitrary rotations and translations of the coordinate axes,[15][16][17] as is the determinant of
the 3×3 matrix above.[18]:pp. 60–62 The constant term F and the sum D2+E2 are invariant under
rotation only.[18]:pp. 60–62
the eccentricity can be written as a function of the coefficients of the quadratic equation.[19] If
4AC = B2 the conic is a parabola and its eccentricity equals 1 (provided it is non-degenerate).
Otherwise, assuming the equation represents either a non-degenerate hyperbola or ellipse, the
eccentricity is given by
where η = 1 if the determinant of the 3×3 matrix above is negative and η = −1 if that determinant is
It can also be shown[18]:p. 89 that the eccentricity is a positive solution of the equation
where again This has precisely one positive solution—the eccentricity— in the case
of a parabola or ellipse, while in the case of a hyperbola it has two positive solutions, one of which is
the eccentricity.
or equivalently
where and are the eigenvalues of the matrix — that is, the solutions of the
— and is the determinant of the 3×3 matrix above, and is again the determinant of the
2×2 matrix. In the case of an ellipse the squares of the two semi-axes are given by the denominators in
the canonical form.
Polar coordinates
In polar coordinates, a conic section with one focus at the
origin and, if any, the other at a negative value (for an
ellipse) or a positive value (for a hyperbola) on the x-axis, is
given by the equation
Just as two (distinct) points determine a line, five points determine a conic. Formally, given any five
points in the plane in general linear position, meaning no three collinear, there is a unique conic
passing through them, which will be non-degenerate; this is true in both the Euclidean plane and its
extension, the real projective plane. Indeed, given any five points there is a conic passing through
them, but if three of the points are collinear the conic will be degenerate (reducible, because it
contains a line), and may not be unique; see further discussion.
Four points in the plane in general linear position determine a unique conic passing through the first
three points and having the fourth point as its center. Thus knowing the center is equivalent to
knowing two points on the conic for the purpose of determining the curve.[22]
Furthermore, a conic is determined by any combination of k points in general position that it passes
through and 5 – k lines that are tangent to it, for 0≤k≤5.[23]
Any point in the plane is on either zero, one or two tangent lines of a conic. A point on just one
tangent line is on the conic. A point on no tangent line is said to be an interior point (or inner
point) of the conic, while a point on two tangent lines is an exterior point (or outer point).
All the conic sections share a reflection property that can be stated as: All mirrors in the shape of a
non-degenerate conic section reflect light coming from or going toward one focus toward or away
from the other focus. In the case of the parabola, the second focus needs to be thought of as infinitely
far away, so that the light rays going toward or coming from the second focus are parallel.[24][25]
Pascal's theorem concerns the collinearity of three points that are constructed from a set of six points
on any non-degenerate conic. The theorem also holds for degenerate conics consisting of two lines,
but in that case it is known as Pappus's theorem.
Non-degenerate conic sections are always "smooth". This is important for many applications, such as
aerodynamics, where a smooth surface is required to ensure laminar flow and to prevent turbulence.
Euclid (fl. 300 BCE) is said to have written four books on conics but these were lost as well.[30]
Archimedes (died c. 212 BCE) is known to have studied conics, having determined the area bounded
by a parabola and a chord in Quadrature of the Parabola. His main interest was in terms of
measuring areas and volumes of figures related to the conics and part of this work survives in his book
on the solids of revolution of conics, On Conoids and Spheroids.[31]
Apollonius of Perga
The greatest progress in the study of conics by the ancient Greeks
is due to Apollonius of Perga (died c. 190 BCE), whose eight-
volume Conic Sections or Conics summarized and greatly
extended existing knowledge.[32] Apollonius's study of the
properties of these curves made it possible to show that any plane
cutting a fixed double cone (two napped), regardless of its angle,
will produce a conic according to the earlier definition, leading to
the definition commonly used today. Circles, not constructible by Diagram from Apollonius' Conics, in
the earlier method, are also obtainable in this way. This may a 9th-century Arabic translation
account for why Apollonius considered circles a fourth type of
conic section, a distinction that is no longer made. Apollonius used the names ellipse, parabola and
hyperbola for these curves, borrowing the terminology from earlier Pythagorean work on areas.[33]
Pappus of Alexandria (died c. 350 CE) is credited with expounding on the importance of the concept
of a conic's focus, and detailing the related concept of a directrix, including the case of the parabola
(which is lacking in Apollonius's known works).[34]
An instrument for drawing conic sections was first described in 1000 CE by the Islamic
mathematician Al-Kuhi.[35]:30[36]
Omar Khayyám
Apollonius's work was translated into Arabic, and much of his work only survives through the Arabic
version. Persians found applications of the theory, most notably the Persian[37] mathematician and
poet Omar Khayyám, who used conic sections to solve algebraic equations of no higher a degree than
Johannes Kepler extended the theory of conics through the "principle of continuity", a precursor to
the concept of limits. Kepler first used the term foci in 1604.[40]
Girard Desargues and Blaise Pascal developed a theory of conics using an early form of projective
geometry and this helped to provide impetus for the study of this new field. In particular, Pascal
discovered a theorem known as the hexagrammum mysticum from which many other properties of
conics can be deduced.
René Descartes and Pierre Fermat both applied their newly discovered analytic geometry to the study
of conics. This had the effect of reducing the geometrical problems of conics to problems in algebra.
However, it was John Wallis in his 1655 treatise Tractatus de sectionibus conicis who first defined the
conic sections as instances of equations of second degree.[41] Written earlier, but published later, Jan
de Witt's Elementa Curvarum Linearum starts with Kepler's kinematic construction of the conics and
then develops the algebraic equations. This work, which uses Fermat's methodology and Descartes'
notation has been described as the first textbook on the subject.[42] De Witt invented the term
Conic sections are important in astronomy: the orbits of two massive objects that interact according
to Newton's law of universal gravitation are conic sections if their common center of mass is
considered to be at rest. If they are bound together, they will both trace out ellipses; if they are moving
apart, they will both follow parabolas or hyperbolas. See two-body problem.
The reflective properties of the conic sections are used in the design of searchlights, radio-telescopes
and some optical telescopes.[43] A searchlight uses a parabolic mirror as the reflector, with a bulb at
the focus; and a similar construction is used for a parabolic microphone. The 4.2 meter Herschel
optical telescope on La Palma, in the Canary islands, uses a primary parabolic mirror to reflect light
towards a secondary hyperbolic mirror, which reflects it again to
a focus behind the first mirror.
The Euclidean plane R2 is embedded in the real projective plane by adjoining a line at infinity (and its
corresponding points at infinity) so that all the lines of a parallel class meet on this line. On the other
hand, starting with the real projective plane, a Euclidean plane is obtained by distinguishing some
line as the line at infinity and removing it and all its points.
Intersection at infinity
In a projective space over any division ring, but in particular over either the real or complex numbers,
all non-degenerate conics are equivalent, and thus in projective geometry one simply speaks of "a
conic" without specifying a type. That is, there is a projective transformation that will map any non-
degenerate conic to any other non-degenerate conic.[44]
The three types of conic sections will reappear in the affine plane obtained by choosing a line of the
projective space to be the line at infinity. The three types are then determined by how this line at
infinity intersects the conic in the projective space. In the corresponding affine space, one obtains an
ellipse if the conic does not intersect the line at infinity, a parabola if the conic intersects the line at
infinity in one double point corresponding to the axis, and a hyperbola if the conic intersects the line
at infinity in two points corresponding to the asymptotes.[45]
Homogeneous coordinates
In homogeneous coordinates a conic section can be represented as:
Or in matrix notation
(or some variation of this) so that the matrix of the conic section has the simpler form,
If the determinant of the matrix of the conic section is zero, the conic section is degenerate.
As multiplying all six coefficients by the same non-zero scalar yields an equation with the same set of
zeros, one can consider conics, represented by (A, B, C, D, E, F) as points in the five-dimensional
projective space
Fix an arbitrary line in a projective plane that shall be referred to as the absolute line. Select two
distinct points on the absolute line and refer to them as absolute points. Several metrical concepts
can be defined with reference to these choices. For instance, given a line containing the points A and
B, the midpoint of line segment AB is defined as the point C which is the projective harmonic
conjugate of the point of intersection of AB and the absolute line, with respect to A and B.
A conic in a projective plane that contains the two absolute points is called a circle. Since five points
determine a conic, a circle (which may be degenerate) is determined by three points. To obtain the
extended Euclidean plane, the absolute line is chosen to be the line at infinity of the Euclidean plane
and the absolute points are two special points on that line called the circular points at infinity. Lines
containing two points with real coordinates do not pass through the circular points at infinity, so in
the Euclidean plane a circle, under this definition, is determined by three points that are not
It has been mentioned that circles in the Euclidean plane can not be defined by the focus-directrix
property. However, if one were to consider the line at infinity as the directrix, then by taking the
eccentricity to be e = 0 a circle will have the focus-directrix property, but it is still not defined by that
property.[50] One must be careful in this situation to correctly use the definition of eccentricity as the
ratio of the distance of a point on the circle to the focus (length of a radius) to the distance of that
point to the directrix (this distance is infinite) which gives the limiting value of zero.
Line conics
By the Principle of Duality in a projective plane, the dual of each point is a line, and the dual of a locus
of points (a set of points satisfying some condition) is called an envelope of lines. Using Steiner's
definition of a conic (this locus of points will now be referred to as a point conic) as the meet of
corresponding rays of two related pencils, it is easy to dualize and obtain the corresponding envelope
consisting of the joins of corresponding points of two related ranges (points on a line) on different
bases (the lines the points are on). Such an envelope is called a line conic (or dual conic).
In the real projective plane, a point conic has the property that every line meets it in two points
(which may coincide, or may be complex) and any set of points with this property is a point conic. It
follows dually that a line conic has two of its lines through every point and any envelope of lines with
this property is a line conic. At every point of a point conic there is a unique tangent line, and dually,
on every line of a line conic there is a unique point called a point of contact. An important theorem
states that the tangent lines of a point conic form a line conic, and dually, the points of contact of a
line conic form a point conic.[56]:48–49
A polarity, π, of a projective plane, P, is an involutory (i.e., of order two) bijection between the points
and the lines of P that preserves the incidence relation. Thus, a polarity relates a point Q with a line q
and, following Gergonne, q is called the polar of Q and Q the pole of q.[57] An absolute point
(line) of a polarity is one which is incident with its polar (pole).[58]
A von Staudt conic in the real projective plane is equivalent to a Steiner conic.[59]
No continuous arc of a conic can be constructed with straightedge and compass. However, there are
several straightedge-and-compass constructions for any number of individual points on an arc.
One of them is based on the converse of Pascal's theorem, namely, if the points of intersection of
opposite sides of a hexagon are collinear, then the six vertices lie on a conic. Specifically, given five
points, A, B, C, D, E and a line passing through E, say EG, \a point F that lies on this line and is on
the conic determined by the five points can be constructed. Let AB meet DE in L, BC meet EG in M
and let CD meet LM at N. Then AN meets EG at the required point F.[60]:52–53 By varying the line
through E,as many additional points on the conic as desired can be constructed.
Another method, based on Steiner's construction and which is useful in engineering applications, is
the parallelogram method, where a conic is constructed point by point by means of connecting
certain equally spaced points on a horizontal line and a vertical line.[61] Specifically, to construct the
x2 y2
ellipse with equation a2 + b2 = 1, first construct the rectangle ABCD with vertices
A(a, 0), B(a, 2b), C(−a, 2b) and D(−a, 0). Divide the side BC into n equal segments and use
parallel projection, with respect to the diagonal AC, to form equal segments on side AB (the lengths
of these segments will be a times the length of the segments on BC). On the side BC label the left-
hand endpoints of the segments with A1 to An starting at B and going towards C. On the side AB label
the upper endpoints D1 to Dn starting at A and going towards B. The points of intersection,
AAi ∩ DDi for 1 ≤ i ≤ n will be points of the ellipse between A and P(0, b). The labeling associates
the lines of the pencil through A with the lines of the pencil
through D projectively but not perspectively. The sought for conic
is obtained by this construction since three points A, D and P
and two tangents (the vertical lines at A and D) uniquely
determine the conic. If another diameter (and its conjugate
diameter) are used instead of the major and minor axes of the
ellipse, a parallelogram that is not a rectangle is used in the
construction, giving the name of the method. The association of
lines of the pencils can be extended to obtain other points on the
ellipse. The constructions for hyperbolas[62] and parabolas[63] are
Yet another general method uses the polarity property to Parallelogram method for
construct the tangent envelope of a conic (a line conic).[64] constructing an ellipse
Further unification occurs in the complex projective plane CP2: the non-degenerate conics cannot be
distinguished from one another, since any can be taken to any other by a projective linear
It can be proven that in CP2, two conic sections have four points in common (if one accounts for
multiplicity), so there are between 1 and 4 intersection points. The intersection possibilities are: four
distinct points, two singular points and one double point, two double points, one singular point and
one with multiplicity 3, one point with multiplicity 4. If any intersection point has multiplicity > 1, the
two curves are said to be tangent. If there is an intersection point of multiplicity at least 3, the two
curves are said to be osculating. If there is only one intersection point, which has multiplicity 4, the
two curves are said to be superosculating.[65]
Furthermore, each straight line intersects each conic section twice. If the intersection point is double,
the line is a tangent line. Intersecting with the line at infinity, each conic section has two points at
infinity. If these points are real, the curve is a hyperbola; if they are imaginary conjugates, it is an
ellipse; if there is only one double point, it is a parabola. If the points at infinity are the cyclic points
(1, i, 0) and (1, –i, 0), the conic section is a circle. If the coefficients of a conic section are real, the
points at infinity are either real or complex conjugate.
Degenerate cases
What should be considered as a degenerate case of a conic depends on the definition being used
and the geometric setting for the conic section. There are some authors who define a conic as a two-
dimensional nondegenerate quadric. With this terminology there are no degenerate conics (only
degenerate quadrics), but we shall use the more traditional terminology and avoid that definition.
In the Euclidean plane, using the geometric definition, a degenerate case arises when the cutting
plane passes through the apex of the cone. The degenerate conic is either: a point, when the plane
intersects the cone only at the apex; a straight line, when the plane is tangent to the cone (it contains
exactly one generator of the cone); or a pair of intersecting lines (two generators of the cone).[66]
These correspond respectively to the limiting forms of an ellipse, parabola, and a hyperbola.
If a conic in the Euclidean plane is being defined by the zeros of a quadratic equation (that is, as a
quadric), then the degenerate conics are: the empty set, a point, or a pair of lines which may be
parallel, intersect at a point, or coincide. The empty set case may correspond either to a pair of
complex conjugate parallel lines such as with the equation or to an imaginary ellipse,
such as with the equation An imaginary ellipse does not satisfy the general
definition of a degeneracy, and is thus not normally considered as degenerated.[67] The two lines case
occurs when the quadratic expression factors into two linear factors, the zeros of each giving a line. In
the case that the factors are the same, the corresponding lines coincide and we refer to the line as a
double line (a line with multiplicity 2) and this is the previous case of a tangent cutting plane.
In the real projective plane, since parallel lines meet at a point on the line at infinity, the parallel line
case of the Euclidean plane can be viewed as intersecting lines. However, as the point of intersection
is the apex of the cone, the cone itself degenerates to a cylinder, i.e. with the apex at infinity. Other
sections in this case are called cylindric sections.[68] The non-degenerate cylindrical sections are
ellipses (or circles).
When viewed from the perspective of the complex projective plane, the degenerate cases of a real
quadric (i.e., the quadratic equation has real coefficients) can all be considered as a pair of lines,
possibly coinciding. The empty set may be the line at infinity considered as a double line, a (real)
point is the intersection of two complex conjugate lines and the other cases as previously mentioned.
To distinguish the degenerate cases from the non-degenerate cases (including the empty set with the
latter) using matrix notation, let β be the determinant of the 3×3 matrix of the conic section—that is,
2 2 − AE2
β = (AC − B4 )F + BED − CD 4 ; and let α = B2 − 4AC be the discriminant. Then the conic
section is non-degenerate if and only if β ≠ 0. If β = 0 we have a point when α < 0, two parallel lines
(possibly coinciding) when α = 0, or two intersecting lines when α > 0.[69]
Pencil of conics
A (non-degenerate) conic is completely determined by five points in general position (no three
collinear) in a plane and the system of conics which pass through a fixed set of four points (again in a
plane and no three collinear) is called a pencil of conics.[70]:64 The four common points are called
the base points of the pencil. Through any point other than a base point, there passes a single conic of
the pencil. This concept generalizes a pencil of circles.[71]:127
Intersecting two conics
The solutions to a system of two second degree equations in two variables may be viewed as the
coordinates of the points of intersection of two generic conic sections. In particular two conics may
possess none, two or four possibly coincident intersection points. An efficient method of locating
these solutions exploits the homogeneous matrix representation of conic sections, i.e. a 3x3
symmetric matrix which depends on six parameters.
The procedure to locate the intersection points follows these steps, where the conics are represented
by matrices:
given the two conics and , consider the pencil of conics given by their linear combination
identify the homogeneous parameters which correspond to the degenerate conic of the
pencil. This can be done by imposing the condition that and solving for
and . These turn out to be the solutions of a third degree equation.
given the degenerate conic , identify the two, possibly coincident, lines constituting it.
intersect each identified line with either one of the two original conics; this step can be done
efficiently using the dual conic representation of
the points of intersection will represent the solutions to the initial equation system.
Conics may be defined over other fields (that is, in other pappian geometries). However, some care
must be used when the field has characteristic 2, as some formulas can not be used. For example, the
matrix representations used above require division by 2.
A generalization of a non-degenerate conic in a projective plane is an oval. An oval is a point set that
has the following properties, which are held by conics: 1) any line intersects an oval in none, one or
two points, 2) at any point of the oval there exists a unique tangent line.
Generalizing the focus properties of conics to the case where there are more than two foci produces
sets called generalized conics.
Quadratic forms
Quadratic forms over the reals are classified by Sylvester's law of inertia, namely by their
positive index, zero index, and negative index: a quadratic form in n variables can be converted
to a diagonal form, as where the number of +1
coefficients, k, is the positive index, the number of −1 coefficients, , is the negative index, and
the remaining variables are the zero index m, so In two variables the non-zero
quadratic forms are classified as:
Möbius transformations
Real Möbius transformations (elements of PSL2(R) or its 2-fold cover, SL2(R)) are classified as
elliptic, parabolic, or hyperbolic accordingly as their half-trace is or
mirroring the classification by eccentricity.
Variance-to-mean ratio
The variance-to-mean ratio classifies several important families of discrete probability
distributions: the constant distribution as circular (eccentricity 0), binomial distributions as
elliptical, Poisson distributions as parabolic, and negative binomial distributions as hyperbolic.
This is elaborated at cumulants of some discrete probability distributions.
See also
Circumconic and inconic
Conic Sections Rebellion, protests by Yale university students
Director circle
Elliptic coordinate system
Equidistant set
Nine-point conic
Parabolic coordinates
Quadratic function
1. Eves 1963, p. 319
2. Brannan, Esplen & Gray 1999, p. 13
3. Cohen, D., Precalculus: With Unit Circle Trigonometry (Stamford: Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006),
p. 844 (
4. Thomas & Finney 1979, p. 434
5. Brannan, Esplen & Gray 1999, p. 19; Kendig 2005, pp. 86, 141
6. Brannan, Esplen & Gray 1999, pp. 13–16
7. Brannan, Esplen & Gray 1999, pp. 11–16
8. Protter & Morrey 1970, pp. 314–328, 585–589
9. Protter & Morrey 1970, pp. 290–314
10. Wilson & Tracey 1925, p. 130
11. the empty set is included as a degenerate conic since it may arise as a solution of this equation
12. Protter & Morrey 1970, p. 316
13. Brannan, Esplen & Gray 1999, p. 30
14. Fanchi, John R. (2006), Math refresher for scientists and engineers (
ks?id=75mAJPcAWT8C), John Wiley and Sons, pp. 44–45, ISBN 0-471-75715-2, Section 3.2,
page 45 ( In this interactive SVG, move left and
right over the SVG image to rotate
15. Protter & Morrey 1970, p. 326 the double cone
16. Wilson & Tracey 1925, p. 153
17. Pettofrezzo, Anthony, Matrices and Transformations, Dover Publ., 1966, p. 110.
18. Spain, Barry, Analytical Conics, Dover, 2007 (originally published 1957 by Pergamon Press).
19. Ayoub, Ayoub B., "The eccentricity of a conic section," The College Mathematics Journal 34(2),
March 2003, 116–121.
20. Ayoub, A. B., "The central conic sections revisited", Mathematics Magazine 66(5), 1993, 322–325.
21. Brannan, Esplen & Gray 1999, p. 17
22. Whitworth, William Allen. Trilinear Coordinates and Other Methods of Modern Analytical Geometry
of Two Dimensions, Forgotten Books, 2012 (orig. Deighton, Bell, and Co., 1866), p. 203.
23. Paris Pamfilos, "A gallery of conics by five elements", Forum Geometricorum 14, 2014, 295–348.
24. Brannan, Esplen & Gray 1999, p. 28
25. Downs 2003, pp. 36ff.
26. According to Plutarch this solution was rejected by Plato on the grounds that it could not be
achieved using only straightedge and compass, however this interpretation of Plutarch's
statement has come under criticism.Boyer 2004, p.14, footnote 14
27. Boyer 2004, pp. 17–18
28. Boyer 2004, p. 18
29. Katz 1998, p. 117
30. Heath, T.L., The Thirteen Books of Euclid's Elements, Vol. I, Dover, 1956, pg.16
31. Eves 1963, p. 28
32. Apollonius of Perga, Treatise on Conic Sections (
QBAJ&printsec=frontcover), edited by T. L. Heath (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
33. Eves 1963, p. 30
34. Boyer 2004, p. 36
35. Stillwell, John (2010). Mathematics and its history (3rd ed.). New York: Springer. p. 30 (https://boo
&f=false). ISBN 978-1-4419-6052-8.
36. "Apollonius of Perga Conics Books One to Seven" (
es-new.pdf) (PDF). Retrieved 10 June 2011.
37. Turner, Howard R. (1997). Science in medieval Islam: an illustrated introduction ( University of Texas Press. p. 53. ISBN 0-292-78149-0.,
Chapter , p. 53 (
38. Boyer, C. B., & Merzbach, U. C., A History of Mathematics (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
1968), p. 219 (
39. Van der Waerden, B. L., Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations (Berlin/Heidelberg:
Springer Verlag, 1983), p. 73 (
40. Katz 1998, p. 126
41. Boyer 2004, p. 110
42. Boyer 2004, p. 114
43. Brannan, Esplen & Gray 1999, p. 27
44. Artzy 2008, p. 158, Thm 3-5.1
45. Artzy 2008, p. 159
46. This form of the equation does not generalize to fields of characteristic two (see below)
47. Consider finding the midpoint of a line segment with one endpoint on the line at infinity.
48. Faulkner 1952, p. 71
49. Faulkner 1952, p. 72 (
50. Eves 1963, p. 320
51. Coxeter 1993, p. 80
52. Hartmann, p. 38
53. Merserve 1983, p. 65
54. Jacob Steiner’s Vorlesungen über synthetische Geometrie, B. G. Teubner, Leipzig 1867 (from
Google Books: (German) Part II follows Part I (
)) Part II, pg. 96
55. Hartmann, p. 19
56. Faulkner 1952, pp. 48–49 (
57. Coxeter 1964, p. 60
58. Coxeter and several other authors use the term self-conjugate instead of absolute.
59. Coxeter 1964, p. 80
60. Faulkner 1952, pp. 52–53 (
60. Faulkner 1952, pp. 52–53 (
61. Downs 2003, p. 5
62. Downs 2003, p. 14
63. Downs 2003, p. 19
64. Akopyan & Zaslavsky 2007, p. 70
65. Wilczynski, E. J. (1916), "Some remarks on the historical development and the future prospects of
the differential geometry of plane curves", Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 22 (7): 317–329,
doi:10.1090/s0002-9904-1916-02785-6 (
66. Brannan, Esplen & Gray 1999, p. 6
67. Korn, G. A., & Korn, T. M., Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and Engineers: Definitions,
Theorems, and Formulas for Reference and Review (Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1961), p.
42 (
68. "MathWorld: Cylindric section" (
69. Lawrence, J. Dennis (1972), A Catalog of Special Plane Curves (
ofspecial00lawr/page/63), Dover, p. 63 (
), ISBN 0-486-60288-5
70. Faulkner 1952, pg. 64 (
71. Berger, M., Geometry Revealed: A Jacob's Ladder to Modern Higher Geometry
(Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2010), p. 127 (
Akopyan, A.V.; Zaslavsky, A.A. (2007). Geometry of Conics. American Mathematical Society.
ISBN 978-0-8218-4323-9.
Artzy, Rafael (2008) [1965], Linear Geometry, Dover, ISBN 978-0-486-46627-9
Boyer, Carl B. (2004) [1956], History of Analytic Geometry (
4i5fXZbOYC&printsec=frontcover), Dover, ISBN 978-0-486-43832-0
Brannan, David A.; Esplen, Matthew F.; Gray, Jeremy J. (1999), Geometry (
om/books?id=q49lhAzXTFEC&printsec=frontcover), Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-
Coxeter, H.S.M. (1964), Projective Geometry (
&printsec=frontcover), Blaisdell, ISBN 9780387406237
Coxeter, H.S.M. (1993), The Real Projective Plane, Springer Science & Business Media
Downs, J.W. (2003) [1993], Practical Conic Sections: The geometric properties of ellipses,
parabolas and hyperbolas (
over), Dover, ISBN 0-486-42876-1
Eves, Howard (1963), A Survey of Geometry (Volume One), Boston: Allyn and Bacon
Hartmann, Erich, Planar Circle Geometries, an Introduction to Moebius-, Laguerre- and Minkowski
Planes ( (PDF), retrieved
20 September 2014 (PDF; 891 kB).
Katz, Victor J. (1998), A History of Mathematics / An Introduction (
yofmathema00katz) (2nd ed.), Addison Wesley Longman, ISBN 978-0-321-01618-8
Kendig, Keith (2005), Conics, The Mathematical Association of America, ISBN 978-0-88385-335-1
Faulkner, T. E. (1952), Projective Geometry (
&printsec=frontcover) (2nd ed.), Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd
Merserve, Bruce E. (1983) [1959], Fundamental Concepts of Geometry (
/books?id=Y6jDAgAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover), Dover, ISBN 0-486-63415-9
Protter, Murray H.; Morrey, Jr., Charles B. (1970), College Calculus with Analytic Geometry (2nd
ed.), Reading: Addison-Wesley, LCCN 76087042 (
Samuel, Pierre (1988), Projective Geometry (
u), Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics (Readings in Mathematics), New York: Springer-Verlag,
ISBN 0-387-96752-4
Thomas, George B.; Finney, Ross L. (1979), Calculus and Analytic Geometry (fifth ed.), Addison-
Wesley, p. 434, ISBN 0-201-07540-7
Wilson, W.A.; Tracey, J.I. (1925), Analytic Geometry (Revised ed.), D.C. Heath and Company
External links
Conic section (Geometry) ( at the
Encyclopædia Britannica
Can You Really Derive Conic Formulae from a Cone? (
ergence/can-you-really-derive-conic-formulae-from-a-cone-introduction) archive 2007-07-15 (https
iewDocument&nodeId=196&bodyId=60) Gary S. Stoudt (Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Conic sections (
at Special plane curves (
Weisstein, Eric W. "Conic Section" (
Occurrence of the conics. Conics in nature and elsewhere (
See Conic Sections ( at cut-the-knot (http://www.c for a sharp proof that any finite conic section is an ellipse and Xah Lee (http://xahl for a similar treatment of other conics.
Eight Point Conic (
villi/eightpointconic.html) at Dynamic Geometry Sketches (
Second-order implicit equation locus ( An interactive Java conics grapher; uses a
general second-order implicit equation.
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