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Crossover Event Year Published Notes: War of The Gods

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"Crisis on
Infinite Earths"
The Anti-Monitor tries to destroy the DC Multiverse but succeeds
only in er!in! it into a sin!le universe" nuerous characters die#
includin! $u%er!irl &'ara (or-El) and the *lash &+arry Allen), $eries
to s%in out of event"Man of $teel# -reen .antern Cor%s,
".e!ends" 198/
Dar0seid and his servant -lorious -odfrey atte%t to ruin huanity1s
faith in su%erheroes, *irst 2ost-Crisis a%%earance of Ca%tain
Marvel in noral continuity# and fors a ne3 4ustice .ea!ue roster,
$eries to s%in out of event" $uicide $5uad# 4ustice .ea!ue
"Millenniu" 1988
After the -uardians and (aarons e6ile theselves fro this
diension# one of each reains and see0s out 17 Chosen to
becoe the 8e3 -uardians, The robotic Manhunters ai to %revent
this and several su%%ortin! characters 3ere revealed to be
Manhunters, $eries to s%in out of event" 8e3 -uardians,
Dar0seid strives to !ain the Anti-.ife E5uation, $eries to s%in out of
event" 8e3 -ods,
"Invasion:" 1988;1989
The Doinators have %ut to!ether an Alliance to invade Earth and
eliinate the threat %osed by their un%redictable "etahuans",
$uicide $5uad leader Aanda <aller sends her a!ents on issions
in the a%%arent %ursuit of her o3n %rivate a!enda# the so-
called Janus Directive,
Monarch threatens to destroy the future and Earth1s su%erheroes
ust sto% hi,
War of the
1991 <onder <oan and the Aa>ons are cau!ht in the iddle of a 3ar
bet3een the ancient ?oan !ods and the 9ly%ian !ods,
Mean3hile# Circe fraes Theyscira for cries that leads to a 3ar
bet3een Aerica and the <onder <oan1s hoe,
"Ecli%so@ The
1997 Earth1s su%erheroes fi!ht Ecli%so and his 2a3n .ar -and,
"Trinity" 199A
The -reen .antern Cor%s# The .,E,-,I,9,8,# and The Dar0stars !o
u% a!ainst the bein!s called "The Triarch",
"+loodlines" 199A
The DC su%erheroes !o u% a!ainst alien %arasites" ne3 su%erheroes
are created fro soe of their victis,
199B The DC su%erheroes eet their Milestone Coics counter%arts,
2anic in the
The .e!ion of $u%er-Ceroes traverses ulti%le universes# and
atte%ts to resolve soe of the inconsistencies of the tieline of the
DC Dniverse,
"(ero Cour" 199B
E6tant and 2aralla6 atte%t to recreate the Multiverse" a ne3
tieline eer!es,
The <ay of the
The Toroc0 alien race invades Earth and -uy -ardner# Ca30an#
4ustice .ea!ue Aerica# .obo# and forer -reen .antern 2robert
battle to save the 3orld,
8eron a deon fro Cell offers the DC universe villains an
"u%!rade" in e6chan!e for their souls,
"The *inal
A $un-Eater threatens life on Earth by devourin! the $un, Cal
4ordan sacrifices his life to destroy it
DC vs Marvel 199/
T3o brothers 3ho %ersonify the DC and Marvel universes becoe
a3are of the other1s e6istence# and challen!e each other to a series
of duels involvin! each universe1s res%ective su%erheroes, The
losin! universe 3ill cease to e6ist, The story has an out of universe
co%onent in that althou!h there are eleven %riary battles# the
storyline does not sho3 one side as bein! victorious, The "brothers"
resolve the situation by te%orarily creatin! a ne3 universe# called
the Aal!a universe# 3hich is occu%ied by er!ed versions of
any of the heroes, An inter-diensional character called Access
eventually ana!es to restore the universes to their noral state,
"-enesis" 199E
Dar0seid battles Earth1s heroes 3hen the -enesis <ave stri0es"
any su%erbein!s have their %o3ers altered or ne!ated,
"DC 9ne
The 4ustice .e!ion Al%ha of the 85Ard century Foins to!ether 3ith the
%resent day 4ustice .ea!ue to battle $olaris the Tyrant $un,
"Day of
Deonic forces threaten the Earth" Cal 4ordan becoes
the $%ectre,
Our Worlds at
7==1 I%erie6 threatens the universe,
Joker: Last
<hile loc0ed u% in the $lab %enitentiary# the 4o0er finds out he is
sufferin! fro a terinal brain tuor, Deterined to !o out 3ith a
ban!# he uses a veno to "Fo0eri>e" other inates# a0in! the
insane and chan!in! their a%%earance# !ivin! the 3hite s0in# !reen
hair# and a 3ide sile,
Identity Crisis 7==B
$ue Dibny# the 3ife of su%erhero Elon!ated Man# is urdered in their
a%artent, The DC su%erhero counity rallies to find the urderer,
Countdo3n to
Infinite Crisis
7==5 Consists of the one-shot Countdo3n to Infinite Crisis and four
iniseries 3hich s%in out of this coic@ Day of Gen!eance# in 3hich
$hado3%act is fored to defend a!ic fro the $%ectre" ?ann-
Thana!ar <ar" Gillains Dnited# in 3hich the $ecret $i6 is fored to
fi!ht the $ecret $ociety of $u%ervillains" and The 9MAC 2roFect# in
3hich +atan1s istrust of his fello3 heroes leads to the creation of
an ary of cybor!s,
"Infinite Crisis" 7==5
'al-.# the $u%eran of Earth-T3o# and several other characters
return to atte%t to chan!e the universe for the better, Cistory is
altered at the end of the series,
52 7==/
The "issin! year" bet3een Infinite Crisis H 9ne Iear .ater 3here
the 3orld is 3ithout $u%eran# +atan and <onder <oan, The
series establishes the e6istence of a ne3 Multiverse,
"9ne Iear
All DC coics Fu% for3ard in tie to one year after the end
of Infinite Crisis, Diana has a secret identity of Diana 2rince and
reclais the <onder <oan antle# +ruce <ayne resues as
+atan# and Clar0 'ent !ets his %o3ers bac0 and returns as
.ead u% 3ith Wonder Woan v" J/-8# Circe ani%ulates the
De%artent of Metahuan Affairs and the Aa>ons after
brin!in! Kueen Ci%%olyta# <onder <oan1s other# bac0 fro the
dead that leads the Aa>ons to fi!ht Aerica and the country1s
heroes, The only 3ay <onder <oan could end this 3ar# besides
defeatin! Circe# is fi!htin! her o3n other,
Countdo#n $to
%inal Crisis&
A 3ee0ly series that started a 3ee0 follo3in! the end of 57#
Countdo3n acts as the "s%ine" to the DC Dniverse that# as the nae
su!!ests# counts do3n to a ne3 event for 7==8, The series crosses
over 3ith certain titles and deals 3ith 4iy 9lsen !ettin! su%er
%o3ers# Mary Marvel tryin! to !et her %o3ers bac0# and a %lot 3ith
the Monitors that involves the ne3 Multiverse and the three
characters that 3ere su%%osed to die in Infinite Crisis@ 4ason
Todd# Donna Troy# H 'yle ?ayner,
"*inal Crisis" 7==8 The event that started at the conclusion of Countdo3n, $tarted May
7==8, +atan is a%%arently 0illed by Dar0seid in this event, In reality#
he is tra%%ed in the %ast# 3here he 3itnessed Anthro1s death,
The Martian Manhunter is urdered by .ibra and the ne3 $ecret
$ociety of $u%ervillains, +arry Allen# 3ho died in Crisis on Infinite
Earths# returns to life in this event,
An all out 3ar bet3een the livin! heroes and villains and the +lac0
.antern Cor%s and the DC Dniverse stein! fro the 3ar of li!ht,
"+ri!htest Day" 7=1=
The events iediately follo3in! the final oents of the +lac0est
"+atan@ The
?eturn of +ruce
+ruce <ayne returns to %resent-day -otha City after the events of
*inal Crisis,
"*lash%oint" 7=11
<hen the The *lash atte%ts to chan!e tie and save his other
fro death# he alters history draatically, <hen the events are
corrected# universes are Foined to!ether &one bein! the <ildstor
universeLi%rint) in order to re%air the daa!e# leadin! to The 8e3
"8i!ht of the
+atan ust call u%on the +at faily 4ason Todd# Dic0 -rayson#
Ti Dra0e# Daian <ayne# Cat3oan etc, *or the shado3y !rou%
"The Court of 93ls" are vyin! to 0ee% their century-lon! control over
-otha City,
"The Cullin!" 7=17
The Teen Titans alon! 3ith the hel% of the .e!ion 9f $u%erheroes
face off a!ainst the eta huan ca%turin! !rou%# 8,9,<,C,E,?,E ,
4ust as 8,9,<,C,E,?,EMs leader# Carvest sets his lon!-a3aited %lan
in otion,
"?ise of the
Third Ary"
7=17-7=1A Absolute %o3er corru%ts absolutely--and the -uardians tie is finally
here, The -uardians# believin! that the universe 3ould be better off
3ithout free 3ill and eotions create the Third Ary, The Third Ary
assiilates all they coe in contact 3ith into transfored ebers
of the Third Ary, This crossover is ainly contained 3ithin the
-reen .antern faily of boo0s@ -reen .antern# -reen .antern
Cor%s# -reen .antern@ The 8e3 -uardiansand The ?ed .anterns,
This storyline 3ill lead into the <rath of the *irst .antern storyline,
"?ot3orld" 7=17-7=1A
The avatars of The -reen &$3a% Thin!) and The ?ed &Anial
Man) ust sto% The ?ot or the 3orld 3ill end in this e%ic crossover,
"Death of the
After havin! his face cut off# the 4o0er returns and be!ins to tar!et
the +at *aily,
+ein! chased by the Thana!arians# after recoverin! his eories#
Ca30an cross the %aths of -reen Arro3 and Deathstro0e,
"C1El on Earth" 7=17-7=1A
A 8e3 57 $u%eran crossover 3here $u%eran# $u%erboy and
$u%er!irl !o head to head 3ith a %o3erful 'ry%tonian bein! 0no3n
as C1el,
"Throne of
A ven!eful 9cean Master returns and the 3ar for Atlantis tri!!ers a
battle bet3een A5uaan and 4ustice .ea!ue,
"<rath of the
*irst .antern"
In the outcoe of the ?ise of the Third Ary# the ysterious *irst
.antern is unleashed a!ainst the -reen .antern Cor%s,
"+atan@ (ero
7=1A <itness The 8e3 57 ori!in of The Dar0 'ni!ht,
"Trinity <ar" 7=1A
The 4ustice .ea!ue# 4ustice .ea!ue of Aerica and 4ustice .ea!ue
Dar0 3ill ta0e it to the ne6t level: And so are DC1s Trinity" $u%eran#
+atan and <onder <oan:
"2si-<ar" 7=1A
A crossover that involves $u%eran and $u%erboy# it eru%ts as
Cector Caond tries to ta0e control of C,I,G,E,
"*orever Evil" 7=1A The outcoe of "Trinity <ar"# 3hat 3ill ha%%en 3hen the heroes of
the DC Dniverse fall and therePs nobody left to sto% the villains fro
ta0in! overQ
".i!hts 9ut" 7=1A
A crossover that involves the -reen .antern boo0s# to be %ublished
in 9ctober,

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