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3M: CO History Doubles Packet One: That'S Not A Buick! Questions by Eric Mukherjee, Mike Cheyne, and Mik Larsen

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3M: CO History Doubles


"uestions by #ric Muk$er%ee& Mike C$eyne& an' Mik (arsen
1. A )e)ber o* t$is *a)ily +rote a book in +$ic$ t$e Terrestrial A,is Strai-$tenin- Co).any a'%usts
t$e #art$/s a,ial tilt0 Besi'es t$e aut$or o* A Journey in Other Worlds& t$is *a)ily $a' a )e)ber +$o
$ire' 1ilson Price Hunt an' 2a)sey Crooks to %ourney +est t$rou-$ Hells Canyon0 Urban le-en's
say one )e)ber release' 'o-s *ro) kennels an' cracke' 3I aske' *or ice& but t$is is ri'iculous3
be*ore $is 'eat$0 1it$ 3(eno,&3 t$is *a)ily +as t$e ori-inal na)esake o* t$e lion statues outsi'e t$e
Ne+ 4ork Public (ibrary0 It o+ne' a company which founded a trading post on the Columbia River, the
first permanent U.S. community on the Pacific coast. The patriarch of this family was an early multi
millionaire who founded the !merican "ur Company. "or 1# points, name this wealthy !merican family,
whose most famous members are named $ohn $acob.
!%S&'R( Astor
). One ene)y co))an'er in t$is con*lict +as later taken .risoner in 5acility 67890 One si'e in t$is +ar
use' $i''en )ines calle' :Hou'inis;& an' an incitin- e<ent in t$is con*lict +as a suici'e run on t$e
USS O'yssey0 A .ree).ti<e strike 'urin- t$is con*lict +as a<erte' by t$e 'ouble a-ent Colonel
(o<ok& resultin- in one co))an'er bein- sent to Intern)ent Ca). 3=>0 T$e *irst an' secon' battles
o* C$intoka +ere .i<otal e<ents in t$is con*lict0 One si'e +as 'u.licitously brou-$t into t$is +ar
+$en Senator ?reenaks s$uttle +as 'estroye' by @AB *ara+, a former member of the ,bsidian ,rder.
-amar defected to the other side during this conflict, during which Chancellor *owron was +illed by &orf,
son of .ogh. The /a0orans and Tholians both signed nonaggression pacts with one side in this conflict,
one side of which employed advisors called 1orta and shoc+ troops called $em23adar. "or 1# points, name
this conflict in which the "ederation, the 4lingon 'mpire, and the Romulans faced an invasion from the
*amma 5uadrant, a +ey conflict on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.
!%S&'R( Do)inion &ar
6. One lea'er o* t$is .olity )ur'ere' $is 'runk *at$erCinCla+ at a banDuet& t$us 'estroyin- t$e C$aka
kin-'o)0 In its *inal years t$is .olity 'e-enerate' into .rinci.alities calle' beyliks& an' its culture
create' tra'in- +ay.oints suc$ as Sultan Han +$ic$ +ere calle' caravan-serais0 Cities like ayseri
an' Si<as ser<e' as )obile ca.itals o* t$is .olity& an' one lea'er o* it s+itc$e' si'es a*ter bein-
bribe' by Nice.$orus Botaneiates @bo+Cta$nCeeCa$CteesB0 T$e *orces o* its lea'er ayk$usra+ II
+ere crus$e' by t$e Mon-ols at t$e Battle o* 4ose -ag, and it was founded following the capture of
78ni+ and 78mit by Suleiman bin 5utalmish, after the death of .ali+ Shah split the Sel0u+ 'mpire. 7t was
once named 4onya, and its sultan 4ili0 !rslan 77 crushed .anuel 7 Comnenus via an ambush from a
mountain pass at the /attle of .yrio+ephalon in 119:. "or 1# points, name this ethnically Sel0u+ empire of
central !natolia, one name for which derives from its western neighbor.
!%S&'R( The Sel0u+ Sultanate of 2u) ;or the Sultanate of Iconiu) or onya before mentioned< prompt
on Sel%uk or Sel%uk #).ire until mentioned, as the precise difference between the two gets fu88y at times=
>. T$is Cabinet .osition +as $el' by a )an +$o coine' t$e ter) 3a)iable 'unce3 'escribin- 2onal'
2ea-an0 Anot$er )an to $ol' it +as )arrie' to t$e +o)an +$o starte' t$e 32ea'in- Is
5un'a)ental3 .ro-ra)0 T$e *irst )an to $ol' t$is .osition le*t only lines *ro) So.$ocles/ Ajax to
e,.lain +$y $e t$re+ $i)sel* out o* a +in'o+ at a )e'ical center in Bet$es'a0 Durin- t$e
#isen$o+er a')inistration& t$e )an +$o $el' it re)arke' 'urin- con*ir)ation $earin-s t$at $e
3t$ou-$t +$at +as -oo' for our country was good for *eneral .otors.? The longest serving man in this
position was a former ?&hi8 4id? and President of the "ord .otor Company, and who would later go on to
head the &orld /an+. "or 1# points, name this Cabinet position held by $ames "orrestal, Charles &ilson,
and by Robert .c%amara during the 1ietnam &ar.
!%S&'R( Secretary of De*ense
@. One letter *ro) early in t$is )an/s li*e $e relates $o+ $e& on $orseback& 'is.erse' a cro+' o*
$er's)en an' ani)als *or t$e *un o* it0 Tutore' in yout$ by t$e Ho)eric sc$olar Ale,an'er o*
Cotiaeu) an' t$e At$enian )illionaire Hero'es Atticus& $is )ot$er +as a )a%or .layer in t$e 2o)an
brick)akin- in'ustry na)e' Do)itia (ucilla0 Un'er $is rule Statius Priscus reco<ere' Ar)enia& an'
Ctesi.$on +as sacke' an' Meso.ota)ia )a'e a 2o)an .rotectorate by $is -eneral A<i'ius Cassius.
This husband of "austina the younger had his victories over the Sarmatians depicted on his victory column.
3e fought offensive wars versus the 7a8yges, and one wor+ by this person ends its introduction with ?on the
River *ran, against the 5uadi?. "or 1# Points, name this adoptive brother of Aucius 1erus and author of the
Meditations, succeeded by his 0ac+ass son Commodus.
!%S&'R( Marcus Aurelius !ntoninus !ugustus
:. At t$e start o* t$is )an/s career $e .ublis$e' t$e un'er-roun' Robotnik& an' $is re-i)e
once si-ne' a )ilitary alliance +it$ a nation le' by Sy)on Petliura0 His country *or)e' t$e
Constitution in line +it$ a .olitical )o<e)ent +it$ a center *action calle' /t$e Castle/& +$ile t$e
lar-er )o<e)ent $e +as in<ol<e' +it$ +as calle' Sanation0 His su..orters clas$e' +it$ 'e)ocratic
a-itators in t$e Eune Days u.risin-& an' $e .ursue' strate-ies calle' BPrometheismB and B7ntermarumB in
order to wea+en a rival nation. 3eBs not Aenin, but he was placed on a sealed train and shipped home at the
end of &&7. This man masterminded a mutiny which resulted in the creation of the Republic of Central
Aithuania, and he was succeeded by $osef /ec+ and 7gnat8 .oscic+t. "or 1# points, name this leader
responsible for the ?miracle on the 1istula? in 1C)#, who won a shoc+ing victory in the PolishSoviet &ar.
!%S&'R( $o8ef Pilsu'ski
9. Sara$ Tis'all leake' a set o* 'ocu)ents about t$e locations o* cruise )issiles to t$is
+$ic$ .ublis$e' an 5ools Day %oke about an islan' calle' San Serri**e0 A -rou. o* >>
Unitarians in<este' one t$ousan' *i*ty .oun's *or t$e creation o* $is +$ose *irst e'itor
'eclare' it an ene)y o* :scurrility an' slan'er;0 C$arles Prest+ic$ Scott ser<e' *or F7 years as
e'itor o* t$is in +$ic$ .osition $e coine' t$e .$rase :co))ent is *ree& but *acts are sacre'0;
T$is .ublication +as ori-inally *oun'e' by Eo$n #'+ar' Taylor in t$e +ake o* t$e @AB Peterloo
massacre. This newspaper, which was the first in its non*ermany nation to adopt the /erliner format,
dropped the D.anchesterE from its name in 1C@C. !long with the &ashington Post, it initially lea+ed the
eFistence of the PR7S. Program, and %ic+ -avid and 1i+ram -odd wrote a series of articles for this paper
in )##C accusing %ews 7nternational of phone hac+ing. "or 1# points, name this thirdmost popular
newspaper in the United 4ingdom, after the Daily Telegraph and the Times.
!%S&'R( The Guardian
G. Durin- t$is e<ent& a -rou. reac$e' t$e 1ateree 2i<er& +$ere a +o)an kno+n as 3(a Cacita3 .ut a
strin- o* .earls on t$e neck o* its lea'er0 Since t$is e<ent/s lea'er clai)e' to be an i))ortal sun -o'&
$is 'eat$ +as conceale' by $is )en& +$o $i' $is in blankets an' sunk it in a ri<er0 T$e
.artici.ants in t$is e<ent lost )ost o* t$eir .ossessions a*ter bein- attacke' by C$ie* Tuskaloosa
'urin- a bloo'y battle at Mabila an' soon a*ter arri<e' at t$e ?alley o* t$e ?a.ors& also kno+n as
Hot S.rin-s& Arkansas0 T$e )an +$o le' it +as a *or)er ca.tain o* Pi8arro who retraced many of the
steps of the %arvae8 eFpedition after being inspired by the stories of Cabe8a de 1aca. "or 1# points, name
this 1@>#Bs eFpedition in which the namesa+e Spaniard eventually became the first 'uropean to discover the
.ississippi River.
!%S&'R( The eFpedition of 3ernando 'e Soto
C. 5orts built 'urin- t$is battle +ere kno+n as (a Ma$o)erie an' Malre-ar'& t$e latter built outsi'e
t$e Do- Gate0 Eo$n t$e O,ite +as i).risone' be*ore t$is battle& an' it +as .rece'e' by t$e stor)in-
o* a crossin- kno+n as t$e Iron Bri'-e0 A'$e)ar o* (e Puy +as res.onsible *or )aintainin- )orale
'urin- t$is battle& an' one *orce 'urin- t$is con*lict +as cri..le' by t$e 'esertion o* t$e OrtuDi's0
2elie* e**orts 'urin- t$is con*lict +ere le' by lea'ers na)e' DuDaD& 2i'+an& an' erbo-$a& an' *or
)uc$ o* it t$e -o<ernor 4a-$iCSa-an +as allo+e' to *reely import food. 7ts critical moment came when
an !rmenian named "irou8 betrayed the Tower of the Two Sisters. -uring this conflict the layman Peter
/artholomew had a dream which directed him to unearth the location of the 3oly Aance. Tancred led a
relief force during this battle which saw the temporary desertion of Peter the 3ermit and the overall
command of /ohemund. "or 1# points, name this engagement of 1#C9G where the invading 'uropeans
besieged and then were besieged in turn, a pivotal moment in the "irst Crusade.
!%S&'R( The Siege;s= of Antioc$
1#. T$e *irst c$a.ter o* one o* t$is )ans +orks o.ens +it$ an analysis o* Da<i' 5rie'ric$s
Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog& an' notes t$at $istory is *uHHier t$an t$e $ar' sciences because
$u)ans are :)olecules +it$ )in's o* t$eir o+n;I t$at +ork is he !andsca"e of #istory0 T$is )an
stron-ly criticiHe' 1illia) 1illia)s ragedy of A$erican %i"lo$acy in an article in +$ic$ $e calle'
*or analyHin- t$e e**ects o* A)erican *orei-n .olicy on t$e :Secon' 1orl';0 Se<eral o* t$is )ans
+orks us$ere' in t$e :PostC2e<isionist; stu'y o* a .articular .erio'0 Henry issin-er +rote a
-lo+in- re<ie+ o* one o* t$is )ans +orks& +$ic$ Duotes t$e sub%ects 'iary statin- :I $ate
'e)ocracy; an' 'etails t$e sub%ects clas$ +it$ @AB -ean !cheson as the head of the Policy Planning
Staff. This man2s wor+ We Now Know adds to his corpus using recentlyopened Soviet archives to posit that
conditions in the USSR were far worse than believed during the mid)#
century. "or 1# points, name this
Hale University professor and author of The Cold War: A New History and the Pulit8erwinning George !
Kennan: An American "i#e!
!%S&'R( $ohn Aewis Ga''is
11. It/s not t$e P$ili..ines& but 1illia) Ca)eron 5orbes +as taske' by Herbert Hoo<er to in<esti-ate
+$y rebellions $a..ene' in t$is country0 A &ation article about it $as a section title' 3Go<ern)ent
O*& By& an' 5or t$e National City Bank03 1$ile runnin- *or ?iceCPresi'ent& 5ranklin 2oose<elt
clai)e' to $a<e +ritten t$is country/s constitution0 In t$is country& t$e Battle o* 5ort Di.itie +as a
<ictory *or S)e'ley Butler in >J>F0 Ma,ine 1aters clai)e' t$is country/s .resi'ent +as ab'ucte' by
A)erican a-ents an' taken to Sout$ A*rica0 T$e Unite' States occupied it from 1C1@ to 1C6>, and later
intervened here again when Sam %unn, $immy Carter, and Colin Powell persuaded Raoul Cedras to step
down in ,peration Uphold -emocracy. 'arlier, !mericans were fearful when this country was created after
a slave rebellion on Saint-omingue. "or 1# points, name this Caribbean country once led by $ean
/ertrand !ristide.
!%S&'R( Haiti Ior 3SaintCDo)in-ue3 until mentionedJ
1). To)b Se<en in t$is .lace +as analyHe' by Al*onso Caso& an' San Eose Mo-ote +as a .re'ecessor to
t$is site0 Buil'in- E in t$e )ain .laHa o* t$is site contains a series o* 67 stone slabs +it$ .lace na)es&
corres.on'in- to conDuere' territories0 A to)b co).le, in t$is location is locate' a'%acent to t$e
Nort$ Plat*or)& an' an obser<atory $ere is calle' t$e :Henit$ tube;0 A series o* nake' )ale
'e.ictions *oun' $ere +it$ t$eir -enitals )utilate' re.resent sacri*ices& an' t$ose are *oun' in t$e @AB
D/uilding of the -ancersE. This city contains several statues of the rain god Coci0o and a tlachtli court. 1#
points, name this archeological site in the ,aFaca 1alley, the capital of the Kapotec empire which gets its
name from the white trees on its hill.
!%S&'R( Monte Alban
16. T$is ruler +as res.onsible *or an or'inance t$at re)o<e' (atin as t$e 'e*ault lan-ua-e *or $is
country/s 'ocu)ents an' )arrie' Clau'e& t$e *i*teenCyearCol' 'au-$ter o* Anne o* Brittany& a
)arria-e t$at broke an a-ree)ent in t$e Treaty o* Blois0 He a..ointe' Guillau)e Bu'e as $is c$ie*
librarian an' create' t$e C$ateau 'e C$a)bor' to attract Italian .ainters suc$ as Pri)aticcio an'
2osso 5iorentino0 He si-ne' t$e Treaty o* Ma'ri' an' %oine' +it$ Pope Clement 177 and several 7talian
states to combat the 7talian ambitions of the 3oly Roman 'mperor in the &ar of the Aeague of Cognac.
/ron8inoBs 1enus, Cupid, "olly and Time and CelliniBs Salt Cellar were created as gifts for him. This
winner of the /attle of .arignano stated ?!ll is lost save honor.? before being captured in his worst defeat.
"or 1# points, name this 1alois monarch who met with 3enry 1777 at the "ield of the Cloth of *old and lost
the /attle of Pavia.
!%S&'R( 5rancis I ;or 5rancois I=
1>. Ono)acles o* At$ens settle' one city on t$is islan'& an' t$at city/s ori-in story in<ol<es a bronHe lion
stu**e' +it$ 'ru-s by He.$aestus0 It $as an i).ortant BronHeCA-e settle)ent at T$er)i0 One re<olt
on t$is islan' kille' t$e tyrant Coes o* #,an'rus& +$ile ot$ers unseate' Melanc$ros an' Myrsilus0
T$e $o)e o* t$e .$iloso.$er T$eo.$rastus o* #resus& its Kt$ century +ar +it$ At$ens +as relie<e'
by t$e )e'iation o* Pittacus0 T$e lar-est city on t$is islan' re<olte' *ro) t$e Delian (ea-ue in 68=&
an act +$ic$ le' to At$ens <otin- to )assacre all male citi8ens& but changing its mind immediately after
sending the eFecutioners. That city, .ytilene, names the strait which separates it from !sia .inor. "or 1#
points, name this island, home to the lyric poet !lcaeus as well as the author of a celebrated ?3ymn to
!phrodite?, Sappho.
!%S&'R( (esbos
1@. In >93F in t$is city& *i<e -a)blers +ere $un- as .art o* t$e 3e,cite)ent3 o<er t$e ban'it Eo$n
Murrell0 It/s not in O$io& but until its >98F incor.oration& it +as kno+n as 1alnut Hills0 T$e <ery
$aunte' Mc2a<en $ouse is in t$is city& an' its *or)er o+ner Eo$n Bobb +as kille' by 'runken
occu.ation sol'iers0 A *a)ous .iece o* cannon $ere +as na)e' 31$istlin- Dick&3 an' troo.s
retreate' to t$is city a*ter t$e Battles o* C$a).ion Hill an' Bi- Black 2i<er Bri'-e0 It/s not Atlanta&
but t$e *irst bottling o* CocaCCola took .lace $ere in >9J>0 It/s not Port Hu'son& but a*ter it +as
conDuere'& t$e Presi'ent re)arke' 3T$e 5at$er o* &aters again goes unveFed to the sea.? This city,
while under the command of $ohn C. Pemberton, was ta+en by Ulysses *rant on the day after the Union
victory at *ettysburg. "or 1# points, name this .ississippi city which, after a protracted siege, fell to the
Union on $uly >, 1G:6, in one of the turning points of the war.
!%S&'R( ?icksbur-
1:. A)on- t$e eye+itnesses to t$is e<ent +as Eanet (ee Ste<ens& +$o 'etaile' it in a letter to $er
$usban'0 One *orce in<ol<e' in t$is e<ent +as 'is.ara-in-ly calle' :t$e In'ians; 'ue to t$eir craHy
cocaineC*uele' be$a<ior0 One .erson .artly res.onsible *or t$is e<ent only resi-ne' a*ter #)il
GrunH+ei- +as kille' by a -rena'e in a .eace )arc$0 2a*ael #itan encoura-e' t$e .er.etrators o*
t$is e<ent& +$ic$ +as in<esti-ate' by t$e a$an co))ission0 T$is action +as carrie' out by a -an-
le' by @AB 'lie 3obei+a, and was done in retaliation for the +illing of the leader of the 4ataeb Party, /achir
*emayel. !riel Sharon was found to have DPersonal ResponsibilityE for this event, which occurred in a
camp outside /eirut. "or 1# points, name this massacre of Palestinian refugees by Christian militias in
!%S&'R( Sabra an' S$atila .assacre
19. T$is )ans seal containe' t$e slo-an :all t$e +orl' by t$e *orce o* ar)s;0 One o* t$is )ans retainers
co))itte' suici'e a*ter t$is )an t$re+ incense at t$e altar 'urin- $is *at$ers *uneral0 Hes not
Scottis$& but 'urin- one battle& t$is co))an'er an' t+o t$ousan' )en $i' in a *orest 'urin- a
rainstor) +$ile creatin- a -rou. o* *ake sol'iers )a'e o* stra+ to con*use t$e ene)y& +$o +ere
celebratin- t$eir co))an'ers birt$'ay0 At anot$er battle& t$is lea'er )assacre' t$e +arrior )onks
o* Mount Hiei0 T$is $u-e *an o* t$e Tane-as$i)a ri*le once +on a battle by arran-in- $is @AB
arLuebusiers into three rows. This ruler of ,wari Province and his son both died at the 7ncident at 3onno
$i, in which this man was forced to commit suicide by !+echi .itsuhide. This victor at %agashino and
,+eha8ama was succeeded by his sandalbearer, Toyotomi 3ideyoshi. "or 1# points, name this first great
unifier of $apan.
!%S&'R( O'a %obunaga
1G. In t$e >JK7/s& t$is )an lost t$ousan's in an Al-erian oil <enture 'urin- t$e Si,CDay 1ar& but re*use'
to 'o ci-arette co))ercials to earn )oney0 T$is )an/s *irst +i*e& 1an'a Hen'ri,& clai)e' $e once
$el' $er at -un.oint0 He +as kille' +$en a .ri<ate .lane cras$e' into Brus$ Mountain& ?ir-inia& in
May o* >J=>0 T$is )an .laye' t$e title c$aracter in t$e $i-$ly censore' >JF9 <ersion o* he 'uiet
A$erican0 He +as brou-$t to Holly+oo' by Ea)es Ca-ney an' $is autobio-ra.$y containe'
e,a).les o* $is .oe)s like 3T$e Crosses Gro+ at AnHio03 T$e aut$or o* o #ell and (ack& $e .laye'
$i)sel* in t$e )o<ie <ersion o* it& but $is career su**ere' 'ue to $is .ostCtrau)atic stress 'isor'er0
1$ile a teena-er& $e +on t$e .edal of 3onor for singlehandedly holding off a *erman company for an
hour in $anuary 1C>@. "or 1# points, name this actor and soldier, generally credited as the most decorated
!merican veteran of &orld &ar 77.
!%S&'R( !udie Mur.$y
1C. A .alace an' a cat$e'ral +ere built *or Mar Makik$a in t$e location o* t$is battle a year a*ter it
occurre'0 A .ossibly treac$erous a'<isor to one lea'er in t$is battle $a' .re<iously *eu'e' +it$
Da+a'ar an' Tusi *or se<eral court .ositions0 Ibn at$irs $istory o* t$is e<ent state' t$at t$e .iles
o* 'ea' bo'ies *ro) t$is battle cause' a .la-ue0 A*ter t$is battle AtaCMalik Eu<ayni +as a..ointe'
-o<ernor0 T$e +i*e o* one co))an'er in t$is battle& DoDuH& ensure' t$at C$ristians +ere s.are' in
t$e carna-e0 Accor'in- to le-en'& 'urin- t$is e<ent& a nearby ri<er turne' @AB blac+ from the in+ of a
nearby library. The winning commander at this battle had previously destroyed the !ssassins at !lamut. To
avoid royal blood touching the ground, one commander in this battle was rolled up into a rug and trampled
by horses< that leader was al.ustasim. "or 1# points, name this event in which forced led by 3ulagu 4han
ransac+ed the capital of the !bbasid caliphate in 1)@G.
!%S&'R( Sack o* Ba-$'a'
)#. T$is .$rase 'escribes a .erio' +$ic$ sa+ t$e issuin- o* t$e Ta)+ort$ Mani*esto& as +ell as a
.ublicity stunt by A)nesty International +$ic$ ai)e' at t$e closin- o* Guantana)o Bay0 One
re*or) )o<e)ent 'escribe' by t$is ter) en'e' +it$ t$e e,ecution o* t$e Si, Gentle)en& an'
su..orters o* it inclu'e' an- 4ou+eiI it ai)e' at t$e abolition o* t$e i).erial e,a) syste) an' +as
crus$e' by Prince Duan& a)on- ot$ers0 T$is e,.ression 'escribe' t$e *irst @ABterm of Robert Peel0
,ne period described by this phrase started after the end of ,peration .ichael and included the /attle of
Cambrai and the brea+ing of the 3indenburg Aine< that was this +ind of B,ffensiveB. This term was used to
describe a period which included the passing of the *lassSteagall !ct, that being the start of "-RBs first
term. The best+nown time period +nown by this name included the battles of Aigny and 5uatre /ras. "or
1# points, identify this common term, which applied to the timespan between %apoleonBs return from 'lba
and the /attle of &aterloo.
!%S&'R( The Hun're' Days

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