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Done Class V SST Sample Paper

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Session 2022-23
Half Yearly Examination
Class: V Subject: Social Studies Sample Paper
Time: 3 Hrs MM : 75

General Instructions:
1.There are 11 questions in the paper.
2. Read the question paper carefully.
3.Attempt all the questions.

Q1. Choose the correct option. 1x10=10

(i) The Earth is divided into .......... heat zones.
a. Three b. Four c. Five
(ii) Places situated near the equator receive ........ rays of the Sun.
a Slanting b. Direct c. Moderate
(iii) Mountains are the source of many ........
a. Rivers b. Medicines c. Animals
(iv) The top of the mountain is called it’s ...........
a .Peak b. Tableland c. Origin
(v) The Democratic Republic of Congo was formerly known as .........
a .Zaire b. Malaysia c. Africa
(vi) .......... lie to the South of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
a .Zambia and Angola b. Uganda and Tanzania
c. Sudan and Central African Republic
(vii) The Greenland sea is located to the ......of the Greenland Island.
a.East b. West c. North
(viii) The ....... lies to the South –East of Greenland.
a.Atlantic Ocean b. Arctic c. Baffin Bay
(ix) .......... is located to the west of Saudi Arabia.
a. Red Sea b. Kuwait c. Qatar
(x) ........... passes through the middle of Saudi Arabia .
a. Tropic of Cancer b. Tropic of Capricorn c. Equater

Q2. Fill in the blanks. 1x5=5

(i) The economy of Saudi Arabia is based on ............
(ii) The native people of Greenland are called ...........
(iii) ............... is the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo .
(iv) Landforms are known as .........................
(v) The Temperate Zone receives .......... rays of the Sun.
Q3 Answer the following in one word. 1x5=5
(i) Moisture or water vapour present in the air.
(ii) Small hills of sand.
(iii) The original inhabitants of The Democratic Republic of Congo.
(iv) The boat used by Inuits.
(v) The desert in Australia.
Q4. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them. 1x5=5
(i) The Himalayas are very old mountains.
(ii) Places near the sea experience hot climate.
(iii) Greenwich passes through The Democratic Republic of Congo.
(iv) Greenland is also known as Temperate region.
(v) The ‘Rub al Khali’ desert lies in the northern part of Saudi Arabia

Q5 Match the columns and select the correct option from the given codes. 1x5=5
Column A. Column B
(i) Kalahari Desert. a. large blocks of ice
(ii) Iceberg b. branches
(iii) Canopy c. Africa
(iv) Sunderban d middle Himalayas
(v) Dharamshala e. delta

A. 3 1 2 5 4
B. 1 2 3 4 5
C. 5 4 2 3 1
D. 4 5 3 1 2

Q6 Answer the following in one sentence. 1x6=6

(i) Which heat zone has moderate climate?
(ii) What is a mountain?
(iii) What are the major landforms?
(iv) Describe the location of Greenland?
(v) Which heat zone receives maximum heat of the Sun?

Q7 Short answer type questions. 2x4.=8

(i) How are plains formed?
(ii) How are mountains useful to us?
(iii) Which states are covered by the Deccan Plateau?
(iv) Describe the location of The Democratic Republic of Congo?

Q8 Give reason.Why? 2x2=4

i. The humidity in Chennai is different from the humidity of the
Jaisalmer in the Thar desert.
ii. There is less vegetarian in the deserts.
Q9 Define the following.
i. Altitude. ii grasslands

Q10 Answer the following in brief. 3x5=15

(i) How has the transportation in Saudi Arabia improved in the recent
(ii) How does Greenland’s harsh climate affects it’s vegetation?
Write short note on the economic activity of the people of The
Democratic Republic of Congo?
(iv) Why are mountains thinly populated?
(v) Why do areas near the Equator receive more heat from the Sun
than those near the pole?
Q11 Long answer type questions. 4x2=8
(i) Explain the land breeze and sea breeze.
(ii) a.Write short note on the vegetation found in The Democratic
Republic of Congo.
b.On an outline map of the world locate the following places.
 Nuuk
 Buffin Bay

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