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New Era University Department of Criminology: Narrative Report

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Name : Jose Raymond R. Aquino Year & Course: 1st yr & BS Criminology Title : Iron Man 3 Professor: Mrs. Ednalyn B. Duque


Introduction First o all I !ant to say t"at or me# in our li e# !e don$t "a%e any demons &ut !e

'reate our o!n demons &y (ro%o)ing ot"ers to &e one. And it !ill &e our &iggest nig"tmare i !e do somet"ing a&out it. Basi'ally# t"e story is a&out a man !"o !ants to "a%e a normal li e. II. Summary *ony Star) re'alls a +e! ,ears E%e (arty in 1--- !it" s'ientist Maya .ansen# in%entor o E/tremis an e/(erimental regenerati%e treatment intended to allo! re'o%ery rom 'ri((ling in0uries. Disa&led s'ientist Aldri'" 1illian o ers t"em a (la'e in "is 'om(any Ad%an'ed Idea Me'"ani's# &ut Star) re0e'ts t"e o er# "umiliating 1illian. ,ears later# Star)2s e/(erien'es during t"e alien in%asion o +e! ,or) are gi%ing "im (ani' atta')s. Restless# "e "as &uilt se%eral do3en Iron Man suits# 'reating ri'tion !it" "is girl riend 4e((er 4otts. Mean!"ile# a string o &om&ings &y a terrorist )no!n only as t"e Mandarin "as le t intelligen'e agen'ies &e!ildered &y a la') o orensi' e%iden'e. 5"en Star) Industries se'urity '"ie .a((y .ogan is &adly in0ured in one su'" atta')# Star) o%er'omes "is stu(or and issues a tele%ised t"reat to t"e Mandarin# !"o res(onds &y destroying Star)2s "ome !it" "eli'o(ter guns"i(s. .ansen# !"o 'ame to !arn Star)# sur%i%es t"e atta') along !it" 4otts. Star)

es'a(es in an Iron Man suit# !"i'" "is arti i'ial intelligen'e JAR6IS (ilots to rural *ennessee# ollo!ing a lig"t (lan rom Star)2s in%estigation into t"e Mandarin. Star)2s e/(erimental armor la')s su i'ient (o!er to return to Cali ornia# and t"e !orld &elie%es "im dead. *eaming !it" .arley# a (re'o'ious 17 year old &oy# Star) in%estigates t"e remains o a lo'al e/(losion &earing t"e "allmar)s o a Mandarin atta'). .e dis'o%ers t"e 8&om&ings8 !ere triggered &y soldiers su&0e'ted to E/tremis# !"i'" at t"is stage o de%elo(ment 'an 'ause 'ertain su&0e'ts to e/(losi%ely re0e't it. A ter %eterans started e/(loding# t"eir deat"s !ere used to 'o%er u( E/tremis2 la!s &y manu a'turing a terrorist (lot. Star) !itnesses E/tremis irst"and !"en Mandarin agents Ellen Brandt and Eri' Sa%in atta') "im. 5it" .arley2s "el(# Star) tra'es t"e Mandarin to Miami and in iltrates "is "eadquarters using im(ro%ised !ea(ons. Inside "e dis'o%ers t"e Mandarin is a'tually a Britis" a'tor named *re%or Slattery# !"o 'laims "e is o&li%ious to t"e a'tions 'arried out in "is name. *"e Mandarin is a'tually a 'reation o 1illian# !"o a((ro(riated .ansen2s E/tremis resear'" as a 'ure or "is o!n disa&ility and e/(anded t"e (rogram to in'lude in0ured !ar %eterans. A ter 'a(turing Star)# 1illian re%eals "e is t"e real Mandarin9 "e "as )idna((ed 4otts and su&0e'ted "er to E/tremis to gain Star)2s aid in i/ing E/tremis2 la!s and t"ere&y sa%ing 4otts. 1illian )ills .ansen !"en s"e "as a '"ange o "eart a&out t"e (lan. 1illian "as also mani(ulated Ameri'an intelligen'e agen'ies regarding t"e Mandarin2s lo'ation# luring James R"odes t"e ormer 5ar Ma'"ine# no! re:&randed as t"e Iron 4atriot into a tra( to steal t"e armor. Star) es'a(es and reunites !it" R"odes# dis'o%ering t"at 1illian intends to atta') 4resident Ellis a&oard Air For'e ;ne. Remotely 'ontrolling "is Iron Man armor# Star) sa%es some sur%i%ing (assengers and 're! &ut 'annot sto( 1illian rom a&du'ting Ellis and destroying Air For'e ;ne. *"ey tra'e 1illian to an im(ounded damaged oil tan)er !"ere 1illian intends to )ill Ellis on li%e tele%ision. *"e %i'e (resident !ill &e'ome a (u((et leader# ollo!ing 1illian2s orders in e/'"ange or E/tremis to 'ure a little girl2s disa&ility.

;n t"e (lat orm# Star) goes to sa%e 4otts# and R"odes sa%es t"e (resident. Star) summons "is Iron Man suits# 'ontrolled remotely &y JAR6IS# to (ro%ide air su((ort. R"odes se'ures t"e (resident and ta)es "im to sa ety# !"ile Star) dis'o%ers 4otts "as sur%i%ed t"e E/tremis (ro'edure. .o!e%er# &e ore "e 'an sa%e "er# a rig 'olla(ses around t"em and s"e alls to "er assumed deat". Star) 'on ronts 1illian and tra(s "im in an Iron Man suit t"at sel :destru'ts# &ut ails to )ill "im. 4otts# !"ose E/tremis (o!ers allo!ed "er to sur%i%e "er all# inter%enes and )ills 1illian. A ter t"e &attle# Star) orders JAR6IS to remotely destroy ea'" Iron Man suit as a sign o "is de%otion to 4otts. *"e %i'e (resident and Slattery are arrested. 5it" Star)2s "el(# 4otts2 E/tremis e e'ts are sta&ili3ed# and Star) undergoes surgery to remo%e t"e s"ra(nel em&edded near "is "eart. .e (it'"es "is o&solete '"est ar' rea'tor into t"e sea# musing "e !ill al!ays &e Iron Man. In a (resent day (ost:'redits s'ene# Star) !a)es u( Dr. Bru'e Banner# !"o ell aslee( listening at t"e &eginning o Star)2s story. III. no!led"e # $earnin" Ac%uired I$%e learn many t"ings a&out t"e mo%ie and t"at is do not say (romise a t"ing unless you 'an do or gi%e it. I$%e learn many ta'ti's o t"e enemy t"at mig"t &e t"e same to (oli'e intelligen'e. *"e most a!esome (art !as 'ounter intelligen'e ta'ti's &e'ause in t"is ty(e o intelligen'e you !ill )no! !"at !ill oresig"t t"e uture mo%e o your o((onent and or t"at !ill 'ome u( !it" a (lan t"at !ill 'ounter "is atta')


O&ser'ation During t"e time I am !at'"ing t"e mo%ie I !as ama3ed &y t"e gra("i's andt"e

!ay t"ey 'reated a mo%ie. *"e "ero !"i'" is iron man &ring &a') my old memories a&out &atman and t"e ot"er mar%el su(er"ero !"en I !as young. It !as (retty 'ool !"en I sa! my a'e on t"e mirror a ter I !at'" t"e my it li)e my a'e is telling mysel t"at I s"ould !at'" t"e mo%ie again.


O(inion# Remar)s I I !ould rate t"is mo%ie rom one to ten I !ould gi%e it ten &e'ause it !as

outstanding and it ti')s t"e inner '"ild in me. I "o(e t"ere !ill &e a (art our o t"is mo%ie.

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