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<Pipeline Construction QMS>


Practical Implementation of a Construction
Quality Management System (CQMS)
Project Initiation Document

801 Consultants (Group 8)

Chioma Nnorukah
Joshua C.Nwanna
Inana Prince Akpobome
Hannah Odusanya
Obiukwu Ikenna
Idoko Chukwudubem O.
Ismail ,Hamza
Mamman, Murtala Ali


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Coventry University

<Pipeline Construction QMS>


PRINCE2- Project Initiation Documentation

Project Name:

Practical Implementation of a CQMS

Group 8


801 Consultations


INGAA Foundation, Inc.

Document Number:


Note: This document is only valid on the day it was printed

Revision History


Date of next revision:

Summary of Changes


This document requires the following approvals. A signed copy should be placed in
the project files.
of Version
Project Manager




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<Pipeline Construction QMS>


This document has been distributed to:
Harrop W.


of Version

Acquah-Andoh, E.

Senior Sponsor



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The Project Initiation Documentation covers the following topics.

Project Definition..............................................................................4
Project Approach.............................................................................5
Business Case.................................................................................5
Project Management Team Structure.............................................5
Role Descriptions.............................................................................5
Quality Management Strategy......................................................6
Configuration Management Strategy............................................6
Risk Management Strategy............................................................6
Communication Management Strategy.........................................6
Project Plan.....................................................................................6
Project Controls...............................................................................7
Tailoring of PRINCE2......................................................................7

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Project Definition
The purpose of this project is to develop a white paper for the effective implementation of
a Construction Quality Management System (CQMS) in gas pipeline construction. This
project shall relay a report in simple communicative document, to guidance pipeline
companies and INGAA Foundation members on practical steps to implementing a
Construction Quality Management System (CQMS).
Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA), formed in 1990, a foundation that
will enhance the use of natural gas, in a way that it will have a positive impact on the
environment and also give value to the people who use it. The foundation strives to
facilitate a painstaking construction and dependable operation of the North American
natural gas pipeline system, and encourage natural gas infrastructure development
around the world (INGAA 2013).

This study proposal on Practical Implementation of a Construction Quality Management

System (CQMS) is in furtherance of Quality Management System (QMS) efforts by INGAA
Foundation. In 2010, six work groups and white papers were initiated in a similar vein.
This study proposal therefore, is supposed to give a simple and understandable procedure
on how to carry out a QMS in pipeline construction works (INGAA 2013).
The technical contacts for this project are:
1. Terry Boss, Vice President of Safety and Environment; and
2. Scott Currier, Director of Operations, Safety and Integrity at INGAA.
Rich Hoffmann, Executive Director the INGAA Foundation will be the non-technical contact
Contact Address: 20 F Street NW, Suit 450
Washington, DC 20001
Tel: (202) 216-5900
The cost of this consultancy has been stipulated not to be more than the range of $60,000
to $80,000. This price is expected to take care of all the expenses that would be incurred
within the period of this study. The cost for the study, analysis, consulting fees and other
services essential for the positive conclusion of the project were considered.
INGAA requires a consultant with experience in Integrity Management Program
development. Fulfilling this requirement gives added value.
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Project Objectives
The main objectives of this project are to do research and gather information on quality
management system practical procedures, and practices for pipeline construction.
Develop a set of guidelines to help pipeline companies and other stakeholder in the
application of concept quality management system .Publish a CQMS white paper that
helps stakeholders and end users minimize failures ,help improve conformity to company
and industry specifications and, help maintain company compliance to regulations(INGAA
The completion time for the project is estimated to be 9 months. Estimated start date is
February 10, 2015 and the estimated end date is November 10, 2015. The timescale is
designed to include an extra 20 days. This is in case of any unforeseen delays that might
occur during the project. The Gantt chart in Figure reflects this provision.
The estimated cost for the project is $25,000.This sum is generated from the
combination of transport, communication, printing, photocopying and publishing cost.
These are all cost that will be inquired in the fulfillment of the project. An extra sum of
$5,000 will be put aside as contingency fund and will be utilized when needed. The
remaining funds will be used for consultancy fees.
The benefit of this project is that and with effective implementation of its procedures and
principles written in published CQMS whitepaper, stakeholders, end users, and people
involved in construction management can improve organizational effectiveness, improve
compliance to standards and regulations , and improve documentation(QMS 2014)

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Desired outcomes
The INGAA Foundation Inc. requires a satisfactory and exceptional construction
quality management system guideline that will be up to standard and will be easy to
adopt by any companys standards. This project will convey processes and stages to
follow in implementing a good CQMS.
The desired outcomes are:
To help improve management practices and quality issues with regard to
safety measures in pipeline projects in order to prevent future issues.
To provide training procedures for all construction workers and inspectors
To introduce safety guide lines for pipeline construction and create effective
audit and evaluate the effectiveness of safety.
To provide support to end users and stakeholders in establishing and applying
an effective quality management system and corresponding plans and
To show the Industrys commitment for continual improvement.

Project scope
The scope of this project is to gather information and data on the best practices for
implementing a quality management system on pipeline construction. We are
required to publish a white paper that would contain only pertinent facts in relation to
QMS and QMS in pipeline construction. This white paper will subsequently be used
by pipeline operators, contractors and suppliers
The scope outline include,
Facilitate , organize , and guide monthly workgroup meetings
Facilitate 2 workshops, and task team presentation of information.
Review and identify key practical examples that show construction actives
and processes to be included in white pater
Review and identify quality management procedures
and processes
contained in other Oil and Gas management systems
Review and identify quality management procedure and processes contained
in Oil and Gas sectors
Review Quality Management System practices in other industries
Review and identify information that is required for the procurement of
construction related services, assemblies, equipment, and materials
Determine the sequences and relationships between QMS processes and
Determine the criteria and methods that would ensure that the operational
and control stages of these processes and procedures are effective
Write a case study of Alliance Pipeline, an INGAA member company
Provide a soft copy and three hard copies of white paper
Give presentation of white paper to stakeholders
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Based on the assumption that this project is on updating a previous version of the
white paper, these exclusion where suggested.
The focus of our study in gathering new information and experiences , and not
on previously gotten data
Constraints are the restrictions and limitations that may bind the project during
The constraints that may be anticipated on this project are as follow:
Ensuring that procedures and practices of CQMS recorded in the white paper
conform or meet ISO 9001 standard .ISO 9001:2008 is a widely accepted
international quality management standard that set out criteria and requirement
for a quality management system(ISO 2014)
Collaborate with task teams and work group to do research and collect
information needed to be put in white paper.
The project should be completed within the estimated time and estimated cost.
The Procedures and processes adhere to government regulations and laws.
The Case study on Alliance Pipeline
These are assumptions that are made in regards to preparing a guide (white paper)
on the practical implementation of a Construction Quality Management System
The Estimated budget for the entire project is $25,000
The Estimated time for the entire project is 9 months
Workgroup meeting will occur the 10th of every month till project completion
Conference calls will occur every 2 weeks and will be used for update reports
Task teams will be divided by areas of expertise, years of experience,
certifications, skills, and positions in their different job

The user(s) and any other known interested parties

An efficient quality management system is necessary to prevent reworking of
pipelines and construction issues which could delay the actual delivery of the final
product, therefore it is necessary for key Users and involved parties to conform and
adhere to the quality management system processes and procedures, and also work
together to ensure the final product is in the right or proposed quality standard in
Key users and End users include;
Project sponsors (INGAA)
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Service providers
Pipeline operators
Pipeline workers

Interested parties in this project

Pipeline and Hazardous material safety administration(PHMSA)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission(FERC)
Canada National Energy Board(NEB)

This section outlines the relationship with other interested parties and stakeholders
with reference to their importance in this project.
Other interested organizations that can be involved are;
The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) Foundation Inc.
they facilitate the efficiency of construction and safety, and also update the procedure
and processes in which the CQMS will follow.
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA)-they regulate
the transport system of oil and gas (PHMSA 2014)
Canada National Energy Board- They are in the business of constructing, and
operating pipelines across international and provincial boundaries. They also
construct and operate power lines in both international and inter-provincial regions.
(NEB 2014)
Project Approach
This Project will adopt the Prince2 approach of managing in stages. The scope of this
project will be delivered in segmented stages.
The Project will have six stages

Stage 1- The Pre-Project stage

This stage will cover defining roles and responsibilities, and the creation of a
business case

Stage 2- The Project Initiation stage

This stage involves the creation of product initiation document and all project
governance documentation.
This stage is relevant as it will be revisited throughout the project to ensure
that all product requirements are met.

Stage 3 Workgroups, and Workshops

This stage covers the facilitation of workshops and workgroups, including the
division of task groups and the assignment of work packages.

Stage 4- Data Compiling and Case Analysis

This stage involves delivery of information gathered by task teams, and the
case analysis done on alliance airlines to be added in CQMS white paper
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Stage 5- Review of Draft Copy and Creation of Soft Copy

A draft copy is printed and reviewed by key stakeholders for approval and
corrections, and a soft copy is made for presentation

Stage 6- Publish Final White Paper and Presentation

Once Draft copy is approved for publications, Three Final copies are
published and a formal presentation is given to INGAA and its stakeholders

The stages will only be considered complete on sign off of key deliverable by project
board and, and end stage report will be prepared by the project manager.

Business Case
A developed Construction quality management system incorporates the same
principles and standards of any other industry. All related processes involved in
pipeline construction are further defined, outlined and recorded to prevent the
reworking of the project. Furthermore, the process making changes is documented to
ensure that those changes are well planned, and implemented to maximize
The purpose of this project is to develop a white paper that incorporates best
practice, to implement a proper quality management system on pipeline construction
for all users or stakeholders
The benefit of using QMS does not guarantee a flawless product or services rather it
helps to create a framework to maximizing the delivery of the product. Some of the
benefit includes
Reason for 801 Consultations to undertake project
Helps in relationship building as there is potential to meet key payers and
movers in the pipeline and construction industry
It gives an opportunity to build reputation as a consultancy.
If project is successful, it can attract future projects
Estimated total profit generated is $35,000

The Construction quality management white paper will provide assistance to
key stake holders which include pipeline operators, contractors, consultants,
and suppliers in developing and implementing an effective QMS (INGAA
Other benefits are to help develop and implement corresponding plans and
procedures for construction projects which include the procurement of related
services, assemblies, equipment and materials (INGAA 2013).

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It will help stakeholders identify areas of improvement by using a quality

management system to improve their overall management and practices in
constructing reliable and safe pipeline projects (INGAA 2013).
The White paper will help improve information, and influence the regulatory
direction for the approval of pending quality management regulation for
pipeline projects (INGAA 2013).
To spread QMS best practices throughout the pipeline industry and
demonstrate commitment to improvement (INGAA 2013).

Stakeholders lack of understanding of the content of whitepaper- Stakeholder
may invest money and resources only to realize that they are unable to grasp
the full meaning of all the processes and requirements (Referenceforbusiness
Inadequate funds for the establishment of the quality system- implementing
quality management cost money and some stakeholders are unable to afford
those changes (Accounting4management 2014).
Heavy emphasis on documentation
Workers may be resistant to change
No immediate Benefits- Quality management systems may take several years
for any noticeable benefits to be realized (Accounting4management 2014).
Expected time of delivery for the project is 10 months starting February 10,

Total budget given by INGAA is $60,000 to $80,000

801 consultations project cost budget is $25,000 plus $5,000 contingency

Printing and photocopying
(Budget Table)


Investment Appraisal
This CQMS white paper will be uploaded in the INGAA website for its members and
stakeholders for free; the stated investment benefits are for those members and
A Survey based on the average North American registered company
states that Continuous Improvement from implementing a management
system a can result in savings up to $117,000 per annum on average
(Glinskas 2014).
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Risk involves in this project include;
Too Much Information
Cost could rise significantly during the course of the project
Failure to meet deadline
Inadequate training
Changes in priorities of senior management
Change in project product specification by Project sponsor/Client

Project Management Team Structure

Project Board


Senior User


Risk Manager

Quality Manager

Pipeline Integrity


Financial Manager


Role Descriptions
Project Board
The project board has the responsibility for provision of all the resources
required throughout the project (Projects 2014).
Ensure quality control and assurance have achieved through out the project
senior user
Has the responsibility of ensuring user needs are well defined and understood
Has the responsibility for communicating between the project team and the
end user community


The project executive is responsible for development of both the business

case and project brief
The project executive has the responsibility to reject or authorize the next
stage plan
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The project executive has the responsibility to authorize the proposed project
closure made by the project manager
The project executive has the responsibility of arranging project meeting
(PMHUT 2009).

Senior user
Senior User specifies the needs of those who will use the product
Monitors to ensure the solution will meet those needs
Project Manager:
To give a proper over sight of the project to the workforce
Ensure that the project is carried out in accordance to specifications
Coordinate and control all project activities and processes.
Risk Manager
Creating a strategic plan with safety rules that are needed to be followed in
order to avoid danger
Risk assessment; identifying risks and describing them
Planning, designing and implementing risk management process for the
Pipeline Integrity manager
Has the responsibility for training engineers in pipeline integrity
Move towards regulating and standardizing pipeline integrity (PENSPEN
Configurations Manager
To managing, tracking and keeping control of all the projects products
Responsible for the safe and secure storage of each project product in a way
that is most appropriate
Control changes to the products ensuring that changes are made only with
the agreement of appropriate named authority(DFP(NI) 2014)
Quality Manager
To ensure project is carried out in accordance to standards
To define quality procedures in conjunction with operating staff
Monitoring performance and review of the entire project
Communication manager
Responsible for informing people in the workforce about changes in carrying
out activities or projects
Send messages across and prepare presentations and memos to share
Financial Manager
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Responsible for budgeting and allocation of necessary funds for the project.
Preparing accurate financial reports and statements and managing accounts.
Conducting reviews on cost reduction opportunities and minimizing financial
Giving financial advice to the team in the case of making decisions.

Quality Management Strategy

Quality Policy
We at 801 consultations are committed to ensuring good quality standard delivery in
any project. We achieve our quality objectives through continual improvement across
all levels of our organization, and in the assurance that we conform to meet customer
This project goal will be achievable through the fulfillment of the,
INGAA requirements
Respective stakeholders needs
Statutory and regulatory requirements as outlined in ISO 9001
Quality standards as outline in 801 consultations quality management policy
Quality Review
To provide an objective view of the deliverable, it will be measured against agreed
quality criteria and quality reviews will be performed. Criterias are set in other to
establish quality standard.
Criteria of Task teams
Task team are divided using this criterias
Area of expertise
Years of experience
Criteria for data collection
The Data collected must be done using these criterias
Clear and concise
Up to date
Quality Assurance
Information presented by task teams are done after uniform agreement
between members of each task team
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Information presented fall into specified research area

Quality Measuring Techniques

To assure that the finished product meets INGAA standards and encompasses all
required information, these steps will be taken,
A comparison of all gotten data or information on QMS to that already stated
in INGAA previous publications
Survey all attendees of the workshops, to see if stated processes and
procedures are generally acceptable.
Survey a sample size across oil and gas sectors, oil and gas management
systems and across other industries on newly gotten information and data
Survey results on the ease of emulating processes and procedures previously
stated in INGAA published works
Collect opinion of draft white paper from key stakeholders and adjust were
All aspects of the quality management strategy will be managed by the Project
Management Board or Project Manager. The Project Manager will perform his/her
duties, and will be responsible of all subordinates under him/her,

Roles and responsibility

The Project Management Board of 801 consultations will be fully responsible for
the success of the companys quality management system. They will also be tasked
with delegating responsibilities.
The Project Manager has several key responsibilities which include, reporting all
progress to the project management board. He/she is also tasked with the
supervision of the quality manger, risk manager, pipeline integrity manager, financial
manager, and communications manager to ensure that the implementation of all
services meet INGAA standards and specifications.
The Quality Manager is responsible for monitoring and implementing quality
management in the project and gives support to all levels of project management
(Episode3, 2014). The quality manager reviews formal project deliverables and
monitors project activities for compliance with 801 consultations policies. He/she with
methods, processes and associated standards and procedures coordinates ongoing
support activities with the work package leaders, but reports administratively to the
Project manager (Episode3 2014).
The Pipeline Integrity Manager who responsibilities includes the development of
best practices in terms of project management and enforcement of the use of these
standards(Energyjobline 2014).He/she will be in charge of checking the technicalities
in the data provided and will give credibility to the quality standard of the product.
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Configuration Management Strategy

To show or identify how the project product (CQMS White Paper) will be controlled,
protected and stored, configuration management strategy (CMS) have to be
implemented. The changes made in the projects product will be recorded in the
register called the configuration item record (CIR) (PRINCE2 Primer 2014). However
configuration management strategy answers questions such as:
-How version control will work for the task teams and work groups
-How submission of the different sections of CQMS white paper to the Configuration
Librarian will occur
-How all information about product status will be passed back to the Configuration
The project managers or the configuration Liberian will take full responsibility of this
strategy and also interact with the rest of project team. The project work is updated at
the end of every week in order to be aware of any problem or change in the project
process and also have total control of what is going on the process. The project work
is updated in a document called configuration item record (CIR) (PRINCE2 Primer
The project manager and configuration manager will check CIR to ensure all
products have status i.e. completed as anticipated. Subsequent actions will be taken
by project manager at any project stage that needs change or to be alerted. The CIR
will be checked entirely, and used as an input to Product Status Account confirming
that all products from customers configuration management records will be
approved. Refer to the Configuration Management Strategy for how the products are
to be handed over to those with support responsibilities.
The different sections of the CQMS white paper will come with version numbers. This
version number will be altered anytime there is addition information added, or any
corrections made, this will serve as a baseline to the project product. Project
managers will write exception Report to project board which will involve description of
the exception situation, its impact, options and recommendation.
The exception report is written at any time respective of the changes made to the
CQMS white paper. We will also make sure that CIR is same as actual status of
products by carrying out a Configuration management Audit (PRINCE2 Primer 2014).
. This includes checking that product/version numbers are updated.
Configuration management procedure
All the project board team are going to take part in configuration management plan.
The configuration management will initiate at top most level of project breakdown
Figure 1: Configuration Management Structure
Configuration management plan can also start from the second stage of S1, S2, and
S3 which represent research areas of CQMS whitepaper, product S represents
CQMS whitepaper
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Product S








The first row the project products will be referred to as opening row and
named version (S1). When the product has gone through first review by the
project board, it will be authorised making it the baseline. This baseline
version will be become S1.1.
Further changes will be not allowed to S1.1 unless it was authorized using the
Change Control procedures.
Once it has been authorized, the product will be released for Change Control
Review and would be assigned version S2.2. Once this revised product has
been signed off the version would now become S2.3.
These processes are to be repeated for each change control raised.

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Risk Management Strategy

According to the prince 2 (2014) risk management can be defined as the uncertainty
of events or set of events that should occur, therefore having an effect on the
achievements of objectives.
The main purpose of developing a strategy for assessing risk is for a framework to be
established for effectiveness of a risk management procedure so that when it has
been set up, it can be embedded into the project management activated regularly
(Hedeman, B, 2009).
Below figure.1, shows the cycle in which we use as a strategy in managing risks

The potential risks identified for this project are:

1. Cost could rise significantly during the course of the project: The effect
this may have on the project is that the company may not be able to provide
additional funding towards the project if initial planned budget is not sufficient.
2. Failure to meet deadline: This may delay the delivery of the product to the
client or key user
3. Too Much Information: This may hinder the person compiling the
information from being unable to prioritize what information to put in CQMS
white paper
4. Inadequate training: The effect this may have on the project is that, aside
from the consultant undertaking the responsible of producing the guidelines
there are also volunteers assigned to help on this project, with limited timing
there may not be enough time to train the volunteers on what and how to do
what needs to be done i.e. ability to use system efficiently.
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5. Overdependence: The effect on the project this may have is that the
consultant is the only qualified person and others may depend a lot on the
expertise of the consultant, adding pressure, creating room for mistakes and
slowing down the project.
6. Changes in priorities of senior management: The effect this may have on
the project is the atmosphere could become more relaxed and deadlines may
not be met at the required time.
7. Change in project product specification by Project sponsor/Client:
INGAA may change the scope of information required to but in white paper

In assessing the risks mentioned Fig 2. Shows a probability impact grid which
determines the severity or likelihood of the risk









Once the risks have been identified and assessed, the next stage is monitoring and
controlling those risks.
Risk Control
To monitor and control cost, tolerances must be set for all stages.
We will monitor all flow and means of acquired information. Perhaps change
members of task team if if necessary to cut costs.
In the event that these contingency plans do not work then as a control
measure the project manager should result to contingency funds the company
should have in place.
For inadequate training, ensure staffs that wish to volunteer have prior
knowledge to a certain degree that would be able to contribute to the
completion of the project beforehand. As the project moves forward feedback
from training sessions or training managers that they may have undertaken
beforehand or along the way should be provided and reviews should be done.
Monitoring and control overdependence would need the project manager to
have the work divided according to areas of strength and a weekly review be
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done on the progress of the project at the morning brief before the start of the
working day to avoid wasting time.
If any changes in the priorities of senior managements should change it
needs to be announced via an effective means of communication as a means
of control but before that happens those working on the project need to
enable the senior management understand the importance of the project and
keep them updated with its progress.

Communication Management Strategy

The communication management strategy will encompass all strategies for all
communication activates in this project. This includes both internal and external
communication between all stakeholders. The communication management plan
includes strategies for informing associated parties and key stakeholders of all
activities. The interconnection to the quality management strategy is to be utilized
Communication procedure
Internal Communication Strategy
All internal communication procedures will be included in a manual Internal
Communication Procedure. The manual is made so that all involved in this project
including, the project board , project manager project teams and workgroup task
teams know what steps to take or was taken during the duration of the project
This manual will contain plan Figure 1 below
Project Board


Project Team

time, manager
budget, quality,
risk, and issues

Every two months

report, risk and
impacts, issues, manager
and risk
and issues log
for project
Weekly until stage Meeting,
manager 4,
when emails
Fig 1: Communication plan (National Archives, 2005)

External Communications Strategy

The external communication manual External communication Procedure will include
precepts, methods and procedures in which the company will communicate to the
outside world and recommendations for the delivery of the CQMS to key
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stakeholders and interested parties. This document is held by the Communications

External communication plan Figure 2 below
Task Team


on operations


two Meetings



Tools and techniques

No special tool and techniques are required.
Recommendations for INGAA
CQMS whitepaper can be communicated to stakeholders using the following
communication items:
Regular (paper)
Digital mail
Newsletters (electronic newsletters)
Meeting notes
A Communication strategy report is written frequently to inform project board and
directors on the effectiveness of the system of communication in place.
Recipients included: Project Manager, Project Board, Director and management

Project Plan
A project plan is defined as a document designed to serve as a guideline when
controlling and executing a project(, 2014)
This project plan created with the project delivery time of 10months.
Stage 1-Pre-Project stage
The project business case will be completed. It will be the baseline for the
entire project and will guide the project board and manager.
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A structured detail of all roles and responsibilities.

Create project team

Proper review of Project mandate
Product descriptions.
The Lesson and daily logs will be prepared. The projects daily activities will
be noted, including all errors and subsequent actions to correct them inclusive
of all lessons learned from 801 consultations previous projects.
The pre- project stage is an already completed stage but, its added to the
project plan to show the project board how far the project has progressed

Stage 2- The Project Initiation stage

Creation of the product initiation document and all project governance


Creation of a benefits review plan

Creation of work breakdown structure

Contact INGAA about workgroup and workshop specifications in relation to
what is expected, and how it is to be organized. This is inclusive of what kind
of space and equipment is needed
Meet and greet all individual participating in workgroup
The pipeline integrity manager with years of experience is hired and will be

Stage 3 Workgroups, and Workshops

Record the profile of workgroup participants

Create task team by diving them using their profile , so that each task team is
made to have individuals from all parts of the construction and pipeline

Work group meetings and update reports schedule will be relayed. All
workgroup sessions will be closely monitored by the 801 consultations

Set up workshop presentation format, to allow for uniform recoding of


Update risk register, issues register, and highlight report

Stage 4- Data Compiling and Case Analysis

All information gathered is assigned a research area title. This is to make

compiling easy.

Data is compiled in research area, then full document draft

Visit Alliance Pipeline an INGAA member company, gather information on

current operations and its quality management system

Write Case Analysis from information given

Stage 5- Review of Draft Copy and Creation of Soft Copy

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Send draft copy to INGAA for review and make all suggested corrections.

Use proper version control for all document corrections

Create soft copy for submission

Stage 6- Publish Final White Paper and Presentation

Confirm with INGAA of the print paper quality and format, and relay
information to the printers

Present soft copy to INGAA to them to upload in website

Do presentation white paper to INGAA and its stakeholders

Update benefit review

Acceptance record

End project report

Project Schedule
A detailed progression of the project is explain in see Gantt Chart Below
Cost Base Line
Project Stage

Cost Type


Stage 1

Printing, communication


Stage 2

Transportation, Printing, $5,000


Stage 3



Stage 4

Printing , Communication


Stage 5

and $5,000
communication, other

Stage 6

Printing ,transportation


Work Breakdown Table




Kick off work Initial Meet and Greet for all participating stakeholders

Divide Cross Division of attendee into cross functional task teams. Assign
research aspects of construction QMS to task teams
Task teams
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Workshop 1

Presentation of general information from experience of best

practices implemented in their various projects

Workshop 2

Work group task teams present findings on CQMS


Compiling all information gotten from workshops

Case Analysis Write Case study on Alliance, inclusive of visiting company to get
Alliance first-hand experience of their operations

Submit Paper Submit draft paper to INGAAs chosen key stakeholders for
for Review
review and make any suggested corrections


Publish White Print hard copies for submission and soft copies to upload on
INGAA website

Make preparations for presentation, including making visual aids

to enhance

Project Controls
This project will implement the Prince2 theme of control.

Frequent checkpoint meetings with project team, directed by project


Conference calls with task team for update report

Risk/ issues log to be developed and maintained

Highlight reports for the project board will review progress to date , and
actual and potential problems

Any changes to the project scope defined within this PID will be recorded
and escalated to the project executive and change board

Risk and Escalation Procedure

Stage 1- Project teams and task teams to submit risk and issues report to the
project manager for resolution
Stage 2- the Project manager to notify the appropriate advisory group to the kind of
risk /issue, and request assistance in resolving it (Knight 2012)
Stage 3-If the stage 3 fails to the get correct resolution, the risk /issue will be
escalated to INGAA
Project Tolerances



All activities are due to cease,

following reports, in December
2013. Any suggestion of an
extension will be rejected.

The cost of the project

approved budget
includes a contingency
cost of $5,000

monitored through
all stages of the
project in Project
page 23 of 32
Team and Change
Board meetings.

<Pipeline Construction QMS >


Tailoring of PRINCE2

Continued business justification

Learn from experience

Throughout all stage end, and
through project execution, the
business case will checked
as to ensure the remain
viability, attainability of the
The business case will be
Use experienced staff

Define roles and responsibilities

Manage by stages

Manage Exceptions

Focus on product

learn from log and reports on

past mistake from similar
Take Records of all mistakes
that will occur during the
execution of this project
Roles and responsibilities
are clearly outlined to make
sure they are understood
organisational structure,
stakeholders involvement
controlling of all stages in
the project the project
publication and presentation
of white paper
Set tolerances for stages
with emphasis on the risk,
cost, quality and time areas
of the plan
Determine project progress
focus on delivering product
as specified in project
product description
adhering firmly to whats
described in the business
Ensure the product match

page 24 of 32

<Pipeline Construction QMS >

Tailoring the project
project environment




PRINCE2 mythology will

serve as a guide to ensure
that all project activities is

References, (2014) Total Quality Management (TQM) System
Advantages | Disadvantages, PDCA|Definition|Articles|Example | Accounting Tips
[online] available from
<> [3
December 2014], (2014) Configuration Management Detail | Configuration Management |
Project Management | Welcome | D F P (N I) [online] available from
<> [3 December 2014], (2014) Project Manager - Pipeline Integrity Management Newcastle Job In United Kingdom, Spencer Ogden Oil & Gas [online] available from
<> [3 December 2014], (2014) Quality Management Organization, Roles,

<> [3 December 2014]


Glinskas, T. (2014) Benefits To QMS Implementation [online] available from

<> [3 December 2014]
Hedman, B., Heemst, G, V, V., Fredriskz, I. (2009) Project Management based on
Prince2. Van Haren Publishing.
INGAA Foundation,inc, (2013) Request For Proposals For A Study On:Practical
Implementation Of A Construction Quality Management Strategy(CQMS). INGAA, (2014) ISO 9000 Quality Management - ISO [online] available from
<> [2 December 2014]
Knight, G. (2012) 'Research Data Management Support Service PID'. London school
of hygiene and tropical medicine 16

page 25 of 32

<Pipeline Construction QMS >


National Archives, (2005) Seamless Flow: Management Security PID. UK: National
Archives, (2014) NEB - Who We Are [online] available from <> [2 December 2014], (2014) PHMSA - About PHMSA
<> [5 December 2014]



from, (2009) The Project Executive - Role And Responsibilities - PM

Hut [online] available from <> [5 December 2014]
PRINCE2 Primer, (2014) Risk Management Strategy - PRINCE2 Primer [online]
December 2014]
PRINCE2 Primer, (2014) Configuration Management In PRINCE2 - PRINCE2
Primer [online]
<> [26 November 2014], (2014) Project Roles | Project Management Website [online]
available from < Board> [5
December 2014], (2014) Total Quality Management Quality
<> [2 December
2014], (2014) ISO 9000 - Advantage, Benefits, Disadvantages,
Cost [online] available from <> [3 December 2014],(2014). What is a Project Plan? - Definition from Techopedia.
[Accessed 4 Dec. 2014].

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Meeting Minutes

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<Pipeline Construction QMS >


Tailoring to PRINCE2 Diagram

Gantt chart

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