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STD 5 - Unit 1 - Our Natural Environment - To COMPLETE

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1. Use the words given below to complete the following sentences.

magma cone lava pipe reservoir volcano

(a) When hot liquid rocks force their way to the surface of the earth , a .
is formed

(b) The hot liquid inside a volcano is called ..

(c) Hot molten rocks that come out of the earth is known as ..

(d) The place where hot molten rocks (magma) is stored deep inside the earth
is the magma ..

(e) After many volcanic eruptions , a volcanic . is built up

(f) A . is a chimney-like column inside the volcanic cone through

which magma come out of the earth surface.

2. Draw a line to match phrases (A) to phrases (B)

Phrases (A) Phrases (B)
(a) The hole at the top of a mountains, hills/mounts or
volcanic cone through which plain when they erupt on
magma come out

(b) Basalt rocks are is called the crater.

explosive and very

(c) Volcanoes can form

(d) Volcanic eruptions are solidified lava on cooling


(e) A volcano erupts

molten rocks that solidify
quickly as they fall
(f) Volcanic bombs are pieces of
with a blast.
Formations of Mauritius and Rodrigues

3. (a) How were the Mascarene islands formed?

(b) Name three Mascarene Islands that were formed by volcanoes.

(i) ..

(ii) ..


(b) What happens when volcanoes erupt in the sea ?


(c) Which of the Mascarene islands is 828 m high above sea level ?


(d) Name s the smallest of the Mascarene islands ?


(f) On which island is there a volcano in eruption?


4. Name the types of volcanoes.

(a) . (b) .
Volcanoes in Mauritius

5. Draw a line to match rectangles (A) to rectangles (B)

(A) (B)

(a) A dormant volcano is a Butte aux Papayes.


(b) A dormant volcano found in Grand Bassin

the northern part of Mauritius

(c)is Bar le Duc is a which has not erupted for a very

long time.

(d) A dormant volcano which crater lake.

has become a crater lake is

(e) Bassin Blanc is a dormant volcano found in the

district of Moka


6. What is an active volcano?

Volcanoes in the Indian Ocean

7 Use the words given below to complete the following sentences.

Grande Comore Reunion Island

(a) La Fournaise is an active volcano in ..

(b) Karthala in is an active volcano in the Indian Ocean.

Volcanoes are natural hazards

8. (a) What is a natural hazard?

(b) Name seven natural hazards.

(i) (ii) ..

(iii) (iv) ..

(v) .... (vi) .

(vii) ..

(c) Write about one damage cause to the people by natural hazards.

(a) Write about one damage caused to the environment by natural hazards.

(b) State two ways how volcanoes can sometimes be an advantage to people and their



The main relief features of Mauritius

9. Tick one of the three boxes to show the correct answer.

(a) The area of Mauritius is about 1856 km 1865 km 1866 km

(b) The length of Mauritius is about 41 km 51 km 61 km

(c) The width of Mauritius is about 47 km 57 km 67 km

10. Name six features of our natural environment

(i) (ii) .. (iii) ..

(iv) (v) .. (vi) ..

11. Draw a line to match phrases (A) to phrases (B)

(A) (B)

(a) The relief is the change in it has different forms.

(b) When the height of the land the height of the land.

(c) The different forms of land the relief features.
are called
Observing the main relief features in Mauritius

12. Use the words given below to complete the following sentences.

Corp de Garde Mt du Rempart plateau

Trois Mamelles plain Lion
source range

(a) A line of mountains joined together is called a mountain

(b) A vast area of flat and high land is known as a

(c) Rivers take their .. from the Central Plateau.

(d) A vast area of flat and lowland which ends on the coast is known as a
(e) Plaine St. Pierre is found in the north-west of . mountain.

(f) Two isolated mountains towards the South-west of Corp de Garde mountain
are and ..

1. (a) volcano (b) magma. (c) lava (d) reservoir (e) cone (f) pipe

2. (a) The hole at the top of a volcanic cone through which magma come out is
called the crater.

(b) Basalt rocks are solidified lava on cooling down.

(c) Volcanoes can form mountains, hills or mounts or plain when they erupt on

(d) Volcanic eruptions are explosive and very dangerous.

(e) A volcano erupts with a blast.

(f) Volcanic bombs are pieces of molten rocks that solidify quickly as they fall.

3. (a) The Mascarene Islands were formed by volcanoes.

(b) (i) Mauritius (ii) Reunion (iii) Rodrigues

(c) They formed islands (d) Mauritius (e) Rodrigues. (f) Reunion.

4. (a) Active Volcano (b) Dormant volcano

5. (a) A dormant volcano is a volcano which has not erupted for a very long time.

(b) A dormant volcano found in the northern part of Mauritius is Butte aux Papayes.

(c) Bar le Duc is a dormant volcano found in the district of Moka

(d) A dormant volcano which has become a crater lake is Grand Bassin

(e) A dormant volcano which is more than 600 m high is Trou aux Cerfs.

(f) Bassin Blanc is a crater lake.

6. An active volcano is a volcano that erupts frequently.

7. (a) Reunion Island (b) Grande Comore

8. (a) A natural hazard is a natural event that can cause harm to people
and the environment.

(b) (i) Volcanoes. (ii). Cyclones. (iii) Floods. (iv) Droughts.

(v) Earthquakes. (vi) Landslide. (vii) Tsunami

(c ) People lose their lives.

(d) Crops are devastated.

(e ) (i) Volcanic soil is rich and very fertile for the growing of crops.

(ii) Volcanic landscapes are spectacular and attract tourists.

9. (a) 1865 km. (b) 61 Km (c) 47 Km

10. (i). Mountains (ii) Hills/Mounts (iii) Mountain ranges

(iv) Plains (v) Plateau (vi) Rivers.

11. (a) The relief is the changes in the height of the land.

(b) When the height of the land changes, it has different forms.

(c) The different forms of land are the relief features

12. (a) range (b) plateau (c) source (d) plain

Corp de Garde (f) Mt. du Rempart and Trois Mamelles.

1. Name the three main relief features in Mauritius.

1. Mountains Mountain ranges and isolated mountains.\
2. Plateau Central plateau.
3. Plains Ex. Plaine St. Pierre.

2. Mention the relief features.

A. Moka/Port Louis Range. B. Central plateau. C. Plaine St. Pierre.

5. Where is Corps de Garde mountain found?

Corps de Garde mountain is found in the west of the island.

8. East of Corp de Garde mountain : Sugar cane fields.

South East of Corp de Garde mountain : Town of Quatre Bornes.

9. (a) The large area planted with sugar cane is flat.

The height of the land is above 200m
(b) This large area of flat and high land is the Central Plateau.

12. Refer to text book at page 17- Map of Mauritius.

Plain V : Northern Plains --- North of Mauritius.
Plain W : Plaine des Roches --- North East of Mauritius.
Plain X : Flacq Plains --- East of Mauritius.
Plain Y : Grand Port Plains --- South-East of Mauritius.
Plain Z : Plaine St. Pierre --- West of Mauritius.

13. Volcanic cones found in the area of the Northern Plains :

Volcanic Cone N : Butte aux Papayes.
Volcanic Cone O : The Mount.
Volcanic Cone P : Mont Piton.

14. Feature K found on the Central Plateau : Bar le Duc

Feature L found on the Central Plateau : Trou aux Cerfs
Feature M found on the Central Plat

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