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F3 Geo Mid March 2024

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(For Both Private and School Candidates)

Time: 3:00 Hours Year: 2024


1. This paper consists of sections A, B and C with a total of eleven (11) questions.

2. Answer all questions in sections A and B and two (2) questions from section C.

3. Section A carries sixteen (16) marks, section B fifty four (54) marks and section C
carries thirty (30) marks.

4. Except for drawings which must be drawn in pencil, all writings must be
in blue or black ink

5. Cellular phones and any unauthorized materials are not allowed in the
examination room.

6. Write your Name in Full on every page of your answer booklet(s).


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SECTION A (16 Marks)
Answer all questions in this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x) choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write
its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.
(i) It is a fail that ocean currents are set in motion one among the reasons for the movement of
ocean current is:
A Revolution B Lunar eclipse
C Rotation of the earth D Volcanism
E Ferrell’s law
(ii) You have been given chance to talk with a villager of Mtwango who used to get little money
by clearing forest and prepare charcoal. On your own explanation you mentioned the kind of
forest which can tolerate salty condition of sea water. Can you identify that type of forest
among the following below?
A Coniferous forest B Mangrove forest
C Deciduous forest D Tropical rainforest
E Thick forest
(iii) Mr Kamwela was sailing an Indian ocean where he saw a group of islands congested. What
oceanic feature did he observe?
A Oceanic island B Congested islands
C An archipelagos D Continental island
E Continental shelves
(iv) The kind of rainfall which falls in hot areas like Tanga by being formed as a result of
differential heating of the earth surface that cause warm moist air currents to rise vertically
altitude the cooling and condensing to form clouds which later form rainfall. Which type of
rainfall is this?
A Relief rainfall B Convectional rainfall
C Frontal rainfall D Orographic rainfall
E Sleet
(v) Calculate the temperature of Bagamoyo 500m above sea level if the temperature of the Same
1500m above the sea level is 150.
A 240 B 250
C 260 D 210
E 90
(vi) Large masses of volcanic rocks often form the root of the fold mountain are called:
A Batholith B Volcanic Cone
C Dyke D Sill
E Phacolith
(vii) The earthquake waves originate from which points?
A Focal length B Focus
C Epicenter D Mantle
E Core
(viii) NEMC ordered the owners of sisal factories to use environment friendly energy sources in
production. Which energy source could be used in that factory?
A Fuel wood B Solar
C Petroleum D Nuclear
E Geothermal
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(ix) An area of low pressure in which wind blow inwards in a circulation motion is called?
A Doldrums B Depression
C Cyclone D Equator
E Tropical

(x) The current change in climate is likely to affect tourism sector in Tanzania. The government is
insisting on green tourism as the remedial for the problem. Which among the following is the
best importance of tourism?
A To minimize harmful effect on environment
B To bring peace and harmony of Tanzania
C To encourage hospitality of the Tanzanian
D To generate income
E To promotes international relations and cooperation

2. Match the item in List A with the response in List B by writing the letter of the correct response
besides the item number in the answer booklet(s) provided.
(i) Rocks formed when magma solidifies deep in the crust and A Crystalline rocks
can be exposed on the surface by agent erosion B Igneous rock
(ii) Rock formed when molten magma cool and solidifies inside C Organic sedimentary
the rocks of the earth or on the surface of the earth rock
(iii) Rock formed as a result of deposition and compaction of D Intrusive volcanic rocks
remain of dead plants and animal E Extrusive volcanic rocks
(iv) Rock formed when different types of rock are subjected to F Metamorphic rock
great heat and pressure G Sedimentary rocks
(v) Rock formed when sediments are deposited either by water, H Chemically sedimentary
wind or ice rocks
(vi) Rocks formed by deposition of solid substances from solution.

SECTION B (54 Marks)

Answer all questions in this section

3. Amani was inside the house where he observed a house shaking due to the vibration of the earth’s
surface caused by natural forces operating beneath the earth’s crust.
(a) What environmental hazard experienced by Amani?
(b) What instrument used to measure hazard named in (a) above?
(c) Briefly the causes of hazard in (a) above. Give three (3) points
(d) Describe four effect of the hazard in (a) above.

4. Study carefully the data provide the production of sisal in Kigoma and then answer the following
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Productionin (000 tonnes) 400 600 700 650 500 750

(i) Present the data by deviation line graph.

(ii) A part from the method used in (i) above, suggest any other three methods that can be used to
present the data
(iii) State two merits and two demerits of deviation line graph

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5. Form three students from Nkasi secondary school were ordered by geography teacher to conduct
survey in order to know linear distance of road which is near to their school.
(a) Identify the technique which will be conducted by form three students
(b) Outline four instrument that will be used by form three student to conduct their task.
(c) Give out four importance of survey

6. With aid of diagram, explain concentric zones of the earth.

7. Soil sometime is considered as living part which can be created grown and can die and human being
depends from it to sustain their life.
(a) What is the importance of soil texture in human production. Give three points.
(b) Give four properties of soil
(c) Suggest two importance of humus
(d) Give out two ways to conserve soil fertility

8. With the aid of well labelled diagram, express rock cycle

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions in this section

9. Waridi was talking to the grandmother who believes that the earth’s shape is flat like a table. By
using six evidences, describe how Waridi will prove to her grandmother that the earth is spherical.

10. Forest is among of natural resources Tanzania has been gifted. Explain six values of forest resources
to the Tanzania community.

11. The people of Tanzania conduct different activities to sustain their soil- economic need for their
hindrances. Substantiate the statement with six points.

Take more time to enjoy life. Learn to forgive and forget. Hatred may reduce your life span!
© Mr. Arufani Mmbuji

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