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1.two Shabtis of Hekaemsaf 16-06-09 Verbeterd

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Jurgen E. van Oostenrijk
Graduate student at Leiden University

For more than 30 years not much research on non-royal shatis has een
undertaken since the outstanding !ork on shatis y "ans #. $chneider in
%&''. $ince his (ulication many more shatis have een )ound* making it
(ossile to collate or ada(t $chneider+s !ork to a larger data set. ,t is
ho!ever im(ossile to do research on all these shatis* since many are still
un(ulished* making it necessary to estalish some oundaries. -he
suject o) my .aster+s thesis at the Leiden University /-he 0etherlands1
has een limited oth in time and s(ace and concerns only Late 2eriod
$hati Grou(s )rom $a33ara. -his cor(us has een mentioned y
$chneider in his !ork
* !hich )orms the starting (oint o) my thesis* ut
more s(ecimens o) these grou(s have a((eared in (ulication* making
them accessile )or research. , !ill discuss the iconogra(hical and te4tual
as(ects o) the shatis* trying to see !hether $chneider+s )indings can e
com(lemented. Furthermore* , !ill look at iconogra(hical di))erences
!ithin and et!een these di))erent shati grou(s.

The Body Proportio Ide! (BPI)

,ns(ired y the Anthropoid Coffin Proportion Indices as created y 5. van
* , created a Body Proportion Index !hich !ill e an im(ortant
as(ect o) the current study. ,t is a )ormula !hich calculates the ody
(ro(ortions o) the shatis y dividing the height y the !idth /%00 7 ma4.
height 8 ma4. !idth1. -he results otained )rom a((lication o) this )ormula
to the cor(us !ill tell us !hether )i4ed (ro(ortions !ere used in the
making o) the shatis and !hether these (ro(ortions changed over time.
$ince the use o) moulds is !ell kno!n )or the (roduction o) shatis* )i4ed

, !ould like to thank 9. 2. Jagich* ".6. Lam* and dr. 5.6.0. Goedemans )or their hel()ul
advice and corrections.
$chneider /%&''1* 33:;<0.
>an 6alsem /%&:'1* %3;3<.
(ro(ortions are the most likely results. $light di))erences could ho!ever
(erha(s tell us something aout the numer o) moulds used. Furthermore*
!e can look at di))erences in the (ro(ortions et!een grou(s* (ossily
relating these )indings to social status* re)lecting the cultural traditions and
(roduction methods.
6hile conducting the research )or my .aster+s thesis* , learned o)
the e4istence o) t!o hitherto unkno!n Late 2eriod shatis )rom $a33ara
elonging to the Overseer o) the 5oyal $hi(s
? "ekaemsa)
. -hese shatis
are on loan )rom the @oijmans van @euningen .useum and are no! on
dis(lay in the 6orld 9rts .useum in 5otterdam. -he aim o) this article is
to give a descri(tion o) the t!o shatis* re)erence to other kno!n shatis o)
"ekaemsa) !ill o) course e made.

9(art )rom his tom* only an un(ulished seal containing the name o) the
=Ath dynasty king 9masis together !ith that o) "ekaemsa) is all that has
come do!n to us* concerning our Overseer o) the 5oyal $hi(s. -he tom
o) "ekaemsa) !as discovered y 9le4andre @arsanti in the necro(olis o)
$a33ara to the East o) the (yramid o) Unas in %&03
. ,t !as undistured
and contained a !ealth o) )uneral e3ui(ment* among !hich <0% shatis
/Journal d+EntrCe no. 3B&0B1 !ere )ound. -hey !ere (laced on !ooden
ases at oth sides o) the entrance to the tom chamer. -he )inds !ere
(ulished y @arsanti in a short re(ort
* !hile .as(ero covered the te4ts
on the !alls
!hich !ere co(ied )rom the 2yramid -e4ts o) Unas. -he
te4ts do not (rovide us !ith any in)ormation regarding "ekaemsa)+s
relatives* ut only mention "ekaemsa)+s titles o) D(rince* seal-earer o) the
Eing o) Lo!er Egy(t* sole )riend* controller o) the (alace /xrp-aH1*
overseer o) the storehouse o) re)reshments /imy-r sqb1* overseer o) the
doule treasury o) the residence /imy-r prwy HDwy nw Xnw1 and overseer
o) the royal shi(s
. -hese titles suggest that "ekaemsa) !as a high o))icial
!ho not only had connections !ith the royal household
* ut !as also in

For other re)erences o) this unusual title* see Goyon /%&A&1* %B&;'%.
#r @.J.J. "aring deserves all credit )or noticing these statuettes during a visit to the museum.
"e !as kind enough to suggest the to(ic to me as a suject )or my thesis. , !ould also like to
thank J. Giltay )or allo!ing me to (ulish this article. For the name "ekaemsa)* see 5anke
/%&3B1* =BA.=<.
2orter F .oss ,,,. .em(his /%&3%1* %'<.
@arsanti /%&0B1* A&-':.
.as(ero /%&0B1* ':;:3.
@jGrkman /%&'<1* 'A.
charge o) )luvial trans(orts. -his last as(ect is re)lected in the unusual title
o) imy-r wHa.w
nsw meaning Hoverseer o) the royal shi(sI* and this !as
the only title he used on his shatis. 6hether this means that this !as his
most im(ortant title
* is ho!ever still o(en )or deate. -he title has een
e4tensively studied y Goyon
and his conclusions su((ort @jorkman+s
9s has een stated aove* esides the tom* only a seal containing
the name o) "ekaemsa) has een )ound. -his is an im(ortant arte)act* since
it also mentions the =A
dynasty king 9masis* !hich (laces "ekaemsa) in
his reign. -he seal* )rom the .ichaClidis Jollection* is ho!ever still
un(ulished and can there)ore not e re)erenced here
-he t!o shatis* !hich are to e discussed elo!* are (art o) a grou(
consisting o) <0% s(ecimen. -hey are no! !idely dis(ersed amongst
museums and (rivate collections and only B= have rea((eared a)ter the
discovery o) the tom. 9n overvie! o) all these shatis is given in -ale %.

The t"o #h$%ti# i the Wor&d Art# M'#e'(

-he )irst o) the t!o shatis /inventory numer B3'031 is made o) Egy(tian
!ith a lue-green glaKe and measures %A.B cm in height and <.<
cm in !idth /Figure %a
1. ,t is mummi)orm !ith a striated tri(artite !ig
!hich leaves the ears uncovered and it has a (laited divine eard. -he arms
are crossed right over le)t and closely resemle $chneider+s "<
. -he
di))erence ho!ever is that the long sleeve o) the right hand is only
indicated at the to( !here it is crossed y the le)t hand. -he ottom o) the
sleeve lends in !ith the rest o) the ody. -his )eature is also visile in the
other shatis o) "ekaemsa)* making it an o(tion )or a ne! ty(e. 6hether
this should e a ne! ty(e in $chneider+s ty(ology de(ends on !hether
$chneider+s ty(e "< is still valid )or other shatis. ,) this is not the case*

6. ,,,* B=.
$ee @jGrkman /%&'<1* 'A.
Goyon /%&A&1.
.ention o) this seal is made in the (ulication y @jGrkman /%&'<1* '%.
For the origin o) the some!hat misleading term Egyptian Faience* see 0icholson /%&&31* &.
, thank E. Eevenaar o) the 6orld 9rts .useum at 5otterdam )or hel(ing me to take (hotos
o) the shatis* as !ell as )or (roviding the (hotos taken y the museum+s (hotogra(her. $he
also allo!ed me to take measurements o) the shatis using a standard cali(er.
$chneider /%&''1* 2art ,,,* Figure %=. $ee also 2art ,,* ==;=< o) $chneider+s (ulication )or
an overvie! o) $chneider+s classi)ication.
and all other shatis resemle those o) "ekaemsa)* then the introduction o)
a ne! ty(e should not e nescessary
. -he hands (rotrude )rom the shroud
holding a (ick and a hoe !ith a cord in res(ectively the right and le)t hand.
-he mouth has the characteristic saitic smile
and the statue is su((orted
y a tra(eKoidal ase together !ith a dorsal (illar* the latter incised !ith a
single hierogly(hic vertical inscri(tion /Figure =a1 mentioning the name
and titles o) the o!nerL

wSb.t.y Wsir imy-r wHa.w nsw HqA-m-sA=f m=k (wi k)A=Tn r nw [nb]

MShabti of the Osiris, the O!erseer of the "oyal Ships#,
$e%aemsaf& $ere I am 'ill yo( say at any time&N

-he conservation o) the shati is very good* since it only contains a little
it o) staining
at the ase and around the hands and !ig. 9 (eculiar circle
et!een the elo!s and knees !ith a dark edge needs )urther e4amination
and it is (ossile that this mark could have een le)t y the mould. "al) o)
the nw sign /Gardiner 0B1 and the com(lete nb asket /Gardiner >301 are
missing at the end o) the inscri(tion* suggesting that either the ase should
have een larger* or that the !riter ran out o) s(ace. -he ase looks similar
to that o) the other shati !hich ho!ever contains all the necessary signs.
-his !ould suggest that the ase has the a((ro(riate !idth* leaving the
conclusion that the !riter just ran out o) s(ace. ,t is rather interesting to see
that the !riter did not correct his mistake. "e le)t 3uite some s(ace
et!een the and the * so he did not try to s3ueeKe in the last signs. ,)
the ase has the a((ro(riate !idth* the !riter also !rote hal) o) the sun
disk. -his last as(ect seems e4tremely a!k!ard* ut due to the modern
ase !hich has een glued to the shati* it is im(ossile to determine the
actual events. Finally* the last oat sign in the !ord wHa.w is damaged y a
small crack* and staining covers not only that sign* ut also the )irst t!o
signs o) "ekaemsa)+s name. -he last seven signs are also covered y
staining ut are all still visile.

$ince no other shati grou(s shall e discussed in this article* the necessity o) a ne! ty(e
!ill e discussed in the (ulication o) my .aster+s thesis.
9ldred /%&:01* ==:? $chO)er /%&'<1* =&=
-his sentence is ased on s(ell A o) the ook o) the dead. $ee also 9llen /%&'<1* :. -he
(eculiar sha(e o) the Egy(tian vulture /Gardiner G%1 is a )eature that a((ears on multi(le
e4am(les o) "ekaemsa)+s shatis.
,t is not kno!n !hether the staining !as (roduced on (ur(ose or !hether it is a natural
(rocess. $ee alsoL @ianchi /%&&A1* <A;<&.

-he second shati /inventory numer B3'0<? Figure %1 is identical
in siKe to the )irst one and contains the same inscri(tion. ,t has the same
mummi)orm sha(e !ith a striated tri(artite !ig and a (laited divine eard.
-he hands are crossed right over le)t holding the same im(lements as the
)irst shati. -he hands again resemle $chneider+s "<
* ut the right
sleeve continues do!n!ards almost touching the ase o) the right elo!.
-he saitic smile also adorns this s(ecimen as !ell as a dorsal (illar
trans)orming into a tra(eKoidal ase. -he dorsal (illar touches the !ig ut
is se(arated )rom it and the inscri(tion is surrounded y an incised line
!hich is o(en at the ottom. -his could suggest that the ase !as larger
than it is today* ut no real evidence is availale to su((ort this
. -he
shati contains a light stain )rom the )ace to around the !aist. -he
inscri(tion /Figure =1 readsL

wSb.t.y Wsir imy-r wHa.w nsw HqA-m-sA=f m=k (wi k)A=Tn r nw nb

MShabti of the Osiris, the O!erseer of the "oyal Ships#,
$e%aemsaf& $ere I am yo( 'ill say at any time&N

6hen one looks at all (ulished shatis o) "ekaemsa)* multi(le
(eculiarities arise
. -he )ronts o) the shatis closely resemle each other*
!hile the acksides sho! slight di))erences* indicating the use o) o(en
. >ariations are visile in the te4t
as !ell as the ty(es o) ag
From the shatis in -ale %* numers =* 3* %3* =B* and =A have a order
around the te4t. -his order is o(en at the ottom e4ce(t )or numer =A*
!hich has a (er)ectly closed order. -his latter s(ecimen also has the most
s(ace le)t at the ottom* !hereas the other ordered e4am(les sim(ly do
not have enough s(ace )or the horiKontal order at the ottom. 6hy there

$chneider /%&''1* 2art ,,,* Figure %=.
9nother shati o) "ekaemsa)* (ulished y @jGrkman /%&'<1* has the same line around the
inscri(tion !hich is o(en at the ottom. $ince no signs are missing* the ase needs not e
$ince the aim o) this article is to (resent only the t!o un(ulished shatis* a detailed
iconogra(hical descri(tion is not given here. -his !ill ho!ever e given in the !ritten version
o) my .aster+s thesis.
9n e4am(le o) an o(en mould )rom the Late 2eriod is (ulished in $te!art /%&&B1* <=
Figure <%.
0umer A in the tale has signs /Gardiner 2%1 in the name o) "ekaemsa)*
!hereas all others contain 3 signs. -his seems to me to e a s(elling error.
$chneider+s ty(e @=0* @=: and @=Aa are all used on "ekaemsa)+s shatis.
are also e4am(les !ithout a order is not kno!n* although t!o e4am(les

also used the socle to !rite the signs on* creating t!o coloms o) te4t !hich
made it im(ossile to order the inscri(tion. Our e4am(les also have little
or no s(ace le)t )or a horiKontal order at the ottom. "o!ever* !hether
this order !as once (resent or not is unclear.
Joncerning the missing signs on our e4am(le no. B3'03* one other
suggestion can e (ut )or!ard. 6hen one looks at the ases o) the
statuettes* it seems as though the a)orementioned e4am(le had a smaller
socle than the other shatis. Jom(arison sho!ed that the ases o) the other
shatis com(rised o) more than 3P o) the total length !hile no. B3'03 had
a value o) less than t!o (ercent
. -ogether !ith the )act that the rest o) the
socle !as not used to !rite the signs on* as is the case !ith numers %% and
=A in tale %* it seems most likely that (art o) the socle roke o)).

,) !e look at the Body Proportion Index /@2,1* not much can e said at this
stage. , have taken the measurements )rom the availale (hotogra(hs* since
given measures almost al!ays also include the socle. -he results are given
in -ale %* !hich sho!s an average o) 3:=. 6hen !e com(are these
results to those o) other shati grou(s* more in)ormation aout the
(ro(ortions can e given. Un)ortunately* more data is not yet availale.
-he results o) this analysis !ill* ho!ever* e im(lemented in my thesis.

-ogether !ith the shatis mentioned y Janes
* a total o) B< shatis o)
"ekaemsa) are accounted )or. -his* ho!ever* still leaves 3<' un(ulished
shatis* !hich at (resent cannot e studied. "o(e)ully* in the )uture* more
shatis o) "ekaemsa) !ill e (ulished* giving us the o((ortunity to
enhance our kno!ledge on Late 2eriod shati grou(s.

0umer %% and =A in -ale %.
-hese measures !here taken )rom (hotogra(hs !hich can o) course e distorted. 5eal
measurements should e taken to veri)y these results.
Janes /=00=1* =0'.

9$9E 9nnales du $ervice des 9nti3uitCs de l+Egy(te /Le Jaire1
@,F9O @ulletin de l+,nstitut )ranQais d+9rchCologie orientale
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@$EG @ulletin de la $ociCtC d+Egy(tologie* GenRve /Geneva1
JdE Jhroni3ue d+Sgy(te /@russels1

9ldred* J.* %&:0. Egyptian Art in the )ays of the Pharaohs /London1.

9llen* -.G.* %&'<. *he Boo% of the )ead or +oing Forth by )ay, Ideas of
the Ancient Egyptians Concerning the $ereafter as Expressed in *heir
O'n *erms /Jhicago1.

9uert* J.-F.* %&'A. HLes statuettes )unCraires de la collection Omar
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@arsanti* 9.* %&0B. HFouilles autour de la (yramide d+Ounas /%&0=;%&031
T,,. Le tomeau de "ikaoumsa). 5a((orte sur la dCcouverteI* ASAE B*

@ianchi* 5.$.* %&&A. HFaience and glaKesI* *he -acmillan )ictionary of
Art, >ol. %0* <A;<& /London1.

@jGrkman* G.* %&'%. A Selection of Ob.ects in the Smith Collection of
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@jGrkman* G.* %&'<. From the +(sta!ian(m collections in 2ppsala, 3456

@randes* ..9.* %&:B. 7om E(phrat 8(m 9il , :(nst a(s dem alten ;gypten
(nd 7orderasien, eine A(sstell(ng der +esellschaft der Fre(nde eines
Sch'ei8erischen Orient<-(se(ms im :(nstm(se(m des :antons *h(rga(,
:arta(se Ittingen, 2=& April<3>& September 34=>.

Jha((aK* J.-L.* %&:' - (resent. H5C(ertoire annuel des )igurines
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Jharles Ede Ltd.* %&&B. Small Sc(lpt(re from Ancient Egypt ??II

Jurto* $* %&A%. 0#Egitto Antico nelle Colle8ioni dell#Italia Settentrionale

Eggerecht 9. /ed.1* %&&0. S(che nach 2nsterblich%eit @ *oten%(lt (nd
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Goyon* J.-J.* %&A&. HLa statuette )unCraire i.e. :< de Lyon et le titre saite
I* BIFAO A'* %B&;'%.

Grenier* J.-J.* %&&A. 0es Stat(ettes F(nBraires d( -(seo +regoriano
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Janes* G.* =00=. Shabtis , A Pri!ate 7ie' , Ancient Egyptian F(nerary
Stat(ettes in E(ropean Pri!ate Collections /2aris1.

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.as(ero* G.* %&0B. HT,,. Les inscri(tions du tomeau de "ikoumsaou)I*
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0icholson* 2aul -.* %&&3. Egy(tian Faience and Glass. Shire Egyptology
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2age-Gasser* .. F 9.@. 6iese* %&&'. ;gypten @ A(genblic%e der
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$chO)er* ".* %&'<. Principles of Egyptian Art /O4)ord1.

$chlGgl* ".9. F 9. @rodeck* %&&0. ;gyptischen *otenfig(ren a(s
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$chneider* ". #.* %&''. Shabtis, An Introd(ction to the $istory of Ancient
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$teindor))* G.* %&<A. Catalog(e of the Egyptian Sc(lpt(re in the Falters
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$te!art* "...* %&&B. Egy(tian $hatis. Shire Egyptology Series =3

>an der 2las* #. /ed1* %&&&. Egyptian *reas(res in E(rope !ol& 3 @ 3GGG
$ighlights /Utrecht1.

>an der 6alle* @.* et al&, %&B=. 0es Anti/(itiBs Bgyptiennes, gre/(es,
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>an 6alsem* 5.* %&:'. H9nthro(iod co))in (ro(ortion indices* and a
method )or otaining data )rom (hotogra(hsI* Orientalia 0o!aniensia
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6angstedt* $.6.* %&A&. WUschetis aus der Ogy(tischen $(OtKeit+* -(se(m
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Yurko* F. J.* %&&=. Egypt , A Companion to the Exhibit HInside Ancient
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Figure 1a. Shabti no. 53703
(courtesy of the World Arts Museum

Figure 1b. Shabti no. 5370!
(courtesy of the World Arts Museum

Figure "a#b. Facsimiles of the inscri$tions on shabtis no. 53703 (left and no. 5370! (right

number Location City Country BPI Reference
% %0< 2rivate collection 3'3 Janes /=00=1* =0A-=0:
= B3'03 6orld 9rts .useum 5otterdam 0etherlands 3:3 -his article
3 B3'0< 6orld 9rts .useum 5otterdam 0etherlands 3:3 -his article
< #%:B >ictoria .useum U((sala $!eden 3A: @jGrkman /%&'<1* '%-:0
B %'% LinkG(ing .useum LinkG(ing $!eden 3'= @jGrkman /%&'%1* 3<-3A
.useum o) .editerranean and 0ear
Eastern 9nti3uities $tockholm $!eden 3:' 6angstedt /%&A&1* =:-=&
' ' $an 2ietro in Jonsavia 9sti ,taly <00 Leos(o /%&:A1* '<
: <:.3&B 6alters 9rt .useum @altimore United $tates
$teindor)) /%&<A1* %A%-%A=? no. '3%-
& <:.3&A 6alters 9rt .useum @altimore United $tates
$teindor)) /%&<A1* %A%-%A=? no. '3%-
%0 3'.%3A @rooklyn .useum o) 9rt @rooklyn United $tates Janes /=00=1* =0'
%% B%%.:0: @uda(est "ungary Janes /=00=1* =0: note :
%= 3%& 5oemer- and 2eliKaeus museum "ildesheim Germany
van der 2las /%&&&1* 5oeder /%&=%1*
%3 3=0 5oemer- and 2eliKaeus museum "ildesheim Germany 3'A Eggerecht /%&&01* '=-'3
@. E9
&%A& @ritish .useum London United Eingdom Janes /=00=1* =0: note %0
%A*%'*%: %==-%=< -igrane-2acha Jollection Jairo Egy(t
Janes /=00=1* =0'* Goyon /%&A&1*
%& ,.E. :<
lZ,nstitut dZEgy(tologie de la FacultC des
Lettres Lyons France Goyon /%&A&1* %B&-%'%
=0 @ 3&: 5oyal .useum o) .ariemont .ariemont @elgium 3BA 6alle et al /%&B=1* B3* (lt. %'
=% .unich Germany Janes /=00=1* note %<

== %0.%'' Eunstindustrimuseet Oslo 0or!ay 3A: 0agui /%&:=1* A&-'=
=3 E%0=%0 Louvre 2aris France Janes /=00=1* =0'
=< %&3A< >atican Jity 5ome ,taly 3': Grenier /%&&A1* :B no. %=B* (lt. L,>
=B %:.3B' .useo EgiKio -urin ,taly <3% Govi et al /%&&01* ==<-==B no. %'A V
Leos(o /%&&&1* <A
=A [9 L 3%& University 9rchaeological Jollection [urich $!itKerland 3'<
$chlGgl F @rodeck /%&&01* =<A no.
=' F2 %& 2rivate collection Freiurg Germany 3:B
$chlGgl F @rodeck /%&&01* =<' no.
=: -he Field .useum Jhicago United $tates Yurko /%&&=1* <%
=& ='A Omar 2acha Jollection 9uert /%&'A1* A%
30 - 9mherst Jollection Janes /=00=1* =0'
3% - .a4!ell Jollection Janes /=00=1* =0'
3= - 2rivate collection France Janes /=00=1* =0'
33 - 2rivate collection France Janes /=00=1* =0'
3< - 2rivate collection France Janes /=00=1* =0'
3B - 2rivate collection $!itKerland 3:&
2age-Gasser F 6iese /%&&'1* =<A-
<' no. %A% V @randes /%&:B1* =&
no. %=
3A - O))ered )or sale Jharles Ede Ltd. /%&&B1* no.<&
3' - O))ered )or sale @onhams* %=V%=V&A lot %B3
3: - O))ered )or sale @onhams* ==V&V&: lot &%
3& - O))ered )or sale JhristieZs* %3-%<V%=V:3 lot ::
<0 - O))ered )or sale JhristieZs* %0V'V:' lot B%
<% - O))ered )or sale JhristieZs* :VAV:: lot %:<
<= - O))ered )or sale JhristieZs* :V'V&= lot =3=
<3 - O))ered )or sale 2aris France #rouot* 'V%=V&B lot =%=
<< - O))ered )or sale 2aris France #rouot* =&-30V&V&' lot A&0
<B - O))ered )or sale 2aris France #rouot* %V'V&: lot '%
<A - O))ered )or sale 2aris France #rouot* %%-%=V%%V0% lot =3=
<' - O))ered )or sale $otheyZs* =&V3V'% lot 3<
<: - O))ered )or sale $otheyZs* %0-%%V%=V:< lot <3&
<& - O))ered )or sale $otheyZs* &V%=V:B lot =3=
B0 - O))ered )or sale $otheyZs* =:V<V&< lot %'
B% - O))ered )or sale 0e! York United $tates JhristieZs* 0:.0A.=00% no. %0B
%able 1 An o&er&ie' of (e)aemsaf*s shabtis

9ccording to Janes* this shati is in the 9nti3uarium at .unich. 2ersonal communication !ith #r. $. "eym revealed that it is not in the
9nti3uarium ut (roaly situated in one o) the other many museums in .unich.
B= - O))ered )or sale France
#rouot-.ontaigneK %%-%=.%%.=00%
B3 - - France Le Figaro V lZart Egy(tien* =0A* 3=B
B< - O))ered )or sale 2aris France
GaleriC de la reine .argot* s.d.* A*
no. 3

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