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TMP 101,103 & CSS 107 (100 Level Courses)

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INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

1. Which two planets lie between the sun and the earth? (a) Venus and Msrs. (b) Venus
and Juplter. (c) Mecury and Venus. (d) Mercury and Satum.
2. On June 21st, when the sun is overhead at the Tropic of Cancer, places in the Northern
Hemisphere experience (a) longer day and shorter night. (b) twilight. (c) shorter day
and longer night. (d) longer day and night.
3. When a ship appears over the distant horizon the (a) hull is seen before the cabin. (b)
hull and the mast are seen together. (c) mast is seen before the hull. (d) cabin is seen
before the mast.
4. The innermost section of the Earth is the (a) core. (b) mantle. (c) crust. (d) Sial.
5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of sedimentary rocks? They (a) contain
fossils. (b) are crystalline. (c) are usually laid down in layers. (d) are porous
6. Rocks which have been formed by the cooling and solidification of molten magma are
called (a) igneous rocks. (b) sedimentary rocks. (c) conglomerates. (d) metamorphic
7. Which of the following is not a type of mountain? (a) Conical mountain. (b) block
mountain. (c) fold mountain. (d) mountain of accumulation.
8. Which of the following is not true of stalagmites and stalactites? (a) Stalagmites are
upward growing pillars while stalactites are downward growing. (b) Stalagmites are
short and wide while stalactites are long and narrow. (c) Stalagmites are formed on
roofs of limestone caves. (d) Stalactites are longer than stalagmites.
9. Which of the following pairs are desert landforms? (a) wave-cut platforms and seif
dunes. (b) Sandbars and sandspits. (c) Yardangs and zeugens. (d) Barchans and
10. Most of the world’s lakes are fresh water lakes which are (a) fed by rivers with outlet to
the sea. (b) fed by melting glaciers. (c) fairly saline due to excessive evaporation. (d)
constant in volume.
11. A geyser is best described as alan (a) pool of hot water. (b) explosion of volcano. (c)
thermal stream. (d) fountain of super heated stream.
12. Which of the following is not true of pie charts? A. (a) Statistics of various items can be
represented on a single diagram. (b) it is often difficult to compare the component parts.
(c) data with wide extremes can be conveniently represented in a pie chart. (d) it is easy
to draw.
13. The climatic belts recognized by the Greek were (a) torrid temperate and frigid. (b) hot,
cold and medium. (c) hot, mild and cool. (d) equatorial, L,polar and torrid.
14. A mecury barometer is used for measuring (a) wind speed. (b) temperature. (c) sun. (d)
atmospheric pressure.
15. Which of the following gases is most abundant in the atmosphere?
(a) oxygen. (b) hydrogen (c) Agon. (d) Nitrogen
16. A line joining places having an equal degree of cloudiness is an
(a) isotherm. (b) isohyets. (c) isobar. (d) isoneph.
17. Which of the following wind affects the West Indian Islands of the Caribbean?
(a) Hurricanes. (b) Mistral. (c) Chinook. (d) Tornadoes.
18. Loess is an example of (a) clayey soil. (b) loamy soil. (c) wind deposited soil.
(d) montane soil
19. A soil profile refers to the (a) shape of the soil. (b) vertical section of the soil. (c) mineral
composition of the soil. (d) zone of eluviations.
20. The trees are evergreen, forming a canopy with buttress roots, climbers and creepers”.
Which of the following vegetation types does this statement refer to? (a) Savanna. (b)
Equatorial. (c) Tropical desert. (d) Medditerranean.
21. Which of the following environmental hazards is due primarily to human activities?
(a) earthquake. (b) Volcanic eruption. (c) Hurricane. (d) Ozone depletion.
22. Life expectancy refer to the (a) age at which people receive their pension. (b) average age at
which people die. (c) achievement one makes in life. (d) age at which people retire from
their jobs.
23. The term over-population is best defined as the situation where (a) there is high population
density. (b) birth rate is equal to death rate. (c) the population exceeds available resources.
(d) there is an increasing birth rate and a decreasing infant mortality rate.
24. Which of the following features is shared by Hong Kong, Java and Manhattan?
(a) High military technology (b) High population density. (c) Multi-racial communities (d)
Rapid industrial growth
25. A conurbation can best be described as (a) a large village with thousands of people. (b) two
or more towns joined together, each town maintaining its own identity. (c) a large area with
big cities. (d) a big area of land with few settlements.
26. A settlement developed at the meeting point of roads is known as a (a) port town. (b) nodal
town. (c) gap town. (d) confluence town:
27. “It is a port that specializes in receiving and redistributing goods, to the neighbouring
countries”. Which of the following ports is described in the preceding statement? (a) Ferry
port (b) Out port. (c) river port (d) Entrepot
28. The ocean that connects Europe and America is the (a) Indian Ocean. (b) Antarctic Ocean.
(c) Atlantic Ocean. (d) Arctic Ocean.
29. Copper is an important raw material in the (a) chemical industry. (b) oil refining industry.
(c) pharmaceutical industry. (d) electrical industry.
30. Which activity requires the following? I. Large area of land usually in thousands of hectares
II. Availability of water either in the form of rain or irrigation III. High capital outlay (a)
Plantation Agriculture. (b) Mining. (c) Lumbering. (d) Tourism Industry.
31. A great advantage of Basin irrigation is that (a) it makes it possible to irrigate larger area.
(b) the basin helps to trap much alluvium to enrich the soil. (vc) it is an expensive means of
irrigation. (d) water is not wasted.
32. The Gezira Scheme and the Manaquil Extension are famous for the cultivation of (a)
kolanuts. (b) cotton. (c) sugarcane. (d) beans and other legumes.
33. The system of cultivation of tropical commercial crops on large estates is known as (a)
plantation agriculture. (b) bush fallowing. (c) mixed cropping. (d) intensive farming
34. All the following are problems of mining in Africa except (a) use of obsolete technology.
(b) inadequate foreign capital. (c) shortage of power. (d) inadequate unskilled labour.
35. The most common mode of transportation in Africa is (a) air. (b) soil. (c) ocean. (d) road.
36. The longest river in Africa is River. (a) Congo. (b) Zambezi. (c) Senegal. (d) Nile.
37. Africa’s-largest timber producer is (a) Zaire. (b) Ghana. (c) Nigeria. (d) Malawi.
38. Which of the following is a true characteristic of sedimentary rock? They (a) are laid down
in strata. (b) are crystalline. (c) have high resistance to erosion. (d) are basaltic in nature.
39. Which of the following fold mountains is found in Africa? (a) Himalayas. (b) Alps. (c)
Atlas. (d) Rockies.
40. Resurgent springs usually occur in (a) rift valleys. (b) shaped valleys. (c) limestone area. (d)
glaciated areas.
41. Which of the following landforms is not produced by faulting? (a) Fault Scarp. (b) Rift
Valley. (c) Sill. (d) Horst.
42. The process of removing soluble substance such as mineral salt into lower layers of the soil
is called (a) translocation. (b) leaching. (c) eluviations. (d) illuviation.
43. Which of the following is not a process of chemical weathering? (a) Oxidation. (b)
Attriction. (c) Hydration. (d) Carbonation.
44. Sea tides are caused mainly by the influence of (a) earth’s rotation. (b) asteroids. (c) the
stars. (d) the sun.
45. The most important active factor of soil formation is (a) time. (b) relief. (c) slope. (d)
46. Which of the following has the highest level of salinity? (a) Baltic sea (b) Antarctic ocean
(c) Mediterranean sea (d) Atlantic ocean
47. Which of the following is not a form of precipitation? (a) Hail (b) Dust (c) Dew (d) Snow
48. “It has humidity of over 90%, with rainfall in all months. “the statement describes the (a)
equatorial climate. (b) desert climate. (c) warm temperate climate. (d) Mediterranean
49. “The forest is both dense and luxuriant and contains a great variety of plants with broad
leaved trees”. This statement describes the (a) Savannah. (b) Tropical rain forest. (c)
Mediterranean woodland. (d) Warm temperate forest.
50. Which of the following is not a major benefit of Savanna vegetation? (a) Livestock
farming. (b) Arable crop cultivation. (c) Aqua culture. (d) game reserves.
51. The study of the continuous interaction between living things and their environments is
known as (a) Ecology. (b) Energy cycle. (c) Biology. (d) Geology
52. Which of the following has very dense population? (a) the equatorial lowland of South
America. (b) The northern region of Canada. (c) The north eastern seaboard of U.S.A. (d)
the western region of Australia.
53. Which of the following represents an increasing order in the six of settlement? (a) Isolated
farmland -t hamlet -t village -t town. (b) Town -t village -t hamlet -t isolated farmstead (c)
isolation farmstead -t village -t hamlet -t town (d) Hamlet -t village -t town -t isolated
54. “It is an area of great industrial and agricultural activities and hence supports great
concentration of people”. This statement best describes (a) the Amazon basin. (b) the North
East of U.S.A. (c) the Niger valley. (d) North Africa.
55. “It is slowest and cheapest means of transport and is used for transporting bulky goods over
long distances among nations”. This statement best describes. (a) road transport. (b) rail
transport. (c) air transport. (d) sea transport.
56. The role of transport in economic development of any nation include all except.
(a) national disintegration. (b) movement of goods and services. (c) opening up new lands
and areas. (d) provision of employment.
57. All the following are benefits of irrigation farming except (a) provision of employment. (b)
making early planting possible. (c) making farmers depend solely on rainfall. (d) bumper
58. It is possible to harness solar energy in all the following countries except.
(a) Angola. (b) Australia. (c) Greenland. (d) Thailand.
59. The most important trading partner of Anglophone West African countries is (a) Canada.
(b) Korea. (c) France. (d) United Kingdom.
60. The smallest ocean in the world is the (a) Indian ocean. (b) Pacific ocean. (c) Arctic ocean.
(d) Atlantic ocean.
61. One of the major problems of manufacturing industries in Tropical Africa is (a) high
demand for manufactured products. (b) inadequate raw materials. (c) high quality of
industrial labour. (d) high cost of labour.
62. Man made distribution of water to farmlands in areas which suffer from inadequate rainfall
is called (a) water resource management. (b) irrigation. (c) mulching. (d) arable farming.
63. In which of the following vegetation belts is lumbering an important economic activity? (a)
Sahel savanna (b) Tundra (c) Sudan savanna (d) Tropical rainforest
64. Lumbering is a very important activity in (a) Libya. (b) Namibia. (c) Liberia. (d) Algeria.
65. All the following countries lie on the Equator except. (a) Kenya. (b) Ghana. (c) Somalia.
(d) Gabon.
66. Nature mostly intervenes in the state of balance in land ecosystem through
(a) Earth’s revolution. (b) climatic change. (c) Earth equilibrium. (d) Earth rotation
67. Which of the following best explains the influx of refuges from Liberia to Ghana? (a)
wages are higher in Ghana than in Liberia (b) Loss of markets in Liberia for products. (c)
Food shortage in Liberia caused by over population. (d) Great suffering in Liberia from
ethnic tensions and civil war.
68. One outstanding benefit of lumbering to an economy is that it (a) leads to depletion of
forest. (b) earns foreign exchange. (c) leads to soil erosion. (d) causes flooding.
69. Which of the following is not a member country of ECOWAS? (a) Nigeria (b) Ghana (c)
Cameroon (d) Liberia
70. The mineral contents of the upper part of the earth’s crust are collectively called the sial
because it is composed mainly of (a) silica and olivine. (b) alumina and olivine. (c) silica
and alumina. (d) alumina and phosphate.
71. The lowest layer of the atmosphere is the (a) stratosphere (b) troposphere (c) thermosphere.
(d) exosphere.
72. Which of the following is the most abundant in total volume within the atmosphere? (a)
hydrogen (b) argon (c) Nitrogen (d) Carbondioxide.
73. A rock through which water cannot easily pass is termed. (a) permeable (b) porous (c)
sedimentary (d) impermeable.
74. Which of the following is the most effective agent of coastal erosion? (a) Sea currents. (b)
Sea Waves. (c) Underground water. (d) Sea tides.
75. AW in Koppen’s classification of climate refers to (a) Steppe. (b) Tropical. (c)
Mediterranean. (d) Polar.
76. Which of the following towns is located in Koppen’s Aw climate? (a) Lagos. (b) Tamale.
(c) Algiers (d) Lome
77. In areas where folding has occurred, oil and natural gas usually collect in
(a) synclines. (b) horst. (c) cuestas. (d) appes.
78. Which of the following does not encourage the formation of rainfall?
(a) converging wind (b) ascending wind (c) descending wind (d) warmwind
79. The most permanent physical property of the soil is it’s
(a) depth. (b) texture. (c) colour. (d) organic matter.
80. Desert areas experience high daily range of temperature because (a) they are generally low-
lying (b) the sky is cloudless (c) they experience very high atmosphere pressure (d) the
winds blow off-shore at night.
81. Which of the following is a warm ocean current? (a) the Mozambique Current (b) The
Californian Current (c) The Benguela Current (d) The West Wind Drift
82. Air pollution is caused by all the following except. (a) evapo-transpiration. (b) fumes from
motor vehicles. (c) discharge of gases from factories (d) volcanic cruptions
83. The acacia tree is commonly found in the (a) confiferous forest (b) Mediterranean lands (c)
savannah lands (d) mangrove forest
84. Which of the following is found in the lower atmosphere is of little use to man, plant and
animals? (a) Carbon dioxide (b) Nitrogen (c) Oxygen (d) Argon
85. The dymanic and interdepent complex interaction of soil, climate and vegetation with its
animal population is called (a) food chain (b) ecosystem (c0 carbon cycle (d) hydrological
86. A built-up area consisting of a number of towns or cities merged together yet maintaining
their individual indemnities is termed a/an. (a) municipal town (b) twin city. (c) city centre.
(d) conurbation
87. Which of the following are not true of most large cities? I. They have large plantations. II.
They are capital cities III. They are religious centres IV. They are commercial centres (a) II
and IV (b) I and II (c) II and III (d) I and IV
88. Which of the following is not a plantation crop in West Africa?
(a) Rubber (b) Wheat (c) Sugar Cane (d) Coffee
89. The roles of transportation in economics development of West Africa include all the
following except. (a) national disintegration. (b) movement of goods and services. (c)
opening up of new lands. (d) provision of employment.
90. Aluminium is used largely in the (a) aviation industry. (b) ship building industry. (c)
chemical industry. (d) ceramics industry.
91. Light industries predominate in West Africa because of (a) inadequate capital. (b) sparse
population. (c) adequate technology. (d) adequate power supply.
92. Possible solution to the problem of soil erosion in the highlands of west Africa include all
the following except. (a) indiscriminate felling of trees. (b) rotation grazing. (c) strip
cultivation. (d) planting of shelter belts.
93. Which of the following is not a common farming system in West Africa?
(a) crop rotation (b) cape route (c) north Atlantic route. (d) Subsistence
94. The busiest and most important ocean trade route is (a) Indian Ocean route. (b) Cape route.
(c) north Atlantic route (d) Suez Canal route.
95. The dry winds that blow out of the Sahara Desert towards the Sourthern parts of West
Africa is known as (a) fohn (b) sirocco (c) mistral (d) harmattan
96. In which of the following periods is the harmattan dominant in West Africa? (a) August
October. (b) May to July. (c) November to January. (d) February to April.
97. Which of following types of weathering is common in humid tropical areas? (a) Exfoliation
(b) Granular disintegration (c) Hydrolysis (d) Feeeze-thaw
98. Which of the following countries records the highest annual rainfall?
(a) Liberia (b) Algeria (c) Mail (d) Egypt
99. When was the treaty which formally established ECOWAS signed?
(a) July 17th 1970. (b) May 18th 1973 (c) April 18th 1974 (d) May 28th 1975.
100. In which of the following countries is tourism the leading industry?
(a) Ghana (b) The Gambia (c) Liberia (d) Nigeria.

INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.

1. A plant community in which more than one species form be dominant plant is generally
described as (a) society (b) an association (c) a vegetation (d) a habitat
2. Arid region have a great potential for (a) kermal energy (b) solar energy (c) hydro
energy (d) chemical energy
3. Which of the following is the most important use of the natural vegetation in savanna
region? (a) Grazing (b) firewood (b) lumbering(c) hunting
4. Settlement can be classified according to all the following except (a) shape (b) age (c)
function (c) location
5. All the following are products of the chemical industry except (a) dye (b) synthetic
rubber (c) fertilizers (d) plastic
6. The highest mountain in the world is (a) Mt Everest (b) Mt Kilimanjaro (c) Jos platean
(d) obudu hills
7. Which of the following is most abundant in total volume within the atmosphere?
(a) hydrogen (b) organ (c) nitrogen (d) carbon dioxide
8. Which of the following types of rock is non-sedimentary
(a) Basalt (b) coal (c) limestone (d) sandstone
9. The following are factors which determine the size of human resources except one
(a) migration (b) war (c) education (d) medical facilities
10. The resources which when exhausted cannot be replaced or recovered is called
(a) renewable resources (b) non renewable resources (c) artificial resources (d) none of
the above
11. Examples of renewable resources are the following except (a) rain (b) animals (c)
plants (d) coal
12. Rain provides the following except (a) water for human consumption (b) water for
agriculture (c) feed rivers with water (d) dry land when necessary
13. All these are types of environmental resources except ______
(a) atmospheric resources (b) water resource (c) vegetation resources (d) cloud cover
14. ______ is the major producer of Gold in the world
(a) Africa (b) South Africa (c) West Africa (d) North Africa
15. The problems of urbanization in Africa do not include ____ (a) Environmental
pollution (b) shortage of unskilled labour (c) housing problem (d) none of the above
16. The movement of people, goods and services from one place to another is called _____
(a) communication (b) information (c) transportation (d) all of the above
17. The followings are the reasons for construction of railways except (a) to open up new
areas (b) to tap resources (c) to supply raw materials to other parts of the country (d) to
shorten the distance between places
18. One of the following methods is use in mining petroleum (a) adit method (b) open cast
method (c) drilling method (d) quarrying method
19. All the followings are method of traditional ways of communication except
(a) metal gong (b) postal services (c) town criers (d) gun blast
20. Communication is divided into two forms (a) Greed and flexible (b) flexible and oral
(c) Greed and written (d) oral and written
21. One of the following is not the major communication element in Nigeria
(a) newspaper (b) radio (c) whistles (d) internet
22. Manufacturing industries can be grouped into ______ main classes.
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5
23. Another name for heavy industries is ______ (a) primary industries (b) consumer goods
industries (c) secondary industries (d) light industries
24. Many factors are considered before industries are located in any area. The followings
are the factors except. (a) nearness to markets (b) nearness to sources of power (c)
proximity to source of raw materials (d) none of the above
25. Another name for crust is _____ (a) lithosphere (b) hydrosphere (c) barysphere (d)
26. Water falls is a features of _____ course of a river (a) lower course (b) upper course (c)
middle course (d) ocean river
27. ______ refers to the chemicals action of water on materials it comes in contact with while
flowing (a) solution (b) corrosion (c) hydraulic action (d) all of the above
28. There is _____ stages of a river (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 3
29. As a result of lateral corrosion which has become more dominant than vertical
corrosion, the river bank widen to produce _____ (a) wide v-shape valley (b) mainder
(c) river cliff (d) interlocking spur.
30. The following are the importance of Delta to man except (a) mining petroleum (b)
cultivation of rice (c) good agriculture (d) human habitation
31. The following are the major commercial areas in Nigeria except
(a) Lagos (b) Onisha (c) Ogbomoso (d) Kano
32. Institutions involved in the money market include the following except (a) central bank
(b) commercial bank (c) insurance companies (d) none of the above
33. The busiest ocean trade route is the (a) suez canal route (b) North Atlantic route (c)
ccape route (d) Mozambique
34. Which of the following is not associated with human intervention
(a) mining (b) construction (c) rainfall (d) urbanization
35. Leaching of soil means (a) waterlogged of the soil (b) information of hardpan in the soil
(c) washing out of nutrient down from the upper layers of the soil (d) removal of parent
materials from the soil
36. Mechanical weathering due occurs mainly in (a) coaster area
(b) desert region (c) Wet equatorial region (d) polar region
37. Which of the following is an igneous rock (a) sandstone (b) Granite (c) chalk (d) limestone
38. A ginnery is a place where cotton is (a) planted (b) woven into clothes (c) processed to
take out the seed (d) stored for distribution
39. In which of the following countries is tourism the leading industry (a) Ghana (b) The
Gambia (c) Liberia (d) Nigeria.
40. Aluminium is used largely in the (a) Aviation industry (b) ship building industry (c)
chemical industry (d) ceramics industry
41. The average weather condition of a place over a long period of time is (a) atmospheric
pressure (b) climate (c) weather (d) rainfall
42. These are the factors affecting climatic element except (a) attitude (b) longitude (c)
ocean current (d) slope and aspect
43. A rainguage is kept in an open place for observation because (a) it is much easily
accessible to the observer (b) rain drops get into the funnel without any obstruction (c)
rain falls more heavily in the open space (d) the funnel is easy filled with rainwater
44. The difference in the reading on the wet and dry bulb thermometer is used to determine
(a) atmospheric pressure (b) relative humidity (c) evaporation (d) precipitation
45. The instrument used for reducing the duration of the prevailing wind of a place over a
period of one month is called (a) windvane (b) an anemometer (c) speedometer (d) a
46. The monthly range of temperature is the (a) difference between the highest and lowest
daily temperature for the month (b) sum of the daily temperature recording for a month
(c) average of the higher lowest daily temperature for the month (d) product of the
highest and the lowest daily temperature for the month.
47. When you observe windvane, the head of the arrow shows the (a) speed of wind (b)
direction to which the wind is blowing (c) duration of the wind (d) direction from which
the wind is blowing
48. The atmospheric condition of a place over a short period of time is called
(a) atmosphere (b) rainfall (c) climate (d) weather
49. These are factors affecting climatic element except (a) latitude (b) longitude (c) slope
(d) ocean current
50. The natural resources of a nation cannot be measure in terms of _______
(a) forest (b) mineral (c) population (d) buildings
51. Textile industry are best located in Northern part of Nigeria because of the _______
(a) availability of cotton (b) high demand for cutting material (c) availability of capital
(d) availability of every machinery
52. The resources of the atmosphere include the following except
(a) vegetation (b) rain (c) wind (d) coal
53. Which of the following weather instrument is paired with the wrong instrument
(a) atmospheric pressure and barometer (b) humidity and anemometer (c) rainfall and
rainguage (d) wind direction and windvane
54. Nigeria is located between (a) 20N and 100N (b) 40N and 140N (c) 60N and 160M (d) 80N
and 180N
55. Which of the following best explain the decrease in temperature within the lower
layers of the atmosphere (a) the air receive its heat directly from the sun’s ray (b) the
earth is main source of the heat given up to the air (c) an increase in height is associated
with increase in rainfall (d) there is little mixing of air at higher attitude
56. The longitudinal extent of Nigeria is (a) 80 (b) 120 (c) 100 (d) 180
57. _______ is the fourth largest country interms of land area (a) Niger (b) Nigeria (c)
Mauritania (d) Benin republic
58. Which of the following is not a characteristic of rain forest (a) there is a great variety of
taxes (b) many of the trees have large buttresses (c) there are many climbing plants (d)
absence of epiphytes
59. Trees are decidious when they (a) have thorny banks and fleshy leaves (b) it has
decidious trees and aerial root (c) the trees in it have different height and largers of
canopies (d) some of its trees are climbers, creepers and epiphytes
60. In which of the following vegetation belt is lumbering an important economic activity
(a) sahel (b) Tundra (c) sudan savannah (d) tropical rainforest
61. The number of person per square kilometer of land is called (a) total population (b) high
population (c) optimum population (d) population density
62. Which of the following test describes high population growth.
(a) the number of death is equal to the number of birth (b) the birth rate is the same as
the death rate (c) the people moving out of an area are more than the people moving
into it (d) the birthrate is higher than the death rate
63. Man-made distribution of water to farmlands in area which suffer from inadequate rainfall
is (a) water resources management (b) irrigation (c) mulching (d) arable farming
64. Which of the following in not a problem of overpopulation (a) widespread
unemployment (b) inadequate workforce (c) a rapid increase in population (d) a decline
in standard of heath
65. The maximum temperature recorded for station x in a particular day was 140c while the
minimum temperature for the day was 40c. the diurnal range of temperature for the day
was (a) 50c (b) 120c (c) 180c (d) 900c
66. The greatest hydro-electricity power in Nigeria is found in the (a) Niger Benue trough
(b) cross river (c) Eastern highland (d) sokoto plain
67. The major causes of change in population are (a) birth, death and migration (b) birth,
accident and death (c) birth, marriage and death (d) migration, fertility and marriage
68. Which of the following is a demerit of low population (a) low crime rate (b) high per
capital income (c) inadequate labour force (c) low pressure on social amenities
69. One effect of rural-urban migration on the source of region is (a) rapid urbanization (b)
intensive pressure on land use in rural areas (c) rural depopulation (d) urban
70. The resources of the atmosphere include the following except
(a) vegetation (b) rain (c) wind (d) coal
71. Which of the following resources is renewable (a) petroleum (b) water (c) copper (d) coal
72. The area of highlands in Nigeria include the following except (a) Eastern highlands (b)
eastern scarp land (c) western highlands (d) western scarp land
73. The area of lowlands in Nigeria include the following except (a) the chad basin (b) the
sokoto plain (c) jos plateau (d) the Niger deltal
74. Which of the following statement is true about drainage. (a) refers to generally drained
by a river and its tributaries (b) refers to water bodies like rivers and lakes (c) is the
flow of water to the sea across long distance (d) is a body of water surrounded by land
75. The sahel savannah vegetation is predominantly found in (a) Kano state (b) Borno state
(c) Kastina state (d) Anambra state
76. A town located at the confluence of two rivers in Nigeria is (a) Onitsha (b) lokoja (c)
markudi (d) bussa
77. Which of the following affect the distribution of vegetation (a) man (b) rainfall (c) wind
(c) temperature
78. Which of the following geographical regions of Nigeria has a generally flat surface
(a) sokoto plain (b) jos plateau (c) idanre (d) adamawa mountain
79. All the following are ways in which rivers are useful to man except. (a) formation of
political boundaries between countries (b) provision of rich agricultural land (c)
generation of hydr-electricity (d) promotion of trade and commerce.
80. The vegetation of Nigeria are group into (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 6
81. Which of the following is not a type of mountain? (a) conical mountain (b) block
mountain (c) fold mountain (d) mountain of accumulation
82. Which two planets lie between the sum and earth? (a) venues and mars (b) venus and
Jupiter (c) mercury and venus (d) mercury and Saturn
83. The innermost section of the earth is the (a) core (b) mantle (c) crust (d) sial
84. Rocks which have been formed by the cooling and solidification of molten magma are
called (a) igneous rocks (b) sedimentary rocks (c) conglomerates (d) metamorphic rocks
85. Loess is an example of (a) clay soil (b) sand soil (c) wind deposited soil (d) mountane soil
86. A settlement developed at the meeting point of roads is known as (a) port town (b)
nodal town (c) gap town (d) confluence town
87. The system of cultivation of tropical commercial crops on large actors of land is known
as (a) plantation agriculture (b) bush fallowing (c) mixed cropping (d) intensive farming
88. Copper is an important raw material in the (a) chemical industry (b) oil refinery
industry (c) pharmaceutical industry (d) electrical industry
89. Which of the following is not a major benefit of savanna vegetation (a) livestock
farming (b) arable crop cultivation (c) Aqua culture (d) game reserve
90. One of the outstanding benefit of lumbering to an economy is that, it (a) leads to
depletion of forest (b) earns foreign exchange (c) leads to soil erosion (d) causes
91. Which of the following is not a form of precipitation? (a) hail (b) dust (c) dew (d) snow
92. Sea tides are caused mainly by the influence of (a) earth’s rotation (b) asteroids (c) the
stars (d) be sun
93. Which of the following is a characteristic of sedimentary rocks? (a) they are laid
down in strata (b) they are crystalline (c) have high (d) are basaltic in nature
94. The smallest ocean in the world is the (a) Indian ocean (b) pacific ocean (c) arctic ocean
(d) Atlantic ocean
95. Which of the following is not a member country of ECOWAS (a) Nigeria (b) Ghana (c)
Cameroon (d) Liberia
96. In which of the following vegetation belts is lumbering an important economic activity
(a) Sahel savanna (b) Tundra (c) Sudan savanna (d) tropical rain forest
97. All the following are benefit of irrigation farming except (a) provision of employment
(b) making early planting possible (c) making farmers depend solely on rainfall (d)
bumper harvest
98. Nature mostly intervene in the state of balance in land ecosystem through (a) earth’s
revolution (b) climatic change (c) earth equilibrium (d) earth rotation
99. Which of the following is most abundant in total volume within the atmosphere?
(a) hydrogen (b) argon (c) nitrogen (d) carbon dioxide
100. The study of the continous interaction between living things and their environments is
known as (a) ecology (b) energy cycle (c) biology (d) geology
INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions.
1. All the following are true of ECOWAS Except?(a) it allow citizens of member
countries to stay for at least ninety days within any country. (b) non-payment of annual
subvention by any member country lead to loss of membership (c) it is open to all
countries of West Africa (d) It is an international organization
2. Plung pool is a feature of _____ (a) River Meaders (b) Interlocking spurs (c) Waterfalls
(d) water rapids
3. Which of the following rock is used for fuel? (a) Lignile (b) Granite (c) Dioritc (d) Mica
4. Which of the following mountain is not fold maintain? (a) the atlas (b) the Andes (c)
The vosge (d) The Himalayas
5. Which two plantes lie between the sun and earth _____ (a) Venus and Jupiter (c) Venus
and mars (c) Mercury and venus (d) Macury and Saturn
6. The Equatoria forest of the Amazon basin is generally referred to as the _____
(a) Campos (b) Selves (c) Pampas (d) Lianos
7. The outer layers of the solid part of earth is called _____ (a) Core (b) Atmosphere (c)
Crust (d) Hydrosphere
8. Which of the following industries is best located near the source of raw materials _____
(a) drug manufacturing industry (b) Paint-manufacturing industry (c) sugar refining
industry (d) watch making industries
9. Which of the following are the most valuable product of the equatorial forest ______
(a) tea, banana, orange (b) cocoa, rubber and oil palm (c) cassava, plantain, rice (d)
ginger, coffee, sisal
10. Isoterms are lines drown on maps joining places having equal ______
(a) rainfall (b) cloudliness (c) pressure (d) temperature
11. Conventional rains are typical of ______ (a) polar areas (b) moditerrranean areas (c)
Monson (d) Equatorical
12. Rocks which have been formed by the cooling and solidification of molten magma are
called ____ (a) Igneous rock (b) Sedimentary rock (c) Metamorphic rock (d) all of the
13. Loess is an example of _____ (a) clay soil (b) sand soil (c) wind deposited soil (d)
montane soil
14. The system of cultivation of tropical commercial crops on large hectare of land is
known as ___ (a) plantation agriculture (b) Bush fallowing (c) mixed cropping (d)
intensive farming
15. Copper is an important raw materials in the _____ (a) chemical industry (b) oil refinery
industry (c) pharmaceutical industry (d) electrical industry
16. Nature mostly intervene in the state of balance in land ecosystem through ______
(a) earth revolution (b) climatic change (c) earth equilibrium (d) earth rotation
17. The smallest ocean in the world is ______ (a) Indian ocean (b) pacific ocean (c) arctic
ocean (d) Atlantic ocean
18. Which of the following is not a process of chemical weathering ______
(a) oxidation (b) attrition (c) hydration (d) carbonation
19. Which of the following is a characteristic of sedimentary rock? (a) they are laid down in
strata (b) they are crystalline (c) have high resistance to erosion (d) the basaltic in nature
20. Which of the following is not a form of precipitation? (a) Hall (b) Dust (c) Dew (d) Snow
21. The study of the continuous interaction between living things and their environments is
known as ____ (a) Ecology(b) Energy cycle (c) Biology cycle (d) Geology
22. One outstanding benefit of lumbering to an economy is that it ___ (a) leads of depletion
of forest (b) earns foreign exchange (c) leads to soil erosion (d) cause flooding
23. Which of the following is most abundant in total volume within in the atmosphere?
(a) Hydrogen (a) Argon (c) Nitrogen (d) Carbondioxide
24. Which of the following problem has posed the greatest treat to farmers in Anambra ___
(a) Acid salt (b) Drought (c) Gully erosion (d) Pest activities
25. Chemical weathering process include all except one?
(a) transportation (b) oxidation (c) hydration (d) carbonation
26. Which of the following is not an environmental hazards ______
(a) sedimentation (b) flooding (c) earthquakes (d) pollution
27. Earthquakes occurs as a result of ______ within and below the earth’s crust.
(a) disturbance (b) rapid movement (c) slow movement (d) fast movement
28. Limestone region provide these for Man Except? (a) Underground water (b) Grazing
land for animals (c) for tourism (d) cracking of soil
29. Mercury and alcohol _____ when heated for experiment (a) large (b) expand (c)
reduce (d) enlarge
30. _____ is called the zone of parent materials (a) B horizon (b) C horizon (c) A horizon
(d) Horizon Soil
31. Which of the following is true about desert _____ (a) it has no vegetation (b) it contain
a large variety of plants from leaves evergreen to deciduous trees (c) it has tall grasses
(d) none of the above
32. The Rohr-west phalia industries is located in which country? (a) England (b) Toyko (c)
Germany (d) Niger
33. _______ is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, anayze, manage and
represent all types of geographical data (a) GSC (b) GBS (c) GIS (d) GGS
34. One of the following is not an examples of Geographic data?
(a) existing map (b) land surveys (c) vegetation cover (d) Aerial photographs
35. ______ is a process of scaling, rotating and translating an image in match a particular
size and position (a) remote sensing (b) land survey (c) geo referencing (d) aerial
36. Leaching of soil means ______ (a) Water logged of a soil (b) formation of hard rock of
the soil (c) washing out nutrient down from the upper layers of the soil (d) removal of
parent from the soil
37. The following are the commercial areas in Nigeria except? (a) Lagos (b) Onitsha (c)
Ogbomoso (d) Kano
38. Nigeria is located between _____ (a) 20N and 100N (b) 40N and 140N (c) 60N and 160N
(d) 80N and 180
39. The longitudinal extent of Nigeria is _____ (a) 80 (b) 120 (c) 100 (d) 180
40. _____ is the fourth largest country in terms of land area (a) Nigeria (b) Nigeria (c)
Mauritania (d) Benin republic
41. Nigeria is in _____ Africa. (a) North (b) South (c) West (d) East
42. The following are characteristics of Nigeria rivers except? (a) presence of debris
(b) seasonality (c) absence of rapids and cataracts (d) short courses with high speed
43. One of the following is not an important of rivers ______ (a) Sources of food supply
(b) industrial uses (c) irrigation purpose (d) none of the above
44. In which of the following vegetation belt is lumbering an important economic activity
_____ (a) Sahel (b) Tundra (c) Sudah savannah (d) Tropical rain forest
45. The number of person per square kilometer of land is called ______
(a) total population (b) high population (c) optimum population (d) population density
46. Man-made distribution of water to farm lands in area which suffer from inadequate
rainfall is _____ (a) water resources management (b) irrigation (c) mulching (d)
Arable farming
47. Which of the following is not a problem of overpopulation ______
(a) widespread unemployment (b) inadequate work force (c) a rapid increase in
population (d) a decline in standard of health
48. The greatest hydro-electricity power in Nigeria is found in the ______
(a) Niger Benue through (b) Cross river (c) Easter highland (d) Sokoto plain
49. The major causes of change in population are _____ (a) birth’s, deaths and migration
(b) births accidents and death (c) births, marriage and death (d) migration, fertility and
50. Which of the following is a demerit of low population ______
(a) low crime rate (b) high per capital income (c) inadequate labour force (d) low
pressure on social amenities
51. One of effect of rural-urban migration on the source region is ________ (a) rapid
urbanization (b) intensive pressure on land use in rural areas (c) rural depopulation (d)
urban depopulation
52. The resources of the atmosphere include the following except? (a) vegetation (b) rain
(c) wind (d) cloud
53. Which of the following resources is renewable ____ (a) petroleum (b) water (c) copper
(d) coal
54. The area of highlands in Nigeria include the following except? (a) Eastern highlands
(b) Eastern scarp land (c) Western highlands (d) West-Easter scarp land
55. The area of low lands in Nigeria include the following except?
(a) the chad basin (b) the sokoto plain (c) jos plateau (d) the Niger delta
56. The followings are the areas of Gully erosion in Nigeria except?
(a) North centre (b) South west (c) South east (d) none of the above
57. Which of the following statement is true about drainage ______ (a) refers to generally
drained by a river and its tributaries (b) refers to water bodies like rivers and lakes (c) is
the flow of water to the sea across long distance (d) is a body of water surrounded by
58. The Sahel savannah vegetation is predominantly found in _____
(a) Kano state (b) Bornu state (c) Katshina state (d) Anambra state
59. The following factors are considered before industries are located except?
(a) nearness to market (b) nearness to sources of power (c) nearness to urban centre’s
(d) Available capital
60. A town located at the confluence of two rivers in Nigeria is ______
(a) Onisha (b) Lokoja (c) Makurdi (d) Bussa
61. Which of the following affect the distribution of vegetation _____
(a) man (b) rainfall (c) wind (d) temperature
62. Which of the geographical regions of Nigeria has a generally flat surface ______
(a) Sokoto plain (b) Jos plateau (c) Idanre (d) Adamawa mountain
63. ______ is defined as the art of cultivation of crops and rearing of animals for man’s use
(a) Resources (b) mixed farming (c) agriculture (d) all of the above
64. There are ______ types of Agriculture in Nigeria. (a) 7 (b) 5 (c) 9 (d) 11
65. Plantation agriculture requires commercial cultivation in which products are mainly for
sale. (a) true (b) false (c) both (d) none of the above
66. ______ system involves the cultivation of crops as well as the rearing of animals on the
same piece of land (a) plantation (b) mixed (c) subsistence (d) all of the above
67. Produce from ______ agriculture is mainly for family consumption.
(a) mixed (b) plantation (c) subsistence (d) intensive
68. Crop rotation is an example of intensive agriculture.
(a) False (b) True (c) all of the above (d) none of the above
69. Another name for intensive Agriculture is ______
(a) Pastoral farming (b) shifting cultivation (c) truck farming (d) food crops
70. The following are example of deep rooted crop except?
(a) yam (b) cassava (c) potatoes (d) maize
71. Pastoral farming is mainly practiced in ______
(a) tropical reinforest (b) harid land (c) Savanna belt (d) none of the above
72. Important crops produced in Nigeria can be grouped into ______ class.
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 6
73. The movement of people, goods and commodities from one place to another is called
____ (a) transpportation (b) trannsportation (c) ttransportation (d) transportation
74. The following are the contributions of transportation to the economic development of
Nigeria except? (a) movement of goods and services (b) movement of people (c)
development of tourism (d) none of the above
75. The types of transportation are grouped into three main classes which are _____
(a) human porter age, river and air (b) animal porterage, human and sea navigation (c)
sea, river and land (d) land, air and water.
76. _______ involves the use of human legs to move from one place to another
(a) animal porterage (b) sea(c) road transport (d) human porterage
77. All these are limitation of road except? (a) presence of high lands (b) presence of
swampy areas (c) low relief (d) lack of finance to construct road
78. Transport by rail is ______ means of transportation on land.
(a) Fastest (b) cheapest (c) fastest and cheapest (d) none of the above
79. The followings are the solutions to rail transport except? (a) rail way fare should be
cheap (b) Spare parts should be made available (c) rail transport should be properly
funded (d) none of the above
80. There are _____ types of airports (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 5
81. The following are examples of international airports except _______
(a) Muritala (b) Aminu Kano (c) Calabar (d) Port-Harcourt
82. The air-ports where planes that fly within the country take off is _____
(a) domestic airport (b) international airport (d) all of the above (d) none of the above
83. All these are disadvantage of Air Transport except _______ (a) it is expensive
(b) lack of spare part (c) low patronage (d) it is affected by bad water
84. _____ refers to a point where ships and other vessels can stop or sail off.
(a) pot (b) pourt (c) sea port (d) port-harcourt
85. __ is the land directly behind a port which supplies it with exports and to which the port
supplies imports (a) Miniport (b) Island port (c) Hinterland of a port (d) none of the
86. The navigation along the creeks lakes, lagoons and rivers and the ferrying across them
is _____ (a) ocean navigation (b) Inland water navigation (c) water transport (d) none
of the above
87. Which of the following types of rock is non-sedimentary
(a) Basalt (b) Coal (c) Limestone (d) Sand stone
88. Another name for Heavy industries is _____ (a) primary (b) consumer goods industries
(c) secondary industries (d) light industries
89. ______ refers to the chemical action of water on materials it comes in contact with
while flowing (a) corrosion (b) solution (c) hydraulic action (d) all of the above
90. Mechanical weathering due to changes in temperature occurs mainly in ______
(a) Coaster areas (b) Desert region (c) wet equatorial region (d) polar region
91. Waterfalls is a feature of _____ course of a river.
(a) lower course (b) upper course (c) middle course (d) all of the above
92. ______ is the process of exchanging or transmission of meaningful information
(a) information (b) knowledge (c) communication (d) none of the above
93. The following are traditional mean of communication except?
(a) wooden taking drums (b) town criers (c) Metal steel (d) smoke signal
94. There are ______ forms of communication (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 2
95. All these are major communication networks in Nigeria except?
(a) Radio (b) Internet (c) town crier (d) Newspaper
96. The turning of raw materials into new produce by mechanical or chemical processes is
called ______ (a) finished goods (b) manufacturing material (c) manufacturing
industry (d) all of the above
97. The industry that deal with the turning of raw materials into consumable goods is called
____ (a) Heavy industries (b) light industries (c) consumable goods industries (d) none
of the above
98. The following factors are considered before industries are located except?
(a) nearness to market (b) nearness to sources of power (c) nearness to urban centre’s
(d) Available capital
99. Major commodities involves in internal trade include the following except?
(a) Yam (b) Beans (c) Kolanuts (d) Cocoa
100. All these are solutions to industrial problems in Nigeria except?
(a) acquisition of skill labour (b) good government policies (c) none of the above (d)
availability of capital

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