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A Little History of The World-Table of Contents

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A Little History of the World

Table Of Contents
The past and memory !e"ore there #ere any peop$e %ra&on$'(e )reat*res
Earth #'tho*t $'"e +*n #'tho*t earth ,hat 's h'story-
The /e'de$3er& 4a# Neandertha$ man Preh'story F're Too$s Ca5emen
1an&*a&e Pa'nt'n& Ma('n& ma&') The I)e A&e and the Ear$y +tone A&e P'$e
d#e$$'n&s The !ron6e A&e Peop$e $'(e yo* and me
7 T/E 1AN% !8 T/E NI1E 19 (:)
;'n& Menes E&ypt A hymn to the N'$e Pharaohs Pyram'ds The re$'&'on o"
the an)'ent E&ypt'ans The +ph'n< /'ero&$yphs Papyr*s Re5o$*t'on 'n the o$d
('n&dom A(henaton=s re"orms
4 +UN%A8> MON%A8 1: (:)
Mesopotam'a today The 3*r'a$ s'tes at Ur C$ay ta3$ets and )*ne'"orm s)r'pt
/am*ra3'=s $a#s +tar #orsh'p The or'&'n o" the days o" the #ee( The To#er o"
!a3e$ Ne3*)hadne66ar
2 T/E ONE AN% ON18 0O% .4 (2)
Pa$est'ne A3raham o" Ur The F$ood Moses= 3onda&e 'n E&ypt and the year o"
the depart*re "rom E&ypt +a*$> %a5'd> +o$omon The d'5's'on o" the ('n&dom
The destr*)t'on o" Israe$ The prophets spea( The !a3y$on'an Capt'5'tyThe
Ret*rn The O$d Testament and "a'th 'n the Mess'ah
? I C@A@N R@E@A@% .A (.)
,r't'n& #'th the a$pha3et The Phoen')'ans and the'r trad'n& posts
: /EROE+ AN% T/EIR ,EAPON+ 71 (?)
The son&s o" /omer +)h$'emann=s e<)a5at'ons +ea@ra'der ('n&s Crete and the
$a3yr'nth The %or'an m'&rat'on The son&s o" the heroes 0ree( tr'3es and the'r
B AN UNECUA1 +TRU001E 7: (:)
The Pers'ans and the'r "a'th Cyr*s )onD*ers !a3y$on Cam3yses 'n E&ypt
%ar'*s=s emp're The Ion'an re5o$t The "'rst P*n't'5e E<ped't'on The se)ond
P*n't'5e E<ped't'on and the !att$e o" Marathon Xer<es= )ampa'&n Thermopy$ae
The !att$e o" +a$am's
A T,O +MA11 CITIE+ IN ONE +MA11 1AN% 44 (:)
The O$ymp') 0ames The %e$ph') Ora)$e +parta and +partan ed*)at'on Athens
%ra)o and +o$on The Peop$e=s Assem3$y and tyrants The t'me o" Per')$es
Ph'$osophy +)*$pt*re and pa'nt'n& Ar)h'te)t*re Theatre
19 T/E EN1I0/TENE% ONE AN% /I+ 1AN% 21 (?)
Ind'a Mohen4o@%aro> a )'ty "rom the t'me o" Ur The Ind'an m'&rat'ons Indo@
E*ropean $an&*a&es Castes !rahma and the transm'&rat'on o" so*$s =Th's 's
yo*= Pr'n)e 0a*tama The En$'&htenment Re$ease "rom s*""er'n& N'r5ana
The "o$$o#ers o" the !*ddha
Ch'na 'n the t'me 3e"ore Chr'st The emperor o" Ch'na and the pr'n)es The
mean'n& o" Ch'nese #r't'n& Con"*)'*s The 'mportan)e o" pra)t')es and )*stoms
The "am'$y R*$er and s*34e)t 1ao@t6* The Tao
1. T/E 0REATE+T A%VENTURE OF A11 ?. (11)
The Pe$oponnes'an ,ar The %e$ph') ,ar Ph'$'p o" Ma)edon The !att$e o"
Chaeronea The de)$'ne o" the Pers'an emp're A$e<ander the 0reat The
destr*)t'on o" The3es Ar'stot$e and h's (no#$ed&e %'o&enes The )onD*est o"
As'a M'nor The 0ord'on ;not The !att$e o" Iss*s The )onD*est o" Tyre and the
)onD*est o" E&ypt A$e<andr'a The !att$e o" 0a*&ame$a The Ind'an e<ped't'on
Por*s A$e<ander> r*$er o" the Or'ent A$e<ander=s death and h's s*))essors
/e$$en'sm The $'3rary o" A$e<andr'a
17 NE, ,AR+ AN% NE, ,ARRIOR+ :7 (:)
Ita$y Rome and the myth o" Rome=s "o*ndat'on C$ass #ar"are The t#e$5e
ta3$ets o" the $a# The Roman )hara)ter Rome=s )apt*re 3y the 0a*$s The
)onD*est o" Ita$y Pyrrh*s Cartha&e The F'rst P*n') ,ar /ann'3a$ Cross'n&
the A$ps C*'nt*s Fa3'*s Ma<'m*s Cannae The $ast )a$$ to arms +)'p'o=s
5')tory o5er /ann'3a$ The )onD*est o" 0ree)e Cato The destr*)t'on o"
14 AN ENEM8 OF /I+TOR8 B9 (7)
The Emperor +h'h /*an&@t' o" Ch='n The 3*rn'n& o" the 3oo(s The pr'n)es o"
Ch='n and the nam'n& o" Ch'na The 0reat ,a$$ o" Ch'na The /an r*$'n& "am'$y
1earned o""')'a$s
12 RU1ER+ OF T/E ,E+TERN ,OR1% B7 (A)
Roman pro5'n)es Roads and aD*ed*)ts 1e&'ons The t#o 0ra))h' !read and
)'r)*ses Mar'*s The C'm3r' and the Te*tones +*$$a 0$ad'ators E*$'*s
Caesar The 0a$$') ,ars V')tory 'n the )'5'$ #ar C$eopatra The re"orm o" the
)a$endar Caesar=s m*rder A*&*st*s and the emp're The arts
1? T/E 0OO% NE,+ A. (2)
Ees*s Chr'st The tea)h'n&s o" the Apost$e Pa*$ The Cross Pa*$ prea)h'n& to
the Cor'nth'ans The )*$t o" the emperor Nero Rome 3*rns The "'rst Chr'st'an
perse)*t'ons The )ata)om3s T't*s destroys Eer*sa$em The d'spersa$ o" the
Tenements and 5'$$as Therms The Co$osse*m The 0ermans Arm'n'*s and
the 3att$e 'n Te*to3*r& "orest The 1'mes +o$d'ers and the'r &ods Tra4an=s
e<ped't'ons 'n %a)'a Mar)*s A*re$'*s=s 3att$es near V'enna ,arr'or@emperors
The de)$'ne o" Ita$y The spread o" Chr'st'an'ty %'o)$et'an=s re"orms The $ast
Chr'st'an perse)*t'on Constant'ne The "o*nd'n& o" Constant'nop$e The d'5's'on
o" the emp're Chr'st'an'ty 3e)omes the re$'&'on o" the state
1B T/E +TORM 194(?)
The /*ns The V's'&oths The M'&rat'ons Att'$a 1eo the 0reat Rom*$*s
A*&*st*$*s Odoa)er and the end o" ant'D*'ty The Ostro&oths and Theodor')
Ra5enna E*st'n'an The Pande)ts o" E*st'n'an and the A&'a +oph'a The end o"
the 0oths The 1om3ards
1A T/E +TARR8 NI0/T !E0IN+ A*d'oF 7F7.@7F74 119 (2)
=The %ar( A&es=- !e$'e" and s*perst't'on +ty$'tes !ened')t'nes Preser5'n& the
'nher'tan)e o" ant'D*'ty The 'mportan)e o" the northern monaster'es C$o5's=s
3apt'sm The ro$e o" the )$er&y 'n the Mero5'n&'an ('n&dom !on'"a)e
.9 T/ERE I+ NO 0O% !UT A11A/> AN% MU/AMMA% I+ /I+ PROP/ET 7F4.@7F4: 112 (B)
The Ara3'an desert Me))a and the ;aa3a M*hammad=s 3a)(&ro*nd and $'"e
Perse)*t'on and "$'&ht Med'na The 3att$e #'th Me))a The $ast sermon The
)onD*ests o" Pa$est'ne> Pers'a and E&ypt The 3*rn'n& o" the A$e<andr'an $'3rary
The s'e&e o" Constant'nop$e The )onD*ests o" North A"r')a and +pa'n The 3att$es
o" To*rs and Po't'ers Ara3 )*$t*re Ara3') n*mera$s
.1 A CONCUEROR ,/O ;NO,+ /O, TO RU1E Pt .F 1.7(:)
The Mero5'n&'ans and the'r ste#ards The ('n&dom o" the Fran(s Char$ema&ne=s
3att$es 'n 0a*$> Ita$y and +pa'n The A5ars !att$es #'th the +a<ons The
/e$den$'eder The )ro#n'n& o" the emperor /ar*n a$@Rash'd=s am3assadors
The d'5's'on and de)$'ne o" the Caro$'n&'an emp're +5atop$*( The V'('n&s The
('n&doms o" the Normans
.. A +TRU001E TO !ECOME 1OR% OF C/RI+TEN%OM 179(:)
East and ,est 'n Caro$'n&'an t'mes The 3$ossom'n& o" )*$t*re 'n Ch'na The
Ma&yar 'n5as'on ;'n& /enry Otto the 0reat A*str'a and the !a3en3er&s
Fe*da$'sm and ser"dom /*&h Capet The %anes 'n En&$and Re$'&'o*s
appo'ntments The In5est't*re Contro5ersy 0re&ory VII and /enry IV Canossa
Ro3ert 0*'s)ard and ,'$$'am the ConD*eror
.7 C/IVA1ROU+ ;NI0/T+ 17:(:)
/orsemen and (n'&hts Cast$es !ondsmen From no3$e yo*th to (n'&htF pa&e>
sD*'re> d*33'n& A (n'&ht=s d*t'es M'nstre$sy To*rnaments Ch'5a$ro*s poetry
The +on& o" the N'3e$*n&en The F'rst Cr*sade 0od"rey o" !o*'$$on and the
)onD*est o" Eer*sa$em The s'&n'"')an)e o" the )r*sades
.4 EMPEROR+ IN T/E A0E OF C/IVA1R8 144(1.)
Freder')( !ar3arossa !arter and the money@3ased e)onomy Ita$'an to#ns The
emp're The res'stan)e and de"eat o" M'$an The d*33'n& "east at Ma'n6 The
Th'rd Cr*sade Freder')( II 0*e$phs and 0h'3e$$'nes Inno)ent III The Ma&na
Carta +')'$y=s r*$ers The end o" the /ohensta*"ens 0hen&'s ;han and the
Mon&o$ 'n5as'on The $a)( o" an emperor and ="'st@$a# The ;y""hG*ser $e&end
R*do$" o" /a3s3*r& V')tory o5er Ota(ar The po#er o" the /o*se o" /a3s3*r& 's
.2 CITIE+ AN% CITIHEN+ 12?(:)
Mar(ets and to#ns Mer)hants and (n'&hts 0*'$ds !*'$d'n& )athedra$s
Mend')ant "r'ars and pen'tent'a$ pr'ests The perse)*t'on o" Ee#s and heret')s The
!a3y$on'an Capt'5'ty o" the popes The /*ndred 8ears ,ar #'th En&$and Eoan o"
Ar) 1'"e at )o*rt Un'5ers't'es Char$es IV and R*do$" the Fo*nder
.? A NE, A0E 1?7(A)
The 3*r&hers o" F$oren)e /*man'sm The re3'rth o" ant'D*'ty The "$o#er'n& o"
art 1eonardo da V'n)' The Med')' @ Rena'ssan)e popes Ne# 'deas 'n 0ermany
The art o" pr'nt'n& 0*npo#der The do#n"a$$ o" Char$es the !o$d Ma<'m'$'an>
the 1ast ;n'&ht Mer)enar'es F'&ht'n& 'n Ita$y Ma<'m'$'an and %''rer
.: A NE, ,OR1% 1:.(B)
The )ompass +pa'n and the )onD*est o" 0ranada Co$*m3*s and Isa3e$$a The
d's)o5ery o" Amer')a The modern era Co$*m3*s=s "ate The )onD*'stadores
/ernando Corte6 Me<')o The "a$$ o" Monte6*ma The Port*&*ese 'n Ind'a
.B A NE, FAIT/ 1B9(:)
The 3*'$d'n& o" the Ch*r)h o" +t Peter 1*ther=s theses 1*ther=s "orer*nner> /*s
The 3*rn'n& o" the papa$ 3*$$ Char$es V and h's emp're The sa)( o" Rome The
%'et o" ,orms 1*ther at the ,art3*r& The trans$at'on o" the !'3$e H#'n&$'
Ca$5'n /enry VIII T*r('sh )onD*ests The d'5's'on o" the emp're
.A T/E C/URC/ AT ,AR 1B:(?)
I&nat'*s o" 1oyo$a The Co*n)'$ o" Trent The Co*nter@Re"ormat'on The +t
!artho$ome#=s %ay Massa)re Ph'$'p o" +pa'n The !att$e o" 1epanto The re5o$t
o" the 1o# Co*ntr'es E$'6a3eth o" En&$and Mary +t*art The s'n('n& o" the
Armada En&$'sh trad'n& posts 'n Amer')a The East Ind'a Compan'es The
3e&'nn'n&s o" the !r't'sh emp're
79 TERRI!1E TIME+ 1A7(:)
The %e"enestrat'on o" Pra&*e The Th'rty 8ears ,ar 0*sta5*s Ado$ph*s
,a$$enste'n The Pea)e o" ,estpha$'a The de5astat'on o" 0ermany The
perse)*t'on o" #'t)hes The 3'rth o" a s)'ent'"') *nderstand'n& o" the #or$d
Nat*re=s $a#s 0a$'$eo and h's tr'a$
71 AN UN1UC;8 ;IN0 AN% A 1UC;8 ;IN0 .99(?)
The +t*art ('n&> Char$es I Crom#e$$ and the P*r'tans The r'se o" En&$and The
year o" the 0$or'o*s Re5o$*t'on Fran)e=s prosper'ty R')he$'e*=s po$')'es Ma6ar'n
1o*'s XIV A ('n&=s $e5er Versa'$$es +o*r)es o" the &o5ernment=s #ea$th The
peasants= m'sery Predatory #ars
7. MEAN,/I1E> 1OO;IN0 EA+T,AR%+III .9?(:)
T*r('sh )onD*ests Ins*rre)t'on 'n /*n&ary The s'e&e o" V'enna Ean +o3'es('
and the re$'e" o" V'enna Pr'n)e E*&ene I5an the Terr'3$e Peter the 0reat The
"o*nd'n& o" +t Peters3*r& Char$es XII o" +#eden The ra)e to +tra$s*nd The
e<pans'on o" R*ss'an m'&ht
77 A TRU18 NE, A0E .17(:)
The En$'&htenment To$eran)e> reason and h*man'ty Cr't'D*e o" the
En$'&htenment The r'se o" Pr*ss'a Freder')( the 0reat Mar'a Theresa The
Pr*ss'an army The 0rand Coa$'t'on The +e5en 8ears ,ar Eoseph II The
a3o$'t'on o" ser"dom O5erhasty re"orms The Amer')an ,ar o" Independen)e
!en4am'n Fran($'n /*man r'&hts and ne&ro s$a5es
Cather'ne the 0reat 1o*'s XV and 1o*'s XVI 1'"e at )o*rt E*st')e and the
$ando#n'n& no3'$'ty The Ro)o)o Mar'e Anto'nette The )on5o)at'on o" the
Estates@0enera$ The storm'n& o" the !ast'$$e The so5ere'&nty o" the peop$e The
Nat'ona$ Assem3$y The Ea)o3'ns The &*'$$ot'ne and the Re5o$*t'onary Tr'3*na$
%anton Ro3esp'erre The Re'&n o" Terror The senten)'n& o" the ('n& The
"ore'&ners de"eated Reason The %'re)tory Ne'&h3o*r'n& rep*3$')s
72 T/E 1A+T CONCUEROR ..:(17)
Napo$eon 'n Cors')a To Par's The s'e&e o" To*$on The )onD*est o" Ita$y The
E&ypt'an e<ped't'on The )o*p d=Jtat The )ons*$ate and the Code Napo$Jon
Emperor o" the Fren)h V')tory at A*ster$'t6 The end o" the /o$y Roman Emp're o"
the 0erman Nat'on Fran)'s I The Cont'nenta$ +ystem V')tory o5er R*ss'a
+pa'n and the ,ar o" +pan'sh Res'stan)e Aspern and ,a&ram The 0erman
*pr's'n& The 0rande ArmJe The retreat "rom Mos)o# The !att$e o" 1e'p6'&
The Con&ress o" V'enna Napo$eon=s ret*rn "rom E$3a ,ater$oo +t /e$ena
7? MEN AN% MAC/INE+ .49(B)
The !'ederme'er era +team en&'nes> steamsh'ps> $o)omot'5es> the te$e&raph
+p'nn'n& ma)h'nes and me)han')a$ $ooms Coa$ and 'ron 1*dd'tes +o)'a$'st
'deas Mar< and h's theory o" )$ass #ar 1'3era$'sm The re5o$*t'ons o" 1B79 and
7: ACRO++ T/E +EA+ .4B(:)
Ch'na 3e"ore 1B99 The Op'*m #ar The Ta'p'n& Re3e$$'on Ch'na=s s*3m'ss'on
Eapan 'n 1B29 Re5o$*t'on 'n s*pport o" the M'(ado Eapan=s modern'sat'on #'th
"ore'&n ass'stan)e Amer')a a"ter 1::? The s$a5e states The North A3raham
1'n)o$n The C'5'$ ,ar
E*rope a"ter 1B4B The Emperor Fran6 Eose" and A*str'a The 0erman
Con"ederat'on Fran)e *nder Napo$eon III R*ss'a +pa'n=s de)$'ne The
$'3erat'on o" the peop$es o" the !a$(ans The "'&ht "or Constant'nop$e The ('n&dom
o" +ard'n'a Ca5o*r 0ar'3a$d' !'smar)( The re"orm o" the army 'n de"'an)e o"
the )onst't*t'on The !att$e o" ;Kn'&&rGt6 +edan The "o*nd'n& o" the 0erman
emp're The Par's Comm*ne !'smar)(=s so)'a$ re"orms %'sm'ssa$ o" the Iron
7A %IVI%IN0 UP T/E ,OR1% .?4(A)
Ind*stry Mar(ets and so*r)es o" ra# mater'a$s !r'ta'n and Fran)e The R*sso@
Eapanese ,ar Ita$y and 0ermany The ra)e to mo3'$'6e A*str'a and the East
The o*t3rea( o" the F'rst ,or$d ,ar Ne# #eapons Re5o$*t'on 'n R*ss'a The
Amer')an 'nter5ent'on The terms o" pea)e +)'ent'"') ad5an)e End
49 T/E +MA11 PART OF T/E /I+TOR8 OF T/E ,OR1% ,/IC/ I /AVE 1IVE%
T/ROU0/ M8+E1FF 1OO;IN0 !AC;
The &ro#th o" the #or$d=s pop*$at'on The de"eat o" the )entra$@E*ropean po#ers
d*r'n& the F'rst ,or$d ,ar The 'n)'tement o" the masses The d'sappearan)e o"
to$eran)e "rom po$'t')a$ $'"e 'n 0ermany> Ita$y> Eapan and +o5'et R*ss'a E)onom')
)r's's and the o*t3rea( o" the +e)ond ,or$d ,ar Propa&anda and rea$'ty The
m*rder o" the Ee#s The atom') 3om3 The 3$ess'n&s o" s)'en)e The )o$$apse o"
the Comm*n'st system Internat'ona$ a'd e""orts as a reason "or hope

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